Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 927: How does this pot of tea taste? !

Fu Jiajun sat in the largest private room of Lu Yu Teahouse, looking at the leader of the top ten clubs in Xiangjiang with a smile on his face.

Relying on the lackey of Yan Xiong, Fu Jiajun could easily control the forces of the rivers and lakes in Xiangjiang. Although Heji Baitouweng and Yiqun Lame Hao could not be subdued by him, Fu Yongxiao was satisfied with the ten bosses in front of him.

Among the ten Jianghu bosses, the 14K Ge Tianwang and Xinji Xiang bosses are the leaders, and the rest are some small and medium-sized gangs in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Fuxing Club, Heliansheng, Hehetu and other old and new clubs.

With the help of Furama Hotel's groundbreaking ceremony, Fu Jiajun invited these old rivers and lakes to drink tea at Lu Yu Teahouse early in the morning. The purpose is very simple.

The Fu family used to have a lot of underground businesses in Hong Kong, such as fan stalls, flower stalls, casinos, entertainment venues, etc., it can be said that there are many. After the Fu family retreated to Macau, these venues were swallowed up by these gangs and associations here, and now he, Fu Yongxiao, just wants to get it back!

"Fu Yongxiao, thank you for being able to enjoy the tea with me here early in the morning!" Fu Yongxiao smiled and scraped the tea foam with the tea lid, took a sip and put it down, saying with a spring breeze on his face. "Don't be polite, everyone, this is the best Longjing tea brewed in Lu Yu Teahouse, please tea first!"

King Ge who was sitting opposite, Big Brother Xiang and the others looked at each other, and King Ge said on behalf of everyone, "Young Master Fu, we are here purely for Inspector Yan's face! As for you, feel free to say anything!"

"Yeah, Chief Inspector Yan also begged me for a long time before we came here to entertain you! You know, we are all busy people. Usually, there are many brothers who want to eat with us, but we don't have time to drink such good tea!" Said to the boss impatiently.

For these Jianghu people, they are afraid of the gun in Yan Xiong's hand, and Yan Xiong's title of commanding the Chinese police. As for Fu Yongxiao, a Macau boy, they are disdainful!

To be precise, it was Yan Xiong who subdued them before, not Fu Yongxiao!

Fu Yongxiao didn't get angry when he heard the words, and smiled: "You guys are really quick to talk! I admire your habit in the rivers and lakes the most! Since everyone is so open and honest, I won't hide it!"

After a pause, Fu Yongxiao put down the teacup and glanced around, "As everyone knows, our Macau Fu family used to be a big family in Hong Kong, and they belonged to a big family. For some reason, they retreated from Hong Kong to Macau. My father has always been homesick and timid, and wants to return to Hong Kong and restore the glory of our Fu family!"

Ge Tianwang, Big Brother Xiang and others, you look at me, I look at you, and seem to guess what Fu Yongxiao is going to say.

Sure enough, Fu Yongxiao revealed his true intentions: "As a son, I, Fu Yongxiao, of course want to be filial to his old man, so I also urge you to do your best to return the property of our former Fu family. Here, I, Fu Yongxiao, give everyone a hug and thank you! "

After that, Fu Yongxiao stood up and clasped his fists at everyone for a week!

Seeing that Fu Yongxiao clearly wanted to grab food from the tiger's mouth and made such a gentle gesture, Ge Tianwang and others couldn't help but sneer.

"I'm sorry, Master Fu? What are you talking about, I didn't hear it clearly!" It was not Ge Tianwang and Big Brother Xiang who spoke, but Fei Bo, the boss of Fuxing Society.

Fuxing Society belongs to the Zhongbuliu gang in Jianghu, and has always had no sense of existence. As a gang boss, Fei Bo has always been eating, drinking, and having fun.

This time, he was invited by Fu Yongxiao, and he was not very happy at first. He felt that the Fu family looked down on others. Why did the 14K and Xinji and other gangs send invitations, but he was notified by phone? Fuxing Society is not so easy to handle.

At this moment, seeing Shishi K and Xinji not saying a word, he rarely made a show of limelight, so he just came out and took the lead.

Fat Bo salivates his face and touches his big belly: "Hey, I don't know how many properties your Fu family had in the past, all I know is that many of those properties are not named Fu now! You let us hand them over, let's hand over a bird!"

"That's right, it's been more than ten years! What are the properties of your Fu family, who knows? How do you ask us to pay? We are so embarrassed! Hahaha!" Some other gang bosses also laughed together. road.

Seeing these big guys talk like this, 14K Ge Tianwang and Xinji Xiang were too lazy to talk about it, they picked up their teacups and drank tea, watching the joke!

For them, what they are afraid of is Yan Xiong! Not him Fu Yongxiao!

Facing the sarcasm, Fu Yongxiao just smiled slightly, then clapped his hands, and soon someone came in from outside and handed him a document.

Fu Yongxiao threw the information in his hand to the big guys in the rivers and lakes: "How much is our Fu family's industry? It's all on this! I hope you can spit as much as you swallow!"

"What do you mean? Do you still remember the account? Let me see it!" The Fuxing Society Fat Bo patted his big belly and pretended to pick up the document and looked at it, shouting from time to time: "Wow, Crocodile Ping , you and Liansheng actually swallowed the Fu family's former casino, and there are more than one! No wonder your kid has been buying a house and raising a dog in recent years! Wow, Hua Liuming, your Qunying Club actually swallowed the Fu family's former stable. No wonder the quality of your stables is so good, it turns out to be genetic!"

Seeing Fat Bo yelling, everyone in the audience was calm, but they were actually surprised. I didn't expect the Fu family to remember these industries so clearly! It's been more than ten years, and I still think about it! One can imagine how narrow-minded the Fu family is!

Fu Yongxiao was like an outsider watching the show, smiling and watching the performances of many bigwigs on the scene.

Fat Bo spit all over, making fun of him wantonly.

Fu Yongxiao stood up and walked over to Fei Bo with his hands behind his back.

Fei Bo was talking vigorously, when he looked up and saw Fu Yongxiao, the corner of his mouth sneered: "Why, Master Fu, see me tired, please let me have some tea?"

Fu Yongxiao nodded, "That's right! I'll treat you to tea!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Yongxiao picked up the newly filled ceramic teapot with one hand and smashed it into Fei Bo's head without warning!

Fat Bo is enjoying himself, how could he have thought that Fu Yongxiao would be so crazy!

Teapot burst!

The hot tea poured over Fei Bo!

Fat Bo screamed!

Holding the head and face that was scalded by boiling water and shedding skin, weeping in pain!

All the people at the scene were terrified!

How could this be?

what happened? !

Even though they are all Jianghu I have never seen such ruthlessness!

I was just chatting and laughing, and in a blink of an eye, my life was about to die!

After Fu Yongxiao finished the hot tea explosion, he took out a snow-white handkerchief from his arms and wiped his palms like a normal person. Then he smiled and looked at Fei Bo, who was in pain, and said, "I invite you to drink tea! This pot of tea tastes good. how?!"

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