Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 516: Really changed the world!

Red Flame Ghost Fire Nightclub.

The nightclub owner, Inoki, patrolled the nightclub with a smug look on his face.

Unlike others, Zhumu is not only a businessman, but also a crazy speculator.

So when Shinhwa Karaoke was not on the market, he seized the opportunity, invested 120,000 US dollars frantically, and hoarded 100 such karaokes in one go!

As it turns out, he was right this time!

In addition to the ten karaoke units left in the nightclub, the other 90 Inoki were sold at a high price! In the end, he even made $30,000!

This surprising operation of Inoki shocked countless peers, and nightclubs in Kyoto and even Osaka began to have a "strong interest" in karaoke.

Just when these peers were still considering whether or not to start, Inoki immediately fired all the accompaniment bands in his nightclub!

Hundreds of people were fired by him!

Although Zhumu is not highly educated, he is proficient in calculations. In his opinion, firing so many people will save him a lot of money every month.

If calculated by year, the expenditure is even more huge!

For him, karaoke is not only high-tech, but also a secret magic weapon that can change the world of entertainment!


It turns out that Inoki's idea was right!

Like him, after purchasing karaoke, the dance halls, nightclubs and bars in Kyoto all fired those private backing bands!

The originally huge accompaniment group began to fall apart and was disintegrated by the karaoke that was born out of nowhere!

Only three days!

In Kyoto, Osaka and Yokohama, there are as many as tens of thousands of band members who have lost their accompaniment jobs in these three major cities!

It is easy to calculate that one karaoke can replace an accompaniment band of three to five people, or even seven or eight people, and a minimum of 10,000 sets can replace 30,000 to 50,000 people!

So on the tenth day, starting from the whole of Kyoto, those accompanists and musicians who lost their jobs because of karaoke began to spontaneously form protest teams and began to demonstrate on major roads in Kyoto.

They formed a long line of thousands, holding up banners: "We want to eat! We want to survive! Smash the karaoke!"

The parade spread from Kyoto to Osaka to Yokohama to other cities.

Even some small places that haven't heard of what karaoke is, are hearing about this magical thing that can make people unemployed for the first time!

Karaoke became a social problem overnight!

Let the East Ying government have a headache!


In the last life, the emergence of karaoke actually triggered a series of protests in Dongying, and finally forced the Dongying government to issue corresponding policies. Parade personnel arrange suitable jobs.

Therefore, with the support of the Dongying government, those musicians who used to rely on the accompaniment band for a living had to leave nightclubs, dance halls, and bars to join film soundtracks, musical productions, and animation music. Contributed to Dongying's entertainment business.

But now it's different.

Shi Zhijian's ten days changed the world, and really moved the foundation of the entire East Ying!

The parade that was supposed to be polite, with the phrase "smashing the **** karaoke", instantly turned into smashing, looting and burning!

Countless crazy unemployed people rushed into bars, dance halls, and nightclubs to smash those brand new karaokes, and some even took the machines out and threw them on the street to burn!

In the face of this situation that was about to get out of control, the Metropolitan Police Department had to dispatch thousands of troops to maintain public order.

Finally, in the riot, the police controlled the situation with shocking force.

The result of this great commotion in Kyoto is—

First, free publicity for karaoke! And it's world class!

Myth Karaoke is not only well-known in Dongying! Also spread overseas!

Xinmatai, Treasure Island, as well as the United Kingdom, the United States and France all know about this magical product, which can actually make the Eastern Ying people fight!

Second, the product is seriously out of stock because of the smashing! Golden Dragon's sales call is scheduled to explode again!

Even if Shi Zhijian raised the price of a karaoke to $1,500, the orders were still pouring in!

In the face of the shortage of products, Shi Zhijian had to go from behind the scenes of the Golden Dragon Company to the front.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Shi Zhijian came to Kyoto for the first time, the branch of Golden Dragon Company.

As soon as Shi Zhijian got out of the car, two large rows of company employees ran out of the company gate, all bowed respectfully to greet him.

Dai Fengni and Liang Youcai, who followed Shi Zhijian, were taken aback.

It's not that they haven't seen this kind of battle, but it's the first time that it's like this.

Shi Zhijian glanced at it and walked towards the company.

Everyone bowed ninety degrees together: "Welcome Mr. Shi!"

Both the action and the sound are all uniform!

When Shi Zhijian and Dai Fengni and Liang Youcai were about to walk to the door of the company, Yamada Mitsuo had already brought many company executives to welcome them out.

These people are among the top leaders of the Golden Dragon Company. In addition to Mitsuko Yamada, they also include Yoko Yamamoto, Hide Kawashima, who is known as the "Three Musketeers of the Golden Dragon", and Chen Huwang, who has recently been promoted.

This group of people is like a rainbow. When facing Shi Zhijian, they bow to Shi Zhijian with Photon: "Welcome Mr. Shi to inspect the Golden Dragon!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, he had seen this kind of scene a lot in the past life, but he seemed very calm.

But it is this calmness that makes the group of people brought by Photon feel that Shi Zhijian is unfathomable, this is a man with a city government!

Yamamoto Yoko, Kawashima Hidey and others made judgments.

Shi Zhijian walked towards the company, with Photon by his side, acting as a guide.

"What is our largest output?" Shi Zhijian asked.

"Up to 3,000 units can be produced, and the parts purchased from Sony have almost been used up!" Photon said.

"Three thousand? Do you know that the demand outside can reach one hundred thousand?"

"But we really have no parts!"

"I will solve this problem!" Shi Zhijian narrowed his eyes.

"Where's the money? How will it be distributed?"

"18 will give you 9 million!"

"No, 5 million will do! I'll pay off the debt in Hong Kong first!"

Shi Zhijian thought for a while, and then said, "All the remaining money will be invested in production capacity! Don't miss the opportunity! Now the whole world is advertising our products, we must seize the opportunity!"

"Hayi!" Photon bowed.

"And----" Shi Zhijian glanced back at his **** and followed a large group of teams, and pointed to them: "Don't make such a big battle in the future! You Dongying people like to do this, but I don't like it!"

"Hayi!" Photon bowed.

The group of people didn't understand what Shi Zhijian said, they looked at each other, and then followed the photon to bow to Shi Zhijian, and said in unison: "Hayi!"

Shi Zhijian frowned: "Play the piano to the cow!"

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