Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 937: Cover the sky with one hand!

Popular recommendation:

Thunder Club.

"Brother Gang, you haven't been here for a long time! I miss you so much!"

Lan Gang was wearing a suit with open arms, handcuffs hanging casually on his crotch, with a cigarette in his mouth and a coquettish woman in his arms flirting and flirting.

"How much do you miss me? Tell me about it?"

"People miss you so much that you can't sleep!"

"Pick, do you want to fall asleep, or do you want to sleep with me?" Lan Gang reached out and scratched the woman's chin.

"Brother Gang, you are dead!"

"Men are not bad and women don't love! Zhong You, is your name Xiao Li or Xiao Hong?"

"It's called Linda!"

"Oh, so it's Linda! I like to help others. If you can't sleep tonight, I can consider going to Kowloon Pond to accompany you!"

"Brother Gang, take me out later! Brother Luo doesn't like us going out!"

"Don't worry, when I speak, Brother Luo will definitely save face!" Lan Gang held a cigarette with such confidence.

This time, in the fight with Yan Xiong, he Lan Gang was in the limelight and made great contributions in front of Lai Luo. No, he only copied Yan Xiong's house during the day, and came to Lai Luo tonight to report the situation.

"Inspector Lan, congratulations, congratulations!" Not far away, when Lei Luo's confidant's lard boy saw Lan Gang, he clasped his fists at him from a distance.

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Lan Gang let go of the woman and patted her: "Wait for me at the bar!" Then he greeted the lard boy with a smile, "Congratulations? I'm not married, let alone have a baby!"

Lard Boy laughed, took out a cigarette and handed it to Lan Gang.

Lan Gang spit out the cigarette that was about to finish in his mouth, and put the lard boy in his mouth.

The lard boy helped him light the cigarette: "I don't know that this time, Inspector Lan, you have upgraded your position and paid a lot of money! This is even sharper than getting married and having a baby!"

Lan Gang laughed, "Lard boy! No wonder Brother Luo likes you, I like you too! Go to my jurisdiction to play in the future, even if you register my name, all the bills will be free!"

Lan Gang was transferred from the New Territories, where birds don't shit, to Hong Kong Island, which is under the jurisdiction of Yan Xiong.

"Hey, Detective Lan, I also remember what you said. Don't deny the account then! I'm very good. I only drink brandy when drinking, and I love one-for-three when picking up girls!"

Lan Gang laughed again, "Don't talk about one-to-three, even if you fight one against ten, I will pay for you!" After speaking, he pointed at the lard boy's nose with a cigarette, "Zhong You, don't call me Lan in the future. The detective is too sensible! Call me brother Gang, it seems cordial!"

"Okay, Gang!"


"Brother Gang, Brother Luo is waiting for you in his room!"

"Received! I'll go over here!"


Accompanied by Lard Boy, Lan Gang came to Lai Luo's private VIP room.

There were two plainclothes guards at the entrance of the VIP hall, and when they saw the lard boy, they hurriedly bowed and said hello.

The lard boy nodded to them, then stepped forward and knocked on the door. He probed into the room and said a few words. He turned around and said to Lan Gang, "Brother Gang, please come in!"

Lan Gang nodded before entering the VIP room.

The lard boy closed the door again, the smile on his face was swept away, and told the two doormen: "No one can enter without my order!"

"Yes! Brother Boy!" The two were respectful.


"Gang, come here, sit here!" Lai Luo bit his cigar, crossed his legs, and patted the empty seat on the sofa next to him.

Lan Gang hesitated for a moment, but he was a little stunned as soon as he entered the room, because he found that there was another person besides Lai Luo in the smoke-filled room, it turned out to be Han Sen, the Chief China Inspector in charge of the Kowloon area.

Before Han Sen betrayed Lei Luo and joined Yan Xiong, he didn't expect to still have the face to sit here now.

Han Sen's expression was cold and unsmiling. He didn't seem to notice Lan Gang's arrival, and drank foreign wine on his own.

Lan Gang pouted, "Brother Luo, there are guests here! I thought you were interested in asking me to come over and drink with you alone."

"More people!" Laidlaw patted the vacant seat again, "Sit here!"

"No! I don't really like sitting too close to some anti-bones boys!" Lan Gang sat down opposite Laiduo.

Lai Luo smiled, bent down, picked up the foreign wine, poured a glass of brandy for Lan Gang, handed it over and said, "Inspector Han has already admitted his mistake just now, and I have forgiven him!"

Lan Gangyi squinted at Han Sen: "Really? He also knows how to admit mistakes? Isn't it stabbed in the back?"

Han Sen couldn't help saying no matter how good his concentration was: "Okay, Lan Gang! I know that you don't like me, I'll admit my mistake this time! I'm also willing to divide a lot of oil and water areas on the Kowloon site and hand it over to Brother Luo. , are you satisfied this time?"

Lan Gang blinked: "Are you willing?"

