Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 218: [Hurt each other and cut each other (forty-eight/ninety-three)…

"Mr. Lu!"

As soon as the call was connected, Lu Ming immediately ordered: "Old Qi, release 30 billion US dollars of liquidity, bring 10 billion US dollars back to China first, and bring back the other 20 billion US dollars before the third and fourth quarters respectively."

Qi Wei asked: "Is it to cash in U.S. stock assets or?"

At present, the total assets of Tiansheng QDIE are 145.7 billion US dollars, of which 35 billion US dollars are lying in the offshore RMB, the stock assets in the US stock market are about 50 billion US dollars, 400 US dollars are in the US dollar foreign exchange market, and 121 billion US dollars are in Bitcoin assets. The market value is around US$100 million, and some of the remaining billions of US dollars are in the Hong Kong stock market and other commodities.

Among these assets, only the 40 billion dollar foreign exchange is repeatedly jumping and doing arbitrage, and other assets have not moved.

Lu Ming replied: "The stock assets in the US stock market don't need to be moved. After doubling the value, there is no need to move the US stock market under the market value of 100 billion... Let's cash out 10 billion from the US dollar foreign exchange market, and the remaining 30 billion US dollars. End the long and start backhand short today.”

The foreign exchange market is definitely the most stable arbitrage tool for Lu Ming. Since the foreign exchange war came to an end at the beginning of this year, the US dollar index began to weaken, out of the trend of falling and relaying, roughly maintaining a decline for a month and a rebound for a month. And then the next month, another month of bounces, and continued down…

Lu Ming followed this rhythm to eat longs and shorts, and stably arbitrage in the foreign exchange market. Don't be too comfortable.

"Wait a minute..." Lu Ming hurriedly added: "Don't play put options this time, just use twelve times the leverage to sell short, and the vest account will increase five times."


As the saying goes, there are only three things, long and short options have been eaten for two rounds. As a force in the international foreign exchange market, Lu Ming's ability to make short-term excess profits is too obvious, and it is not ruled out that he can be attacked.

To put it more directly, Lu Ming was still afraid of being targeted by the people of Magnesium and being attacked by Wall Street.

The international foreign exchange market, where top hedge fund players and gods and demons from all walks of life gather to play against each other, must move in and out quickly. Hours or even ten minutes fall short.

Lu Ming's investment is aggressive, but it is also stable and conservative. Every time new funds enter the foreign exchange market, they will be replaced with new trading accounts, that is, a large number of vests to hide the identity of the funds, and the funds will bring profits from the market. After it came out and returned to QIDE's main account, those vest accounts were all discarded and belonged to one-time tool accounts. Of course, a large number of vest accounts were lost after one use. Of course, it will cost a lot of money, but the problem is not big, just treat it as a transaction necessary expenses.

In this way, the potential risks are minimized. Even if the European and American sides are really able to track down those vest accounts that have dealt with the QIDE main account, they are all abandoned accounts, and there is nothing in them.

No matter how powerful Laomei's intelligence capabilities are, there is always a time window for traceability. Lu Ming uses this time window to allow his funds to enter and exit the market to ensure safety and not be disturbed by unexpected external factors.

On the contrary, the investment in the U.S. stock market is not too worrying. You don’t need to do these clever tricks. With the big **** votes of Google, Nvidia, and Amazon in the old United States, you originally planned to go long for a long time. , if such a big **** ticket dares to fall through, Lu Ming definitely dares to hunt for the bottom.

For stock investment in the U.S. stock market, if the other party wants to make small moves, it will at most disgust you, such as freezing your assets, or getting entangled with you, resulting in funds being stuck there in the short term. When you want to run away, find a reason to stop you and let the asset price fall.

All of them were confiscated for no reason, and Lao Mei did not dare to do so.

Because of this, Lu Ming is working on the core assets of the U.S. stock market. Because he aimed at the weakness that the U.S. stock market cannot collapse, he aimed at the core assets. As long as the U.S. stock market is open, there is nothing to do with Lu Ming.

