Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 201: [It is better for me to cut it than to be cut by foreign capital (forty/seventy-three.

"Good morning, everyone, I'm Lu Ming. The formal voting meeting will be held in the afternoon. Let me introduce the other 10 directors of the company..."

The board of directors of Tiansheng Capital has expanded from 7 people at the beginning to 11 people after backdoor listing. As the founder, Lu Ming enjoys more than half of the director nomination rights, so the other 5 people on the board are nominated by Lu Ming. Ge Feng is one of the board members.

The board of directors votes on a one-person-one-vote system. In this way, adding his own vote is 6 votes. If a resolution can be passed steadily, it will firmly control the company.

It is worth mentioning that the directors of a company do not represent the interests of the company, but the interests of shareholders. Simply put, whoever nominated the director is responsible to whomever.

Of the other five directors of Tiansheng Capital, three represent external major shareholders, namely Wanxiang Group, Chaoyun Trust and Guo Jia Team Institution. As one of the major shareholders of Tiansheng Capital, they want a director seat to represent their interests. Not too much.

The other two directors are independent directors hired by Tiansheng Capital. These two directors represent the interests of all shareholders. The independent directors do not represent any shareholder and play the role of "outsiders".

The existence of independent directors is very necessary. The company needs to have an objective and neutral voice from the standpoint of the company's overall interests, and because it is an "outsider", there is no need to worry too much, and dare to make a different voice, thinking that the founder is wrong. It can be photographed correctly.

If you are unhappy, you will be dismissed. Anyway, there is a "golden parachute clause" protection. Dismissal means that the company has to compensate the independent director ten times the annual salary.

At this time, Lu Ming briefly introduced the members of the board of directors attending the meeting, and when they announced their names, they would stand up to greet all shareholders.

After completing the brief introduction, Lu Ming continued to speak to all shareholders: "We have announced the company's asset profit and loss statement, and this document is placed on our display board. You can see how our financial report is. You have talked about the annual report. We put it forward at the beginning. The general economic situation is reflected here. We will record all the events, and there are fluctuations every quarter. The table will show our official explanation."

At this time, Lu Ming added to the camera: "Shareholders who failed to arrive at the scene can watch the live TV broadcast, the official website also has a rebroadcast, and it will be announced at around 3:00 this afternoon, so that you can fully understand and quickly know our financial situation. The data does not fully show the actual situation of the company, but our current operating performance."

Lu Ming took a sip of water and continued to speak: "Today's question, the institutional analyst is on my right and the journalist is on the left. They will ask some questions. Both sides will ask questions in turn. In the next 5 hours, we can fully understand, that is, Some important matters that have happened now, of course, I don't know what questions you will ask later, what kind of situation will we have in the process of business operation, etc., but we will not easily disclose what we want to buy, but we have many questions. It can help you answer.”

The general meeting of shareholders is going on here, and today's stock market also opened as scheduled. Tiansheng Holdings continues to follow its own independent market as always, and the broader market is a day of pulling crotch. Big A opened directly lower today, breaking the 3100-point integer mark.

The concept of Xiongyu New District has also begun to differentiate today. The three giants of Jidong, Entrepreneurship and Xianhe are all weakened today, and there is no closing board.

At the opening of the market, 10 stocks were pressed to death on the limit-down board. Without exception, all of them were small and medium-cap stocks. The flameout of the theme concept caused the market to fall into a downturn. Basically, you can close the software and no longer need to watch the market.

Many shareholders are watching Tiansheng Capital's annual shareholders meeting through the Internet, and chatting while watching, but the shareholders who eat melon basically have no interest in the content of the meeting, which can be said to be boring. Although they speculate in stocks, they do not understand many things I don't want to hear either.

On the contrary, everyone's discussion of Lu Ming himself was quite hot. Everyone admired the hero of the wild. This is not a derogatory term, but a great admiration for Lu Ming's legendary and mythical self-made man.

At the age of 25, the vast majority of retail investors are ten years or older than Lu Ming, but Goose himself is still chasing the ups and downs of the big A. At the age of 25, he is not only the richest man in Asia, but also is expected to surpass Bill. Gates became the richest man in the world, the founder of a company with a market value of more than 700 billion yuan, and also manages nearly 2 trillion in assets.

A comparison can only sigh in addition to emotion.

Time passed by, and at the shareholders meeting, all the attendees were silent and silent, and Lu Ming's voice still resounded throughout the audience.

