Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 939: Yan Xiong falls, Lai Luo is full!

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"Tsk tsk, stupid, developed? You still learn to wear famous brands. What brand is it? Armani, or Louis Vuitton?"

Who is papaya?

She Shi Yufeng's personal maid, Ding Yongqiang dares to use force even in this street, I don't know whether to live or die!

Ding Yongqiang's old face was hot: "Sister Yufeng, it's not what you think."

"It's not what I thought, so what?" Shi Yufeng showed no mercy, "If you hadn't called me sister, I'd have driven you out! What do you think of this place? The Wanchai Casino Sparrow Pavilion under your control? Can you make a fool of yourself here and yell?"

Ding Yongqiang was scolded so **** that he was speechless.

Shi Zhijian had no choice but to step forward and say, "Elder sister, if you don't say a word, maybe it's a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? You saw it just now. He pulled the papaya to do what? If people don't accept him as a gift, he has to force it, making our Shi family seem to be very low-level!"

"Sister, you've been drinking too much and you're drunk!" Shi Zhijian winked at Lame Hao and the others.

"I'm not drunk! I'm very sober!" After speaking, Shi Yufeng burped.

Zheng Guolong hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Yes, yes! Miss Shi, you are sober and ruthless! Why don't we talk about our Yongqin's dowry?"

"Yeah, yeah! Let's talk about my gift money too! How much do you think I should take when Ah Jian gets married? He and I are good brothers!" Lai Hao also stepped forward and said.

When Shi Yufeng heard that he wanted to talk about Shi Zhijian's marriage, he didn't care about continuing to run on Ding Yongqiang, so he went to "secretly talk" with Lai Hao and the others.

Shi Zhijian looked at Ding Yongqiang, who was embarrassed in the same place, and took out a cigarette and handed it over: "If you have time, take me to a place."

"Go to the edge?"

"You will know when you arrive." Shi Zhijian patted Ding Yongqiang on the shoulder, which was meaningful.


Shek Kip Mei, a slum area.

Ding Yongqiang drove Shi Zhijian here in a red Ferrari.

"Wow, let's see who's here?"

"It's Ah Jian! There's also a fool!"

"The big man has come to our ghetto!"

In the past, when Shi Zhijian and Ding Yongqiang's neighbors saw Shi Zhijian and Ding Yongqiang get out of the car, they all rushed over. Everyone was as lively as the Chinese New Year, and they kept talking around Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian took out a cigarette and gave it to the big guy.

Ding Yongqiang was not idle, and he also took out a cigarette and gave it to everyone.

Brother Liu, Uncle Prawn, Sister Qinglin and others happily surrounded Shi Zhijian together.

Brother Liu gave Shi Zhijian the good cigarette he gave him and was reluctant to smoke, so he put his hand on his ear, and habitually wanted to reach out and pat Shi Zhijian's shoulder, but remembered that the other party's identity was no small matter, so he didn't dare to pat Shi Zhijian, and said in his mouth: "A Jian , You are getting more and more handsome! Zhong You, have you forgotten our old neighbors and come to see us too!"

Shi Zhijian took out another cigarette and handed it to Brother Liu, and personally took out a lighter to light the cigarette for Brother Liu.

Liu Sange was flattered, he hurriedly took the cigarette and bit it on his mouth, and then put the torch lit by Shi Zhijian to light the cigarette, and then he spit out a mouthful.

Who is Shi Zhijian?

Hong Kong's famous rich tycoon, such a person gives himself cigarettes and can boast for a lifetime!

"Sorry, third brother, and Uncle Prawn, Sister Qinglin!" Shi Zhijian apologized to everyone. "I've been really busy recently, day and night have been reversed, and I really can't find time to visit everyone! But don't worry, in the future, even if I'm busy, Shi Zhijian will make time to come over and chat with everyone! By the way, Mr. Uncle Shrimp, is your rheumatism better? I bought some western medicine for you at the Yangxing Pharmacy, you can try it later! And Sister Qinglin, I know you often have headaches, so I also bought some Guiling paste for you. Cure insomnia and headaches!"

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was so careful, everyone smiled.

"A-Jian, you have a heart! You are so busy and still thinking of us!"

"Yeah, I've had this headache for several years, and it can't be cured! It's useless to eat anything!"

Shi Zhijian said a few more words to everyone, and then went down to visit his old house accompanied by everyone.

The house where Shi Zhijian once lived was rented to someone else, a family of five.

The parents, the eldest son, the daughter, and the daughter was carrying a child who was waiting to be fed, and the family of five crowded into a very narrow room.

The family was startled when they suddenly saw such a large group of people coming over, and they were relieved when they figured out that Shi Zhijian was the original owner of the house.

Shi Zhijian looked at the familiar house and felt that things were different. After obtaining the owner's consent, he went in to have a look.

The room was full of messes, many of which were picked up from the garbage heap and not needed by others.

There are also some dirty old toys, and a stroller.

When Shi Zhijian entered the house, he didn't even have a place to stay, let alone the others, he could only wait outside.

Shi Zhijian looked up and down the room alone, and the scene of living here together appeared in his mind, but when he turned back, he saw that the five members of the family were standing behind him honestly, staring at him blankly.