Han Sen kept his face straight and stopped talking.

Of course he didn't want to!

The problem is that if he doesn't do this, Laidlaw won't let him go!

Lai Luo bit his cigar and watched Lan Gangdui choke Han Sen.

Lai Luo now has to play with the art of balance. Before, he gave Yan Xiong too much power, which gave Yan Xiong a chance. Laidlaw would never make this mistake again.

As for not taking down Han Sen, but only weakening his strength, Lei Luo is helpless. After all, someone needs to restrain the iron head of Lan Gang!

"A-Gang, drink first! Then talk about your visit to Master Yan's house today!" Lei Luo changed the subject.

Hearing that Lei Luo wanted to tell the story of copying Yan Xiong's house, Lan Gang immediately became interested, took a sip from the wine glass and put it down, and couldn't wait to say, "Wow, Brother Luo, you didn't know it, today was really exciting!"

Immediately afterwards, he took Ding Yongqiang with him and took Ding Yongqiang to raid Yan Xiong's house, and explained in detail how a lot of treasures were found from Yan Xiong's villa.

Both Lei Luo and Han Sen listened, and their expressions were calm at first. When they heard that Yan Xiong's secret vault was discovered, and there were countless gold and silver treasures hidden in it, as well as cash, the two had different expressions.

"You don't know, Brother Luo! Those Hong Kong dollars, British pounds and U.S. dollars are all hairy! There are piles of piles! Also, those gold bars are piled up into mountains. I made my brothers work hard to carry them out of the basement. It even hit a brother's foot, and almost broke the footplate!" Lan Gang said, the more excited he became.

Lai Luo listened to the twinkle in his eyes, biting his cigar, puffing out the clouds, his expression was a smile but not a smile.

Han Sen's eyelids twitched, because he knew that if it wasn't for Lei Luo's mercy this time, I'm afraid that the result of Yan Xiong's house raid would be his Han Sen's end!

After talking for a long time, Lan Gang's mouth was dry, and he took a big sip from the wine glass. At this time, the wine in the wine glass was almost finished. Seeing this, Lai Luo personally bent down and poured a glass for Lan Gang.

Lan Gang held the wine glass: "Brother Luo, why are you so embarrassed to ask you to help me pour the wine?"

"You are the hero! Help you pour the wine, you should!" Lai Luo said something.

Lan Gang was excited with the wine glass in his hand, and after thinking about it, he put down the wine glass directly, without hiding it, he took out a check from his arms and handed it to Lei Luo: "Brother Luo, this is what I prepared for you! It's a celebration of your becoming a superintendent!"

Lai Luo looked at it, there was a large number on it, he folded the check with a smile and put it away, "You have a heart!"

Lan Gang was relieved to see that Lai Luo received the money.

This time, Lai Luo asked him to take charge of copying Yan Xiong's house, obviously to cheapen him.

Lan Gang wasn't the kind of person who didn't know the fun. After the house was raided, he still respected Lai Luo. As for the rest, you can put it in your pocket with peace of mind.

"What about Ah Qiang, is he still satisfied with this action?" Lei Luo bit his cigar and looked at Lan Gangdao with a half smile.

Lan Gang's face was still, but he smiled slightly: "Of course he is satisfied! He even asked me to speak for him. Thank you, Brother Luo!"

"Hahaha, this kid! There is a future!" Lai Luo was very happy.

Ding Yongqiang has always adhered to Shi Zhijian's words and told him not to be greedy, let alone take their money from Lai Luo.

Ding Yongqiang did the same.

Since then, Lai Luo has always had a little grudge against him, feeling that everyone is not the same. Although Lei Luo promoted Ding Yongqiang all the way according to Shi Zhijian's intention, he still did not dare to treat him as his own.

Therefore, Lai Luo deliberately arranged Ding Yongqiang to accompany Lan Gang to copy Yan Xiong's house this time, the purpose is one, let Ding Yongqiang also start to be greedy!

If you are not greedy, you are not your own!

How am I going to use you in the future, Lai Luo? !


Next to Han Sen has been listening with a stern face to Lan Gang's report on the house raiding situation to Lei Luo, and now he is openly dividing up Yan Xiong's family property in front of himself, he can't sit still, "That, Brother Luo, I'm sorry. , I suddenly remembered that there is still something to do..."

"You're leaving?" Laidlaw gave him a sideways glance while biting his cigar, "I have a friend who I want to introduce you to, just a moment!"

As he spoke, Lai Luo shouted to the outside: "Lard boy, let Ah Jiu come in!"

"Okay!" A voice came from outside.

After a while, the knock on the door rang, Chen Xijiu leaned in and said cautiously, "Brother Luo, are you calling me?"

Lai Luo hooked at him.

Chen Xijiu was wearing a checkered shirt, and squeezed in from the outside with a little air, and smiled and looked at the big guys present, "Inspector Lan, Inspector Han is also here! Do you want me to toast you a glass of wine?"