"...Tiansheng is an investment institution and asset management institution, and the capital market is a must-talk at the meeting. Compared with the continuous bullishness of European and American stock markets, even the Hong Kong stock market, which has been sluggish for many years, is also rising, and the domestic stock market is still bearish. The air is full of air, and overall, the domestic stock market has continued to fall in the first half of the year, and it has been around 3,000 for a year and a half."

"Generally speaking, the market is currently experiencing a lot of differentiation. I have noticed that 80% of the stocks have fallen, and the average decline has exceeded 2016. Among them, 30% of the stocks have hit new lows, but at the same time about 5% of individual stocks are currently trading at or near their 2015-2016 highs."

"Indices are differentiated. The lowest point of the ChiNext Index has reached near the low point of the previous two rounds of stock market disasters, but the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 has hit a new high since 2016. Since this year, various negative interests have concentrated on small and medium-sized stocks, and in deleveraging, In the context of monetary tightening, stocks with high valuations and poor performance bear the brunt."

"As of the last quarter, the PE of the main board, SME board and ChiNext were 15 times, 44 times and 57 times respectively. Although the valuations of the SME board and ChiNext have been falling, the valuation of ChiNext is still in 2010. Over the years, the mid-to-high position and the small and medium-sized board are in the middle position, which are significantly higher than the mid-to-low position of the main board."

Speaking of which, Lu Ming called up a set of data and put it on the display board on the main screen of the conference. All shareholders including Lao Xiao couldn't help but turn their attention to the data on the screen.

With a relaxed smile, Lu Ming said to the shareholders in the audience: "However, the rate of return of Tiansheng Capital's investment in the past year, including this year's stock assets, has been very gratifying. In short, our investment direction can be used in 12 It can be summed up in one word: high-quality company, core assets, and great beauty! The market has also proved to us that the original judgment and choice were extremely correct, and it has brought rich returns to all shareholders and our LPs. Our future The investment direction still revolves around these 12 characters as the main layout.”

When the melon-eating shareholders who watched Tiansheng Capital's annual shareholders meeting heard Lu Ming's remarks, they were stunned.

What's wrong? What exactly happened here? Why did the first brother also start to advocate big and beautiful?


The first brother has been doing this since he started to switch to price investment. He started to make big votes last year in 2016, and he also made a whole "Tiansheng 150" investment portfolio, all of which are large-cap blue-chip stocks.

Is there really no future for small and medium caps?

Investors who hold the quilt of small and medium-sized companies feel that they can't bear it, and they really can't bear it!

The first brother is blowing big and beautiful.

At the shareholders meeting, Lu Ming said that "high-quality companies, core assets, and greatness are the things that can't be helped." He can only say that most domestic institutions are currently led by foreign capital. Funds are masters of rhythm, and they are buying big tickets madly.

Lu Ming is very clear that this trend is already on the rise. By the end of 2017, the large-ticket-generated institutional holding groups will usher in a crazy rise, and then foreign capital will accurately cash out, the institutional holding groups will crash, and domestic institutions will start chasing up and down. Bao launched a risk-taking war, which led to a big setback for the big A for a whole year, and the index was dried up to more than 2,400 points.

Foreign capital has already cashed out at a high level, leaving a large group of domestic institutions and retail investors to stand guard and infiltrate. This situation will not only happen at the end of this year, but the same script will be repeated again after seeing it, and it will be worse.

Lu Ming can only advocate "big and beautiful" now, because the market has already made a choice, and he obviously will not go against the trend.

The big ticket holding market at the end of the year was something that Lu Ming So last year, he smashed more than 200 billion into the big ticket early. of public funds.

There is now a first mover advantage.

Lu Ming's response was simple: since the end-of-the-year bundling market is an unstoppable trend, it is better to let labor and capital do the harvest than to allow foreign capital to harvest on a large scale.

When the pattern is bigger, this is to prevent a large-scale looting of the national wealth of the mainland by foreign capital, and once again smash the wealth harvesting plan of foreign capital.

Lu Ming is really qualified to talk about the pattern like this, because Tiansheng Capital's total assets of nearly 2 trillion yuan, in addition to its own investment assets, 70% of the total assets are managed by LPs.

Among these LP institutions, social security funds, pension funds and other institutions are listed, including trust institutions, which indirectly manage tens of thousands of family wealth in this society.

Tiansheng harvests the holding group market at the end of the year. In other words, the domestic wealth is transferred domestically, and the fertilizer does not flow to foreign fields.


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