Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 697: 【2 cities opened with flash crash】

Perhaps this is also the reason why the short seller chooses Tiansheng Holdings. The other party also knows that you can't let the stock king continue to top the board, so the risk will not be completely uncontrollable.

In the office, Lu Ming hung up the phone.

In fact, it didn't take long to talk, and the matter was finished in two or three minutes.

This is the home field advantage. You can communicate and exchange opinions and suggestions with the management in real time. When you want to make short-term speculative profits beyond the value fluctuations, the opponent is no longer the market, but is formed with the maker of the market and the rules of the game. Opponent's plate.

In fact, Lu Ming's reaping of huge profits in overseas markets is to play against each other with the makers of the rules of the game, including the US stock market and the international crude oil market.

It's just that he's making a plate with a "vest".

If his identity is revealed, even if Lu Ming has great skills in the market, he will definitely not be the maker of the rules of the game. If someone pulls the brakes, pulls the wire, and temporarily changes the rules, you will be farting every minute.

It is hellish to play and win against an opponent who is both a player and a referee.

But winning is huge profits in huge profits.

"If it is dominated by foreign capital, I hope that after this incident, we can catch a group of inner ghosts who eat inside and outside." Lu Ming stared at the disk and said to himself, there are still two minutes before the opening.

Boom! dong dong!

When Lu Ming heard the knock on the door, he raised his head and responded, "Come in!"

Han Qiulin walked into the office: "Just now, the North American "Wall Street Journal" published a so-called breaking news article in the evening local time, exposing part of the negotiations between the two sides four days ago."

Hearing this news, Lu Ming was instantly convinced that the foreign capital was going to be short, and the reason for Tiansheng Holdings to drop the limit came out!

The article stated that on Friday, May 3, John Lloyd led a delegation to Ningzhou City to have a face-to-face meeting with Lu Ming, founder of Tiansheng Capital, and made significant progress.

And further broke the news that John Lloyd's negotiation was a great success, and the two sides reached an agreement that Tiansheng Capital would buy 72 billion U.S. bonds this year, and according to the agreement, in the future, it promised to increase its holdings every year.

72 billion US dollars, calculated at the current exchange rate, that is 485 billion yuan, more than half of Tiansheng Capital's current own cash flow.

In order to prove the authenticity of the revelations, the "Wall Street Journal" also published a photo of John Lloyd. The focus is on the background in the photo, which is Ningzhou City.

It means that you have indeed been to Ningzhou, real hammer!

Han Qiulin said, "Should the company respond?"

Lu Ming shook his head: "What do you respond to? It's right to break the news, it seems that the other party is also digging a hole for me, haha, it's good, don't respond, let the market guess, there is room for imagination when you feel hazy, these boots can't fall to the ground immediately, It’s interesting, and I’m embarrassed to send money again.”

Having said that, Lu Ming laughed himself.

This time, the opponent must lose another fiasco in Tiansheng Holdings. At that time, he will be angry and angry. If there is a flaw in the outer market, the opponent will definitely make up for it in revenge.

One more slash.

At this moment, the news has traveled across the ocean, causing an uproar in the domestic capital market, and various investors and self-media in various financial sectors have called the good guy.

After the news broke, many mainstream media in Europe and the United States quoted reports, especially some major newspapers in North America, giving people a sense of bragging and pride when commenting on the news.

The comment area under Lu Ming's personal social media account has already exploded, and the style of painting has changed. Before the news came out, there were all kinds of worship, eternal dripping of gods, divine prophecies, and so on.

Now there is a lot of questioning and verification. Among them, the most questioning is why do you agree to sign such a foolish agreement? Does that mean that you have to pay tribute to the beautiful country every year?

It was difficult for everyone to accept that Tiansheng Capital would sign this agreement, and they hoped that Lu Ming would quickly come out and refute the rumor that the news was false.

However, Tiansheng Capital did not respond to the concerns of the outside world in time for this matter, which made the market more and more uneasy.

Some people even started to say that the logic of the stock king may have to change. If this agreement is true, wouldn't it be a Wall Street worker?


At 9:30, the continuous auction trading in the morning session started on time, the broader market gapped down by more than 3 points, and the opening market further dived to kill. Expanding to -5%, the entire market is littered with corpses.

