Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 925: be brothers

The Fu family retreated from Hong Kong to Macau back then. On the surface, they closed down some restaurants, nightclubs, dance halls and other industries, trying to shrink the Fu family's influence in Hong Kong.

In fact, they still keep some businesses that can make money and make a profit, such as gambling stalls, word flower stalls, and underground banks that lend usurious loans!

"Hongyun Finance Company" in Tsuen Wan is an underground bank remotely controlled by the Fu family from Macau.

In broad daylight, five extended vans came galloping!

The current car went on a rampage and crashed directly into the glass door of the financial company!


The van smashed the huge glass into pieces! Most of the car body rushed into the company!

How could the Fu family and the horses who were playing cards in the company expected to be in trouble!

Before they could figure out what was going on!

With a bang, the door opens!

Da Daxiong jumped down from above with a knife in one hand, and the knife pointed at everyone: "Hong Yihai is doing things, idlers dodge!"

Immediately afterwards, Coolie Qiang and Shaoyajian also jumped out of the car, one carrying an axe and the other carrying a baseball bat, eyeing them!

Those Fushi's horses were still in a daze, but loudly Xiong didn't say a word, and slashed at a few people with one hand!

Although Daxiong was seriously injured in the duel with Fu Cong, today he has taken the lead in rushing to the front, as usual, with a rainbow of momentum! He didn't even care about his injuries!

"It's Hong Yihai!" A Fu's horse boy shouted!

Before he could finish speaking, Da Daxiong had already bullied him forward, slashed his chest with a knife, and kicked this unlucky ghost to the ground with another kick!

When the pedestrians on the street saw the fight in the daytime, they were frightened and fled everywhere!

The flip-flops outside got out of the car, took a gasoline bottle, first lit a cigarette for himself, then lit the gasoline bottle with a match, and smashed it directly at the finance company's signboard!

With a bang, the flames burst!

Set the whole gate on fire!

"Hong Yihai is doing things, and irrelevant people are all sidelined!" Flip-flops with a cigarette and a samurai sword on his shoulders are majestic!

Inside the finance company, how could the gang of horses from the Fu family think of being attacked in broad daylight!

When everyone upstairs heard the movement below, they immediately picked up the guy and rushed downstairs!

When the man in front saw Da Daxiong and the others, he swung the knife without hesitation!

Daxiong slashed it to the ground with a knife, then swung the knife with one hand and rushed up the stairs!

The coolie who followed behind Da Daxiong slammed a big axe and shouted, "Brother Xiong, take a break and give me a few!"

After saying that, the giant axe in his hand slammed the stair railing off!

Those Fu's swordsmen who were rushing down the stairs might as well collapse on the handrails, and a few couldn't stop and rolled downstairs one after another!

Da Xiong felt the severe pain from the wound on one arm! Even so, he still gritted his teeth, slashed a young man to the ground with a knife, stepped on the opponent's shoulder, pulled out the knife, and roared, "Fu Cong, come out for me!"

Da Da Xiong changed his chop into a sweep! The second opponent rolled over from the stairs while clutching his belly swept by the long knife!

"Fu Cong, come out and play against me!" A loud roar roared!

At the same time, everyone in Hong Yihai also jumped out of the car and rushed into the financial company despite the blaze of the door, ignoring that it was in broad daylight!

At this moment, there is not even a single pedestrian in the whole street!

Only the gang of horses and knives from the finance company wailed in pain!


"Brother Cong! Hong Yihai led someone to copy our Tsuen Wan Bank!" Fu Cong's "Tiger Boy" threw away the cigarette in his mouth and hurried into the warehouse near the Saigon Pier. said.

"Falling on the street! That **** of Dashengxiong isn't dead yet?" With bare arms, Fu Cong roared angrily, swung his fists from side to side and opened his bows, snapping, breaking all the horns of the wooden figurines!

Excessive force!

His shoulder was slashed by Ding Ye Guan Dao and the wound cracked, and blood penetrated the bandage!

