Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 588: [Brother 1 teaches you to play house online]

In a sense, this "giant anchor" is also the owner of the platform, because Tiansheng Capital is the major shareholder of his old club.

At the stage of ByteDance’s D round of financing, Tiansheng Capital took out 12.5 billion US dollars to take 9’s equity, and the subsequent E round of financing also participated in a fraction, and packaged many video copyright resources from “Jobs” With 2 billion US dollars, got 15 shares.

That is to say, Tiansheng Capital now holds the shareholding ratio of ByteDance 24 and is a genuine major shareholder.

The super-manager had already reported this matter to his immediate boss, and his immediate boss was not competent enough to handle and deal with this matter, so he had no choice, and then his immediate boss also reported it to his immediate boss.

Anyway, this super tube can only burn incense and worship Buddha now. I hope the big guy will stop saying hi, he doesn't dare to block this big guy's live broadcast room.

With the previous stock king breaking through to a record high and the media sector plummeting, Lu Ming stopped talking about topics that are strongly related to the stock market in the live broadcast room.

Lu Ming looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room. The data shows that the number of viewers watching the live broadcast has exceeded the 500,000 mark.

The barrage comments at the moment are simply incomprehensible. There are still many melon-eating viewers who are constantly rewarding and giving gifts. Lu Ming knows that these viewers are all curious, just because you are a big celebrity and super rich. If I want to reward you, if you are not well-known and don't give it, there are not only such audiences, but also a lot of them.

However, Lu Ming studied the live broadcast app, and finally found the function of turning off the audience's gift-giving in the live broadcast room. The interface is now much cleaner, and the screen will not be swiped whenever a gift is sent, which affects chatting with everyone.

After turning off the tipping function, Lu Ming looked at the audience's comments on the barrage again, and he noticed one of them.

Audience: "Brother, I bought an off-plan house, but the developer is going to fail. Almost all of my savings have been bought into the house. I've been so worried recently and I don't know what to do. My wife said I'm also struggling to decide whether to check out or not. Check out, brother, do you think this can be saved?"

Audience: "One brother doesn't play with houses, old iron, you have found the wrong person."

Audience: "Check out!"

Seeing this barrage for help, Lu Ming took a sip and said, "I also understand the property market, all the contract terms are written about the developer or unfinished business or this or that. You can check out or something, this friend. If you buy an off-plan house, if the developer is really going to be unfinished, my suggestion is to kill it and don’t check out.”

The netizen who asked for help was very happy for Lu Ming to mention his problem, but after hearing what he said, he was a little overwhelmed. He actually wanted to check out, and his wife insisted on checking out, but Lu Ming never expected But when he told him not to retreat if he was killed, he was a little confused.

Lu Ming said in an orderly manner:

"Why don't you quit if you kill me? You have to see what our current laws are. If you buy a house, your house is also on record. Even if the developer can't afford the house, he can't continue to develop it. , but after filing, the house is yours."

"The point is that the land price is the most important thing here. The house is yours, which means that you have the first right to repayment. You will have priority over the bank and other creditors, so the loss will be minimal."

"On the contrary, what if you choose to check out at this time and the developer has no money to refund you? At this time, you are considered a general debt, you know, because you have not repaid your money after you checked out, and it is a general debt that owes you money. , then you will have to wait for any taxes, mortgage bank loans, or even ordinary bank loans, or even the settlement of other workers’ wages before it can be your turn to pay back your money.”

"Think about it, if the developer really has the ability to pay you back at this time, then he will never collapse, it will not be unfinished, and it will not go bankrupt, so many times it is written in the contract terms that it can be refunded. room, but in fact, if you check out, there is a high probability that you will lose everything."

When the netizen who asked for help heard Lu Ming say this, he was in a cold sweat and was afraid after a while. Fortunately, he hadn't checked out yet, otherwise most of his life savings would have been lost.

Audience: "Speaking of a house, I'm also discussing buying a house with my family recently. What advice does the first brother have?"

