Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 909: Rescue arrives!

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was in danger, Ah Jiu immediately stood up and said, "No matter what he does, don't wrong the good people!"

"Good guy? What kind of good guy is he? Look at him with a deer head and a rat's eyes, and his stomach is full of bad water!" The skinny monkey stared fiercely at Shi Zhijian.

He was so jealous of Shi Zhijian's handsomeness.

He Sangu sneered: "Ajiu, no matter how you explain it, it's useless! You colluded with outsiders to subvert Shark Island, this time you can't escape!"

"He Sangu, don't deceive people too much!" Ah Jiu confronted him **** for tat, "Don't think I'll be afraid of you if you have a few guns!"

"Yeah, who's afraid of who? It's a big deal!" Aji also shouted beside him.

Immediately, the scene was divided into two factions, one was He Sangu's side, and the other was Ah Jiu's side.

"Stop everything for me!"

A cold voice suddenly appeared.

"The island owner is here!"

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and they automatically gave way.

I saw Tan Linger, the owner of Shark Island, holding a pet Persian cat in her arms, and walked over slowly.

Behind her were seven or eight guards armed with guns and loaded bullets, all with murderous expressions on their faces.


"Meet the island owner!" All the pirates bowed to Tan Linger together.

Ah Jiu and He Sangu also bowed together.

Qiu Defu and others were also busy saluting Tan Linger as they followed suit.

Only Shi Zhijian looked at Tan Linger with a smile, not at all afraid.

Tan Linger glanced at Shi Zhijian coldly, as if she was very dissatisfied with his attitude, and then turned to Ajiu and He Sangu. .

Seeing Tan Linger looking over, He Sangu hurriedly said, "Island Master, Ah Jiu wants to rebel!"

Immediately, the arranged A Jiu and Shi Zhijian cooperated with each other and tried to bring down Shark Island to add fuel to the story.

After Tan Linger heard this, her eyes became even colder.

Someone around showed her the promotional materials of Shinhwa Homestead and the house purchase contract.

Tan Linger snorted coldly after reading it, and ripped it to pieces, her eyes revealed murderous intent and stared at Ah Jiu and said, "A Jiu, what else do you have to say now?"

Ah Jiu hurriedly knelt down, "Island Master! I don't think I did anything wrong."

"Did you do nothing wrong? You colluded with outsiders and plotted to do something wrong. You did nothing wrong?" Tan Linger threw the shredded paper on Ah Jiu's head.

"Islander, I think this is an opportunity!" A Jiu said boldly, "Mr. Shi has promised that he can help us get our ID cards, and our people can go ashore in vain! Those who don't want to go ashore can continue to stay. On Shark Island, when the time comes, it will be developed into an amusement park, and everyone will have support!"

"Shut up!" Tan Ling'er was even more furious when she heard this. This is simply subverting her own authority. If Shark Island really turns into that, what's the point of her existence as an island owner?

"A-Jiu, I have always trusted you, but I didn't expect you to disappoint me so much!" Tan Ling'er sneered, "Now I'll give you one last chance! Atonement!"

With that said, Tan Linger pulled out a dagger from her waist and threw it to Ah Jiu: "According to our pirate rules, if you want to prove your innocence, then the best way is to use this knife to kill him!"

Tan Linger pointed at Shi Zhijian!

"What? You asked me to kill Mr. Shi?"

"What Mr. Shi, he's just a meat ticket!" Tan Ling'er said angrily, "Are you reluctant, or do you want to go against my words?"

He Sangu hugged her arms and fanned the flames and said: "In my opinion, Miss Ajiu is reluctant to bear it! One night husband and wife for a hundred days, such a little white face has already fascinated her! Don't say that you are against the island owner. Ordered, even if she betrays Shark Island, she dares to do it!"

A trace of cruelty appeared on Tan Linger's mouth, "Really?"

Ah Jiu bit her lip and said nothing.

"I'll give you one last chance now!" Tan Linger stared at Ah Jiu, "Pick up the knife and kill him!"

Ah Jiu's body trembled slightly, then she picked up the knife and got up on her knees.

Holding the dagger, she turned and walked towards Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian looked at her, "Miss Ah Jiu, I believe in you!"

"Miss Ah Jiu, don't!" Qiu Defu said.

"Miss Ah Jiu, you will regret doing this!" Tatar said.

Ah Jiu couldn't hold it any longer, turned around and threw the dagger on the ground again, and said to Tan Linger, "I'm sorry Island Master, I can't do it!"

