Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 923: see ghosts!

At this moment, Yanxiong's eyes were about to fall out. His eyes widened and he couldn't believe what was in front of him. He looked at Shi Zhijian, the man in white, and said, "Shi Zhijian, are you a human or a ghost?"

Shi Zhijian came in from the outside with a cigarette in his mouth, and Ajiu and Aji accompanied him.

Shi Zhijian walked up to Yan Xiong, holding a cigarette, and spit a smoke ring at Yan Xiong's face indifferently: "What do you think? I am such a big living person standing here, do you think I am a human or a ghost?"

Yan Xiong's eyelids jumped, and his face became whiter than white paper!

Everyone else was also disturbed. They were wolves before, but now Shi Zhijian is a tiger!

The wolves face the tigers, making them restless!

They all know clearly, who is Shi Zhijian? Jairus must be reported, anyone who offends him will not end well!

At this moment, Shi Yufeng, Xu Sanshao, Huo Shao, and the others also all widened their eyes, looking at Shi Zhijian who suddenly appeared in front of them in disbelief.

"A Jian, are you dead?"

"Ajian, are you back?"

"Ajian? Did I have a dream?"

Nie Yongqin and several other women couldn't help crying with joy, and they all burst into tears.

Yan Xiong was completely awakened!

How could this be?

Could it be that the information was wrong and Shi Zhijian was not torn apart? !

But it was too late for him to figure out why.

He showed his housekeeping skills for the first time, and his face was full of excited smiles: "Ajian, is it really you? I don't have dazzling eyes? It turns out that you are not dead, this is really great, hahaha!" After he finished speaking, he wanted to go up and hug Shi Zhijian excitedly.

Shi Zhijian reached out and gently pushed him away, then looked at Yan Xiong with a smile.

Yan Xiong's eyelids jumped even more, he felt that Shi Zhijian's eyes were like two sniping knives cutting off his disguise one by one!

"Ahem, Ajian, there may be some misunderstanding between us all! You can see that, I actually respect you very much, and I brought people here today to pay homage to you!"

"Really?" Shi Zhijian glanced at the photo that Yan Xiong had smashed and stepped on.

Yan Xiong immediately ran over to pick up the photo with the broken frame, he wiped it with his sleeve with a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I just broke it with excitement! It's because of the bad selection of this photo, you're such a pretty boy, but the above Mumu looks like a dead ghost! I know you like pretty boys the most, so you can't help understand?"

Shi Zhijian held a cigarette in his mouth and moved his wrist, "Understood! Of course I understand! You Yan Xiong, smiling tiger! I can understand everything you do!"

"That's good! That's good! Hehe!"

"So, I want to reward you!"

"What is the reward?"


Shi Zhijian's right fist was full of bows, and he punched Yan Xiong in the face!


Yan Xiong's nose is broken!


"Master Yan!"

"Inspector Yan!"

The attendants brought by Yan Xiong shouted.

Yan Xiong is also a hero!

Shi Zhijian smashed the bridge of his nose with a punch, but he was able to hold back, reaching out to stop the crowd and saying, 'Don't move! Mr. Shi is laughing with me! Ha ha! "

Yan Xiong endured the pain, wiped a nosebleed, and his eyes were too sour to squeeze out tears.

He pretended to be nonchalant and stepped forward, smiled at Shi Zhijian, gave a thumbs up and said, "Sharp! Ah Jian, you really have the future of your precious sword! Your fist is still so ruthless!"

"Really? Then take a few more punches!" Shi Zhijian slammed another punch without hesitation!

This time I hit Yan Xiong's left eye socket!

Yan Xiong staggered and almost fell!

"This punch is to avenge Ding Ye!"

"Boom!" Shi Zhijian punched Yan Xiong's other eye socket with another punch!

"This punch is to avenge Da Da Xiong!"

"Boom!" Shi Zhijian grabbed Yan Xiong's shirt and pressed him under him, beating him wildly!

Everyone around was dumbfounded!

I didn't expect that Shi Zhijian, such a gentle person, would suddenly become so crazy!

"Pull him away! Master Yan is going to be beaten to death!"

"Save Master Yan!"

A group of Detective Hua and plainclothes hurried forward to pull Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian shook them away, "Dare to pull me?" He turned his head and glared angrily.

