Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 1287: Can't see the dead

Fortunately, the grass is soft, so it doesn't matter if you lie on the ground.

Seeing the two lying side by side, Su Ruanruan began to worry again.

"Cheng Jin, what should I do next?"

Xiao Chengjin obviously had already thought about it a long time ago. Hearing Su Ruanruan's inquiry, he smiled and said, "After a while, you will be watching here. I went to find a few people and said that I was passing by here, and I was dizzy when I saw it. Two people, save them, and the others, wait until they wake up."

Hearing Xiao Chengjin's words, Su Ruan softened his brows a little, "Okay, just do what you said, then you go!"

Anyway, there is no better way now.

After living in the Great Zhou Dynasty for several years, Su Ruan Ruan also knew a little bit about this place.

Don't think that there was no ID card in ancient times.

They are called household registration.

People who do not have household registration are black households.

Heihu is not that easy to do, even if he is dead, no one knows.

However, it is impossible to prepare the household registration for Qi Anfu and Xu Yinghua in advance, so they can only be picked up in this way. The rest of the matter can only be said later.

Su Ruanruan didn't wait long, and Xiao Chengjin returned with a few people.

Xiao Chengjin not only brought people back, but also let people hold the door panels, which brought Qi Anfu and Xu Yinghua up and headed to the county seat together.

Su Laifu and Su Laixi didn't expect that Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin went out, and when they came back, they brought back two old people who were dying.

There is nothing wrong with describing Qi Anfu and Xu Yinghua at this time with the lingering years of the wind.

They weren't very old at first, but during this period of time they have suffered a lot, and they seem to be much older.

Coupled with the problem of two people's hairstyles, it fell in the eyes of Su Laifu and Su Laixi, and they felt even more pitiful.

The people Xiao Chengjin had found put Qi Anfu and Xu Yinghua on the bed in the room and left.

Su Laifu stepped forward to ask what was going on at this time.

How to talk to Su Laifu, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin have discussed it before.

So now when Su Laifu asked, Su Ruan softly answered without any pressure.

Hearing Su Ruanruan's answer, Su Laifu frowned, "You two didn't mean to walk in the county seat? Why did you go outside the county seat?"

Going to a place like a grove, is it impossible...

After all, Su Laifu is a little older, and he thinks a little more at this time.

As he thought to himself, his eyes turned to Xiao Chengjin, and his eyes became sharp.

As a man, Xiao Chengjin is now in a small body, but his actual age is much older than Su Laifu. Just glanced at Su Laifu's eyes and Xiao Chengjin knew what he was thinking at this time.

Xiao Chengjin was a little funny and a little helpless, but after thinking about it, he knew that it made sense.

But if you don't explain it, that won't work.

"We just think the scenery outside the city is pretty good, so we want to see it. Who knows that we walked into the woods unknowingly, and as soon as we went in, we saw two old people lying on the ground. Since we saw it, of course we can't die. Ruanbao is also a healer, so he brought people back."

When Xiao Chengjin said this, his attitude was open and candid, and his eyes were staring at Su Laifu, not evasive.

Seeing this, Su Laifu felt relieved.

Xiao Chengjin is so open, and now he has done nothing to transcend.

(2nd more)

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