Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 1001: 1 world, 2 brothers!

It is not the first time that Shi Zhijian and Bruce Lee have known each other. To be precise, the two have had two profound encounters.

The first time was at the airport, when Bruce Lee returned to Hong Kong for the first time, Shi Zhijian recognized Bruce Lee and gave him a business card. The second time was during the Chinese New Year last year. At that time, Shi Zhijian encountered a killer on the street. It was Bruce Lee who acted bravely and came to the rescue!

It can be said that Shi Zhijian and Bruce Lee have a close relationship.

Now that Shi Zhijian established Xinyicheng Film Company, he immediately thought of Bruce Lee, but it happened that Bruce Lee did not develop well in Hollywood and planned to develop in Hong Kong. After returning to Hong Kong, the ambitious Bruce Lee immediately went to Shaw Brothers, a giant in the movie industry, hoping to get a chance to be reused by Shao Daheng. reject.

When Bruce Lee was helpless, Shi Zhijian found him, threw out an olive branch and directly handed the Xinyi City to him to take care of!

Bruce Lee was grateful for this, and thought that Shi Zhijian was his nobleman and his best friend!

At this moment, Bruce Lee announced his identity in the presence of many Hong Kong movie giants with a proud expression. He then talked about the future development of Xinyicheng and his first movie to be filmed in Xinyicheng.

"Thank you for your support! The first movie of our Xinyicheng has been decided, which is the kung fu movie starring Bruce Lee----"Big Brother Tangshan"! I hope you will join us at that time!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he threw the scene to Bruce Lee and let Bruce Lee communicate with everyone. As for him, there are more important things to do!


Lai Luo Mansion, Hong Kong.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the Lei House was a little deserted.

"Cough, cough, is it New Year's Day today?" Lai Luo leaned on the bed with a dejected expression.

Bai Yuechang looked at her husband and said with a smile: "Lard Boy, Chen Xijiu, Ding Yongqiang and others came to see you just now and wish you New Year's greetings, don't you know?"

"Really?" Lai Luo scratched his head, "It seems that such an illness doesn't even have a good memory! Lard Boy, Chen Xijiu, and Ding Yongqiang are all here? Are there any less people?"

Of course Bai Yuechang knew what her husband was asking, and couldn't help laughing: "Who else do you want to come over? Ah Jian, right? He's afraid he won't be able to come over!"

"Why?" Lai Luo looked at his wife, "He's my brother, so it's right for me to come and greet me during the new year!"

"He's very busy! He's now a member of parliament! Listening to Sha Qiang and Xi Jiu, many people are going to him tonight to pay New Year's greetings. In addition to the ghost government officials, there are also Li Jiacheng, Li Zhaoji and other big bosses of Xiangjiang!"

Lai Luo's face showed desolation: "No wonder, why do I feel that my home is so deserted! It was not like this in previous years, so those people ran to see Ah Jian!"

"Hey, don't be so downcast, okay? How can you say that Ah Jian is also your brother, his prestige is equal to your prestige! You should be happy for him!"

"Of course I'm happy for him! Look how brightly I smile, as Ah Jian always said, showing eight teeth!"

Bai Yuechang glanced at her husband, laughing harder than crying!

"Tonight is New Year's Eve, don't lie in bed all the time, get up and exercise!" Bai Yuechang wanted to help Lai Luo get up from the bed.

"No, my arm still hurts, I don't have the strength!" Lai Luo shook his head and sighed.

"It's so hard for me to do this all the time! The doctor said that you are more than half healthy and can do a lot of things." Bai Yuechang said angrily.

"Really? That's what the doctor said? He's not me, how does he know if I'm okay?" Laidlaw waved his hand, then pointed to the quilt, "Cover that on me, I'm going to sleep!"

"So early? It's only nine o'clock!"

"It's getting late. Tomorrow will be the sound of firecrackers again, making people unable to sleep----I'm sick and need a good rest!"

