Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 558: [The old demon will not die, but the new high will not stop]

The meeting ended 20 minutes later, and the strategic investment in the economic downturn was basically determined. The fund managers under Tiansheng Capital also made some fine-tuning of their investment strategies in the infrastructure sector after the meeting.

After all, they have to pay attention to the suggestion of the head, and it must be said that these fund managers under the same company have an advantage, that is, they will discuss in private.

For example, if I enter this ticket, don’t come here. If the plate is too small, it will not be easy to withdraw at that time. It will cause capital stampede, stock price crash and many other problems. If it is not good, it will be raised because of the concerted action. Avoid, especially small cap stocks.

Another example is the three-one, hydraulic, which can hold larger plates, etc. This kind of information sharing between large organizations is an advantage that most retail investors will never be able to achieve.

Even expanding the scope from Tiansheng Capital to the entire fund industry circle has similarities. For example, a group of fund managers have a dinner together one day, and chat about what to do tomorrow while drinking the big grass. What are you going to do next week, next month? Do medicine? Do liquor? Engage in blue chip big ass? Good drop drinking and taking medicine to get up, and go up together.

As a result, retail investors have seen that institutions are constantly buying, drinking and taking medicine, and they are going to lose their way. The typical example is the big blue-chip holding group market from the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018.

As for the crash at the back, it is because the top is too high. Some people have the idea of ​​smearing oil on the soles of their feet and running away. Then they rush and run away, and the stock price collapses. In the end, the retail investors are also stunned when they stand on the top of the mountain.

What about the "big is beautiful, core assets"? Big cheat!

It is worth mentioning that another news released today is of great concern to Lu Ming. Important figures in the management have spoken. It is necessary to promote the pilot implementation of the Science and Technology Innovation Board as soon as possible, and coordinate issuance, listing, information disclosure, trading, delisting, and investment. Reform of basic systems such as user suitability management.

In short, the launch of the Science and Technology Innovation Board is advancing rapidly, and the market has begun to pay attention to the first batch of listed companies, but it is still uncertain which companies will be, and most people do not know yet.

Before it is officially listed, everything is unknown.

As for the 150 million retail investors of Big A, they are more excited about the opening of the STAR Market. After all, there are many barriers placed there, and more than 90% of retail investors cannot speculate on the relevant targets of the STAR Market.


On Monday, January 14, there was no major bad or good news during the two-day weekend last weekend, and the first trading day of the week arrived as scheduled.

The three major indexes were mixed in early trading today. The Shanghai Composite Index and the Shenzhen Component Index opened lower, and the ChiNext Index opened slightly higher.

From the perspective of the disk, the fuel cell sector is performing very strongly today, and individual stocks such as Coors, Dewei New Materials, and Full Color Power have reached their daily limit.

The coal sector also strengthened subsequently, and stocks such as Meijing Energy, Hongyang Energy, and Shaanqi Heimao rose.

Then, the steel sector also became active, and Qining Special Steel, Shagang Co., Ltd., Yongxing Special Steel, etc. all rose to the limit.

In addition, the gold concept sector continued to be active, and individual stocks such as Jinzhou Cihang and Baiyin Nonferrous Metals rose by the daily limit.

Today's top gainers are titanium dioxide, pork, non-ferrous metals and other concept sectors, while the top decliners are new stocks, biomedicine, chips, 5G and other concept sectors that have performed strongly a few days ago.

In this way, the trend of the market can be seen that it will fall if it rises, and it will rise if it falls, but it will not rise and fall at the same time. It will continue to maintain the structural trend of the market, and the index will be a shock pattern, and it is difficult to appear continuous positive lines. or Yinxian.

For short-term investors, this kind of market is becoming more and more difficult to play. If you follow the right rhythm, it will be amazing, but if you follow the wrong rhythm, your account may explode directly.

Today, the 5G concept sector opened lower and moved lower, and there is no sign of a rebound in early trading.

At around 11:00, the decline in the sector has expanded to more than -2%.

The leader of the plate is also the current leader of the two cities' popularity, Dongfang Laoyao, which still ranks first in the popularity list today.

Last Friday, Dongfang Laoyao opened the market and was hit the limit down, but the 5G sector opened higher. Today, the opposite is true. The 5G sector opened lower, but Dongfang Laoyao's bidding result opened higher by +3.52%.

