Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 531: Take the money!

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Three days later, the patent cooperation between Shinhwa Technology and Royal Philips Electronic Technology of the Netherlands officially started

In order to demonstrate the importance of this cooperation, Philips specially agreed with Shi Zhijian to hold a signing ceremony at the largest Hilton Hotel in Kyoto.

On the day of the signing, Shi Zhijian brought Shinhwa Technology to the top executives, as well as the female president of Jinlong Company, Photon and others, to the Hilton Hotel early in the morning.

William and the others who were waiting at the entrance of the hotel were in neat suits, and some media reporters were arranged. The whole scene was much more formal.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Shi Zhijian represented Shinhwa Technology, and William represented Philips. The two shook hands deeply, then turned to look at the crowd, and began to take a group photo.

Those invited media reporters were already waiting for them. Seeing this, they raised their cameras and pointed at Shi Zhijian and William to take pictures.

Immediately, everyone stepped forward to take a group photo together, and the atmosphere was very lively for a while.

After the signing ceremony, near noon, the celebration banquet was held directly in the western restaurant of the Hilton Hotel.

Although it is a Western restaurant, for the guests this time, we have prepared Western-style buffet meals, as well as high-end Japanese cuisine. We are also generous in terms of wine supply, including French champagne and Bordeaux red wine.

After the banquet, William and others bid farewell to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian returned to Shinhwa Technology Company for the first time, picked up the newspaper and saw that the media people in Dongying worked very efficiently. The news they signed today has been published on the front page of the newspaper.

Shi Zhijian flipped through the newspaper, and Daysuke Inoue suddenly came in and reported that the "poaching strategy" previously ordered by Shi Zhijian would yield results.

As a past person, Shi Zhijian has always known the importance of scientific and technological talents, so the company has intensified its efforts to poach talents from major technology companies in Dongying.

Among them, Daisuke Inoue did the best.

This young man who was a drummer has now been completely brainwashed by Shi Zhijian, from a musician obsessed with music to a technology talent who is obsessed with technology and likes to invent.

That's not all, Daysuke Inoue relied on his "words and deeds" and "showing his own words" to personally dig a lot of people from many big companies, such as Panasonic and Toshiba.

But this time Daisuke Inoue created a miracle, and for the first time he dug an ally from Sony! That is Toyo's famous comic publishing company ---- Shueisha!

Shi Zhijian remembers clearly that Shueisha and Sony in the last life were a strategic alliance.

To be precise, Sony helped Shueisha invest a lot of money to shoot their manga-adapted animation works, the most famous of which are "Gintama", "Gintama", and the famous "One Punch Man"!

It can be said that Sony and Shueisha are super complementary in the future of animation entertainment.

One has money and the other has copyright, and they work perfectly together.

But now, Daisuke Inoue has even persuaded Shinichi Hirono, the boss of Shueisha, to give up his cooperation with Sony, and to devote himself to Shinhwa Technology!

When Shi Zhijian asked Daisuke Inoue how he did it, Daisuke Inoue's answer made Shi Zhijian stunned.

Inoue said, "I promised Shinichi Hirono that our Shinhwa Technology Company would invest one million dollars in Shueisha!"

In a word, take money!


Kyoto, Sony headquarters.

Shueisha boss Shinichi Hirono was sitting in the waiting area, clutching his head with his hands, and he was completely lost.

Today he came to see Sony boss Akio Morita.

As one of the best manga publishers in East Ying, Shueisha has recently encountered great difficulties, that is, the brain drain.

Especially those excellent cartoon talents, seeing the big cartoonist "Osamu Tezuka" relying on a copy of "Astro Boy" to set up "Insect Production Co., Ltd." made a fortune. After the contract expired, they chose not to. Renewed the contract with Shueisha and wanted to set up an independent company to publish manga.

In this era, Dongying strongly supported private companies, because the government could collect more business taxes.

However, for publishers such as Shueisha, the contracted cartoonists are running away one after another, and the future of the company is worrying.

The only way to solve such a talent crisis is to give these comic writers better salaries and benefits.

But now the competition in the entire Dongying animation market is fierce. Several comics invested by Shueisha have been boycotted by readers because of the subject matter, so that the profit has plummeted by 30% in the past three months!

In addition, the old rivals Shogakukan and Hakusensha were pressing them step by step, constantly poaching people from them, and the entire Shueisha was already in jeopardy.

Thinking of this, Shinichi Hirono couldn't help but sigh, and remembered the promise of Shinhwa Technology to himself. As long as Shinhwa Technology is willing to join Shueisha, it will provide Shueisha with one million US dollars of financial support!

A million!

Still dollars!

That was enough to help Shueisha reverse the situation and come back to life!

Just as Hirono Shinichi was thinking about it, Akio Morita's female assistant, Xiao Cangzhizi, came over and said, "Mr. Hirono, President Morita, please come in!"

Shinichi Hirono raised his head and took a deep breath: "Thank you! We may never see each other again in the future, Miss Zhizi! I wish you a good day!"

Zhizi was a little surprised, but I heard that Shueisha has encountered great difficulties in the past few days.

Shinichi Hirono leaned back on the chair and rubbed his temples with his hands. His mind was no longer here. He stood up and took a deep breath. He prepared the wording of the termination of the contract with Sony. He knocked on the door of the president's office, and then walked in and The cancellation letter was placed on Morita Akio's desk.

"Mr. Morita, you also know that my manga club is facing difficulties now. Either you show some sincerity to support me through the difficulties, or we can get together or break the covenant, and I will no longer implicate you!" Shinichi Hirono Shen said.

" What the **** are you talking about? It's not that I don't support you, it's that we Sony are also experiencing difficulties. The TVs we sell have a huge failure and are trying to recall them! Also, I am more Involved by some recent scandals, Sony's stock price has plummeted! I am also beleaguered now, what do you want me to do? How can I help you?" Sheng Tian took off his glasses and rubbed his face.

"If you are really my friend, then try to endure it a little longer, and I will definitely help you when I relax here! Trust me, old friend, after all, we have been working together for so many years, and we will join hands in the future. Fight side by side!"

"Wait for you to slow down? My manga company may have already gone bankrupt by then!" Shinichi Hirono laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Did someone promise to help you?" Akio Morita vigilantly realized something, looked at Hiro Ye with sharp eyes, took a sip of tea, raised his eyes and said, "You must be careful! The water outside is very deep and everywhere It's a liar! He said that he wants to invest in you, but the ultimate goal is to swallow your company!"

"I know, so I chose a company I can trust!"

"Which one?"



Sheng Tian spat out a mouthful of water.

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