Seeing Lei Luo say this, Bai Yuechang reluctantly took out the quilt and covered him.

Here, Lei Luo had just tucked his head into the quilt and was about to squint for a while when he heard the housekeeper knock on the door and said, "Master, someone came to see you!"

Lei Luo showed his head under the quilt: "Come and see me, let him go first! I'm tired and need to rest!" After that, Lei Luo said to Bai Yuechang, "Go out and have a look first, and send someone to leave. Be polite, don't let people think that our Lei family doesn't understand etiquette."

Bai Yuechang nodded and walked out. Xuyi came back and said to Lei Luo, "It's the lame man!"

"It's Ah Hao. Could it be that he still comes to see me with inconvenient legs!"

"Then why don't you call him in?"

Lai Luo blinked: "Then let him in."

Before Lei Luo finished speaking, he heard a loud voice from outside: "Brother Luo, are you all right? I'm here to greet you in advance!"

As he spoke, he saw Li Hao biting a cigar and arrogantly barging in from outside with a cane.

Lai Luo shook his head: "Ahao, don't be so loud! I'm not deaf yet!"

The lame man smiled and bit his cigar, "I care about you! Let you and I be good brothers!"

"Have a heart, you've seen me, I'm fine, I can't die!"

"But why do I feel that Brother Luo, you are stunned? Are you uncomfortable? I know many ghost doctors. If I have a medicine and food, I will be very excited!"

"Excited, you bastard! I am recovering from an injury, not really sick!"

"Oh, yes! You were shot in your left arm!" Lai Hao muttered a few more words, but his eyes were aimed at Lai Luo's private collection of wine cabinets, and the wine bugs crawled to his throat: "That's right, Brother Luo! I Seeing that you are in a bad mood, I know what Dr. Ghost Guy told me. If you are in a bad mood, just drink a few glasses of wine. I heard that you have a collection of red wine from the 1940s here.

Lai Luo rolled his eyes, "I have a heart! I can't drink alcohol now!"

"It doesn't matter! If you don't drink, I'll drink a little bit, and it can be considered a wine tasting for you!"

"Uh, I'm a little dizzy, I want to sleep for a while, why don't you leave first!"

"Brother Luo, shouldn't you be a good bar that loves you?"

"How could it be? You and I, brothers, everything can be shared -- the problem is that I'm really tired!"

Seeing this, Li Hao clucked his mouth: "Well, you rest first! I'm leaving, you don't have to get up to send it!"

"I won't give it to you, let A-sister give it to you! Yuechang, give it to Ah Hao!"

"No need, I'll just go by myself!" Lai Hao smiled and leaned on crutches as he walked to the door and said, suddenly he heard his loud voice: "Hey, Ah Jian, why are you here too? Just in time, let's drink!"

Lei Luo was about to put his head back under the covers. Hearing what Lame Hao said, he was amused. This A Hao could tell all kinds of nonsense just for drinking!

"Ajian, you came back so late, Brother Luo is inside!" But it was Bai Yuechang's voice.

Lai Luo laughed again, his wife was too naughty to plot against him with Lame Hao. I, Lai Luo, are not fooled!

Before Lei Luo thought about it, he heard a voice saying, "Brother Luo hasn't slept yet, did I come a little late, did I disturb him?"

This time, it was Shi Zhijian's voice.


Lei Luo jumped up from the bed, "I didn't sleep! You didn't come late! Don't disturb me at all! Ah Jian, my good brother, you are finally here!"


Lame Hao bit his cigar and looked at Lei Luo, who was jumping up from the bed with a mournful expression. He remembered that Brother Luo was lying on the bed just a few minutes ago, and when he heard A Jian came over, he returned to the sun.

"Yuechang, quickly go to the wine cabinet and take out the red wine that I have kept for many years. I want to have a good drink with Ah Jian!" Lai Luo sat on the sofa, looking delighted.

