Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 532: Big drops of bricks, don't!

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On the afternoon of the same day, the Publicity Office of Shinhwa Technology Co., Ltd. received interviews from several news media. The main content was about the cooperation between Shinhwa Technology and Shueisha, and the development of "technical animation" in the future.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately pushed the newly established Shinhwa Technology Company to the forefront.

This newly established technology company has a kind of horizontal push. From developing karaoke to investing in elite clubs, it has also crossed lines too quickly.

As Shueisha's old partner, Sony's side has been bleak recently.

In the last life, in order to rapidly develop and seize the most fashionable TV market, Sony discovered the quality problem of the picture tube after it sold 130,000 TV sets.

In the face of customer complaints and claims from overseas markets, Sony, which was too big and dragged its eggs, had to tighten its belt to carry out drastic corporate reforms, dismissed a large number of employees, and strictly controlled quality. Kankan escaped a crisis.

But this time is different. In addition to the quality problem of the TV and the huge claims, Sony boss Akio Morita is also deeply involved in the economic case of Nobuo Asakura, which triggered a scandal and caused Sony's stock price to plummet.

Now, Shueisha has announced that it will leave Sony, give up its cooperation with Sony, and invest in the embrace of mythology technology. For Sony, it is undoubtedly worse.

At this moment, Sony boss Akio Morita was sitting in the office scratching his hair. The limited information in front of him was about to be ripped apart, and he muttered, "How could this be? Did I really lose?"

For Akio Morita, he now regrets it a bit. He regrets that when Shi Zhijian found him, he refused to share the account with him and monopolize the karaoke market together.

If I had accepted Shi Zhijian's suggestion at that time, then at least some of the profits brought by karaoke could be used to revitalize Sony's cash flow.

Sheng Tian gripped his hair fiercely, remorseful.

As the female assistant, Xiao Cangzhizi looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help sighing softly, thinking about what she should do.


After reaching a cooperation agreement with Shueisha, Shi Zhijian once again focused on the research room of Shinhwa.

For Shi Zhijian, whether the scientific research room could develop the first "Walkman" in his mind by relying on the purchased Philips tape reading and writing patent was the biggest fetter before he left Dongying.

The research room of Shinhwa Corporation is an independent floor, located in the remote western suburbs of Kyoto.

When Shi Zhijian arrived at the research room at 8:00 in the morning, there were already many people standing at the door, most of them wearing glasses, staring at Shi Zhijian, some of whom were still unshaven and had fluffy hair. , like the rambunctious homeless on the streets.

"Hello everyone, this is Mr. Shi Zhijian, the president of our company!" Because there were more and more staff in the research room, Daysuke Inoue had to re-introduce Shi Zhijian's identity to everyone.

Shi Zhijian simply glanced at these people, and saw that these people were all uneducated men in science and technology, more like the code farmers in the previous life, and their communication skills were extremely poor, so Shi Zhijian did not require much of them. .

"Everyone, you're welcome, what to do and continue to do, I'm just taking a look at it!" Shi Zhijian waved his hand and let these science and technology men play by themselves.

According to the social and animal science of Dongying, these people should come over actively if they have a little vision, introduce themselves enthusiastically, and then kindly ask to shake hands with Shi Zhijian, and then talk about some flattering words, such as the boss, you are wise and martial, Very wise, but after listening to Shi Zhijian's words, the collective reaction of these guys was "Oh", and then they really went their own way.

Daysuke Inoue looked embarrassed when he saw this. Anyway, he was trained by Shi Zhijian to become a talent, and his interpersonal relationship was not as dull as before. Seeing Shi Zhijian being ignored by everyone, he felt that his work was not done well.

Shi Zhijian comforted him, this kind of thing has to be done slowly and not in a hurry. Besides, he is not the kind of person who pursues exaggeration and likes to be touted by others.

In the end, Shi Zhijian said to Daysuke Inoue earnestly: "In the future, we can do a little ideological work for these wood lumps, for example, during the morning meeting, we can let them shout slogans, such as 'I am a brick of myth, move it where it needs to be'. Also, 'The most handsome boss, Shi Zhijian, is kind and righteous!"

Inoue Daysuke and others accepted it humbly, and also recorded all these words in their own notebooks.

Immediately, accompanied by Daysuke Inoue and others, Shi Zhijian once again visited the research and development of the Walkman.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, this research and development process has made a new breakthrough.

According to the structure diagram and circuit diagram given by Shi Zhijian before, coupled with the tape reading and writing technology of Philips, the Walkman named "Myth Generation" by Shi Zhijian has already taken shape.

Shi Zhijian picked up this slightly larger, brick-like Walkman and tried it out. The function is slightly simpler and the sound quality is slightly inferior. Function!

Shi Zhijian is very satisfied with such scientific research results.

"Can this thing be made a little smaller?" Shi Zhijian gestured with his hand and said, "It's better to slap this big! Big bricks, don't!"

"Dear Mr. Shi, for your request, we can do it! But must have the support of semiconductor technology! And this semiconductor technology is in the hands of Sony, so if you can get With this technology, we can meet your requirements!" said a man in his thirties wearing a plaid shirt.

I pick!

What do you mean?

After going around for a long time, still can't get around Sony's rushing company?

Shi Zhijian was almost depressed, looked at Daisuke Inoue and said, "What if we want to develop our own?"

"Then it will cost a lot of money!"

"How much exactly?"

Inoue Daisuke looked embarrassed, looked at Shi Zhijian and said with a wry smile: "In the preliminary calculation, at least one hundred thousand dollars must be invested!"

"One hundred thousand?"

"Yes! Not only that, it is very likely that after we develop it, there will be new models from Sony, and our quality and performance will continue to lag behind!"

"After spending so much money, you still have to eat farts behind others?" Shi Zhijian was taken aback.

Inoue Daisuke nodded.

"I'll beat your lungs!" Shi Zhijian scolded and entered the elevator.

Daysuke Inoue and the others were stunned for a moment, you look at me, I look at you, and then imitated Shi Zhijian's tone: "Sony! I'll slap your lungs!"

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