Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 995: The show is on!

"How did you come?"

"Why can't I come?"

Dai Fengni and Li Xuexuan confronted each other as soon as they spoke, and people around them were afraid that the two would fight directly.

Fortunately, Liu Jianxiong, Zou Wenhuai and others welcomed him at this time.

Dai Fengni came to support Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai this time on behalf of her eldest brother Dai Fengnian. Dai Fengnian had contacts with Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai in the Shinhwa Group before, and they were considered acquaintances.

Dai Fengnian was very embarrassed after his sister made a scene at Shi Zhijian's wedding last time, and has not appeared in public for a long time.

This time, Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai sent him my invitation post and asked him to come to the ceremony. Dai Fengnian pretended to be sick and wanted to refuse to participate.

Dai Fengni didn't care about this. Although she was a girl, she had much thicker skin than her elder brother. Not only did she come here in place of her elder brother, she also brought all the men and horses to show off their power.

The Hong Kong Ricci Group, where Li Xuexuan belongs, has a close relationship with Shao Daheng. In particular, the two sides have jointly established TVB TV station. This time Shaw is going to shake hands with Jiahe to make peace, and Li Xuexuan will come to watch the ceremony on behalf of Lixuan.

Unexpectedly, the two of them collided at the gate with a narrow road.

"Miss Dai, this way please!"

"Miss Li, this way please!"

Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai greeted each other and took them apart.

"Humph!" The two beauties snorted at each other, and separated each other with a blank look.


The ceremony was scheduled for three o'clock, and it was ten minutes away.

Liu Jianxiong looked at his watch with an impatient expression: "Then Shi Zhijian shouldn't come?"

"I met him in person, and he said he was coming!" Zou Wenhuai said.

"The death of the surname Shi needs face, so he will come here on purpose to lose face?" Liu Jianxiong sneered, "If it were me, I could just find a representative to come over and walk around and save face!"

Hearing what Liu Jianxiong said, Zou Wenhuai was a little uncertain. It seems that Shi Zhijian is also a prominent figure in Hong Kong. According to normal thinking, he should cherish feathers.

All the guests around were seated, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Media reporters also set up long guns and short cannons waiting to report.

Shao Daheng drank a cigar, crossed his legs, and squinted at everything in front of him. Next to him, Zhou Duwen, his loyal servant, stepped forward and said, "Uncle Six, today's live broadcast is going to be yellow, so Shi Zhijian won't be so stupid to come here and lose face. !"

Shao Daheng didn't speak, he just blew out a smoke ring, and then said: "Wait and see, if he doesn't come, this scene will not work! Then let's go! Today everyone thinks that the surnamed Liu and the traitor are the protagonists, Who knows that Shi Zhijian is the real hero!"

the other side.

"Miss, let's just sit for a while and go! There's nothing to see here! Also, the person surnamed Shi won't come here!" Master Su leaned in front of Dai Fengni and said eagerly.

"How do you know he won't come?" Dai Fengni glared at Master Su.

Master Su blinked: "You think, today he was kicked out by Jiahe, and he won't be able to play in the movie circle in the future! How could he do such a shameful thing? Unless he has a funny head and is crazy!"

"You're smart, just bash you in the street!"

"I'm smart enough, but I'm not too smart to jump on the street!"

"Dare to talk back?"

Master Su hurriedly retracted, "People tell the truth!"

Not far.

"Miss Li, from now on we come here to give face to Shao Daheng. Besides, we are not familiar with that Liu Jianxiong and Zou Wenhuai - especially that Liu Jianxiong, I think he has a big nose, small eyes and high cheekbones! People who can share misery, can't share wealth, can't make deep friendships!" The ghost guy Wen Zedong said to Li Xuexuan.

Li Xuexuan smiled: "Are you a ghost guy, when did you know how to help people look at photos?" He said, but he looked towards Liu Jianxiong. Sure enough, Liu Jianxiong was proud of his spring breeze, and he was greeting guests at the moment, and he was talking with those big tycoons and tycoons. Played hot.

"Miss Lee, I'm telling the truth! Although I'm a foreigner, I appreciate Chinese culture very much, and I occasionally watch "The God of Linen" and the like!"

"You are kind."

"Mainly to be able to help Miss Leigh!" Wenzelton said, "Besides, I'd like to know—"

"You know what?"

"Did you come here today for that... Shi Zhijian?"

Li Xuexuan sneered condensed beads on his face, and looked at Wen Zedong sharply.

Wenzelton said in panic: "I didn't mean that, I just asked casually!"

"Remember your identity!" Li Xuexuan said sharply, "You are just a servant of our Li family, just say what you should say, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

"Yes! Miss Lee!" Wenzelton was sweating profusely.

at this time-----

"Hey, Hong Kong tycoon Shi Zhijian is here!"