Those Inspector Hua and the plainclothes were all fearful like tigers, but they were scared to take a step back by Shi Zhijian's fierce aura!

At this time, Yan Xiong seized the time and struggled to stand up staggeringly. He didn't care about his face, he directly pulled out the pistol from his arms and pointed at Shi Zhijian's head: "Pu, your mother! It's enough for me to punch you! You Do you really want to kill me alive?!"

At this time, Yan Xiong has torn his face and stopped pretending! I feel like I'll be beaten to death by Shi Zhijian!

He wiped the blood from his face, staggered and held the gun against Shi Zhijian's head: "I'm Yan Xiong! What am I in your eyes? A pig, a dog? You beat me in front of so many people, Do you take me for what? I'll give you face, you're shameless, I, Yan Xiong, want you to know what insanity is!"

With a click, he put the pistol on safety.

Shi Zhijian did not speak, but stared at Yan Xiong.

Yan Xiong didn't understand, it was clear that he had a gun in his hand, and the other party dared to look at him with such eyes, his scalp was numb, and his heart felt empty!

"What do you think? Believe it or not I shot you in the head?!"

Shi Zhijian did not answer.

Yan Xiong suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the surroundings were strangely quiet.

Looking at the appearance of those people, their expressions were exactly the same as before, and they were all dumbfounded.

Yan Xiong was about to cry, "Did something go wrong? Did you see the **** again?"

The voice fell, and a voice came from behind him, "Then believe it or not, I'll shoot your head first!"

A gun slowly pointed at the back of Yan Xiong's head!

Such a familiar voice!

Yan Xiong's legs were a little weak, he turned his head in disbelief, and then he saw the guy he was most afraid of was pointing a gun at his head!

Lai Luo is holding a gun, his eyes are fierce!

Yan Xiong squeezed out a smile for the first time: "It turned out to be Brother Luo! When did your old man come back from London?"

Lai Luo also laughed, holding a gun in his hand as if the two were chatting about family affairs: "Not long after I came back, I heard that you were not very obedient, so I found a chance to play games with you!"

Yan Xiong's face twitched, "Brother Luo, you love to joke! How can I beat your old man when I play games?"

"Really? Then why don't you throw the gun away?"

Yan Xiong smiled bitterly: "Brother Luo, don't play with me. If I lose my gun, wouldn't I even have the bargaining chip to negotiate with you?"

"If you don't lose the gun, you're not sincere. How can you negotiate with me?"

"Brother Luo, you don't seem to understand the situation!" Yan Xiong said boldly, "I'm not Inspector Hua now, and I'm also the Chief Inspector, on an equal footing with you! You can't use an orderly tone to treat me!"

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that I've only left Hong Kong for a few days, and you'll be employed! You're promising!"

"There is no way, people have to look forward!"

"Then what should I do?" Laidlaw took out the ID card in his arms and flashed it in front of Yan Xiong, "I graduated from Scotland Yard, and my current position is - Superintendent! Superintendent, I'm still one level higher than you. !"

Yan Xiong's heart skipped a beat! His face became extremely ugly!

He never dreamed that Laylo would be pressing himself from beginning to end!


Yan Xiong threw the gun pointed at Shi Zhijian's head on the ground!

The people around were even more astonished!

You must know that the Hong Kong police are seriously involved and discriminatory, and those ghosts will not give the Chinese a chance to sit in high positions!

Therefore, very few people can reach the level of a superintendent!

Now Laidlaw did it!

Lai Luo put away the gun, glanced sharply for a week, and said in a resolute voice: "Lan Gang, I am not interested in this Chief Inspector Yan, the level is too low, I will leave it to you!"

"Received!" Lan Gang, who had been beaten by Yan Xiong's men before, came out from behind Lei Luo.

Lan Gang rubbed his fists and rubbed his hands in front of Yan Xiong, and said with a smile: "Yan Ye, what kind of gameplay do you prefer? Specially add judicial milk tea, or is it a tiger bench and a plane?"

Yan Xiong was about to cry: "If you don't choose, you can't get it?"

"How can I do it?" Lan Gang embraced Yan Xiong's shoulders like a good friend and hooked his shoulders with him: "I like it so much! I have always wanted to treat you to a big meal! If you refuse, I will be very unhappy!"

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