Tiger Boy swallowed his saliva: "Brother Cong, now the gangsters have swept up our bank, gambling stall, and Zihua stall in Tsuen Wan! That **** from Dashengxiong is heading towards Western District with a group of people! I have already instructed the nearby brothers to mobilize troops to respond to the enemy, you see—"

Fu Cong stopped Tiger Boy from continuing, "I understand what you mean! Today is the happy day when the foundation stone of the Fu Shao Hotel was laid. It is not suitable to see blood, but since this Hong Yihai bullied us, I, Fu Cong, are not easy to mess with!"

Not the Raptors but Jiang!

What's more, he is the famous Tiger of Macau!

Since that big man escaped and didn't know how to save his life, he, Fu Cong, didn't mind sending him another ride!

"Bring my weapons! Also, let the brothers get ready! Today, the foundation stone of the Fu Shao Hotel is laid, and I, Fu Cong, will give him a big gift! With a thunderbolt, Hong Yihai will be leveled!"

Following Fu Cong's roar, everyone around him roared: "With a thunderclap on the ground, shovel Hongyihai!"

In a roar!

Fu Cong said that he picked up the clothes handed over by his younger brother, spread his arms and put the clothes on the bed, and then crossed the two Emei thorns behind his waist. Then he shook his clothes and his eyes showed a fierce light: "Let's go!"



In a casino controlled by Fu's in West Ring, someone kicked over a gasoline barrel. Flip-flops habitually carried a samurai sword on his shoulders. He took out a cigarette in his other hand and put it in his mouth, then took out a match, without waiting. He was wiping the fire, a knifeman rushed towards him, and the herringbone slashed with a flick of his hand! He slashed the man to the ground, and before the flip-flops made up the knife, his subordinates had already stepped forward and slashed at the unlucky bastard!

Flip-flops dipped a cigarette, finally lit the fire, spit out a smoke ring and scolded: "Push you in the street!" He threw the lit match to the gasoline on the ground!

A loud bang!

The flames go up!

Soon if the big casino turns into a sea of ​​fire!

In the sea of ​​​​fire, the coolie kicked his bow to the left and right of the giant axe, and chopped up those casino thugs to the point of shit!

In the light of the fire, Shao Yajian stood at the gaming table with a bat and smashed a hapless thug into the air, then jumped to another gaming table and smashed wildly!

Daxiong leaned against the wall, his face was covered in blood, and the arm holding the long knife was sore!

With trembling hands, he stuck the long knife on the ground, took out the cigarette from his arms, bit it in his mouth, lit the cigarette against the burning curtain, and took a sharp sip!

I don't know if it was because the smoke was too strong, or if he was in poor health, he coughed violently and spat out a mouthful of blood!

In a trance, he seemed to see Ding Ye say to him, "Xiongzai, you've worked hard! Hong Yihai will be handed over to you, I can rest assured!"

Daxiong looked at the smile of his master and reached out to grab it, but there was nothing in it!

Zhang Jiuding was still smiling at him: "Take a rest when you are tired, Xiongzi, don't work too hard! Remember my words, nothing is important in your life, you must cherish your life!"

A miserable smile appeared on his face: "Master, I will never let you down!"

After speaking loudly, he reached out and raised the long knife again!

Long knife like the wind!

Fire like blood!


When Fu Cong and his men arrived at Xihuan, the Fu family's Zihua stall and gambling stall in Xihuan were almost burned out by Hong Yihai led by Da Daxiong!

Looking at the raging fire in front of him, Fu Cong took a deep breath!

"Pu, your mother, are these gangsters fighting or raiding their homes? Why are they burning down the house?"

He gritted his teeth! I can't wait to peel off the skin of the loud male!

As we all know, the purpose of gang confrontation is to grab territory, so it is rare to set fire!

Fu Cong also thought that Daxiong would do this, so he vowed to shovel Hong Yihai! ‘

But the scene in front of him completely angered him!