Shi Zhijian was a little embarrassed, pointed to the inner room and said, "I used to live in that room, can you go in and have a look?"

The owner hurriedly said: "Yes! Yes! You are free, Mr. Shi!"

The owner of the house already knew Shi Zhijian's identity and knew that he was a Hong Kong tycoon, a decent man, and a high-class person in Hong Kong. Although I don't know why Shi Zhijian came back here to check when he got rich, he was not only neglectful, but even a little scared.

Shi Zhijian lifted the curtains and walked into the bedroom that once belonged to him. A damp musty smell came out of his nose, followed by the smell of cheap gouache.

Shi Zhijian glanced at it. There was a simple dressing table in the room, and then there was a wooden bed made of bricks. An old quilt was neatly stacked on the bed, and next to it was a clothes rack made of horizontal wood, which hung neatly on it. in women's clothing.

Shi Zhijian was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to go inside. It turned out to be a girl's boudoir.

Shi Zhijian turned his head and saw the girl with the doll on her back looking at him shyly.

Shi Zhijian wiped his nose embarrassedly: "Sorry, I used to live here."

The girl was even more shy and did not dare to look up at Shi Zhijian.

She was carrying her younger brother on her back, and she was still waiting in her boudoir, but the girl's room was seen by Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian also knew that he was careless, so he hurriedly withdrew from the house, and said to third brother Liu who was following him, to give the family some money later.

Of course Third Brother Liu understood what it meant, so he patted his chest to ensure that it would be done!


It was about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Shi Zhijian sat on the small wooden pier with a tea bowl in front of him. After chatting with everyone for a while, he said some homely things, and then the topic suddenly changed: "Brother Liu, Uncle Shrimp, and Sister Qinglin! To be honest! , In addition to visiting everyone this time, I have one important thing I want to discuss with you."

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he deliberately paused and looked at the crowd.

Ding Yongqiang also looked at Shi Zhijian, he thought that Shi Zhijian brought himself here just to visit everyone in reminiscence, but he didn't expect that something really happened.

"First of all, I'm going to redevelop this place and demolish and rebuild the place where you live! Of course, I will pay according to the highest standard of compensation. You can ask for money or a house!"

"Development and reconstruction of Shek Kip Mei?" Brother Liu and the others were stunned. "A Jian, I know you are good to us, but you don't have to do this!"

"Yeah, it takes a lot of money to develop this place!"

We are all smart people. As soon as I heard Shi Zhijian's words, I knew that he was helping everyone improve the environment. Because what real estate developers like to do most in this era is to buy land and build a building, rather than demolish and rebuild! After all, there is no shortage of land in Hong Kong in this era, and the cost of demolition and construction is too high to make much money.

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Shi Zhijian smiled: "Don't worry, everyone, I'm a businessman, and I won't do business at a loss! But the environment here is really bad, I just checked the water and electricity! If it weren't for the one my old sister Shi Yufeng built for everyone Water tower, everyone can't even drink water! There is also a problem with the power system. I heard you say that there is a power outage at two ends every three days. How can you live like this?"

Brother Liu and the others stopped talking.

Shi Zhijian said again: "You are my neighbors and my friends! Now I live in a villa and eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, but you still stay here and suffer. Tell me, can I continue to eat well and sleep well?"

Seeing Shi Zhijian's sincerity, Brother Liu said, " Actually, you have already helped us a lot!"

"Yeah, your elder sister helped us build a water tower! And you provided us with work! We are working in a food factory and a construction site now. As long as we work hard, we can earn a lot of money!" Uncle Prawn and others also spoke. said.

Shi Zhijian picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of the slightly bitter tea: "The taste of this tea has not changed! Although it is a little bitter, it is very thirst-quenching!" I still understand the words!"

Brother Liu and others were all silent for a while, and there was an inexplicable emotion in their hearts.

"A Jian, you are a good person! Nostalgic!"

This is the last sentence Liu Sange and others said to Shi Zhijian.


When Shi Zhijian took Ding Yongqiang's red Ferrari to leave Shek Kip Mei again, everyone just sent them away for a long distance. If it wasn't for the sky and the sunset, I'm afraid everyone would be reluctant to leave.

Shi Zhijian sat in the car, smoking a cigarette.

Ding Yongqiang drove the car and did not speak.

The gust of wind blew Shi Zhijian's hair, and Shi Zhijian exhaled a puff of smoke, which was immediately blown away by the gust of wind.

"Silly strong, how many times?" Shi Zhijian asked suddenly.

Ding Yongqiang was a little startled, but he was already prepared: "Five million!"

After a pause, he said, "Lan Gang took 8 million and gave 10 million to Brother Luo!"

Shi Zhijian raised his eyebrows: "Yan Xiong fell, Lei Luo is full!"

Ding Yongqiang slowed down, turned his head and glanced at Shi Zhijian: "Don't you blame me?"

Shi Zhijian stretched out his arms and flicked the soot outside the car: "I know you have endured it for a long time! This time, you can't bear such a big mouthful of fat, and you should!"

0939 [Yan Xiong fell, Lai Luo was full! ]

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