Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 930: Thunder bursts!

"Hello, Director!" Fu Yongxiao stepped forward and shook hands with Bai Ligao.

Bai Ligao's expression was calm, and he couldn't see how much he was saddened by Shi Zhijian's death, but said lightly: "The opening of Furama Hotel is a big event. After the Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong will be Furama's largest! A landmark like this Building, of course I have to come to congratulate!"

Seeing Bai Ligao say this, Fu Yongxiao's eyes flashed a little weird, and he tentatively said: "Thank you again for your compliment, I will definitely make the hotel bigger and stronger! In addition, I know that your daughter, Miss Bella Di, is Mr. Shi Zhijian's fiancee. Now Shi Zhijian had an accident, and I am very sad about it!"

Bai Ligao smiled slightly: "The world is unpredictable, and you can't tell whether it will be a blessing or a curse! Mr. Fu, you have a heart!"

Fu Yongxiao observed Bai Ligao's appearance and couldn't tell whether he was sad or happy, or indifferent. Could it be that this ghost guy's concentration has already been cultivated to the point where Mount Tai has collapsed and his color remains unchanged?

"Oh, by the way, Master Fu, I heard that your father, Mr. Fu Yunzhao, is coming today, but I don't know where he is now?"

"This..." Fu Yongxiao was also a little surprised, looking at his watch, it was already ten o'clock. Logically, it should have come from Macau, but it has not yet been seen.

This time, in order to make a name for himself in front of his father, Fu Yunzhao, Fu Yongxiao made a grand battle, invited countless dignitaries, and even media reporters were bought by him. !

Not to mention Fu Yongxiao, even Li Xuexuan next to him was a little surprised. Logically, Fu Yunzhao, Fu Daheng, should have arrived earlier than expected, but he is late at the moment. Could something happen?

Just when everyone was surprised, the master of ceremonies suddenly said loudly, "Mr. Fu Yunzhao, President of the Macau Fu Group, is here!"

"My father is here!" Fu Yongxiao was ecstatic!

Seeing this, Bai Ligao and Li Xuexuan turned and looked towards the entrance.

Li Jiacheng, Li Zhaoji, Saipan, Shen Bi and other bigwigs from all walks of life who were sitting in the VIP seats heard the arrival of Fu Yunzhao from Macau, and they didn't bother to sit any longer, and got up to greet them one after another!

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

After all, the Fu family is a long-established family in Hong Kong. Even if they were forced to retreat to Macau and reduce their assets in Hong Kong, as the saying goes, a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse, and everyone still wants to give the Fu family face.

As the head of the Fu family, although Fu Yunzhao is not as powerful as his father, Fu Laorong, he is also a safe guard. Under the backlog, relying on hotels, nightclubs, etc., the business of serving the entertainment industry has flourished.

At this moment, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly sounded.

The lion dance team also welcomed Fu Yunzhao with the highest etiquette.

The whole scene was more lively than before.

Fu Yongxiao and Li Xuexuan took the lead to greet his father, Fu Yunzhao. Fu Yunzhao took Li Dazhi, Zhang Wencong and others to the groundbreaking ceremony, surrounded by the bodyguard "Ben Thunder Hand" Peng Gang.

"Father, you are finally here!" Fu Yongxiao said with a fist towards Fu Yunzhao.

Li Xuexuan bowed slightly to Fu Yunzhao, looking like a lady.

Fu Yunzhao's face was flat, and he couldn't tell whether it was joy or happiness. He nodded to his son Fu Yongxiao, then glanced at Li Xuexuan and said, "Is your father healthy?"

"Thank you for remembering, his old man is healthy in Thailand."

"That's good! I'll go to Thailand to visit him when I have time." After Fu Yunzhao finished speaking, he looked at his son again, "Where are those distinguished guests? I want to get to know everyone!"

Fu Yongxiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, "They are all seated in the VIP seats. Please, I will introduce you to me!"

After Fu Yongxiao finished speaking, he happily prepared to take his father to meet those bigwigs.

"Ah Xiao, you have grown up." Fu Yunzhao said suddenly behind him.

This sentence makes people feel a bit abrupt, and Fu Yongxiao doesn't understand why his father suddenly said such a sentence at this time. Is it a compliment? Still emotional?

Fu Yongxiao was puzzled and scratched his head, "Father, people always grow up."

"You're right, people will always grow up! When they grow up, they can share the family's worries!" Fu Yunzhao said again, "Let's go, take me to see those old friends!"


"Fu Sheng, I haven't seen you for many years and still look good!"

"Fu Sheng, you can stay a few more days when you come to Hong Kong from Macau this time!"

Li Jiacheng, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng, Feng Jingqi and others shook hands with Fu Yunzhao to say hello.

