Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 241: [This time, I will do risk hedging]

The layout of the peripheral market Lu Ming didn't plan to watch the night market in person. He arranged the general situation at the internal meeting and let Qi Wei handle it, unless there was an emergency or there was not enough manpower.

Staring at the plate in the middle of the night?

Isn't it fragrant to sing and sing every day in Happy Peach Blossom Garden?

Qi Wei and others who attended the meeting have prepared the minutes of the meeting. The Tesla stock rose to a maximum of 387 US dollars, and now it has dropped to around 383 US dollars. When the global stock market fell sharply at the beginning of last year, Tiansheng Capital distributed 1 billion US dollars. The left and right are buying 6 million Tesla shares to go long, with an average cost price of USD per share.

At that time, it accounted for 4.56% of Tesla's total share capital. Now Tesla's total share capital has increased to 164.2597 million shares. Tiansheng QDIE's investment has been diluted to 3.65%, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, investing in the US stock market is just a matter of To make money, it's fine as long as the stock price is rising.

Tesla’s stock price has risen from the lowest point of US$141 last year to more than US$383 now. Tiansheng QDIE’s profit from this investment is 1.3 billion US dollars, and the corresponding option income is also 800 million US dollars. U.S. dollars, Tesla's investment made a total of $2.1 billion.

After the profit-making sell-off, Qi Wei, who was responsible for executing the order, was shorted backhand. Tesla was in trouble for the next two years, and its stock price once plummeted by -51% from the current high point, halving!

In the next two years, Tesla's stock will also have a huge and wide fluctuation. The 30% amplitude is not much worse than that of AMD. Moreover, Tesla's market value is four times that of AMD, and the trading volume is large. It means that large funds can be used to make the market. In the next two years, Tesla will fluctuate between long and short positions four times, which means that it can take the profits of long and short positions four times, and finally go long when it is cut in half.

Tiansheng Capital has the background of Wall Street LP institutions, and Lu Ming can also better jump in the U.S. stock market repeatedly. Tesla's stock has Lu Ming tossing in it, and the amplitude may be greater than the previous life.

The real main upswing of this stock will not start until the second half of 2019. Although there will be another halving in 2020, this T cannot be done, because the halving is too fast, and it will be halved in about a month. In order not to leave a handle on the people of Magnesia, we can only give up this opportunity to arbitrage the interest rate difference, and eat to the end in one go. After eating ten times the main Shenglang, after the recovery of the rights, the income is 20 times, and it is stable and happy.

But this time, let Qi Wei understand the profit plate and short Tesla backhand, so there is no superimposed leverage, because the three major Wall Street LP institutions in front of 13.5 billion US dollars, the price of domestic institutions and Tiansheng Capital's own funds 6.5 billion US dollars , a total of $200 has been leveraged to $120 billion.

We can't continue stacking leverages indiscriminately. Although Lu Ming's trading style is that he has the word "Courage" on his head, he is hardworking, but he also knows that unscrupulous stacking of leverages is easy to collapse.

Lu Ming didn't want to make himself Bill Huang who lost 15 billion US dollars in this world day.

Tiansheng QDIE Fund used its holdings of US stocks to sell and arbitrage two stocks, AMD and Tesla. Lu Ming did not understand the other major stocks. Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix and other core assets of US stocks They are all in the main rising wave stage, and the future trend of these tickets does not have long-term and violent wide fluctuations like Tesla and AMD.

It is impossible for the ballast stones of these U.S. stocks to soar and plummet, and it is even less likely that they will all skyrocket and plummet at the same time node, so that the three major U.S. stock indexes will not be able to bear it and will follow the sharp rise and fall.


Today's meeting is a bit long, it has been open for more than 2 hours, and the meeting is still going on.

The core point of the meeting is to lay out the U.S. stock market. More precisely, it is to invest 120 billion US dollars of funds. Which funds should be bought with such a large volume and 5 times leverage?

Qi Wei and the others didn't dare to make up their minds anyway, their suggestions were very cautious, and they could only rely on the boss's decision.

This amount of money is too much, so much that the attendees do not know how to buy it. It is definitely not possible to focus on buying the core assets of the US stock market. With such a large amount of money, it is still leveraged funds, and it is very easy to be bought by Wall Street. against.

After all, there are others on Wall Street besides Goldman Sachs and Morgan.

The $120 billion fund has only arranged for AMD's investment. It is expected to invest about $6 billion. How to invest the remaining $114 billion? Which to vote?

Let the boss have a headache, he asked for leverage anyway.

In the document that Lu Ming handed over to Qi Wei, the place where more than 100 billion U.S. dollars went is a series of investment targets listed in it. This document is definitely the real super wealth password, and the growth of the US stock market in the next three years is more than five times. Big bull Stocks are basically inside.

However, in this document, Lu Ming chose more than half of the amount that he did not intend to invest at all, and the reason was naturally a smoke bomb.

"This time, leveraging five times the leveraged capital to deploy the U.S. stock market on a large scale, we can't be as unilateral as before, we must hedge risks!" Lu Ming looked around and said, seeing the smiles from all the participants, Lu Ming said curiously: "What are you laughing at?"

Qi Wei couldn't help laughing and said, "The chairman finally has to do some hedging action, and everyone is a little uncomfortable for a while."

The implication is, BOSS, you have always been a one-sided stud monster.

Hearing this, Lu Ming said with a smile: "Other people's sites should not be too turbulent. Although there are friends from Wall Street, there are more than just Goldman Sachs. Hedging is still necessary, so S&P 500 options are used as the main hedge. As long as there is no liquidation, there are enough hedge funds to pay for the margin payment that may fall."

If it weren't for the leveraged capital of 100 billion US dollars, Lu Ming would definitely be a one-sided shuttle, and would never do any hedging actions, because he knew the weakness of the US stock market, and it would definitely go long.

Even if it plummets in the short term, it will not be long before it will recover and break out of the all-time high.

Unless the people of Magnesium do not want to be world hegemons, unless they want to give up financial hegemony, but this is obviously impossible.

Option hedging on the S&P 500 is actually equivalent to buying an insurance policy. Lu Ming did not expect this option to bring profits, mainly to prevent him from being targeted by Wall Street in secret.

With this hedging action, the potential risks of this part are blocked, making it impossible for the other party to succeed.

The reason is also very simple. Lu Ming's layout of the 120 billion US dollars is not to focus on investing in the core assets of the US stocks, but in fact to diversify the investment in more than 300 stocks.

Wall Street wants to join forces with Zhuangzhuang to liquidate Lu Ming's position, at the cost of pulling down the three major U.S. stock indexes, which is a price that the other party cannot afford.

And Lu Ming also got hedging insurance. The three major U.S. stock indexes were brought down. The S&P 500 put option hedging income can be transferred to the margin to keep from being If this is not enough , Lu Ming can also mobilize the funds lying in the offshore RMB.

Depends on who can't stand it first!

Undoubtedly, it must be the other party who can't bear it first, because Laomei's pension funds are heavily invested in the US stock market. If the US stock market is killed too seriously, or if it does not rise for a long time, the authorities may be ousted by the people of North America. This is also a key reason why successive authorities have kept the stock market up.

Naturally, when the other party calculated the account, it was found that it was not worthwhile, thus dispelling the idea of ​​​​joining Zhuang Zhuang to snipe Lu Ming.

Judging from the nature of capital seeking profits, it is more likely that other Wall Street capital institutions will learn from Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Isn’t it all about making money in the end? Since you can make money without fighting, why bother? What's more, it's a huge risk to do so.

Is it bad to join directly?


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