In fact, the capital from the north is also foreign capital, and it also targets the weakness of the big A. The management of the big A has no good way to take the foreign capital. The foreign capital is also buying core assets.

Because foreign capital has accurately studied the current domestic industry core strategy, that is, the industry direction that the country wants to promote, foreign capital has bought relevant core assets.

For example, if a certain core asset that is heavily held by foreign investors suddenly appears one or two big bullish lines, how will the market interpret it?

First, the company is a core asset, second, the company is a ticket for institutions to get together with heavy positions, third, the company's performance has soared, and fourth, the company is heavily owned by foreign investors...

The market will interpret it this way, and then the market will definitely have funds to chase the stock of this company.

You must know that foreign capital itself has a huge influence after it shows up. Many people respect the northward capital, so some people happily carry the sedan chair for the foreign capital, so the foreign capital happily distributes the chips at a high position, thus completing a round of harvesting .

Foreign capital often play this kind of routine in big A, and it is tried and tested. The key is that you still have nothing to do with him.

Its foreign capital just buys billions of dollars in the core assets of a large-cap stock with a market value of 100 billion. Does this mean that it is manipulating stocks? Obviously it doesn't make sense, but as long as foreign capital appears in a certain stock of Big A, the stock will indeed rise sharply.

Foreign capital has repeatedly and accurately hunted the bottom and escaped the top of the core assets of Big A. It is not how smart they are, but the immaturity of most investors and basic citizens in the domestic capital market.

That is, copying homework.

The company you choose is a good company, and if you follow the trend of copying the homework, it will inevitably lead to the foreign capital. Even now, many people copy the Tiansheng 150 combination and copy the homework of a brother is the same behavior.

The foreign capital’s capital is relatively large, but not too large. It buys several hundred million or more than ten billion yuan. For example, foreign capital is buying the bottom of a core asset of 30 yuan, and a large group of copying homework rushes in and raises the stock price. When it reaches 50 yuan, foreign investors will sell their stocks.

Well, the market has lost its backbone, and the copying of the homework has been scattered, so of course the stock price has been smashed down.

After the smashing down, foreign capital will use the same strategy to buy the bottom. If there are not many, they will buy a few hundred million or a dozen billion. Compared with the market value of 100 billion, it is really not much.

So the immature shareholders who copied the homework were cut back and forth, repeatedly cut, the old leeks were cut, and the new leeks came again.

Foreign investment has been tried and tested, and it has always been good.

Investors like to follow the trend, and then they are cut by foreign capital. Instead, they scold the core assets as garbage. The management of the in and out of foreign capital is in the eyes of the management, and it is also anxious to see it. 100,000,000, repeatedly cut, add up it is not a small sum.

This kind of sleazy operation of foreign capital that does not touch your bottom line is really no good way to take look at it.

Does this mean that foreign capital is manipulating stock prices? Obviously not, because it's all in accordance with the rules!

But can it be said that foreign capital is not manipulating stock prices? Obviously yes! Because it is constantly speculating and harvesting instead of normal investment.

As long as investors and Christian Democrats in the market are not mature, they will inevitably be harvested back and forth. Although Christian Democrats do not trade stocks directly, but Christian Democrats redeem funds on a large scale, the fund managers can only be forced to be under the pressure of redemption. Chasing up and down is tantamount to an immature and irrational operation by fund managers following the will of Christian Democrats.

What is happening right now is that Beishang funds are constantly buying core assets, using this routine.

Lu Ming started to buy core assets at the beginning of last year. The overall average cost is lower than that of foreign capital. This time, if foreign capital wants to cut leeks and get a big vote, Lu Ming will definitely not fulfill their wishes.

It will definitely take a step before the foreign capital raises the scythe of harvesting, and the knife will be cut together with the foreign capital, and the wealth will be kept in the country.


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