Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 199: [The pattern is small (guaranteed one/two)]

When everyone heard it, they admired it, and Lao Yang really understood every transaction clearly.

Lao Yang added: "Wanxiang, Chaoyun and other large-scale institutions are betting on it, which makes me more determined. Of course, I am too optimistic about Tiansheng Holdings, so I rushed to buy it on the first day of backdoor listing."

Everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter when they heard it. It was really tough at that time, but now it's easy, because it's basically doubled, and even Brother 8000 has turned from a huge loss to a profit of more than 50%.

A middle-aged man smiled and said: "If you didn't enter Tiansheng Yaoji, you really missed the opportunity to get rich. It's a pity. If you buy it from the resumption day and get it, the cumulative income will be 69 times. 69 times, oh my god. ."

Another man at the dinner also said: "I admire the fund's resumption of trading and do it, but even more admire getting it that hasn't been sold yet."

When it comes to the matter of Tiansheng Yaoji, everyone is envious. If you bought 1 million at the beginning, it will rise to 70 million in less than two years today. What kind of bull stock is in Tiansheng Yaoji's craziest years? Scumbag, the demon king's exposure technology that was 19 times that year was pressed by the demon girl and rubbed against it.

Even if you missed the craziest 2015 of Tiansheng Yaoji, buying at the beginning of last year and getting a year's return was nearly double, which is also quite exaggerated. It is not too late to take a step back and buy at any time, and the income is also considerable. .

The income of Tiansheng Yaoji this year has been slow and has come out +30% in one quarter, which can be regarded as stable as a dog.

However, none of the 26 people present bought Tiansheng Yaoji, not because they didn't want to buy it, but when they wanted to buy and realized that it was good, the current Yaoji has been limited, and they can apply for 800 yuan a day. For more than a dozen middle-class people, who are already in the millions, it is a pity that it is tasteless to eat.

Tiansheng Enchantress is currently limited for subscription. On the one hand, it is to prevent large-scale irrational funds from coming in. It really poured in 2.3 billion and then left quickly. One brother can't stand it. You just now After completing the position, he will redeem it. Well, you have to be forced to sell and realize the redemption funds for him. The stocks sold with such a large amount of funds will hit the limit for you in minutes.

In addition to blocking the inflow of irrational funds, Lu Ming also wants to add a little extra income to the general public. The daily limit is 800 yuan, which just meets the needs of ordinary people with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan to invest with idle funds.

As long as you can accept getting rich slowly, the current Tiansheng value growth mix can basically bring a lot of extra income to the general public, and as the time line lengthens, the compound interest effect will bring amazing s return.

Everyone ate and chatted together, and Brother 8000 said again: "Old Yang, is Tiansheng Holdings' 18 million unbanned dividend bearish expectation already digested?"

Lao Yang said in an orderly manner: "Tiansheng's monthly level adjustment this time has nothing to do with the lifting of the ban on 18 million shares. What if the ban is lifted? Some institutions will sell it? Impossible. This time the monthly level adjustment is Due to the tightening of currency and further de-leveraging and de-leveraging in the general environment, Tiansheng Holdings’ adjustment is basically the normal profit-taking of funds, and the lifting of the ban really requires large-scale selling. This time, it is not adjusted by five or six points, but around 20 Break the trend and fight back, or even limit down.”

Lao Yang added: "The fixed increase agency costs 3,000 yuan for the floor price, and if you spend tens of billions of dollars, you can earn 2 times a year by holding the shares? A few days ago, I asked everyone to fill up all the positions from T because I have seen it. In the first quarterly report of Tiansheng, you did not find that the number of holding institutions is close to 700, which is more than 100 more than the previous quarter. Maybe the institutions that lift the ban will reduce their holdings, but they will not. There is too much selling pressure on the disk, and the institutions that want to take over are lined up."

Another middle-aged man wearing glasses joked: "Brother 8000 is too small!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Lao Yang continued: "I won't be surprised if there are thousands of institutions in this year's semi-annual report. The asset price in the first quarterly report has increased by 76.6 billion yuan. In a quarter, everyone, this can be reflected directly after cashing out. On the quarterly income statement, a quarterly profit of 70 billion yuan, you think about such a company, not to mention the quarterly profit, the price-to-book ratio of 1.5, do you think about such a company, what is there to worry about?"

Everyone is really relieved to hear that Tiansheng Holdings' stock price looks huge, but it does not mean that its valuation is high. In fact, the market value of Tiansheng Holdings is still small, and the appreciation of asset prices is higher than the market expected. much bigger.

While eating and drinking, everyone also chatted about the topic of the capital market, and soon turned to other topics from Tiansheng Holdings. A man with a short head smiled and said: "It is said that the concept of Xiongyu New District is very popular recently, Jidong Equipment, Chuangye Environmental protection has doubled in less than a month, and Jidong's equipment has more than doubled by 1.6 times. What do you think of the recent market, Mr. Yang?"

Lao Yang ate a few peanuts and said: "The current market has switched to hot money-led concept hype again. Looking at the market sentiment, if the mood is good, it will set off a rising tide. If the mood is bad, it will be the button everywhere. Since April, the capital market has , the agency has nothing to do, so the hot money jumped out to play the leading role, and it became the hot money market for the theme concept hype, you have to control the rhythm by yourself when you hit the hot spot, just play with the warehouse, but I will not be responsible."

Another small boss who is worth tens of millions said with a smile: "What themes are you speculating, follow Teacher Yang to be Tiansheng and be happy, play hot spots to catch monsters, and sleep at night."

"that is!"

"Brothers, go one!"

Everyone expressed their approval, and Lao Yang couldn't help but smile and said, "Frankly speaking, the emotional hype of this concept theme, I won't even look at it when it rises to the sky, and in the end it's all chicken feathers. The daily limit of the board will double quickly. Don’t dream, it won’t double if you go in. The money in the world is so easy to earn, why are there so many poor people? How come 80% of the people in the capital market are losing money? Your own model, how others do it, that's someone else's business."

Everyone nodded.

Lao Yang is definitely a loyal fan of Tiansheng Holdings and Lu Anyway, whenever someone asks him what good investment opportunities he has, the answer every time is the same: buy Tiansheng stocks.

He will read every financial report released by Tiansheng carefully, and the content of the announcement will not fall behind. He will also participate in the company's conference call, including the regular annual general meeting of shareholders.

Such a high level of attention and follow-up is to understand the latest fundamentals of Tiansheng Capital. Although Lao Yang said that this is a company worth holding for decades, it does not mean that after buying Tiansheng’s stock, he will not pay attention to this company for decades. company.

Lao Yang didn't dare to do this. No matter how good a company was, he couldn't 100% rule out the possibility of not breaking a thunderbolt. If something went wrong, the risks that should be avoided should also be avoided.

After all, he has invested more than 40 million in a heavy position, and Lao Yang now has 70% of his worth on Tiansheng Holdings, so he can't bear to ignore it.


(Ps: It's the last day, please ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, and count the remaining monthly tickets at night and add more debts~~~)

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