Lai Hao rolled his eyes, just now he wanted to take a sip, but was pushed back three times, now Shi Zhijian comes, and there is a good wine reception without opening his mouth! People are more popular than dead people, and Brother Luo is too eccentric!

"Your injury is not healed, can you drink?"

"No problem! Didn't Ah Hao also talk about it just now? Doctor Ghost Doctor said that drinking a little is good for the body! Do you think it's Ah Hao?"

Lai Hao rolled his eyes again, thinking in his heart that you remember me at this time? What about just now?

Bai Yuechang seemed to know her husband's preferences very well, so she opened the wine cabinet in person, put on white gloves, and then skillfully picked out a bottle of red wine among the bottles of famous wine.

This red wine is Roman Candy produced in 1948. It is produced in Candy Manor and belongs to the kind that money can't buy. Laidlaw has been reluctant to drink it in the wine cabinet for many years. It was the same bottle of wine that the lame man was greedy for just now.

Bai Yuechang carefully took out the wine, first opened it, and then poured it into the decanter with concentration.

Lai Luo sat on the sofa in his pajamas, opened the small drawer under the coffee table, took out the cigar box made of cherry wood, opened it, took a large cigar and threw it to Shi Zhijian, and then looked at Lame Hao, Lame Hao With one in his mouth, he said, "You already have it, so you won't give it!"

Lai Hao rolled his eyes again, took a cigar and puffed out the smoke, and said, "It seems that Brother Luo, you have been paying attention to your health recently, you are also a top-quality red wine, and a super cigar, but I followed A Jian. Shaoguang, or else you won't even be able to smell this red wine!"

Lei Luo chuckled, not paying any attention to the angry words that Lai Hao said, but looked at Shi Zhijian: "Ajian, what's the matter with you coming to me so late?"

Shi Zhi firmly believed that he was playing with a cigar and glanced at Bai Yuechang intentionally or unintentionally.

Lai Luo waved his hand to Bai Yuechang and said, "I'm talking with Ah Jian and Ah Hao about something, you go and prepare some tea!"

Bai Yuechang smiled, of course she understands that sometimes a woman does not need to be present when talking between men.


After Bai Yuechang went out, Shi Zhijian said to Lei Luo: "Brother Luo, I know what you said, how much money have you bought since the police?"

"Uh, this----" Lai Luo was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Shi Zhijian's topic to be so sensitive.

"Ajian, why do you ask such a question?"

"You answer me first!"

When Lei Luo saw that Shi Zhijian seemed to be telling the truth, he looked solemn and sat up straight: "Actually, it's not much! It's only three hundred million!"

"Cough!" Li Hao, who was smoking a cigar next to him, almost choked to death! He widened his eyes and looked at Lai Luo in disbelief. With his IQ, he never thought that being a police officer would be so profitable! Many people in Jianghu have worked hard all their lives, and breaking their hands and feet may not necessarily cost tens of millions!

Shi Zhijian laughed after listening to Lai Luo's words. In his last life, didn't he watch "The Biography of 500 Million Inspector Lei Luo"---300 million? Ghost letter! It is said that the real Lai Luo's total assets are even more than 500 million!

In fact, Shi Zhijian guessed right. When Lai Luo fled from Hong Kong to Treasure Island in the last life, he was searched for all his assets, single-unit houses and real estate in prosperous areas such as Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories, as well as nightclubs, dance halls, and clubs in operation. Wait, the total value is more than three hundred million! As for the cash, money orders, stocks, etc. that have not been searched, there are countless!

Shi Zhijian didn't point out Lai Luo's lie, but picked up the cigar lighter on the coffee table, got up slightly, lit it, and handed the light to Lai Luo.

Lai Luo glanced at Shi Zhijian, handed over the cigar to smoke it twice, and then lit it. There was a faint blue smoke and a mellow tobacco fragrance in the air.

