Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 207: 【Sell it to me in a package of 6.5 billion (guaranteed 1/2)】


Lu Ming arrived in the capital to rest for a night. The next day, he led a delegation to the Leshi headquarters to meet with Boss Jia. Before the meeting, the two parties had already sent someone to contact him in advance, for today's meeting.

Not long after Lu Ming arrived at the Leshi headquarters, a photo of him and Ge Feng appearing at Leshi suddenly appeared on the Internet, and it quickly began to go viral.

All of a sudden it became a hot spot on the weekend news, and the major market software popped up small windows for real-time alerts:

[The founders of Tiansheng Capital, Lu Ming and Ge Feng, led a delegation to the headquarters of Leshi. According to internal sources of Leshi, Leshi may be expected to introduce Tiansheng Capital]

The photo was arranged by Boss Jia to take a photo and put it on the Internet. The so-called source claimed that Boss Jia also arranged for it. In this case, can it be said that he is not releasing fake news to the market? But can it be said that he is like a market fake news?

Among them, the four words "may be expected" are the essence of Boss Jia's operation.

As soon as the news came out, it spread quickly and attracted huge attention in the capital market, especially the 280,000 shareholders in Lux. When they saw the news, they couldn't sit still, and I don't know why it ignited again. A glimmer of hope.

"Is this helpful?"

"Old Jia, why don't you fight, you've got the first brother, you must get the first brother!"

"Can the first brother help Leshi up?"

"By the way, what is the operation of Tiansheng? I can't understand it a bit. The first brother didn't play Leshi at the beginning, and now he wants to enter the field again?"

"I have to say that Tiansheng Capital is worthy of being a top domestic capital institution. Last year's question about Leshi's debt problem, and sure enough, it has exploded now, and this thunder is not ordinary."

"One brother didn't enter last year, why should he enter this year?"

"Ghost knows, maybe they came in to buy bargains? How expensive was it last year, and it must be a bargain now."

"Brother, this has to be based on the premise that Leshi can continue to play. Whether it can continue to play is unknown now."

"The hope of 280,000 shareholders, if Leshi can settle Tiansheng, then the company's logic will definitely usher in a great reversal."

"If it weren't for the suspension, the news broke today, and the stock price at the opening tomorrow might be listed on the top of the board. Unfortunately, it was suspended."


After the news came out, there was a lot of discussion in the capital market. A lot of the latest comments appeared in the comment area under Taoba and Leshi stock. The big Vs on the Internet also joined the discussion, and made various comments and analysis to express their opinions. .

Among the many complicated voices, there is a consensus in the market that if Leshi really got the support of Tiansheng Capital, the situation may be completely different.

You must know that the support of Tiansheng Capital is not only the support of Tiansheng Capital itself. The biggest influence of Tiansheng Capital is to manage trillions of dollars for various Tiansheng-level institutions.

If Lu Ming invests in Leshi, it is equivalent to these big institutions investing money in Leshi. Most of the investment is 30% of Tiansheng Capital's own money, and the remaining 70% is the money of LPs.

For example, if Lu Ming wants to invest 20 billion yuan to Leshi this time, 30% of the investment, that is, 6 billion yuan, will be invested by Tiansheng Capital, and the remaining 14 billion yuan will be invested by LPs' money. A total of 20 billion.

Because of this, the news just came out and triggered infinite reverie in the capital market, and we are all paying attention to the follow-up progress of this news.


"Mr. Jia is very good at telling stories with the capital market. Is he also good at building cars, and is it a super car that subverts a century-old traditional industry?" Lu Ming said leisurely with Erlang's legs crossed.

At this moment, in this conference room, the two sides have been interviewing for a long time. As soon as Boss Jia came up, he started the story, and the story was very exciting.

It must be said that in the face of Lu Ming, who is much younger than him but holds super heavyweight capital energy, Boss Jia is really attentive, because as long as Lu Ming is tricked in, it will be fine in the future. Cash cow.

Spending tens of billions in, so much money can't admit a loss and get out of the game, right? Wouldn't it be all over the place then? Can only bite the bullet and continue to smash, and follow his old Jia against his will to promote the future of Lux to the market.

"Mr. Lu, you said earlier..."

Halfway through Mr. Jia's words, Lu Ming stopped him directly, and said, "The ecological story you told is very tempting, and I agree with this model, but..."

Hearing Lu Ming's approval, Lao Jia was excited on the spot, but a turning point "but" that followed made Lao Jia scolded a few words in his heart, with a serious expression on the surface. Waiting for the following.

Lu Ming looked at him and said, "I don't approve of your method, the debt of Leshi is torn apart by strides, and everything you want to do is crowded together to do everything, Tiansheng is a different place. It's that we actually want to do everything and are doing everything, but we don't do anything."

Do everything, do nothing, this is the style of Tiansheng Capital.

Lu Ming is planning a huge blueprint and a very ambitious layout. His story is much larger than the ecology told by Leshi. It is not an exaggeration to say that the ecological story told by Leshi is just his own. Just a piece of the puzzle in a blueprint.

This time I ran over to meet with Lao Jia, and the purpose was to take away a piece of the puzzle that he was going to build, which was the rich copyright library of genuine film and television.

"Mr. Lu, since you don't intend to invest money in me, please speak bluntly." Boss Jia finally became impatient, because he had already judged that Lu Ming could not be fooled into the water.

In the end, Lu Ming stopped beating around the bush and said bluntly: "I'm here this time to take over the film and television copyrights of Mr. Jia, you and sell it to me in a package."

Lao Jia, who heard this, refused without hesitation: "Impossible, this is the core asset of Lux, and it will not sell anything."

Lu Ming was not in a hurry, and looked around the other participants on both sides of the conference room, only to see that Lu Ming motioned to Lao Jia, the two moved closer to each other, and Lu Ming whispered to him:

"I know the situation that Leshi is facing now, and you know it better than me. It is a sure thing to lose more than 10 billion yuan this year. This bottomless hole cannot be filled. Everything I did was just to delay the full collapse and buy time for my own retreat. You know, I also saw the clue. If we broke up today, how do you think the market would interpret it? I am afraid it will be more than you expected. To collapse ahead of time, I only need the film and television copyright, and I don’t know anything about other broken things.”

After speaking, Lu Ming distanced himself from him as if nothing had happened, continued to sit with his back against the single-seat sofa, raised Erlang's legs again, and opened a bottle of mineral water to take a few sips.

Boss Jia's expression didn't show any change, but his heart was not calm.


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