Tan Linger laughed instead of being angry.

"Okay, very good! Ah Jiu, I can see you clearly now! Is that how you are loyal to me?"

Ah Jiu knelt down: "I beg the island owner to release Mr. Shi! He will change Shark Island!"

Tan Linger grabbed the gun from the next subordinate and pointed the gun at Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu knelt on the ground, closed her eyes, and remained motionless.

Seeing her like this, Tan Ling'er suddenly turned her gun and pointed at Shi Zhijian: "It's all you who are bashing the streets! You are here to confuse the public and want to subvert our island! Today I want you to rectify the law on the spot!"

"Island owner, don't!" Ah Jiu said, "Mr. Shi is not a bad person! Please spare his life!"

"Yeah, the island owner! He's a meat ticket, 10 million! Let's talk about it when we get the money!" Aji hurriedly resorted to a plan to delay his troops.

Tan Linger smiled: "Ten million? Do you think it's so easy to get it? Do you know that his brother is the one, Chief Inspector of Hong Kong, Lai Luo! Control the Chinese police circle! I've got the news, Lai Luo's side has issued a crackdown Bandit secret order, I want to use this ransom transaction to wipe out our Shark Island!"

"What? The police want to destroy our Shark Island?"

"Aren't we going to be screwed?"

Everyone was talking and looking terrified.

Tan Linger sneered: "Now you understand, all the **** real estate plans and the development of pirate parks are all fake! It's all this **** that confuses you and is playing tricks!"

Everyone at the scene felt that their hopes were shattered! Like knocking off a cliff from a cloud!

The huge sense of loss made everyone silent and full of sadness!

At this time Shi Zhijian smiled.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

His laughter was harsh, especially in Tan Linger's ears.

"Put on the street, what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you being ignorant!" Shi Zhijian was not afraid of Tan Linger and looked at her.

Tan Linger said angrily, "You call me ignorant?"

"Isn't it?" Shi Zhijian shrugged, "You are not only ignorant, but also selfish! You want to control Shark Island for a lifetime, and you want to enslave these islanders for a lifetime! You don't let them contact the outside world, for fear of them being influenced by the outside world, Even newspapers and magazines should be banned!"

"You think you are really the queen here, who can dominate everything and do whatever you want on this island! But have you ever thought about it, they are human too! They also have feelings! They need hope, they need dreams! They need home, love, and contact with people. , needs to be cared for!"

Shi Zhijian became more and more excited and sonorous and powerful.

"They hold you high, respect you, and love you! But what have you done to them? I fooled them, deceived them! Treat them as your own ban! Don't allow anyone to influence them!"

"I, Shi Zhijian, can swear to God that all my promises to them before are true! I can help them get whitewashed ashore, I can help them get ID cards, and sell them the house! I can even sell this shark. The island is built into a pirate paradise! Let everyone live happily here and have no worries about food and clothing!"

Tan Linger laughed angrily: "Shi Zhijian, you can't deceive us even if you are eloquent! Also, I want you to know that I have refused to trade with your family, and told them to tear you up! Now, you are in They are already dead in their hearts! So you have no meaning to exist! So now, let me take you on your way!"

Tan Linger aimed the gun at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this Tan Linger to be so ruthless, that she could even give up 10 million!

I also thought that my family knew that my ticket was torn apart, and the world would be in chaos, or else something would happen!

Immediately, Shi Zhijian's eyes flashed fiercely, and for the first time he murdered Tan Linger.

How could Tan Linger know what Shi Zhijian was thinking, she pointed a gun at Shi Zhijian proudly, "Now, I'll take you on your way!"

See Tan Linger going to shoot Shi Zhijian.

Qiu Defu was stunned.

Tatar's face changed suddenly with fright!

Others even opened their mouths in horror!

He Sangu and the others smiled and waited to see Shi Zhijian hit the street!

Ajiu and Aji watched helplessly, but there was nothing they could do!

at this time-----

"Islander, please don't kill our boss!"

The little pirates Tom and Jerry ran out at once, spread their arms and blocked Shi Zhijian.

As helpless orphans, they never felt caring and caring until they met Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian was the first person to be nice to them!

Shi Zhijian gave them names, accepted them as younger brothers, and made them understand that people must have ideals!

"Go away! You two bastards!" Tan Linger didn't like seeing these two mixed-race little orphans.

Before Tan Jinling could finish speaking, Ah Jiu stood up and stood in front of Shi Zhijian, "Anyway, I decided to believe him!"

"Ajiu, you traitor!" Tan Linger was furious.