"Brother Luo, let's be honest, we've known each other for so long, we already know the bottom line, and there's no need to hide many things from each other!"

"Ajian, what do you mean by that?" Lai Luo bit his cigar and looked at Shi Zhijian with sharp eyes.

Lame Hao was biting a cigar and watching a play.

"I want to help you, but you also have to be honest with me!" Shi Zhijian bit the cigar and lit it for the first time.

Anyone who knows Shi Zhijian knows that Shi Zhijian has always liked to smoke thin cigarettes rather than eat cigars. Such scenes are rare.

"I'm not frank enough with you?" Lai Luo spread his hands, "You will definitely win if you say that I will win, but in the end, you became a member of parliament, but I was lying on the bed!"

"Brother Luo, you still blame me for saying this!"

"No! I just want you to know that I treat you as a brother! One of the world, two brothers!" Lai Luo exhaled a breath of smoke and said to Shi Zhijian.

Laihao next to him poured three glasses of red wine and handed each of them a glass. He took a glass and sat beside Shi Zhijian. While Lei Luo tasted the red wine, he said to Shi Zhijian in a very low voice: "He is a patient. Let him have some!"

Obviously, Lai Hao saw that the situation was not right, maybe this red wine is not so delicious today.

Shi Zhijian held a wine glass and touched Lai Hao with a smile.

The lame man suddenly turned his head with a little smugness on his face, and then said to Lai Luo: "Hey, set the rules first! Everyone is talking, don't get angry, the fire will hurt the liver!"

Who is Lai Luo, he didn't let the lame man show off, the purpose is to let him act as a conciliator, helping and muddying at the critical moment!

"What are you talking about, what do you do, drink alcohol!" Lai Luo frowned and said to the lame man.

"Okay, okay! I'm drinking, you guys continue to talk!" Lai Hao was holding a glass of wine and wanted to lift his legs, but remembered that one of his legs was disabled, so he leaned on the sofa, posing as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Brother Luo, no matter who owes someone's favor between you and me, we don't talk about it now! I just ask you one thing, are you going to be a poor man for a few more years, and then go outside to become a rich man, or stay in Hong Kong? Sit down to the end of this position?"

Lei Luo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Remember, you promised me to help me turn over, saying that even the police chief is afraid of me! Why are you talking about this now?"

Shi Zhijian sighed very lowly, since Lei Luo said this, it shows that money is more important than anything else, and he also wants both wealth and power!

One word, greedy!

"Brother Luo, if you want money, I can help you sit in a seat and let you buy more money! But the result is that you still have to leave Hong Kong and live abroad!"

"If you are willing to donate more than half of the money and keep a little bit in your hand, I can help you get a position and let you continue to dominate the Hong Kong police in the future!"

After Shi Zhijian finished stared straight at Lei Luo: "There are two paths in front of you now, you choose!"

Lai Luo smiled, lowered his head and took a sip of red wine: "Ajian, why do you like to talk only halfway now! You let me choose, how do I choose? I don't even know what you're talking about!"

"Brother Luo, how much more do you want me to talk about?" Shi Zhijian shook his head with a wry smile, "You are a smart person, and you knew from the beginning that the road you've been on won't last long! Is it your plan? If I hadn't suddenly appeared and changed a lot of things, Brother Luo, you wouldn't want to continue to be in the position, from Chief Chinese Inspector to Chief Inspector, and then from Chief Inspector to Chinese Superintendent !"

Lai Luo put down the glass: "Ajian, are you taking credit for saying this? It seems that without you, I can't do anything!"

The expressions on the two people's faces disappeared, and the atmosphere was a little frozen.

The lame man next to him hurriedly said: "Drink! Drink! You don't drink more, but you will suffer!"

Shi Zhijian glanced at Lei Luo, lowered his head and said lightly: "I help you because you are Brother Luo! Also, you and I are both Chinese!"

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