Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 554: 【Structural Quotes】

Thursday, January 10.

Jia Changliang, who was very distressed at first, was suddenly enlightened after being called by his friend. He picked up his friend's contact information and called his friend early this morning.

The other end of the phone already knew that Jia Changliang's friend called him last night to say hello in advance.

This morning, I went to my destination to talk about the pledge. It was a bit related to the business and it went quite smoothly. Jia Changliang realized that without selling the stock to cash out, he successfully forwarded 1.5 million yuan of funds through equity pledge. , These money are all cash that can be spent at any time, of course, it will take a few days for the cash to arrive in the account.

Jia Changliang also officially announced that he will retire early at the age of 30, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and go to the countryside to live a slow-paced rural life with a leisurely view of Nanshan. For the hustle and bustle of the city, he lives a fast-paced life that does not stop for a moment. After getting 1.5 million in cash Disgusted afterwards.

At most, this money is only enough for the down payment in big cities. If it is not even enough in first-tier big cities, but if it is in his own hometown, with the cost of living in the countryside, this money is completely enough.

In addition, I still have more than 200,000 yuan on my body, a one-hundred-seven-eighty-eight-dollar family, to build a light and luxurious Nordic living room, and it is not a problem to buy a scooter.

And there are 100 shares of Tiansheng Holdings in hand. At the end of this year, the cash dividend is 3,750 yuan per share. Jia Changliang will be able to pay 375,000 yuan in one hand. What is this concept? The group accounts for less than 3% of the national population, and the dividends alone will win 97% of the country's compatriots.

This is the basis for daring to retire early.

In the future, asset prices will continue to appreciate. The higher the market value at that time, the more funds can be forwarded to spend, which means that in order to ensure the current living conditions, there are potential expectations for consumption upgrades in the future.

These 100 shares can bring him wealth growth while sleeping. They are Jia Changliang's biggest reliance for daring to retire in his 30s. He is now silently thanking Lu Ming. We are lucky to be able to have today's situation.

How many people also want to live a rural life but can only live in big cities. Because they work in the city, they have no source of income when they leave the city. Jia Changliang can still be rich even if he doesn't work. The 100 shares he holds in Tiansheng Holdings make his Income growth is not determined by work compensation, but instead of income by asset price appreciation.

Jia Changliang is very satisfied with his current situation. As long as he doesn't mess around, he will live a well-off life in this life.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Tiansheng Holdings plummeted in the future and the stocks in its hands were liquidated, at least a small villa and a car still have a deposit of several hundred thousand. There is a basic retreat in life, and the big deal is to look for it again. jobs.

Thousands of words can be summed up in one sentence: life has a basic retreat!


However, in today's market, while Jia Changliang is handling the pledge business, today's Big A also opened as scheduled.

The three major indexes opened slightly lower in early trading today. After the opening, the three major stock indexes all came out of a narrow range of fluctuations, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets maintained a volatile pattern throughout the day.

Zhongxin Securities, which was suspended from trading after December 24 last year, resumed trading today, and the auction opened 7 points higher, which made many retail investors have high hopes for the securities sector. After all, Ashin is also a leader in securities stocks.

In fact, some smart funds saw that Axin after the resumption of trading was far worse than expected. If it is strong today, it should be topped.

Sure enough, Zhongxin Securities dived directly after the opening, and the securities sector directly pulled its hips today.

Retail investors have said that faucets are not as good as dogs. In the current brokerage sector, Zhenlong still has to look at Tiansheng Holdings. It is difficult for the stock king to move the brokerage to have the "red envelope" market that broke out on January 4th.

Specific to the industry sector, today's top decliners are medicine, automobile, securities and other sectors.

The photovoltaic sector broke out today, and there was a daily limit trend in the intraday. More than ten stocks such as Baobian Electric, Yunyi Electric, Heshu Electric, and Longji Co., Ltd. had their daily limit. Zhonglai Co., Ltd., Yangsu Power, Tongwei Co., Ltd. Stocks such as Shida also rose.

Judging from the performance of the disk, the structural market has become more and more obvious since the beginning of the new year. If you choose the right sector and individual stocks, you will be in a big bull market, and if you choose the wrong one, you will be in a big bear market.

The index is quietly oscillating upward, but the market is generally rising, and the day when all sectors can make money at the same time is basically impossible.

And the operation of short-term funds is also more difficult, because the plate rotates very quickly. A few days ago, the big finance broke out. The day before yesterday, the automobile sector broke out with a big financial pull. Today, the automobile and medicine sector pulls the crotch, and the photovoltaic sector explodes.

The market is showing the pattern of you singing and I will come on stage. In such a market, many investors lose money in the short-term at a faster rate than a bear market that falls unilaterally. The bear market is a gloomy downturn and tortures people, but some investors who are on the wrong rhythm are often I just got slapped on the left side of the face when I cut the meat in the morning, and I also got a slap on the right side of the face when I entered the arena in the afternoon.

Those who follow the rhythm make a lot of money, but after all, they are a minority, and most retail investors are beaten from left to right.

In the current market background, people who make big money are basically in the 5G sector, which has been hilarious since December last year.

Under the circumstance that the overall market is volatile today, the 5G sector is still strong. Nearly ten stocks such as Huiyuan Communication, Bai Communication, and Dongfang Communication have their daily limit, and individual stocks such as Lixun Precision, Hengtong Optoelectronics, and Fuchun have also increased by more than 5%. %above.

The leader of the sector is also the leader in popularity of the two cities. After accelerating the T-shaped board yesterday, the market opened today and further accelerated the top of the one-shaped board. The stock price hit a record high of 41.09 yuan per share.

Since the opening of the market after the New Year holiday, investors who participated in the 5G sector are not happy. As long as they hold the targets in this sector, they are full of meat these days, because it is not a daily limit or a non-stop.

The story of 5G is very big, and on a global scale, 5G is also a hot topic. It is a wrestling field for multinational giants and even great powers to compete for the commanding heights of technology. The story is simply endless, and new stories and scenarios can be told every day. .

The leader of the East, the old demon, continues to dominate the popularity list of major market today stepped out of the acceleration one-word board, and the stock price of the old demon topped 41.09 yuan, out of 10 in just four months. From the start near the bottom of 3.7 yuan to today, the daily limit board has just won a 10-fold increase, and it has become another 10-fold big demon stock in Big A.

Time passed minute by minute, and it was the magic time of half past two.

At this moment, Feng Xiaocheng, the trader of Tiansheng Small and Medium Chuangchuang 300, was drinking hot tea and watching the market. Until 13:28, the stock movement of Dongfang Laoyao caught his attention at the end of the trading day.

The previous strong one-word board was closed until now. After 2:30 in the afternoon, suddenly there were funds to choose to cash out the chips. A large order of 8920 lots was sold on the daily limit board, which caused a panic of funds and the withdrawal of the long order. .

However, Feng Xiaocheng was not too surprised to see this situation, but he did not come out to support the market, just watched, he did not plan to do anything with this stock today.

Then at 14:29, another 5,700 lots were sold on the daily limit, followed by another 4,750 lots. Dongfang Lao Yao exploded the board at the end of the session, and the trading volume began to explode.


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