Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 565: Local tycoon!

Shi Zhijian explained with a smile: "Which of the big stars in Shaw Brothers in Hong Kong did not sign for ten or eight years? We Jiahe are the same, people-oriented, and only sign long-term contracts if we find those with good qualifications! I think Ai Jia is quite good. Only willing to take out 100,000!"

"Besides, it sounds bad. We are running a company to do business. What if we try our best to make her popular and she runs away? Who do we complain to?"

"No, no! Although our Ai Jia is a little naughty, he will never run away!" Zhang's mother said hurriedly.

"Yeah, I know my daughter best!" Father Zhang also said, "I can use my personality to guarantee that she will never do anything ungrateful!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang! In my opinion, the most worthless thing in the world is personality! I only believe in black and white contracts!"

"Do you really want to sign?" Mother Zhang hesitated.

Zhang Aijia said, "If you don't sign this one, just sign that one!"

No comparison no harm!

Compared with the 100,000 yuan signing fee, a thousand yuan salary is nothing!

Father Zhang was afraid that Ye Changmeng would have too many dreams. One hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount. It is very difficult for him to earn as a company employee!

"What are you afraid of? Ai Jia is still young. In ten years, she will only be in her twenties, and she is still very young!"

For fear that Shi Zhijian would go back on it, Zhang's father hurried to find a pen to sign!

After signing, Shi Zhijian carefully received the contract, and then smiled and shook hands with Father Zhang.

"Tomorrow my female secretary will send over 100,000 yuan!"

"Don't worry, hehe!" Father Zhang thought he could collect the cash, but he didn't expect to wait another day, feeling like an ant crawling.

"I will train Ai Jia well in the future, you can see!"

"I believe in Mr. Shi!" Father Zhang was excited and glanced at Shi Zhijian's gleaming gold Rolex again, thinking that when he got the 100,000 yuan, he would buy one himself!

It's shameful for a man to have no Rolex by his side!

"Ai Jia, go pack up!" Shi Zhijian turned around and said to Zhang Aijia, "I'll take you to buy clothes, get your hair done, and attend the movie party here tonight!"

"Uh, so fast?" Zhang Aijia looked surprised.

"Be famous as soon as possible, haven't you heard of it?"

"Okay, I'll get ready now!" Zhang Aijia ran upstairs excitedly. She had long wanted to leave this boring home and go out into society, but she didn't expect her dream to come true now.

Seeing her daughter running upstairs excitedly, Mother Zhang felt a burst of loss for some reason.

After the daughter left with Shi Zhijian and the others, the sense of loss became even stronger.

Mother Zhang leaned against the door and watched her daughter leave in a taxi. She sighed, "Why do I feel like I sold my daughter?"

Father Zhang comforted her and said, "At least it sold for a good price!"


"What movie party are you attending, why don't I know?"

In the car, Zhang Aijia looked at the scenery outside the window, looking forward to a wonderful life in the entertainment industry in the future.

Dai Fengni couldn't help but ask Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian magically took out a brand-new magazine from his bag. The photo on the cover was really... In Hong Kong words, it was so powerful!

Dai Fengni was embarrassed to look at it, "What do you make of this salty and wet thing?"

Shi Zhijian opened the magazine and pointed to the headline on the front page: "Treasure Island martial arts Xiaosheng Tian Peng, hold a celebration banquet! At eight o'clock tonight, the official start!"

"Are you going to participate?" Dai Fengni asked in surprise.

Tian Peng is one of the best martial arts students in Baodao, and he is also the most popular and highest paid actor in Baodao.

His status in Treasure Island is similar to that of Dillon over there in Hong Kong.

All his movies, almost all of them sell well!

Not long ago, Tian Peng's martial arts film "The King of Swords" was a big hit, with a box office of over one million! To this end, Tian Peng is going to hold a party to celebrate!

Shi Zhijian nodded, "That's right! Did you know there is someone in this world who will advertise for free for you?"

Shi Zhijian closed the magazine: "Paparazzi!"


Shi Zhijian asked Dai Fengni to find a better teacher Tony to do Zhang Aijia's hair, and take Zhang Aijia to buy clothes.

He was lazy on his own, went back to the hotel, took off the mink coat, took off the gold ring, the gold chain, and the Rolex watch, feeling a lot more relaxed, then jumped, lay down on the bed, and exhaled: " Finally alive!"

No one knows what Shi Zhijian is plotting now.

Not even his nemesis, the Zhan brothers, knew about it.

The Zhan brothers thought they had torn up the contract and seized the cargo ship, so they stuck Shi Zhijian's neck.

Logically, Shi Zhijian should jump up and down, ask them to kneel and beg for mercy, or find someone to spend money to clear the relationship.

But none of these!

The news that Zhan Zhaotang and Zhan Zhaoheng got was that Shi Zhijian went on a shopping spree in their department store, buying both Rolex and mink coats, looking like a nouveau riche.

What's even more hateful is that this guy showed the two of them when he was checking out, and strongly demanded that the cashier give him a 20% discount!

Do you want to face?

We are the enemy, the enemy!

Zhan Zhaoheng couldn't fathom Shi Zhijian's thoughts.

The same goes for Zhan Zhaotang, who doesn't know what Shi Zhijian is doing.

So the brothers finally came to the conclusion, first observe and observe!


At about seven o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on Shi Zhijian's door.

Liang Youcai and Chen Yaotai reported that the villa, motorcade, and bodyguards are all ready!

Shi Zhijian nodded, put on his outfit again, put on the gold ring, gold necklace, and Rolex, and put on a mink coat, "Come on, I'll go take a look!"

Below the hotel, five Rolls-Royce parked at the entrance of the hotel very grandly.

Eight black and white bodyguards in suits stood by both sides of the convoy with their chests out.

Everyone around looked at him, surprised which head of state came here for a private visit.

Shi Zhijian, with his hands behind his back, walked up to a black bodyguard with an aura like a rainbow, and clenched his fist and punched him hard in the chest.


In the face of the fist from the local tyrant, the black bodyguard didn't even blink an eyelid.

Shi Zhijian was very satisfied and said in English: "GOOD!"

At this time, Dai Fengni came out with the packaged Zhang Aijia.

Zhang Aijia was wearing a white evening dress, with a pearl necklace hanging from her neck, and large gold earrings in the shape of stars hanging from her ears. Coupled with her smart eyes, her beautiful face was like a beautiful Snow White!

Dai Fengni is also wearing a black evening dress, her waist is full of hands, and her enchanting style is like a black rose!

Shi Zhijian pointed to those Don't waste it! Pick one of you and get a ride! "

Then he said, "I will sit in the middle car and let all the bodyguards protect me! I want to enjoy the treatment of the head of state!"

Dai Fengni rolled her eyes: "Would you like to get another plane for you? Like Air Force One?"

"Airplane? I'll talk about it later! When the time comes, we'll arrange it too!" Shi Zhijian boasted that he would not pay taxes, and ordered someone to open the door and get into the car!

Everyone else got into the car.

Dai Fengni is nothing, and it's not that she has never ridden a luxury car in her life.

Fatty Liang and Chen Yaotai were different, and they were extremely excited.

Zhang Aijia is even more like a dream, she can sit in a Rolls-Royce as soon as she debuts? Go back and tell Mom and Dad, don't you scare them to death?

Seeing everyone getting into the car, Shi Zhijian waved his hand very imposingly: "Letsgo!"

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