Fu Yunzhao is also a scene person, chatting and laughing with everyone and reminiscing about the old times, the scene suddenly became much warmer.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Yunzhao greeted those senior officials of the British Hong Kong government. Fu Yongxiao also specially introduced Shen Bi, the senior class of HSBC Bank, to Fu Yunzhao, as if he was very familiar. Only he himself knew that he and Shen Bi had just known each other for a while.

Of course, Fu Yunzhao understood what it meant to introduce Shen Bi. Shen Bi was the God of Wealth, a ghost, and in the future, if the Fu family wanted to open up the world in Xiangjiang, they would have to let this God of Wealth take care of him.

"Father, the auspicious time has come! The groundbreaking ceremony is about to begin. Do you want to speak as a representative?" Fu Yongxiao said to his father, Fu Yunzhao, with a smile.

Fu Yunzhao nodded: "So good!"

When Fu Yongxiao saw that his father was going to speak on the stage, he hurriedly asked his men to greet the media reporters, and asked those reporters to take a good picture and report it well, and in any case, the rise of Fu should be recorded.

All of a sudden, the crowd was crowded, and countless media crowded on both sides of the rostrum, forming a semi-encirclement of the venue!

Li Jiacheng and many other bigwigs also sat in the VIP seats as escorts, silently watching everything in front of them, waiting for Fu Yunzhao to announce the establishment of Furama Hotel, and Fu's proudly standing on the waves of Hong Kong again!


In the flash of the spotlight, Fu Yunzhao nodded slightly to the crowd, with a calm expression on his face.

"Thank you for coming to Furama Hotel's groundbreaking site during your busy schedule."

Fu Yunzhao made some opening remarks.

Then his expression froze, "As today's host and the head of the Fu family, I, Fu Yunzhao, have two important things to announce here. The first thing is about the equity issue of Furama Hotel, which is the side. The owner and owner of Furama Hotel!"

As soon as Fu Yunzhao said these words, Fu Yongxiao couldn't help but get excited.

Could it be that my father wants...he wants to hand Fulihua to me to take care of it?

Yes, it must be so!

This time I have accomplished such a big thing in Hong Kong, he must be very happy, this is rewarding me!

Fu Yongxiao is ecstatic!

You must know that Furama's investment of 20 million is also the facade project of Fu's Group's comeback to Hong Kong! If Fu Yunzhao intends to hand over this big hotel to him, then Fu Yongxiao will have a bright future, and maybe he will surpass his three brothers and become the head of the Fu family!

Thinking of this, Fu Yongxiao was trembling all over, and his eyes glowed with excitement, and he got carried away!

Most of the business leaders sitting at the VIP seats are also guessing this way.

After all, it is rare for the Fu family to have such a Flood Dragon born. If you can't give benefits, it will be difficult to control in the future, even the father and son!

For Li Xuexuan, who is standing beside Fu Yongxiao, Fu Yunzhao's upcoming appointment also affects her next judgment. If Fu Yongxiao can really take charge of Fu Lihua and compete with his three brothers in the future, then she Li Xuexuan I don't mind really devoting myself to him, Fu Li will marry and dominate the world!

When Fu Yunzhao said these words, the happiest people were the media reporters who were paid for by Fu Yongxiao. Apart from laying the foundation stone for the opening, I didn't expect that there would be big news today!

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted, Fu Yunzhao said slowly: "I hereby announce that the owner of Furama Hotel is ---- Shinhwa, Shi Zhijian!"


First a second of silence!

Immediately, bang!

The scene exploded directly!

"What, mythical Shi Zhijian?"

Everyone was so shocked by Fu Yunzhao's sudden announcement that their jaw dropped!

Isn't Shi Zhijian dead?

How can I take charge of Furama?

Li Jiacheng's eyes widened, bigger than an egg!

Li Zhaoji opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time!

Fu Yongxiao even suspected that he had heard it wrong! I dig my ears hard!

Only Shi Zhijian's future father-in-law, Bai Ligao, looked indifferent, as if he already knew everything!

"Father, what are you talking about? Are you wrong? Why did you give Fu Lihua to Shi Zhijian? He died! What do you mean by letting a dead man take over?"

Without waiting for Fu Yongxiao to finish his words——

"Speaking of me, I died?" After speaking, Shi Zhijian, dressed in white, appeared in front of everyone with a smile!

Pfft! Someone fell straight from the seat!

Seeing Shi Zhijian appear!

Fu Yongxiao widened his eyes and pointed at Shi Zhijian like a ghost: "You you you----"

Shi Zhijian stepped forward and pushed back the finger that Fu Yongxiao pointed at, "Of course I'm a human, not a ghost! How about it? Are you surprised or surprised?"

Pfft! Someone fell off the chair again!


"Aren't you dead?"

