Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 557: overlord!

Facing the menacing crowd, Shi Zhijian remained calm, clasped his fists towards Zhan Zhaotang and said, "Boss Zhan, what do you mean?"

Zhan Zhaotang waved his fan: "You know what it means. Seriously, I am a scholar, a scholar, and I also run the cultural industry. I help those writers realize their dreams and help them publish their works. I am a good person!"

"But what about you?" Zhan Zhaotang pointed his fan at Shi Zhijian's nose, "You have too many hands and feet! It's not your business, but you want to intervene! I have to make this decision to keep you awake!"

Shi Zhijian clasped his fists and said, "Boss Zhan, you may have really misunderstood. You are free to choose your career. Everyone would like to work with me to open a publishing house, but I can't do anything about it! Besides, a strong melon is not sweet, so why do you have to be **** others? "

Zhan Zhaotang sneered: "I never force others to be difficult, I only turn away the sweet melons! Come on, please go down and reflect on Mr. Shi! I don't want people to say that our people from Baodao are not well entertained!"

"Yes!" A hoarse voice stood up, "Cross keys, do you still recognize me?" It was a big bearded man with his sleeves rolled up and his face arrogant.

Shi Zhijian looked at him, "I don't know you, but I know your voice---May I ask your honorable name?"

"It's easy to say!" The bearded thumb pointed to his nose, "I am Peng Shaoxiong, the head of the Sanlian Gang!"

"Oh, so it's Lao Peng!"

"What? Lao Peng? Is Lao Peng your name? My brother Xiong! Or Hall Master Peng!"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly, and said politely, "I'm afraid you can't bear it if you yell like this!"

"Fuck you! I'm not afraid of the sky or the earth, so what can't I bear? Your grandson is still pretending to be forceful when he dies, and I won't interrupt your dog legs!"

The voice didn't fall!

"Duck male, whose leg are you talking about breaking?"

A loud voice came from the entrance of the stairs.

In an instant, Peng Shaoxiong, nicknamed "Duck Duck", shuddered, his face turned pale, and exclaimed, "Boss Chen?!"

The others around the Sanlian Gang also looked horrified, "Could it be that the chief hall master is here?"

"No way, why did Duck Overlord come here?"

Seeing everyone's astonishment, even Zhan Zhaotang couldn't help stunned, Chen Qili? Why is he here?


Chen Qili!

The head of the Sanlian Gang!

Rivers and lakes are called "land ducks"! "Duck Overlord"!

The original Sanlian Gang was distinguished by the name of the animal. At the earliest, there were five tribes of lion, tiger, leopard, phoenix, and duck. The color was added before the animal name to distinguish the seniority, and Chen Qili was a member of the "duck".

Chen Qili joined the Sanlian Gang at the age of thirteen. Six years later, the Sanlian Gang was ordered to dissolve. There are 50,000 members of the gang, and it has the title of "the first gang in the world".

The shadow of the famous tree of people!

Chen Qili's current name in the arena is very well-known, even if Zhan Zhaotang is a tycoon of a generation, he must be concerned about the opponent's three points.

As for the "drake male" Peng Shaoxiong, he is just a branch hall owner of the Sanlian Gang. This time he came out to serve as a horse boy for Zhan Zhaotang, completely ignoring the rules of the gang to "take private work".

Along with the voice, footsteps appeared on the stairs.

The footsteps were slow, slow, slow.

Even though they were singing Peking Opera downstairs, they still couldn't resist the shocking rhythm of the footsteps!

Peng Shaoxiong's heart was in his throat!

Everyone else in the Sanlian Gang also held their breath and looked at the entrance of the stairs!

Zhan Pengfei was the only **** at the scene holding his uncle's cherished purple sand teapot and said with a look of disdain: "Back up! What Chen Qili, such a big shelf! What's so powerful?"

A twenty-seven or eight-year-old man in a white robe appeared at the entrance of the stairs, followed by Shi Zhijian's subordinate Chen Yaotai!

The man in white robe has a big back and looks extremely heroic. He wears a long gown and white coat, and he looks elegant and elegant. He also has a gilt folding fan in his hand. .

But in the eyes of Drake Male and the others, this person appeared like a demon king, all eyes showed fear, and some even swallowed frantically, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

"Duck Bazi, why are you always here?" The male duck male stepped forward for the first time, and greeted Chen Qili with a flattering smile on his face.

"Why, if you can come here, I can't come?" Chen Qili opened the folding fan, and there were four big characters on it: "Loyalty forever!"

"I didn't mean that..."

"Don't talk about it!" Chen Qili glanced at him, his eyes were sharp, and he interrupted the male duck male: "I ask you, what did you just say, whose legs are you going to break?"

"This, I----" The male duck stomped his feet and gritted his teeth: "Boss Chen, give me a face today! I'll help Boss Zhan! You let me go!"

Just as Chen Qili had just seen Zhan Zhaotang, he clasped his fist at Zhan Zhaotang and said, "Boss Zhan, long time no see!"

Zhan Zhaotang laughed, like a Maitreya Buddha, and his heart was full of joy: "Who do I think, it turns out that the head of the General Hall Chen is coming, and it's a shame to welcome it, and it's disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Chen Qili smiled, then looked at Shi Zhijian, clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Shi, I'm not late, right?"

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly, "Just right!"

"That's good! In the future, if you have the opportunity to help me with a message to Lord Heji Long, and Xinyi'an Xiang boss, Brother Yiqunhao, just say that I Yaba is waiting for them on the island, and there is a chance to let them come over. Sit down!"

Chen Qili's words were an understatement, but the information revealed made Zhan Zhaotang, who had a smile on his face, shocked.

He checked Shi Zhijian's details, but he didn't find it out. He only thought that Shi Zhijian was a newly emerging business genius in Hong Kong, but he didn't expect this kid to have such deep roots that he actually knew people from the four major gangs in Hong Kong!

On the other hand, Zhan Zhaotang knows that the Sanlian Gang has a good relationship with the gangs in Hong Kong, especially with Xinyi An Xiang boss, which is an old friendship.

Chen Qili glanced casually at Zhan and said, "Boss Zhan, Mr. Shi and I met for the first time, and I wanted to invite him out to eat my best Teppanyaki, in order to make the best of the landlord. Friendship, may I know?"

This is obviously stealing people!

If Zhan Zhaotang lets people leave easily, then he will lose face in Treasure Island in the future!

"Really? Hall Master Chen is so elegant, and he wants to make Teppanyaki himself! I'm greedy, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to try it!" After speaking, Zhan Zhaotang slapped his mouth twice, "But the rules of the rivers and lakes can't be broken. Yes! Since the drake male and the others have received my money, they will do things for me!"

"Understood!" Chen Qili closed the folding fan with a snap, turned his head to look at the male duck and the others and said, "I understand the rules of the rivers and lakes, this private job is taken over by you, then you continue to complete it!"

Turning back, Chen Qili said to Shi Zhijian again: "Mr. Shi, it's up to you! Now it's time to go, stay, and see the truth at your feet! The winner is determined in one round! Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Tai, it's your turn to play!"

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