A voice said loudly.

In an instant, everyone at the scene couldn't help but look towards the door.

Liu Jianxiong was taken aback!

Zou Wenhuai is overjoyed!

Shao Daheng was biting his cigar and smiling happily!

Dai Fengni and Li Xuexuan both looked at the door with different expressions!


The spotlight flashes!

The media reporters all set up guns and aimed at the Bentley sedan.

When the car door opened, Shi Zhijian had a big back and changed his style from the past. This time he even wore a black suit.

The black suit and bright leather shoes made him more mature and stable, and with his handsome face, he was even more aura than many Shaw Brothers stars!

"Sure enough, it's Shi Zhijian!"

"Shi Zhijian is here!"

Without waiting for the audience to come forward, the gang of media reporters swarmed up, directly leaving Liu Jianxiong, Zou Wenhuai and other hosts behind.

Seeing Shi Zhijian being so popular, Liu Jianxiong didn't know what it was like in his heart. He has always regarded himself very highly, thinking that if he had not been suppressed by Shi Zhijian, he would have stood out already! He even thought that the reason why Shi Zhijian was successful was because his luck was better than his own! This time, it would be cool to hit Shi Zhijian in the face of being an independent portal!

But now--

Liu Jianxiong once again saw the gap between himself and Shi Zhijian. In terms of popularity alone, Shi Zhijian crushed him several times!

Liu Jianxiong clenched his fists and pierced his nails into his flesh.

"Let's go too, they are guests after all!" Zou Wenhuai said when he saw Liu Jianxiong's face was not good.

"You're right! We are the host, and we should know how to treat guests!" Liu Jianxiong let go and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Shi, can I do an interview for you? What do you think of the Shaw Brothers movie "Love Saint"?"

Gu Wan

"Mr. Shi, how do you feel about quitting Jiahe this time?"

Media reporters handed the microphone to Shi Zhijian, wanting him to say a few words.

Chen Huimin and Dasha helped open the way in front, while the fat lawyer Liang Youcai followed Shi Zhijian and walked into the hall.

Shi Zhijian waved to those reporters and said, "No comment!"

After finally entering the hall, our own security guards came out to help maintain order, and temporarily stopped those media reporters outside, lest they harass the guests.

"Ajian, hello! I didn't expect you to come here!" Liu Jianxiong smiled and shook hands with Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian is one year older than him, and the two are considered young, but when Liu Jianxiong was a child, he often bullied Shi Zhijian, who was thin and strong.

After Shi Zhijian became famous, Liu Jianxiong joined Mythology, and when he met Shi Zhijian, he respectfully called him "Mr. Shi" or "Brother Jian". At this moment, he directly changed the name to "A Jian". The meaning is obvious. I, Liu Jianxiong, are no longer you. Brother Shi Zhijian!

"Today, you and Jiahe achieved great things, of course I want to come over to congratulate you!" Shi Zhijian looked calm and shook hands with Liu Jianxiong with a smile.

"Mr. Shi, hello!" Zou Wenhuai stepped forward.

Shi Zhijian shook hands with Zou Wenhuai: "Today is the second time we meet!"

Zou Wenhuai smiled embarrassedly, remembering that he was afraid that Shi Zhijian would not come, but also ran to stimulate him personally, which made him a little bit of a villain.

"Mr. Shi!" He Guanchang stepped forward.

Shi Zhijian shook hands with him.

"That... I'm sorry!" He Guanchang whispered.

Shi Zhijian smiled and patted his shoulder: "It doesn't matter! People go to high places!"

He Guanchang's eyes showed gratitude.

Seeing this, Liu Jianxiong looked unhappy.

Zou Wenhuai was embarrassed again. In contrast, He Guanchang was much more affectionate and righteous than him.

"Shao Daheng, long time no see!" After Shi Zhijian greeted the group, he took the initiative to walk up to Shao Daheng sitting on the VIP seat.

Shao Daheng saw Shi Zhijian come over, so he got up from his seat, held a cigar and shook hands with Shi Zhijian: "It's not too long!" After that, he looked at Shi Zhijian's clothes, "I rarely see you wearing a black suit!"

Shi Zhijian smiled: "I feel that white is not suitable for this occasion! It is still black and solemn and atmospheric!"

Shao Daheng nodded, "I saw you passing through once, when Mrs. Xu died..."

Shi Zhijian laughed: "Uncle Six, you really know how to joke! I'm here to sign the withdrawal contract, not to express my condolences!"

Shao Daheng also laughed, "I'll tell you too much! Just listen to everyone!"

Liu Jianxiong and others were originally a little unhappy, but after hearing this, they squeezed out a smile, "It's not fun if you don't talk or laugh! Sixth Uncle, please sit first, the ceremony will begin soon!"

Here Shi Zhijian took the initiative to say hello to Dai Fengni, "Where's Eggy, is he okay?"

