Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 739: 【Carbon Standard (×), Debt Expansion (√)】

Han Qiulin couldn't help looking at Lu Ming and asked curiously, "Do you think this can be accomplished?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming did not answer directly, and immediately analyzed: "Think about the focus of this question? Under the conditions of the Western market economy, if investing in environmental protection, or investing in climate can make money, the private sector would have long ago Going in, the reason why there are not so many funds to enter the related fields involved in climate change shows that it is not profitable now.”

If you can make money, the funds will go in long ago, why would you wait until now?

Han Qiulin couldn't help but suddenly nodded: "So it makes sense."

"The attitude of these people today seems to be trying to be tough." Lu Ming smiled and said lightly: "If you insist on doing this, don't think about it, it will definitely require financial subsidies, so the final extra cost It's for every taxpayer in the world to pay the bill, isn't that the case?"

Indeed, if you want such a large-scale influx of funds at this time, you must have a large-scale subsidy, otherwise why go in?

The cost of financial subsidies, of course, is spread on the head of each taxpayer, becoming an additional cost for all taxpayers, and the subsidy time will be quite long.

Lu Ming paused and said, "Of course, if there is such a large amount of funds into new energy and supporting facilities, it will definitely reduce the cost of new energy. For example, photovoltaics are declining rapidly now."

This matter is definitely one of the vested interests of Tiansheng Capital. Now it has deeply rooted in the new energy field and has a huge first-mover advantage. It can be said that it is sitting on the Diaoyutai Island and watching the world change with a smile.

Following Lu Ming's thinking, Han Qiulin analyzed herself: "If every taxpayer in the world needs to bear such an extra cost, it will inevitably lead to people either reducing consumption or expanding debt, one of the two must be "If consumption is reduced because the masses bear a new cost, the economy will not be able to develop, and countries will certainly not agree."

Having said that, she looked at Lu Ming and said, "So, if it really progresses like this, the only option is to add new debts."

Lu Ming nodded approvingly and glanced at Han Qiulin, sighed and said, "Yes, this is the reason, eventually we will see that there will be a new variety in the world's total debt, let's call it 'Environmental debt', the nature of the world's bankers and financiers showing a high level of concern about climate change is because all debt is the banker's and financier's asset."

"All people who are in debt have to repay the principal and interest to financial institutions every month. Additional debt is an additional chain, which makes everyone in the world a heavier burden, and makes the assets and liabilities of financiers and bankers around the world. Tables will become stronger, their assets will become richer, and wealth will be further concentrated in the minority.”

Having said this, Lu Ming smiled: "Looking at this issue from the standpoint of financial capital, who would not be enthusiastic? Who would not support it? It's a good thing that is obvious, and it will benefit a lot. Why not do it?"

Han Qiulin asked, "Is Sheng Capital really going to participate that day?"

Lu Ming nodded: "Of course you can participate, you can't do it if you don't. You're a fool if you don't play. Fortunately, our country has achieved industrialization and has become fully integrated, and we have changed from the previous game participants to today's new game rule-makers. One."

After a moment's pause, Lu Ming sighed: "It is really difficult for those countries and regions that have not yet achieved industrialization, the future carbon tax plus a global minimum tax rate, basically they can't turn over under the two major labeling systems."

Under the world system of carbon emission tax and the lowest tax rate in the world, it is a thing of the past to rely on the accumulation of low-end manufacturing industries to achieve industrialization. The carbon emissions of the products produced by your company exceed the standard, and you have to increase taxes, otherwise you will sell them. Don't go out; your business wants to rely on low tax rates to complete primitive accumulation. Sorry, this is not the way to go under the background of the world's lowest tax rate.

If you can't complete the accumulation, you won't be able to develop. The world market has nothing to do with you, and of course industrialization is impossible.

And other countries and regions do not have a market like the Greater China region. A country's market can be so huge that it can engage in its own relatively independent economic cycle, and other countries and regions are even more impossible to achieve industrialization.

At the end, Lu Ming looked at Han Qiulin who was thinking and smiled: "The best thing about this 'environmental debt' is that it is built on a better moral high ground, and the world can use this 'environmental debt' as collateral to create New credit expansion."

Gu Ting

"And it corresponds to an obligation that human beings have to undertake in order to save the earth on which they live. See how much fun you can play, it just sounds much better than the annoying dollar debt. Relatively speaking , of course, people all over the world will be more willing to accept environmental protection debts, and those people are all shrewd."

After a while, Lu Ming looked at the time and ended the topic: "It's getting late, let's go back. If you have any work, come over and deal with it tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Lu Ming got up and left the company.

"Wait a minute." Han Qiulin suddenly stopped him.

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Lu Ming glanced at her sideways, Han Qiulin was still sitting and didn't mean to move, she looked at him and suddenly smiled and said, "Since it's already so late, then it's a little later. ."

"Uh..." Seeing her like this, Lu Ming couldn't help but be stunned on the spot, but he reacted immediately, shaking his head and smilingly looking at her and pretending to sigh, "Oh, it seems that there is nothing left for me today, You won't let me go."

Han Qiulin raised her eyebrows: "So, let's open the warehouse and put food."

At the end, Lu Ming walked slowly with a smile and said, "Okay, follow the order. We will open the warehouse according to the order, and we will definitely distribute it in full, and we will never deduct food and wages."


The following day, Tuesday, June 11.

In early trading today, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened slightly higher. After the opening, the three major stock indexes fluctuated upwards. The two cities rose in heavy volume, and the rebound continued.

About five minutes after the opening, the concept of rare earth permanent magnets started to rise sharply after five minutes.

Jinli Permanent Magnet, Hongda Xingye, Zhangyuan Tungsten Industry, Boyun New Materials, Huawu Co., Ltd., Dagang Road Machinery, Beikuang Technology, Sinosteel Tianyuan, Jiuwu Hi-Tech, Yingluohua, Wukuang Rare Earth, Zhenhai Magnetics Stocks such as materials and Tiantong shares rose by their daily limit.

Among them, the daily limit of Jinli Permanent Magnet reversed yesterday's big negative line, and the cumulative increase in one month reached +260%. There is no doubt that it is the leading target of this round of rare earth permanent magnet concept.

At about 10 o'clock, the Cailian News Agency issued a text message that the three departments will go to Seizen to investigate strategic mineral resources such as rare earths. Yesterday, the heads of the Development Committee, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the irrelevant departments of natural resources led teams to carry out investigations in many places.

As soon as the news came out, the rare earth permanent magnet concept sector continued to rise, and the sector rose by more than 6%. Recently, the hype of the rare earth concept has been very hot, and they are all taking advantage of the current situation. The story here can be told. too much.


(Ps: Some book friends feel that the 150 trillion US dollars in the article is is outrageous, but the reality is so outrageous, this plot is also supported by real data

On November 3, 2021, the so-called Financing Day of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, one focus of the day was a major announcement: nearly 500 global financial services companies with $130 trillion in assets (roughly 50% of global financial assets) 40%) committed to meeting the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement, which included limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

In fact, some financial institutions think that 130 trillion dollars is not enough, at least 150 trillion dollars. If you have any doubts, you can search for news about last year's Glasgow climate conference.

Right, financiers in reality are so hilarious, and we are only 150 trillion yuan, which is already very conservative. According to the exaggerated modification higher than reality, the whole 200 trillion knives is not too much...)

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