Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 984: Isn't the golden scale a thing in the pool!

In the living room, Chen Xijiu and Lard Boy were sitting together with cigarettes in their mouths, and there was a pretty girl sitting next to them, but it was Lu Yawen, the female president in charge of "Oriental Daily".

Lu Yawen wore gold-rimmed glasses and a professional suit that showed her figure, which wrapped her proud figure exquisitely. So that the eyes of two normal men, Chen Xijiu and Lard Zai, would float to her from time to time.

Lu Yawen has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, and now she is waiting for Shi Zhijian's appearance with a pen and notepad in her hand.

The sound of footsteps sounded, Shi Zhijian squeezed his slippers and came in front of the crowd, "I'm sorry, I just washed my feet and was going to sleep----"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he recruited the maid and asked the three: "Coffee or tea?"

"Clear tea!" Chen Xijiu said.

"Coffee!" said Lard Boy.

"Juice!" Lu Yawen said.

Three options for three people.

Shi Zhijian was stunned for a moment, feeling that the three of them really didn't consider themselves outsiders!

"What's the matter with you coming here so late?" Shi Zhijian found a seat and sat down. Seeing Chen Xijiu and Lard Boy smoking, he couldn't help sniffing.

Recently Shi Yufeng stopped Shi Zhijian from smoking at home in order to make the succession of the Shi family succeed. Not only did he take away all Shi Zhijian's cigarettes, but he even set up a "report reward" campaign. Any servant who found Shi Zhijian smoking could only be reported once. Get a hundred dollars as a reward!

So now Shi Zhijian has to hide outside to smoke, and occasionally avoid servants at home. Even if he hides in the toilet and finishes smoking, he has to open the window to ventilate and disperse the smoke, which is very embarrassing!

"That's right, I have an urgent matter to find you!" Chen Xijiu said, "You asked me to contact Li's TV station to interview Brother Luo, and they called back and said they couldn't make time for their schedules! I see something strange. , I asked someone to inquire, but I didn't expect that Li's people would accept bribes from Smith in private, preparing to interview him, and TVB was also preparing to do a program for Smith called 'From the Director of the Land Bureau, to Members of the Legislative Council'!"

Shi Zhijian was not surprised at all by the news.

TVB boss Shao Daheng has a close relationship with Bailiqu, which can be seen from the last time Shi Zhijian got married.

As for Li's TV's treachery, in addition to money bribing, this TV station is still under the control of ghosts.

Just imagine, now that a Chinese and a British are competing for the seat of the Legislative Council, which side will Li's TV, as a ghost media, choose? !

"Since the TV station can't work, let's go to the radio!" Shi Zhijian pondered for a while and said, "Now the TV penetration rate in Hong Kong is not high, but the radio is different. Almost everyone has one, and many Hong Kong people are accustomed to listening to it. Radio show! So, you go to Li's Voice, although they belong to the same company as Li's TV, they have internal competition, I think as long as they give enough money, they should help!"

No matter what era has "involution", Shi Zhijian is ready to use this involution to break through the containment!

"Okay, I'll try it!"

"It's not about trying, it's about getting it right!"

Chen Xijiu was stunned for a moment. For the first time, he felt that Shi Zhijian's speech was so aura, and the pressure was so great that he had to bow his head. .

Shi Zhijian said, took out another book and handed it to Chen Xijiu: "This is a novel I wrote for Brother Luo, and let the people on the radio broadcast it in the program! As for the audio novel program before the radio station, let them stop first, Liquidated damages, etc., we help to pay in advance!"

"Uh, a novel?" Chen Xijiu took a look at it, but it was "Aren't Golden Scales Something in the Pool---Lei Luo Biography"!

"Brother Jian, you are—"

"Make it up, let those listeners have fun!"

Chen Xijiu flipped through it, but saw that it was written how Lei Luo struggled step by step from a poor youth to become the Chief China Inspector! Of course, there is no such thing as stuffing black money to eat black money, there is just a history of Lai Luo's struggle step by step! He didn't rely on his wife to ascend to the top, but to solve the case! What about the case of hiding a body in a cardboard box, the case of the butcher in the rainy night, the case of the black dahlia, strange and eye-catching!

Chen Xijiu was completely convinced. He knew that Shi Zhijian was talented and was known as a genius in Xiangjiang, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Shi Zhijian looked at Chen Xijiu in surprise and accepted it calmly. In fact, the novel he wrote was adapted from the previous classic Hong Kong film "The Legend of 500 Million Inspector Lei Luo", but some bad content was removed and replaced with With some new content, it was transformed into a biographical novel.

