Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 232: 【interview】

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Lu Ming stayed in the trading room for a while and left early.

Large stocks rose steadily in early trading, while small stocks fell sharply at the opening. More than 2,600 individual stocks in the two cities fell, and the index further diverged.

However, after 10:30, it began to rebound, and then stopped falling and started to rebound. The large-scale small and medium-cap stocks ushered in a strong rebound. Before the end of the morning session, the National Securities 2000 Index, which had fallen by more than 3 percentage points, fell sharply. turned red.

This made the people who panicked and cut flesh in the morning vomited three liters of blood, and in the afternoon, their hearts were so angry that they stopped the rhythm of dying on the spot.

After the National Securities 2000 Index closed in the red in the early trading, it continued to rise in the afternoon trading. From a sharp drop of -3.16% in the morning to a sharp rise of +2.08% in the afternoon, the market ushered in a polar reversal, and the rising stocks in the two cities increased sharply to 2700 There are more than 100 stocks at the daily limit, and big **** and small-cap stocks bloomed in the afternoon.

The reversal in the afternoon left investors blindfolded.

From the data point of view, the profit-making effect is obvious, but in fact, most of the investors lost a lot of money today.

The major market software and forums are either cursing or laughing at themselves.

"People are floating in the stock market, how can they not get a knife; the bear market is tough, but there are still beautiful branches; when it comes to the bull market, I will smile to the sky."

"Tongda's business is a piece of garbage. I bought this garbage for 38 yuan and 5 months, and it took me more than 40 points for three months. In the morning, I cut the meat at -3.75% and I hit the daily limit. !"

"Recently I often hear from friends that there are only three people who decide the fate of Big A: stock commentators, sources, and authorities."

"Investing in stocks is like playing games. It's an exciting game of kryptonite with money. In other words, who of you can play games without throwing thousands or tens of thousands of kryptonites?"

"I was so angry that I vomited blood, Fangda Tansu died before dawn, and he earned 3 points before eating the first board of 10.6 yuan, and now we have six boards in a row, RTNND!! Alas~~~"

"I can manipulate the market, it will fall as soon as I buy it, and it will rise as soon as I sell it. I am either on the way to unwinding or on the way to unwinding. It is more accurate than the weather forecast. I saw four tickets, and the one I bought fell absolutely, and the one who covered the position also fell. I wonder if the main force has installed monitoring on my account, Fangda Carbon has been taking it for 8 months, and it has five or six boards just after cutting the meat!"

"The most helpless thing about stock trading is: when you are close to repaying your capital, the rebound stops abruptly; when you are out of the game, the demon stocks are born; when you are complacent, the thunder comes as expected; when you have no money, Good stocks are everywhere.”

"The stock market makes money and the stock market spends, and each one wants to take it home."


Today's market is a big rise in the index, and a day when most small and medium-sized retail investors lose a lot, this is the most uncomfortable and most angry for investors.

In his spare time, Lu Ming occasionally goes shopping and diving in Taobao. He has long been surprised by this situation, because this is the normal state, because no matter when, only about 10% of the people can make money in the market. And the remaining 70% or more are losing money, of course, scolding the street is the norm.

After all, everyone loses money, and it is normal to scold the street. No one will be happy if they lose money.

This afternoon, Lu Ming is going to personally interview a candidate for the CEO assistant. Since An Yirou left, this position has been vacant, and the company's human resources department is also looking for candidates.

Candidates will be interviewed in person by the boss, indicating that they have passed the previous two rounds of interviews.

The first round is the HR specialist interview, which is mainly based on stability and matching, but the CEO assistant is a senior position, and the interviewer is the HR director for the interview.

In the second round of the professional ability test, the interviewer was the director of the President's Office. In short, he must be someone who was familiar with both the boss and the assistant's work. This round of interviews was the most difficult, and the questions asked were very detailed.

"Please come in!"

In the CEO's office, Lu Ming sat on the back of a sofa in the lounge area, keeping his eyes closed and resting.

A woman in a professional OL outfit walked into the office. She glanced at the desk and saw no one at the desk, and soon saw the boss sitting on the sofa in the lounge area, and immediately moved over, "Good afternoon, Chairman. , I'm Han Qiulin, here to accept your interview."

Lu Ming opened his eyes and glanced at the sound. Han Qiulin stood quietly and looked at the boss, waiting for the other party's assessment. When she came, she had been carefully prepared, had done her homework, and scrutinized it over and over again.

No matter what part of the resume BOSS asks, she is confident that she will be able to answer correctly.

In fact, there is another applicant whose overall score is slightly higher than that of Han Qiulin, but was eliminated in the first two rounds of examination, because Han Qiulin is relatively beautiful and younger, and has a proud career line.

The candidate who was brushed out was 33 years old, and Han Qiulin was 28 years old. Under the premise that there was not much difference in ability between the two, the director of the President's Office chose Han Qiulin.

The idea of ​​the director of the president's office is that the boss's previous assistant was a beautiful woman. If he were to find someone with poor appearance, he would be dissatisfied with the boss. In addition, the boss himself was very young. to consider.

Lu Ming nodded and said, "Well, the interview is over, I passed."

Hearing this, Han Qiulin couldn't help showing a small dazed expression. After being stunned for a while, she couldn't help but said, "Chairman, I...I just passed it?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming stared at her and asked, "If you don't pass like this, how else do you want to pass?"

Passing the first two rounds of interviews means that there is no problem in terms of ability. As for the last round of the boss's personal interview, frankly speaking, whether you can pass here is more about whether the boss likes it or not. It can be seen that the third Round interviews are the most important and the least important.

When Han Qiulin heard the rhetorical question from the BOSS, she was speechless for a while.

Just for the last interview, she had meticulously prepared for three days, but she never expected to pass the interview, and she felt like she had done all her homework in vain.

Then again, bosses are always weird. According to Jack Welch: only the paranoid can succeed. "Normal bosses" may fail in the process of starting a business. How many survive? Few are different from ordinary people.

Han Qiulin could only say so to herself in her heart.

But it's obviously a good thing to be able to pass so easily.

After successfully passing the last round of interviews, Han Qiulin can become a regular as long as she passes the three-month probation period. The CEO assistant is one of the core executives of the company. gap.

The company offered Han Qiulin an annual salary of RMB 5.36 million before tax, which is much less than the annual salary of the assistant general manager of Haitong Securities of RMB 12.949 million.

Among the A-share financial executives, there are 535 people with an annual salary of more than one million Among them, the top 40 have an annual salary of more than 5 million yuan, basically from financial insurance and brokerage institutions.

Han Qiulin's salary during the probationary period is calculated at 80% of the annual salary. During the three-month trial period, the monthly salary is 357,300 yuan, and 100% of the salary can only be obtained after waiting for the regularization.

At the end, Lu Ming looked at Han Qiulin again, "Find Manager Su to take over the assistant's office, and then go to the president's office to hand over the work, and take office tomorrow."

"Okay, thank Chairman Xie for his trust in me." Han Qiulin was also very happy when the last level passed so smoothly.

Lu Ming nodded: "Go on with your business."

Han Qiulin turned around and walked towards the door of the office. Lu Ming admired the graceful figure outlined by her professional OL outfit with great interest. She was very satisfied with the new assistant, Mr. Lu. Chicken legs raise wages.


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