Hong Yihai is obviously going to work hard!

These casinos, flower stalls, and the previous bank were all set on fire. How did he, Fu Cong, explain to Fu Yongxiao? !

No matter how rich Fu Yongxiao is, these industries may have to be rebuilt! Need to re-attract customers! needs time! Money is needed! More luck is needed!

He, Fu Cong, couldn't bear such a loss!

Fu Cong looked at the raging fire and knew that he was finished this time!

Even if he shovels Hong Yihai, I am afraid that Fu Shao will not let him go!

Thinking of this, Fu Cong couldn't care less, "Someone, put out the fire first! Stop, I'm Fu Cong, the tiger of Macau, have the guts to fight me one-on-one! What a hero to set fire to!"

Fu Cong had no choice but to take one step at a time, put out the fire here first, and then reduce the loss! Gu Lai

Roaring, Fu Cong walked towards the casino!

Some people who were stunned subconsciously slashed at him with a knife, and Fu Cong punched him on the head! Directly stunned!

Another one hit him at the baseball bat!

Fu Cong didn't say a word, he put a tiger claw on it, grabbed the man's chest and lifted it up, and threw it out in the air!

He is the Tiger of Macau, Fu Cong!

It is also the best double-spend red stick under the master of the Fu family, Fu Yongxiao!

These people had already consumed a lot of physical strength in the war. At this moment, where is his opponent, he will kill a **** path after three strikes and five divisions!


"Clang!" Fu Cong pulled out the two Emeis behind him and placed them on the axe split by the coolie, sparks splashing everywhere!

Even though Fu Cong hadn't participated in the battle before, and his stamina was outstanding, the coolie's axe slashed on the Emei thorn, and he still made his legs bend slightly to relieve his strength.

Coolie glared at Fu Cong with glaring eyes: "Are you the tiger of Macau, Fu Cong?"

Fu Cong looked resolute: "So what?"

"You killed Ding Ye?"

"You mean that old guy? He's too weak!" Fu Cong grinned.

"He is my boss and my master!"

"Dai Xiong said the same! But I still killed him!"

"Today I will avenge him!"

"With you?" Fu Cong sneered, his Emei thorn flashed, and he kicked the coolie's lower abdomen, "Although your strength is great, your kung fu is too poor!"

"And me!" Shao Yajian waved his baseball bat and jumped down from the gaming table to hit Fu Cong on the head!

Hearing the sound, Fu Cong raised his head, dodged, changed his body and smashed him to the ground with two moves and another punch!

Then Coolie Qiang and Shao Yajian took turns to fight Fu Cong.

Fu Cong fought one against two, but he didn't fall behind!

In fact, no matter whether they are strong coolies or strong whistleblowers, they have lost too much physical strength, and it is inevitable that they will be a little helpless in the face of Fu Cong!

Fu Cong quickly knocked Coolie Qiang and Shao Yajian to the ground again!

He tried to catch his breath, knocked over the two generals of Hong Yihai, and became even more arrogant, shouting: "Who else?!"

Stab la la!

The tip of the knife rubs the ground, sparks scatter

Da Daxiong slowly walked towards him with a long knife!

Fu Cong looked at Daxiong who was covered in blood and hanging on one arm, and smiled recklessly at him, "It's you again? You didn't die last time, but this time it won't make you so lucky!"

"It doesn't matter if you die!" Da Daxiong raised the long knife to his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on it!

Fu Cong hooked his fingers at him: "Come on, hit the street!"


A few hundred meters away from the scene, Ding Yongqiang, who was looking at the scene with a telescope in his hand, said, "How good is this, Daxiong is going to duel with Fu Cong again!"

In a police command car behind him, Chen Xijiu held a cigarette in his mouth and a binoculars in his hand and said, "This loud man is also a man, and he dares to fight with Fu Cong with half his life left. Fight with tigers!"

"Ninth brother, should we be dispatched! In case something happens to Daxiong and the others..." Ding Yongqiang hesitated.