Nowadays, Hong Kong people are lacking in entertainment programs. Apart from the movies they pay to watch, TV is not yet fully popularized. For them, listening to the radio is the greatest enjoyment. Like Jin Yong, Gu Long’s novels are often broadcast on the radio. For those who cannot read.

"What about you, what's the matter with me?" Shi Zhijian looked at the lard boy.

The lard boy was curiously stretching his neck and peeking at the novel book in Chen Xijiu's hand. Hearing Shi Zhijian's question, he hurriedly crushed the unfinished cigarette in the ashtray, rubbed his hands and said, "Brother Jian, let me arrange someone. Distributing flyers to build momentum for Luo Ge, I didn't expect that Chen Zhichao and Yan Xiong would throw us on the street with excuses such as 'gathering to make trouble', 'illegal assembly', and 'distributing prohibited items at will' and other excuses! Fortunately, Luo Ge asked the police academy to disperse us. The students also help with the publicity, or else they will be caught in one pot!"

Shi Zhijian pinched his chin: "It looks like that old fox from Bailiqu has shot! Chen Zhichao and Yan Xiong are the only ones who can make them move!"

"Then what should we do?" Lard Boy asked. "We've printed almost 70,000 to 80,000 leaflets, and we've only distributed half of them now!"

Shi Zhijian pondered for a while, "Hey, do it like this! Among the eighteen districts of Hong Kong, most of the forces of Chen Zhichao and Yan Xiong are concentrated in the four districts of Hong Kong Island! Nine control! We can do publicity there!"

"Understood, Brother Jian!" Lard Boy nodded.

In fact, the reason why Lai Luo was suppressed by Chen Zhichao and Yan Xiong in Hong Kong Island this time was because Lan Gang's prestige on Hong Kong Island was not enough!

The last time Lan Gang was not successful against Yan Xiong, Lai Luo was grateful to him and intended to promote Lan Gang to the top, so he directly transferred Lan Gang from the remote New Territories area to the rich Hong Kong Island area where Yan Xiong used to control!

Now that the sequelae have appeared, Hong Kong Island has been ruled by Yan Xiong for so many years, and many people are "positive and negative" against Lan Gang, the newly transferred Chief China Inspector.


In addition, now that Chen Zhichao is in the top position, and Yan Xiong is re-promoted as Inspector Hua, Yan Xiong is fanning the flames behind, and the governance of Hong Kong Island is even more "difficult".

"What about you, President Lu, what are you looking for with me?" Shi Zhijian finally set his sights on Lu Yawen.

When Shi Zhijian was talking with Chen Xijiu and Lard Boy, Lu Yawen silently took notes, and now listening to Shi Zhijian asking herself, she put down her pen, pushed her glasses with her fingers, looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "I have already followed your arrangement. Mr. Lei, the boss of "Oriental Daily", has done several propagandas, but now "The Tiger", "Sing Tao Daily" and "Ming Pao" have all started to write some targeted attack articles, our newspaper is hard to resist!"

After a pause, he said: "If we continue like this, I am afraid that we will be attacked by the press, lose credibility, and have the right to speak! You know, this is the lifeblood of the newspaper!"

Shi Zhijian was surprised for a moment. He didn't expect that Baili Canal's methods would be so sharp, and they even included all three newspapers in Hong Kong!

"If you delay for a few days, I have already contacted the "Commercial Daily" with high gold content in Hong Kong and Macau! They will help assist soon!"

"Business Daily?" Lu Yawen was stunned for a moment, she did not expect Shi Zhijian to invite such a powerful rescuer.

Perhaps the circulation of "Business Daily" is not too large, but the core is very powerful, especially in the business circles. If it assists, "Oriental Daily" will reduce a lot of pressure.

After dealing with the three people's problems one by one, Shi Zhijian added some targeted opinions, and finally told the three of them: "The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard! The last week is left, the war is coming, will Luo Ge be able to do it? To be promoted to the top position and become the first Chinese member of the Legislative Council to enter the Legislative Council depends on everyone's efforts!"

After speaking, Shi Zhijian stood up and took a long breath: "Whether we are going to change history, or whether we are changed by history, we will see in seven days!"

Chen Xijiu, Lard Boy and Lu Yawen were invisibly influenced by Shi Zhijian's majestic momentum, trying to change history, and couldn't help but feel their blood boil.

When she was leaving, Lu Yawen couldn't help but look at Shi Zhijian one more time, how she hoped that Shi Zhijian could stop her and talk to her a few more words, even just a few words.

But no.

Shi Zhijian didn't stop her, but instead called Chen Xijiu and Lard Boy.