"And me, I also believe in Mr. Shi!" Aji also stood in front of Shi Zhijian, his eyes blazing.

Tan Linger's face turned pale with anger.

He Sangu said coldly from the side: "Look, I already said that the two of them are unreliable! They are both traitors! Island owner, you must not be soft-hearted!"

Tan Ling'er was heartbroken!

But what she can't think of is...

"Islander, I also believe in Mr. Shi!"

"I believe him too!"

One two, three four...

More and more residents stood up, like a wall blocking Shi Zhijian.

Tan Linger was dumbfounded.

He Sangu even rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and shouted at her throat, "What do you want to do? Are you going to rebel? Don't you take the island owner seriously?"

Following He Sangu's threat, not only were there not few people who stood up, but more and more!

He Sangu took a step back in fright!

Tan Linger couldn't help but change her face!

The situation is getting out of hand!

Bang bang bang!

The skinny monkey raised his AK and shot wildly towards the sky!

The surging crowd is calming down.

At this moment, there are hundreds of people standing in front of Shi Zhijian! It's dark, like an iron wall!

They are all guarding an ideal!

Guard the future of Shark Island!


"Do you want to rebel?" Tan Linger pointed at everyone, furious.

"I also ask the island owner to be merciful!"

"Please let the island owner let go of Mr. Shi!"

Everyone said in unison, not afraid of Tan Linger's words.

"Crazy! These people are all crazy!" He Sangu couldn't help shouting.

Qiu Defu said aside: "They are not crazy, they just see the reality clearly!"

Tatar: "God, the awakened people are the most terrifying!"

"How terrifying? It's a big deal to kill them all!" He Sangu said as he approached Tan Ling'er, "Islander, let's see how you decide now. I, He Sangu, lead all my subordinates to obey your orders!"

Tan Linger looked at the crowd in front of her, and Shi Zhijian, who was almost blocked by the crowd, gritted her teeth and said, "You are courting death!"

who is she?

Tan Linger!

The famous pirate leader!


Tan Linger waved back!

The guards who followed her immediately rushed out with guns and aimed their guns at the unarmed people!

He Sangu even greeted the skinny monkey, the big guy, and the others: "The island owner has orders! Today, only the surnamed Shi will be killed, and all the other people will get out of the way, or they will be killed!"

Bang bang bang!

The skinny monkeys and the others held AKs and fired into the air again!

There was a commotion in the crowd standing in front of Shi Zhijian.

Everyone is afraid of death, and they are no exception!

Seeing this, Ah Jiu stretched out her hand and grabbed Aji's hand, and Aji's hand grabbed the hand of the person next to her!

Everyone, you catch me, I catch you!

Give each other courage!

Never back down!

Tan Linger smiled when she saw this!

She held the Persian cat in her arms with one hand, her eyes were contemptuous, she no longer wanted to look at these rebels, and ordered He Sangu and the others: "Do it!"

He Sangu made another gesture to the skinny monkey and the big guy!

The thin-skinned monkey, the big guy and the others showed hideous smiles on their faces. For them, the most exciting thing is robbery and murder! As for whether the other party is one of his own, or whether it is the unarmed and innocent people on the island, it doesn't matter! They are bloodthirsty! They need blood to bring excitement!

"Let's do it! Send these on the street!" The skinny monkey raised the AK47 with blood red eyes!


Suddenly there was an explosion not far away!

Then the sky shook!

Smoke of gunpowder spreads across the island instantly!

"what's going on?"

Tan Linger and others were inexplicably horrified.

"Not good, island owner! The navy has come over!" A minion stumbled over and said.

"Islander! There are British warships everywhere, we're done!" Another rogue ran over to report.

Tan Linger couldn't care less, and hurriedly led her subordinates to the observatory in the distance!

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startling!

I saw that all around Shark Island were all the warships flying the British flag of the British Empire!

If you look closely, those warships have all kinds of cannons, and the muzzles are facing Shark Island!

"How could this be?" Tan Ling'er was no longer arrogant and For the first time, panic appeared on her face.

He Sangu and the others who followed her were even more unbearable, "Island owner, what's going on? Why did the British surround Shark Island?"

"You ask me, how do I know?" Tan Linger said angrily, she took the binoculars and looked carefully at the warships!

Coincidentally, on a warship, a Chinese man in police uniform was standing proudly on the bow and looking at her with binoculars!

The two are staring at each other!

The Chinese man wiped his hooked nose lightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then gestured towards Tan Linger in a shooting pose!


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