Chen Xijiu sighed: "I think so too, but Ajian said that this time it is a matter of the rivers and lakes, let them solve it themselves first, and then we will go ahead and sweep the field!"

"I don't know what Ah Jian thinks?"

"You know, tell me! I'm curious what he thinks too!"

Neither Chen Xijiu nor Ding Yongqiang could understand why Shi Zhijian did this. It was clear that the problem could be solved easily without bloodshed, so why let Daxiong and the others take risks.

Only those who are in life and death know that this is called Jianghu!

Jianghu affairs,

Rivers and lakes!



With a loud roar, he shook his body, raised his sword with one hand and slashed towards Fu Cong's chest!

Fu Cong smirked, and used the Emei thorn in his hand to hold the knife from Dashengxiong!

"Why, no strength? It's so soft! Didn't you eat?!" Fu Cong raised his leg! Violently kicked in the belly of the big male!

Da Daxiong was kicked by Fu Cong, staggered twice, and almost fell!

He stood alone, steadying his body and taking a deep breath!

Fu Cong held the Emei thorn in his palm and twirled it beautifully, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Dare to burn my site! Send you on your way!"

Loud Xiong is out of strength, and is seriously injured. Where is Fu Cong's opponent, he keeps retreating under the opponent's attack!

"You dare to blow water even if I can't handle a few tricks?! Aren't you trying to avenge your master, come on!" Fu Cong saw that Daxiong couldn't hold on, and his momentum became even more vigorous, like a cat playing with a mouse and constantly teasing Daxiong !

Da Da Xiong had blood dripping from his mouth and laughed!

Fu Cong was panicked by Da Daxiong's smile, and felt very uncomfortable. He raised the Emei thorns with both hands, and was ready to stop playing. He sent Da Daxiong on his way!

Daxiong, who had been waiting for the opportunity, saw that Fu Cong's entire predecessor was exposed, and laughed!

He remembered the smile of his master Zhang Jiuding when he was dying, and it was the same as his at the moment!

Daxiong didn't even think about the double thorns in Fu Cong's hand, he possessed himself and rushed towards Fu Congji!

In the next second, Fu Cong's thorn was inserted!

It's too late for Da Daxiong to think about doing it again!


Coolie Qiang and Shaoyajian rushed forward without hesitation!

The two protect Da Daxiong!

Fu Cong's double thorns stuck in their backs!

Be brothers!

There is this life and there is no afterlife!

The huge force made the Emei thorn sink deep into it and could not be pulled out!

Da Daxiong's eyes were red, and the long knife in his hand had already stabbed into Fu Cong's abdomen before he could pull the stab!

"Push you in the street!"

Da Da Xiong stabbed Fu Cong's stomach with a knife! The body rushed forward against Fu Cong, until the long knife inserted into the wall behind Fu Cong, nailing him to the wall!

"Big guy!" Fu Cong's Tiger Boy and others all looked at the scene in front of him stupidly!

They really can't believe that the Macau Tigers, who are invincible all over the world, will lose!


Lost so badly!


A police force is waiting nearby.

Chen Xijiu sat on the command car and put down the telescope, spit out the cigarette he was holding, and said to Ding Yongqiang, "Don't look anymore! Take action!"

Ding Yongqiang couldn't wait for a long hurriedly stood at attention and salute: "yessir!"

Then he turned back and scolded Fang Qiu at the rows of police officers behind him: "Did you see the fire in front of you? Arrest!"

After a big South Asian police officer got Ding Yongqiang's order, he took out a copper whistle from his chest and put it in his mouth, blowing hard: "Dudu! Dudu!"

In an instant, 300 soldiers and policemen armed with guns and ammunition held shields, marched in a neat explosion-proof pace, and rushed towards the blazing casino!

Ding Yongqiang shouted from behind: "Be clear-headed! Let go of all Hong Yihai's! All the rest are caught! If you catch the wrong one, I'll crush your balls!"


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