This made Lu Yawen disappointed.

Chen Xijiu and Lard Zai were slightly stunned. Seeing Shi Zhijian's serious expression, they thought he had something important to explain, and hurriedly pretended to listen carefully.

Shi Zhijian pinched his nose and looked at the two, "Jianghu rescue, borrow a cigarette!"


"By the way, the last time Detective Sergeant Lai Luo solved the famous 'carton box' case and was highly commended by the top police officers! This day, when he finished washing up and was ready to go to bed, Jingle! The phone rang But there is another major case coming!"

The male radio host of Li's Voice was draped in a blanket, and his expression was both scared and excited. He recited Shi Zhijian's "Trendy Exciting", "Thriller and Suspense" personal biographical novel "Isn't the Golden Scales a Pool Thing-" to the announcer. --Lei Luo Biography!

Shi Zhijian's writing is not as good as Jin Yong, Ni Jiao and other bigwigs, but he is well versed in the "cool" way, and he understands that if a novel wants to make a hit and catch the audience's "expectation", it is essential!

Coupled with the "detective" and "horror" elements of this novel, as well as the black-and-white contest between the police and wits, the Hong Kong audience is fascinated by it!

For a time, as the protagonist of this novel, Laylo has become an idol in the hearts of many people, and even many people who have been in contact with Laylo can't help but wonder if the Laylo they know and the Laylo in the novel are the same person? !

In any case, under the shameless praise of Shi Zhijian, Lai Luo directly transformed into "Hong Kong Sherlock Holmes" by relying on a random novel!

At the same time, the "Oriental Daily" owned by Lu Wenya directly opened an editorial column called "Pointing to the soldiers---Loke's statement for everyone to see"!

The column published some of Lai Luo's comments on the existing laws and regulations in Hong Kong, especially Lai Luo's on-the-spot remarks. In the show, he created a virtual character "Extrajudicial Madman Zhang San" according to Shi Zhijian's intentions, telling how Zhang San escaped sanctions with the help of the law. Short stories, humorous and humorous to popularize legal knowledge for the public, and are well received by readers!

In order to assist this column of the "Oriental Daily", the "Commercial Daily", which has always been published with a high profile, actually "reprinted" the story of the extrajudicial madman Zhang San the next day! Taking Laidlaw's column to a new level again!

For a while, people in Hong Kong knew that the former Inspector Lei, not only solved the case, but also knew the law like the back of his hand.

Just when the public gave countless praises to this talented Inspector Dou Lei, Lai Luo personally took to the streets to donate food and clothes to the poor people according to Shi Zhijian's arrangement, and once again showed his image of loving the people like a son!

As Laylo's competitor, Ghost Smith finally knows what a "crisis" is!

He thought that by virtue of his identity as a ghost guy, he would have a 90% chance of winning the parliamentary seat this time, but he didn't expect Laiduo to be so powerful, pressing him step by step!

Fortunately, he was soft in front of Bailiqu and Bailibing before.

In response to the broadcast of "Lei Luo Biography" on the radio, Bailiqu directly ordered Li's Voice Radio to stop broadcasting the show by taking advantage of his identity as a judicial boss. The reason was that an old lady had a myocardial infarction because it was too scary to listen to this show!

Immediately after in response to the "Lei Luo's Statement" column launched by the "Oriental Daily", Bailiqu contacted the news media audit department to suspend this column for rectification on the grounds that it "affects the social harmony of Hong Kong"!

Finally, in response to Lai Luo personally taking to the streets to do charity work, Baili Qu instructed Chen Zhichao, Yan Xiong and others to use the excuse of "maintaining traffic safety near the New Year", so that Lai Luo could only "help the poor" in the remote areas of Hong Kong's New Territories and Kowloon. , can not appear in the downtown area.

At this moment, "power prevails over everything" is vividly reflected!

Under Bailiqu's deliberate suppression, Lei Luo's soaring momentum finally fell! At the same time, Ghost Smith frequently appeared on TV and newspapers to promote his views, and also organized speech conferences on the streets, named "Smith Talks to You", to build momentum for himself to gain a seat in the parliament!

And just like that, the battle between Laylo and Smith began to tear his face away!

Hong Kong people are on both sides, some support Lai Luo, and some support Ghost Smith. Generally speaking, there are many Chinese in Hong Kong, and the number of people who support Lai Luo is several times larger than that of Smith!

However, as Smith himself said, Hong Kong is a colony of their British Empire, and who will be elected as a member of parliament in the end, the people in Hong Kong don't care, it is the high-level government who decides this matter!

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