Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 648: 【Qixian mode】

Whether it is in the video interview or after the interview, the most discussed thing among netizens is the house.

"Public rental housing", which was a hot word two years ago, has become a hot topic again today because of this exclusive interview. At the same time, the Qixian pilot project that the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation has been conducting for more than two years has also been hotly discussed by everyone. The core point is the public rental housing in Qixian County. This national-level poverty-stricken county has frequently entered the field of vision of the national public over the years.

Some local young people in Qixian are also actively participating in discussions on the Internet, introducing the changes in their hometown over the years. At present, the proportion of public rental housing in the county has risen to about 30%, and it has reached a third of the proportion. The impact of commercial housing is very obvious.

The most obvious is the local land sale, and the income from land sales is almost the same as three years ago. You must know that in these three years, you can play thieves in other places.

The reason is the launch of public rental housing. Developers are worried that the funds will not be able to be returned after acquiring the land. To put it bluntly, they are worried that the commercial housing will not be sold, and the demand will be diverted by the public rental housing.

But at the same time, the demolition of the old urban area in the county is very hot, including large-scale demolition now.

Simply put, it is a structural change to the demand, isn't it a lack of demand?

It doesn't matter, the demand can be dismantled.

For these people who originally lived in the old urban area of ​​the county, they have received the demolition funds, but the original house is gone. At this time, they will either buy commercial housing or public rental housing.

All in all, it is necessary to re-purchase and demolish the demand. Some of these demolition households have been diverted to the commercial housing market, while others have been diverted to public rental housing. Among these people living in public rental housing, some people plan not to move, and some people I plan to use the demolition funds I received to make some more money and buy a larger and more comfortable commercial house. Now I live in public rental housing.

What the foundation has to do is to let these people who have already lived in public rental housing stop buying commercial housing, but live in public rental housing for a long time, and spend the demolition funds in their hands, so as to boost local consumption. .

Therefore, after the foundation demolished the houses in the old urban area of ​​the county, instead of continuing to build houses without brains on this land, it chose to build or improve public infrastructure, such as more parks, more greening, and squares. How high is it, more kindergartens, and more commercial facilities.

When these public infrastructure services are developed, and the surrounding life becomes more convenient and comfortable, the willingness to move out of public rental housing will also decrease, and the demolition funds received will naturally be used for consumption.

The expenditures for these public infrastructure constructions are paid by the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation. The foundation is an organization that manages money regardless of making money. It does not need the people to pay the bill, nor does the local government pay the bill. It is an alternative transfer payment and spends money Getting the public infrastructure up is a sunk cost of investment.

Once this is done, the local people, self-employed, small traders and other groups can further develop on this basis. The environment is better, people's willingness to stay has increased, and their needs will remain here.

When there is demand, the corresponding supply will keep up, and the economy will begin to develop slowly in a small-scale cycle.

The core purpose of the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation's strategy in a place like the county seat is to retain people, especially young people. The old city in the county was demolished and the main purpose was to build public infrastructure, in order to improve the overall appearance and appearance of the city. living environment.

Beautiful, comfortable, the pace of life is neither fast nor slow, comfortable, people really realize that this is life, not survival.

Of course, it is not enough just to do these jobs in the county town. There is still a lack of spending power, and there is also a shortage of jobs. If these two points are not resolved, people will still not be able to retain them for a long time.

The foundation's solution is to form a regional economic independent internal circulation main body by linking the county town and the villages within the territory, supplemented by economic exchanges outside the county.

In the Qixian model pilot project, the rural area is engaged in the value of ecological resources, and the new collective economy is reshaped by means of financial capital.

For example, in rural areas where some agricultural and animal husbandry products are produced, then the county seat is the place of consumption. The biggest problem in the communication between the two places is the transportation cost and logistics cost, which can ultimately be summed up in the transaction cost.

One of the tasks of the foundation is to reduce transaction costs. It is still the first step to advance sunk costs, build a special logistics and transportation team, and send goods to major rural areas to transport goods to and from county towns. This alone brings new opportunities. of jobs.

At the same time, it also supports the urban bus system between major villages and county towns to promote the flow of people between the two places, which is beneficial to both urban and rural areas. Another feature is that all primary and secondary school students in the county can get free shuttle buses between urban and rural areas. .