Although he was a confidant of Lai Luo, he was still lower than the two in terms of position, and he habitually assumed a low posture.

Lei Luo Jian frowned, "I didn't let you in for a toast! Sit down!" He patted the sofa next to him.

Chen Xijiu made an "oh" and said aggrieved: "I thought it was the same as usual, Brother Luo, you can't fight the wine, and you want me to stop the wine for you!"

"Shut up!" Lai Luo scolded with a smile, "Do you know who you are now?"

"Oh, Inspector!"

"To be precise, it's Inspector General Hua of the New Territories District! No longer the former Inspector Inspector!" Lai Luo pointed at Chen Xijiu's nose, "Now Ah Gang and Asen are here, I want to see your performance!"

"Eh?" Chen Xijiu blinked, "How do you behave? You don't let me toast, I don't understand! Brother Luo, teach me!"

Lai Luo was speechless, "Fuck you in the street! You are quite good at playing with women!"

"What else? It's a woman playing with me! Brother Luo, don't give me more beautiful girls, I can't bear it!"

Lai Luo's old face was embarrassed, this Xiao Jiu really can't open the pot and lift it.

However, Lan Gang and Han Sen felt that Chen Xijiu was a ghost. It seemed that he was making Lei Luo angry, but he was actually showing off his loyalty!

"Okay, alright! I didn't talk about the right to say it just now! Now you take a glass of wine and toast to Detective Lan and Detective Han. In the future, you three Chief Detectives will work hand in hand, sit on an equal footing, and manage Hong Kong together, you know? ?"

Laidlaw deliberately put the words "equally on an equal footing" very seriously.

Lan Gang and Han Sen are not fools either, of course they understand what it means, so before Chen Xijiu poured the wine, the two of them stood up first and said, "Ajiu, we are all acquaintances, so there is no need to talk so much! We will all be together in the future. Cooperate and make a fortune together!"

Chen Xijiu hurriedly stood up with a glass of wine: "The two bosses are interested! Xijiu doesn't understand anything, and it is the first time that he has held such an important position. In the future, the two will take care of them! Come, let me toast the two of you! "

The three clink glasses and drink it all in one go!

Lai Luo crossed his legs and bit his cigar to watch this scene!

Chen Xijiu is his person!

Lan Gang stood with him again!

Han Sen's spine was broken!

Who else is his opponent in the whole Xiangjiang?

He Lai Luo wants the wind to be the wind and the rain to the rain, it can be said that he can cover the sky with only one hand!



Shi Zhijian simply placed wine and vegetables, four cold dishes, four hot dishes, and two bottles of soy sauce in the private living room of Shi Zhijian. Here, he entertained Yiqun boss Laihao and Xiangjiang Harmony boss Baitou Weng Zhenguolong.

Lai Hao is Shi Zhijian's good brother, and bears the brunt of Yan Xiong's troubles this time, and was almost killed by Yan Xiong.

Nie Yongqin, the granddaughter of Weng Zhenguolong, is Shi Zhijian's future wife, and the two can be said to be married. Therefore, Zhen Guolong also suffered harsh treatment from Yan Xiong.

Now that Yan Xiong has collapsed, the two have also been rescued.

"Pu, your mother! That Yan Xiong really deserves to be damned! Even me, a Justice of the Peace, dares to do I greet his eighteenth generation ancestors!" Lame Hao held a wine glass, thinking of the unbearable encounters these days, filled with righteous indignation.

Zheng Guolong was wearing a black embroidered gold round-neck Tang suit with buttons and cloth shoes with black face and white edging. His posture was relatively relaxed. He also held a glass of white wine in his hand. He sat on the seat and said, "Take this as a practice! There is no injury, no suffocation!"

After he finished speaking, Zheng Guolong raised his head and drank a glass of wine. He didn't go to get the napkin, he just wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, which seemed rather free and uninhibited.

Lai Hao pouted and took a sip of wine: "Of course you have no problem! You are from Jianghu, and I am now a gentleman! I have an identity and a social status!"

Zheng Guolong scoffed, "What is your social status? If A Jian hadn't helped you, you would still be selling fish eggs in Wan Chai!"

Lame Hao's face twitched twice, "Hey, Lord Long, I respect you so much, and you are the elder Ah Jian, I'm too embarrassed to say a lot!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You forced me!" Lai Hao put down the glass with a slam, "This time Yan Xiong designed the Hongmen Banquet, did you almost urinate? I think your complexion changed at that time!"

"Pu, your mother, what nonsense are you talking about? I will be scared to pee, how many eyes do you see?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Shi Zhijian had to smooth things out by the side: "Let's not say a word, I invited the two to drink and reminisce today, not for a quarrel."

"Since Ah Jian spoke, Lord Long, I'll give you face." Lai Hao said disdainfully.

"I want you to save face? Think I'm getting old and look down on me, don't you?" Zhen Guolong slapped the table.

0937 [One hand covers the sky! ]

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