Seeing that everyone had shifted the topic from the stock market to the real estate market, Lu Ming just liked it, and immediately said:

"If you want to buy a house, you must first take a loan, even if you can pay the full amount for a set, you will get a loan. If you take out a loan, the bank will take care of it for you. This is very important, and you will lose your own money. The risk is much smaller, the bank will hold it for you, the bank will find a way to get the house for you so that you can repay his loan, your personal strength is definitely not as strong as the bank, it’s as simple as that.”

Audience: "Didn't the bank take over your house and you have to repay the bank loan?"

Audience: "One brother just said the priority of creditor's rights. As long as the house is yours, then you have priority over the bank."

Lu Ming looked at the comments and then chatted in the live broadcast room:

"Another point is that if the developer is about to collapse, what you need to do at this time is to close the house as quickly as possible. Take the house and move in. Let’s talk about it.”

"As long as you live in, and you bought the house with real money, then no one can drive you out. This is very important. Even if your house is sold for two houses, even if you don't take care of it. As long as the house is actually occupied and lived in in advance, according to the current judicial procedures, you cannot be executed on the street, and whoever lives in one house and two sells will actually enjoy it."

Audience: "Wow, my uncle is so miserable, he was sold to a house and two houses, but another buyer occupied it ahead of time, so my uncle couldn't live in it after paying for it, and the developers also pushed and dragged. "

Audience: "One room, two sales is really hateful!"

Audience: "There are too many thunderstorms, and we are not professional. What kind of house should I buy when buying a house? Are there any tricks to avoid some thunderstorms?"

Lu Ming saw it and said:

"In terms of investment and real estate speculation, if you can still get a loan, and you are buying an off-plan house, then you must buy the first-phase house with a big enough project and a big enough plate. You should all know the bigger project. It's divided into several installments."

"Why buy the first phase? Just understand that if all developers are going to be rotten, it will only be rotten, and it will not be rotten, so the first phase can't be rotten, even if his capital chain breaks in the end It is also possible that the house may not be handed over in the later stages, because he has assets in the first stage, and if there is any problem, the land that can be used in the second stage will be mortgaged, so the first stage can be handed over no matter what."

"And in the first phase, his funds are the tightest, so he tends to keep the house price at the lowest price. The developer should also consider that this plate has a plan for appreciation, and start to lower the price at the lowest price. You buy the cheapest, and then you have to Taking a loan, the benefit this brings you is not only to solve the problem of your own funds, as I mentioned earlier.”

"Because when the developer was doing the first phase, he might not have completed the house procedures at this time. At this time, he would never be able to get a loan, including two sales of one house and two. You have taken out a loan and the bank will look at it for you. Yes, the bank is professional. You must know that the bank will be responsible for the loan if the procedures are not The mortgage on the house is gone, right, and there is no guarantee for repayment."

"If you have problems in the future, if there is a problem with the house, you will definitely not repay the bank loan, and the house will not be equal to the mortgage. So you have to know the house, you have to understand where the money it earns, see Understand that it is the first phase of the market, and in most cases, after the third phase is developed, your house will increase by more than 50."

"How do real estate speculators speculate on this kind of house? He buys one phase and then sells the first phase after the third phase, and then he can earn more than 50 yuan. As for the developer, he also knows that his house price must be in accordance with the market. Sales go from low to high, and the previous attracting funds will also return funds.”

"If you want to buy a house, you still have to look at the development of the place ten years from now, not what it is like now. For example, in the Huiyao District of Ningzhou, it's growing very fast, and ten years ago, it was still sloppy. place."

Audience: "Brother, are you sure you didn't play with the house secretly? How do you know so much?"

Audience: "What's the fuss about? If you don't play, it doesn't mean you don't understand. This just shows that the first brother has a big picture."

Audience: "One brother online teaches you how to flip a house and buy a house."

Audience: "Come on, if I could afford a house, Stud Tiansheng Holdings would have already held it. Although the house is skyrocketing, it has not been said that it has been 15 times in three years. The income of the stock king is the explosion."

Just then, there was a knock on the door from Lu Ming's office.

"Come in."

Han Qiulin entered the office, Lu Ming was playing the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and the camera was facing him and the bookshelf behind him, so no one else could be seen from the camera's perspective.


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