This is due to the measures taken by the country to connect cement roads to every village in the past ten years. In the past, the country invested huge infrastructure construction in the villages. These sunk costs sinking to major towns and towns are now starting to play a role. These foreshadowing, the Foundation actually can not play.

Another measure to boost the economic consumption power of the county is the mandatory missed vacation. Chinese people are born to be kings. To put it bluntly, most people are working hard, especially the villagers in the village, who rarely have time to relax. , always want to make more income.

How can this work?

Therefore, some of the work in the group during the holidays is not the work assigned to you. You are not allowed to do it. You have to take a vacation when you need to take a vacation. ?

Therefore, under the background of the new collective economy in the countryside, it is necessary to combine work and rest, the grass-roots management in the village does a good job of publicity, the painted slogans on the walls are all in place, and the big guys need to be mobilized from time to time during the holidays. Going to the city to organize activities, there is no compulsory consumption when you go to the city. I am not afraid that you will not consume, but I am afraid that you will not come.

Children are a major consumer artifact. If you take your children with you, it is impossible without consumption. Therefore, there is no fare for children on buses to and from urban and rural areas.

Children in the countryside yearn for the city, and children in the city also yearn for the country. Children are always curious about new things, and parents in the city also attach great importance to education and the growth of their children. Now more and more urban parents Emphasis is placed on children getting out of the greenhouse to get in touch with nature.

The frequent two-way flow of people in this combination of urban and rural areas still means economic flow and constitutes a two-way cycle. This is the economic connotation of Qixian County today. As for the economic import and export outside the county, it is just an additional supplement. A circular ecosystem is the foundation of sustainable development.

For example, the public transportation system between urban and rural areas, the logistics system, etc., are currently operated by the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation to pay for the sunk costs in the early stage. The main work at present is to change the original economic structure of Qixian County. It is to change the fiscal revenue structure of Qixian County and get rid of the dependence on land finance.

Without the Science and People's Livelihood Fund to pay for maintenance in the early stage, the county's finances must be heavily in debt and the rhythm of going bankrupt.

However, as long as the fiscal revenue structure of the county town is reversed, the operating expenses of these public service facilities will be gradually transferred to the county government, and the foundation will be able to self-create blood circulation, and the foundation will also withdraw and stop blood transfusion.

Get on the horse and give it a ride, but it has to be weaned.

Like the urban-rural round-trip bus system, it must be operated at a loss, but it contributes to the overall economic situation of the entire county, and its value is invisible. Operation of urban and rural bus systems.

Judging from the development of Qixian County in the past two or three years, the pilot project of the new rural collective economy and urban-rural integration is undoubtedly a success. As long as this case is successful and the demonstration is sustainable, it can be extended to other county economies in the future.

As a national poverty-stricken county, Qixian County has undergone earth-shaking changes three years ago and today. The appearance of the city has been completely renewed. Last year's GDP reached 13.2 billion yuan, with a nominal growth rate of 13.76% and per capita GDP reached 3.83. 10,000 yuan, Qixian also officially announced poverty alleviation in the first quarter of this year.

Three years ago, half of Qixian's population were migrant workers. Basically, it can be said that all the young people ran out, and the people who stayed in their hometown were the old and the weak, women and, but it began to appear in the second half of last year. More and more young people are staying in their hometowns and not going out to work, and this year is even more obvious.

Because everyone can see that the development momentum of the county is good, and there are many jobs. The wages are not as high as those in other places, but the cost of living is very high, and various infrastructures have also kept up.

When the pilot of the Qixian model is successful, it means that it can give great confidence to the capital market. It must be known that the new collective economy promoted by the foundation requires the participation of financial capital. Bonds are developed from capital market financing.

At present, the bond financing of all the villages in the county is covered by the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation. Other investors dare not buy your bonds at all, because your credit cannot be guaranteed. If it does not change, it will definitely not be able to repay, then the debt will default, and it will become a bad debt of non-performing assets.

Therefore, the success of the Qixian model pilot is to boost the confidence of the capital market and prove that this model can continue to play. After the implementation of this model, other county economies can use this template to raise funds from the capital market, and investors will dare to buy your county. marketable bonds.


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