"My luck is good! Not only is my life good, but I am also lucky! You have heard just now that your father will give me Fulihua! The 20 million hotel is given to me for nothing! You say, is this my luck? So good?" Shi Zhijian leaned into Fu Yongxiao's ear and said word by word.

Fu Yongxiao felt that a mass of gas in his abdomen was about to burst out!

His eyes suddenly grabbed Shi Zhijian: "What is your intention?"

Shi Zhijian ignored Fu Yongxiao's impulsive grasping at the front of his shirt, but instead reached out and patted his face with his palm: "Little boy, don't be too impulsive! Today is a big scene you created yourself, and many people are watching! If you want to know the answer, go to Ask your father!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Zhijian gave a slight support and broke free from Fu Yongxiao's shackles.

Fu Yongxiao tried his best to suppress his anger, glanced at the flashing spotlights around him, and said sternly, "Don't shoot! Stop it all!"

Furious Fu Yongxiao startled everyone.

Fu Yongxiao suddenly turned his head to look at his father Fu Yunzhao: "What the **** is going on?"

Fu Yunzhao looked at his son and said lightly: "Ah Xiao, you must admit when you are wrong! You are wrong, you must accept the reality! I have promised Mr. Shi that this hotel will be taken care of by him in the future! As for you-- -Our Fu family is going to invest in Shark Island together with the Shinhwa Group to develop the Shark Island Pirate Theme Park. I plan to send you to supervise! Time is short, only two or three years! When the construction of Shark Island is completed, you will come back!"

Fu Yunzhao's remarks are neither cold nor warm, but heartless!

Fu Yongxiao didn't know where he went to Shark Island to supervise, but he was actually exiled by the Fu family!

In two or three years, things are right and wrong. What if Fu Yongxiao returns to Hong Kong and Macao again? The sky has changed a long time ago, and it is no longer his era!

Fu Yongxiao laughed frantically, "I don't believe it! Father, are you joking? Are you kidding me? Although I am your fourth son and the son of a concubine, you usually love me very much. , why are you willing to exile me? Also, why didn't he die?"

Fu Yongxiao turned his head and stared at Shi Zhijian again, "Not only did you not die, but you also bewitched my father! What magic spell did you cast on him?"

Shi Zhijian: "Want to know?" Hooked at Fu Yongxiao.

Fu Yongxiao was startled, but took a step back.

He looked at Shi Zhijian in horror, for fear that Shi Zhijian would play another conspiracy!

At this moment, he is really afraid of Shi Zhijian!

It seems that he is not ashamed of his fear of Shi Zhijian, Fu Yongxiao said loudly: "Shi Zhijian, do you think you won? What's the use of bewitching my father? Yan Xiong is my man! Our Fu family still has a lot of property in Hong Kong. You can't beat me, and you can't kill me!"

Just when Fu Yongxiao was hysterical——

"Master Fu, it's not good! It's not good, Master Fu!" Fu Yongxiao's attendant, Fu Cai, hurried up.

"Fu Shao, Yan Xiong has been arrested! Our Fu family's property has also been wiped out by Hong Yihai's people! Fu Shao, we are finished!" Fu Cai burst into tears.

Fu Yongxiao stumbled and almost fell to the ground!

Only then did he know what his father's indifferent gaze meant.

He thought he was doing very well and perfectly!

As a result, the Fu family was led to the land of destruction!

At this time, everyone around has also received all kinds of news from the front!

Chief Inspector Yan Xiong, who had just taken up his post, was directly arrested on suspicion of favoritism and fraud!

These four words are very sharp, and can be placed on various charges!

It can make you live and it can make you die!

And the one who arrested Yan Xiong was Laylo, a police tycoon who had just returned from Scotland Yard training!

This time, Lai Luo even became a Chinese police superintendent!


Then came the chaos of the rivers and lakes!

Hong Yihai directly leveled the Fu family's various underground properties in Hong Kong! Casinos, fan stalls, flower stalls, and underground banks, etc., can be described in one sentence as "kill them all"!

You know, when the Fu family retreated to Macau ten years ago, there was no such tragic situation! Now they want to make a to re-rise Hong Kong, but the result is directly destroyed!

The Fu family suffered this blow, it can be said that their vitality was greatly damaged! Not to mention counterattacking Xiangjiang, even if you want to retreat, it will be difficult! No, the big hotel that just invested 20 million was bitten by the tiger Shi Zhijian! Not only have to give it away in front of everyone, but also praise the other party!

Many bigwigs can't bear so much horrifying information for a while, and the expressions on their faces are more exciting than each other!

When they looked at Shi Zhijian again, they only felt an inexplicable chill emerge from the back of the spine!

Step by step!

Accurate calculation!

This Shi Zhijian is scarier than a ghost!


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