In fact, before the market today, there were several hot money who decided to continue to work **** the Oriental old demon.

Originally, everyone was worried that there would be bad news on the weekend. The biggest bad news was that the village chief would send an inquiry letter or even go directly to the small black house. But the paradox is that the two weekends have passed, and the old monsters in the east have turned into such villages. Chang didn't even mention it.

Good guy, all the funds in the market have seen this situation and said in their hearts: Yes, we understand the village chief!

Keep up the good work this week!


After the opening of the market at 9:30, the old demon quickly shot up to +6.95%, and the stock price also hit 40.01 yuan, just 1.08 yuan to hit a record high.

At this time, all kinds of funds and retail investors are very excited. The 5G sector is falling sharply, but the Eastern Demon is so strong that it has left the sector and walked out of a stronger independent market.

When the plate is weak, it is strong, and when the plate is strong, it is stronger. In the end, it is the leader, exuding a different temperament.

Retail investors never thought that the old demon was so strong. Last week, Dayin K, who was covered by a dark cloud, everyone thought that 41.09 yuan was the historical peak. Many retail investors said in the comment area that they had taken "graduation photos" and were ready to break up. .

Unexpectedly, the next day, I would walk directly out of a ceiling, and it is still high today.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the old demon in the East opened with a strong high, and the barrage of the time-sharing was shouting that the old demon will not die, the new highs will not stop, board!

However, it did not pull the board quickly, and then it rushed high and quickly fell back.

As soon as the funds inside, they quickly followed the trend and fled, because today the 5G sector has already opened and dived, and those who enter the game of the old monster in the east have basically the same mentality, that is, greed and fear are accompanied at the same time.

While expecting the old demon to continue to new highs, at the same time, he is also very afraid of flash collapse. Those involved in the hype all know that the old demon has come to this point, and there are enough reasons for diving at any time. The reason is that the old demon is really too high and too high.

It is normal for the price to fall back quickly, because the big capital has not moved at the moment, and another reason is the problem of selling pressure on the profit-making market. Last Friday, the bottom-hunting people made a profit of about 20 points all at once. These funds As long as there is no change in the main force, he will run away, and choose to be safe.

Next, Dongfang Lao Yao fluctuated within a narrow range around the time-sharing average price line.

At about 10:00, the decline of the 5G sector further expanded, and the profit-making funds could no longer carry it, and finally began to cash in profits. At this time, the Eastern Demon also broke out and quickly dived to the green, and then began to kill the panic.

Retail investors on the sidelines do not dare to enter today, because retail investors do not have the ability to choose a direction. It does not mean that it is their choice to be bullish and bearish, but retail investors simply do not dare to take the lead in charging. When only the main funds choose the direction, retail investors Only then have the direction, psychologically have the "backbone" and follow the trend.


At 10:18, there was a small change on the board of the Oriental old demon. Three 1500 lot orders continued to flow in, which also pushed the stock price from the water to the water surface and turned red, but it did not rise significantly. There was not much change, and then it began to fall back slowly, and it turned green again around 11 o'clock.

From the perspective of technical analysis, there is no sign of the daily limit in the time-sharing pattern that Lao Yao walked out today.

Until the moment of 11:05, the old demon generated a 8,500-lot order in the underwater at the price of 37.12 yuan and bought a total of 31.55 million yuan. This order was officially launched. The battle of the demon new heights.

After this order came out, the stock price quickly turned red and rose sharply to +3.32%.

It started at 11:06:08, and in the next three seconds, there were several large orders to buy, 5861 large orders were bought in 08 seconds, 4072 large orders were bought in 09 seconds, and 10~13 seconds. There are 8892 hands, 9992 hands, 8671 hands, 8992 hands, and 7992 hands in the large orders.

The stock price also rose sharply to +7%, breaking through a new intraday high.

At 11:14, the market funds began to pour in frantically, and they went directly to the daily limit to scavenge for goods.

At 11:16, Dongfang Communication's share price hit the daily limit of 41.15 yuan, completely reversing last week's Tiandi Dayin K and hitting a new record high.

The popularity of the time-sharing barrage is overwhelming, shouting that the old demon will not die, the new high will not stop, and the sky is the end.


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