The limit-down number of stocks in the two cities expanded to 300 within five minutes of the opening, and it is still expanding.

The two major sectors, technology semiconductors and securities stocks, both crashed at the opening of the market. The major leading stocks in the sector took the lead in diving. Among the chip concept stocks, Shennan Circuit, Beifang Huachuang, Ziguang Guowei, and Zhaoyi Innovation were more than one. Hundreds fell by the limit, and the entire chip concept sector plummeted by -8.52%, which can be called a blood collapse.

If it is said that the collapse of big technology is a negative result of the big leader in the early morning, then the securities sector is the king of stocks, and such a news was exposed at the opening of the market.

Ten minutes after the opening of the securities sector, more than a dozen securities companies' stocks fell by the limit, and other stocks were also on the way to the limit, and the decline in the sector had expanded to more than -8%.

The whole market was stunned by the two super bad news in the early hours of last night and just now, especially the bad news of Tiansheng Capital. The 72 billion US dollars alone, or about 485 billion yuan, exceeds half of Tiansheng Capital's own cash flow. above.

You can also use the cash flow of members of LP institutions under Tiansheng Capital to hold U.S. bonds, but what will the LP think in this case? Although there is an agreement, Tiansheng Capital has done this, and the LPs can only stare blankly.

But what about later? Who would dare to sign such an outrageous agreement with Tiansheng Capital? Will there still be a situation where countless capital squeezes their heads and throws money for you to manage?

In the long run, your credit will be severely damaged.

The market collapsed across the board because it was worried that Tiansheng Capital would intercept liquidity from the market, sell stocks and leave the market on a large scale to supplement the liquidity margin of safety.

In short, the current market sentiment is frantically looking for bearish factors to justify the flash crash that has come out now.

And right now, the big blue chip collapse is the most fierce, the six big butts of "Haitian An's Maowulu" are basically killed, and the current net value of Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid Fund has plummeted by -9.13%.

There is no difference between basic and limit-down.

Tiansheng Holdings, headed by the company, is now on the limit-down, Wuliangye is down, Anshi’s stock is down, Laojiao is down, Mao Ti is down 9 points and the limit is about the same, and Haitian Weiye is still barely resisting the downturn today. , that's because it hasn't risen much this year, but even so, it has fallen more than 5 points.

The previous Zhongguo Ping An is a lesson for the past, and now the entire market is frightened by which big blue chip Tiansheng Capital will use next.

No matter which one, in the eyes of investors from all walks of life, all the big blue-chip butts are now insecure.

Coupled with the emotional rendering of public opinion, a large number of retail investors are selling big blue chips, just because this expectation is too scary.

15 minutes after the market opened, finally a group of funds that supported the market could not stand it and began to move. At this time, the banking sector saw funds entering the market and the main funds tried to use bank stocks to protect the index. The Shanghai index is now falling too ugly.

The banking sector has a lot of weight, but the liquidity is not high. Relatively speaking, it does not need to spend too much capital to pull the platform up. The market value of the first bank in the universe is almost 2 trillion The daily transaction volume is only 1 billion yuan about.

The liquidity is completely incomparable to the stock king's daily turnover of tens of billions.

Taking the daily limit of Qingnong Bank, a near-end new stock, as a clarion call, the banking sector rose sharply, the four major banks were all rising, and the banking sector quickly rose more than 3 points from the bottom.

But it was soon discovered that raising the banking sector did not work at all, and the broader market was only a very weak rebound, because the entire market was smashing wildly, especially the brokerages. Half of the stocks in the entire securities sector have fallen by the limit.

The main fund resolutely gave up the strategy of boosting the bank, but it did not take action immediately. It had to think about it, so the banking sector immediately rose and fell. This time the market just lay flat and died for you to see, starting a unilateral downward trend. .

At about 11:00, the brokerage sector fell to the limit, and more than 36 stocks in the sector fell to the limit, and the 2900 mark of the Shanghai index was also broken down at this time, and the decline expanded to -5.69%, and it fell to 3000 in one and a half hours. Point, 2900 points, 695 stocks in the two cities fell by the limit, which is about to run to the limit of 1,000 stocks.

Panic has exploded at this time.


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