"Why, I miss your son? You cold-blooded guy!" Dai Fengni whispered next to Shi Zhijian's ear, "I will never suffer for Dai Fengni to walk in the world! If you don't take out the milk powder money, I will let your son not even have any leftovers. Gotta eat!"

Before Shi Zhijian could speak, Master Su suddenly interjected: "Don't worry, Mr. Shi, Young Master Dandan is doing very well! The white plump who was taken care of by our young lady has gained two pounds this month!"

"Shut up!" Dai Fengni glared at Master Su.

Master Su hurriedly covered his mouth and muttered in a low voice, "I'm doing it for your own good too! Why do you use Young Master Dandan as a gunner if you can't get along with him? Young Master Dandan is so cute, he always giggles!"

Shi Zhijian didn't want to entangle with Dai Fengni, this crazy girl, and was about to leave, but Dai Fengni reached out and grabbed him. The media outside got excited and raised their guns and aimed them here-----

Dai Fengni realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly let go of Shi Zhijian and said, "Hey, I'm still taking care of the business on Baodao, you don't want to go back! That's my hard work!"

Shi Zhijian nodded, "It's better to find something serious for you to do, so that you don't go crazy all day long!"

"Are you crazy?" Before Dai Fengni could fight back, Shi Zhijian had already drifted away!

"He called me crazy? Pu your mother's!" Dai Fengni put her hands on her hips, her anger was not at all.

Master Su Duo said: "You Pu his mother, you are Pu Dandan's grandpa and grandma... You will get retribution!"

"Retribution for your size!" Dai Fengni hated so much that she slapped Master Su's head hard.

Master Su covered his head, bared his teeth and grinned, thinking that I don't know if my bitter plan will succeed or not, and I don't know if the surnamed Shi has seen it or not? Now that the eldest miss has his child, the two are determined to be together in the end. When the surname is Shi, I will be my master. Thinking of my contribution today, how much will you take care of me?

Not far away, Li Xuexuan could clearly see the conversation between Shi Zhijian and Dai Fengni, and he despised Dai Fengni as a crazy woman with no quality at all! It's like the devil of the rivers and lakes! I don't know how people like Shi Zhijian would like such a woman and have a child with her? !

Just when Li Xuexuan felt contempt in his heart, he saw Shi Zhijian walking towards him.

Wenzelton reminded behind her: "Miss Li, the surnamed Shi is here!"

Li Xuexuan snorted and stood up slowly with a firm posture.

In her opinion, Shi Zhijian will greet her, she has to be more reserved and arrogant not to give him a good look, at least to get back the face that she lost last time!

Shi Zhijian walked up to her——

Li Xuexuan raised his chin slightly, revealing a smooth and white gooseneck, and held out his hand proudly-----

Shi Zhijian brushed past her without even looking at her. He shook hands with the man sitting next to Li Xuexuan and said, "Inspector Cao, long time no see! How are you?"

"Very good! You can still film! But you are getting more and more handsome!" Looking at that person again, it is Cao Dahua, known as the "Tie Man of the Silver Altar"!

Because Cao Dahua played the role of "Detective Hua" in movies, he was called "Detective Cao" by familiar people, which seemed affectionate.

Speaking of this, Cao Dahua is also a strange person. In 1960, he once owned a property of more than one million, half a street of properties, and was also the owner of the Youqiao studio. He was the first person in Hong Kong to own a Dodge automatic car. But because of a temporary gamble, I lost all my money in Macau.

As for Shi Zhijian and Cao Dahua's acquaintance, it was when Shi Zhijian asked Lei Jukun to cooperate with him in the cinema line, and not long after Golden Harvest was established, Cao Dahua Cinema Line had cooperated with Golden Harvest, and the two sides were also old acquaintances.

Li Xuexuan stretched out his hand and was ignored by Shi Zhijian, looking extremely embarrassed at the moment!

She coughed and hurriedly retracted her hand.

Behind Wenzelton and Niu Xiong pretended not to see.

At this moment Li Xuexuan's lungs are about to explode with anger, her pretty face blushed like an apple, and her usual posture of a goddess of icebergs is gone!

How dare Pu Jiejian ignore me?

What am I in his heart?

Why would he do this to me?

Li Xuexuan asked three times in his heart!

She was definitely not like this before, but since she and Shi Zhijian passed that night...

What did the talented girl Zhang Ailing of the Republic of China say?

At this moment, Li Xuexuan didn't realize that his mood had changed much compared to before!

Just when Li Xuexuan was thinking about it——

With a bang, the golden gong rang!

The equity transfer ceremony officially started this afternoon!

After Shi Zhijian and Cao Dahua finished talking, when he heard the sound of the golden gong, he looked back at the stage and knew that a good show was about to be staged!

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