Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 518: Get off the horse!

"Miss Dai, can I say something?" Liang Youcai walked behind Dai Fengni by appointment.

Dai Fengni stuck to the outer door of the office in a "big" gesture, and listened to the speech inside with her ears erect: "If you have something to say, just say it!"

"Cough, that, we are friends anyway, I want to remind you, your posture is very bad!"

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't be eavesdropping!"

"Do I have it? I'm doing yoga! Do you understand yoga? No knowledge!" Dai Fengni rolled her eyes at Liang Youcai, and a little resentfully took away the "supernatural power", only to see some staff not far away pointing at her Point to.

Dai Fengni's face was not red, and she was not panting, "I've lost interest in being disturbed by you! I can only go back and practice again!"

After a pause, "Hey, come here!" Dai Fengni hooked her finger at Liang Youcai.

Liang Youcai leaned over, "What's the matter?"

"I know what you say, do you think Shi Pujie has an affair with that Miss Guang?"

"Uh, this... Being a subordinate, you can't talk about the boss's right or wrong! You will have a rotten tongue!"

"You bastard! Believe it or not, if you don't answer, I'll just tear your tongue to pieces?" Dai Fengni threatened.

"Please, Miss Dai! Don't tear my tongue!" Liang Youcai knew that the eldest lady was an insane woman and could do anything.

"Then it depends if you're not on Taoism?" Dai Fengni took out a toothpick from somewhere and put it in her mouth, shaking her shoulders and threatening Liang Youcai.

"Actually, I think—Miss Photon and Mr. Shi should be very innocent!"

"Innocent ghost!" Dai Fengni slapped Liang Youcai on the forehead, "You're blind, didn't you see the two of them squinting? Also, I deeply doubt whether you, Fatty Liang, are an insider? Say, are you loyal to me? , or loyal to Shi Pujie?"

"Of course I'm loyal to Mr. Shi! You don't pay me!"

"Okay, okay! You finally admitted it! Isn't it just for the money? This is easy to do. You will help me in the future, I will give you money, and I will cover you! What's the matter, can't you get it?" toothpicks, a big sister's head.

Liang Youcai pouted: "I don't know if you don't have enough money to spend it yourself, how can you cheap me?"

"I pick! How dare you discriminate against me in terms of money? Believe it or not, I'll throw out 1.8 million to kill you now?"

"I believe it, okay!" Liang Youcai said helplessly.

"Look at your expression? Your tone of voice? Obviously you don't believe me!" Dai Fengni was annoyed, she stroked her sleeves, touched her wallet, touched and touched, and touched again, "Okay, you fat man! Next time I'll beat you to death with money. , you wait for me!"

At this moment, the office door called, and Shi Zhijian and Yamada Mitsu came out.

Dai Fengni hurried up to meet her, "What are you doing in there? Why is there no movement? You can't recite poetry in it, right? Don't use such an excuse to perfunctory me, I don't believe it!"

Shi Zhijian put his finger on her forehead and pushed her away, "What am I doing, why should I tell you? It's a meeting!"

Dai Fengni was so angry, she leaned over to the photon again: "I know what you said, did he do anything, ahem, that kind of outrageous thing? If you have anything, just tell me, I will help you host it. justice!"

Photon said impatiently: "No, you are too much!"

"Really? That's good! Hey, Photon, what's wrong with the corner of your mouth? What did you eat?" Dai Fengni pointed at the corner of Photon's mouth and asked.

"Oh, nothing!" Guangguang blushed, and quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth, "It's a meeting, hurry up!" After speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the conference room.

Dai Fengni tilted her head suspiciously from the back, "Uh, that feeling was so familiar just now! What is it?"

Liang Youcai urged, "We're going to have a meeting! Translator Dai!"

"Don't rush me! I just remembered something, and you hurried it away!"


Large conference room.

The crowd was crowded, and hundreds of senior executives of Jinlong Company gathered together.

Today is the day when Shi Zhijian officially met everyone for the first time.

Before that, everyone only heard that the reason why President Photon was able to become the chairman was because of Shi Zhijian's great help, and he took out 5 million US dollars just to acquire the falling stock of Jinlong Company.

In this day and age, $5 million is not a small amount, and not many people dare to gamble like that.

The final result was that Shi Zhijian won the bet, and he pushed Yamada Mitsuko to the throne of the company's chairman, so he was able to sit behind the scenes and sit behind the curtain.

But now, Shi Zhijian has to go to the front desk because of the crazy business of karaoke.

Since those who can sit here are not idiots, they have also investigated Shi Zhijian's background.

And the legend about Shi Zhijian in Xiangjiang brings them more incredible, god-like miracles!

Young and promising!

Brilliantly talented!

Perhaps the best interpretation of this Mr. Shi.

Chen Huwang, Yamamoto Yoko, Kawashima Hidey and others were in the office just now, and they saw Shi Zhijian's calligraphy and the power contained in it.

Others don't have this vision or opportunity, so their impression of Shi Zhijian is still too young, and they don't know if they can control the company.

Even some arrogant management members underestimate this young man from Hong Kong.

There is no hair on the mouth and it is not safe to do things.

A young boy seized the opportunity to be in a high position. He really let him manage the company and hold meetings for these strong men. Don't be ashamed!

It can be said that at this moment the entire conference room is divided into three groups of people.

A group of people knew Shi Zhijian a little bit, knowing that he was not easy to deal with, and they were in awe.

A group of people are suspicious of Shi and worry about the future of the company.

The last group of people were obedient to Shi Zhijian but disdainful on the surface, believing that he was too young and Chinese to lead everyone.

In a word, everyone in the conference room had their own thoughts, all waiting for Shi Zhijian's appearance.

"Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

"Yeah, everyone's time is precious!"

The voice is a little noisy.

Mitsuko Yamada stepped into the conference room, and the noise disappeared immediately.

Everyone looked at the photon, and the photon's beautiful eyes glanced for a week, and then said coldly: "Everyone is quiet, now I have Mr. Shi Zhijian to speak for everyone!"

clap clap clap!

Applause broke out in the conference room.

Shi Zhizhi stepped in.

Photon handed him the prepared speech.

Shi Zhijian waved his hand, "I don't need this! I know what to say!"

Photon was stunned for a moment, not knowing how difficult it is to be a master.

Since she became the president, she has to sort out a lot of things at every meeting.

Especially since there are so many things in the company, she doesn't even know where to start if she doesn't prepare a manuscript.

Even the previous president, Nobuo Asakura, had to prepare a speech in advance for every meeting to avoid any accident in the middle.

But Shi Zhijian is empty-handed. Is he confident or arrogant?

Others also looked at Shi Zhijian curiously. He played off the script at the first meeting. Don't make a fool of yourself later!

There are even some who have impure motives. They even think about it and throw a few difficult questions later to see how Mr. Shi can deal with it. !

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