Reborn As a Pirate

Vol 2 Chapter 705: Hell's Lake of Fire

A small boat floats on the Lake of Fire on Grand Bahama Island. Two naked people are nestled on the boat. The bronze skin is full of red rhyme, and the solid chest undulates like a bellows.

After Rhyme...

The aftermath of the breath rippled on the surface of the lake, and the wisps of coils formed a circle, and the flames of red fireflies were flying.

A fish was startled and jumped out of the water with a splash. The tail of the fish dragged out a long fire dragon, erecting a rainbow bridge of flames, slowly spreading, turning into a breath of fire.

The sunset is scorching the sky.

Pavloumu propped up, stretched out his hand, and stroked the angular lines on his lover, deputy, and his stand-in face.

"Royeri." He called softly.

Royeri Tcherberg slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with reluctance and nostalgia.

"Head, time is up."

"Yeah, it's time again..."

Pavloumi stood up on the small boat, naked, letting his sword-like muscles be exposed to the sunset, following the water flow slowly and slowly into the fire cloud that had not yet dispersed.

"It deserves to be the lake of fire in hell. It's obviously a fire, but it's wet and cold."

Royeri sat up in a panic, and slammed his head into the fire cloud: "This is... the captain, here is..."

[The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were]

[Death and Hades were also thrown into the lake of fire]

[If someone’s name is not recorded in the book of life, he will be thrown into the lake of fire]

[Only the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake of fire burning with sulfur]

[They will suffer day and night, forever and ever]

[This Lake of Fire is the second death]

Pavloumi chanted the Bible, stopped, and said to Royeri: "My dear, they don't know that the Canaanite ceremony created by the emperor never pointed to heaven. Our promise has always been this hell. The lake of fire, only here can take in our sins and let us be peaceful in the cold fire."

Royeri lowered his head in trepidation, sitting, almost kneeling: "Head, you bring me here..."

"Baizhi broke our efforts." Pavlovomiu interrupted softly. "He suggested that Davis's dog be the admiral of the crusade fleet, saying that man cannot destroy the empire, but the dog can destroy it."

"Our surviving Meisheng told me that Davis was angry, but he understood what Bai Zhi meant."

"Lingos has lost power, and the Secretary of the Navy of the United States will personally take charge, Van Royle Prundit, Bell Judea, Caterina Dibo, Favna Hanji... our old friends We will get the right to command warships that are several times stronger than us and unite dozens of times to suppress Nassau."

"We expelled Bai Zhi from the war, but he still decided the war in his own way."

The fire cloud dissipated, and two powerful and beautiful carcasses were revealed again in the sunset.

Pavloumi turned his head sadly, and stretched out his finger towards Royery. Royeri respectfully took it, took those slender fingers, and kissed affectionately on the clean fingernails.

"We are loyal, captain. I'm already ready. From the first time I acted as your stand-in, I was ready."

"I... won't let your loyalty be in vain." Pavlomy turned his hand to support Royery's face and asked him to raise his head. "Everything is ready. When the death knell is over, I will bring the new code. Resurrect the empire."

"Solomon's temple has twenty-two pillars. Even if the stone is flying, it will eventually return to the hands of the beautiful students. The temple will eventually be completed, and Morgan will still be the king of Canaan."

"As for you...try to survive, dear, even if you lose your loyalty, I still want you to live. This is true madness, and the only request in my life..."

On July 14th, General Washington announced at the National Day reception that in view of the crusade admiral Lieutenant General Lingoes' outstanding achievements in the War of Roses, he was promoted to general and transferred to the defense commander of the Great Lakes.

Where is the Great Lakes Defense Zone?

There is the British colony of Canada in the north, and the French colony of New France to the south. There are still uncivilized Indian tribes scattered all around, and the mountains and plains are scattered all around.

In contrast, the defense force of the defense area has only three small wooden castles, a pier that can barely dock at Brigentine, and a poorly equipped line battalion and a prisoner battalion without equipment.

It was a sentry in the war years, and it was a buffer in peace. The most famous entertainment there was hunting. Whites hunted Indians, and Indians hunted whites.

The New Zealand Army General, Mr. Lingoes, happily took over the sabre of the former Major Tuxpan, packed up his bags overnight, and wept with joy.

Everyone knows that the hired fleet has won.

Lingoes' successor is the Secretary of the Navy of the United States, Admiral Davis, Chief of Staff of the War of the Roses.

During the swearing-in ceremony, the general unabashedly declared that he would more respect the opinions of experienced marine commanders and no longer regard military ranks and military resumes as standards of strategic and tactical adoption, and that he would lead the United States from victory to victory. Don't let the tragedy of Carter Island reappear.

On August 1, a newly prepared crusade fleet set sail from Miami Beach. After excluding battle damage, damage, oldness and delay, only 133 ships remained.

These selected battleships have Drake's direct fleet as the left wing and the American Long Island fleet as the right wing. Admiral Davis sits in the center with the flagship USS US, and the remaining warships form a thick and cumbersome center line around her.

The left and right wings protrude 15 kilometers forward, appearing in a pincer-like shape, which is the crab-shaped propulsion proposed by Favna.

The Hedgehog has a total of 107 warships, with 7-8 as a battle group, and arranged in three rows with a 4-5-4 battle group model. It is a pseudo warfare designed by Yacharin for a large fleet that lacks coordination. Column line.

The crusade fleet maintained a loose but not very rigorous formation, advancing slowly, and encountered the pirates' blocking fleet in the southwestern waters of Andros.

A big battle broke out. Bell led the fleet to pierce the messy formation of the pirates from the left flank, killing all quarters. The Long Island fleet was attacked by Leonardo and his pirate death squad on the right flank, and managed to maintain it.

Eight hours later, the 107 ships of the Crusade Fleet squadron collided without fancy with the 170 ships of Pavloumi's squadron.

This should have been an opportunity for pirates, but Admiral Davis perfectly fulfilled his oath of office. He gave orders on the bright side. Behind him was Catalina, and Catalina's brain belonged to Favna.

Favna presided over the battlefield maneuvers of all 13 battle groups, and Yacharin controlled the artillery between the rows. Each round of 12 to 15 battleships shot in turn, like a huge pepper bottle pistol composed of battleships. The pirate's phalanx threw out dense rainy projectiles.

Pirates are not good at dealing with such intensive projectiles based on battle lines. They have no corresponding tactics and tactics, and no suitable means of restraint.

The huge pirate fleet pounced on the reef like a tide, launching a desperate charge in a battlefield where he was not good at it in a way that he was totally uncomfortable with.

Pavloumi seemed to have made up his mind to consume his fleet in this battle, and commanded the pirates to charge at all costs, bulging their sails towards the impenetrable battlefield.

4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours...

No one can understand how loyal the rootless pirates are to the empire. Maybe even the charging pirates themselves don’t understand, but they actually persisted, opening the battlefield in the most brutal way. Fight with the battle group in the front row.

The battle escalated to white-hot in the narrow waters of 10 kilometers long and wide.

The first variable comes from the USS Constitution.

The inexperienced and confident Long Island fleet was dissipated by Leonardo's number and consciousness fleet when the warships were fully dominant, and the USS Constitution once fell into a 1 to 5 disadvantage.

But she just survived. She was hit with 27 rounds. She was wounded and sank two enemy ships in a row, severely injured one, and then shot Leonardo's flagship by accident.

The former black prince planted one end from the mast, was dragged by a safety line and hit the mast with one head, severely injured and unconscious.

The pirate death squad that had lost its backbone lost the soul of subtle coordination. The UU Reading Constitution seized the opportunity to rush from left to right and gathered 8 warships in half an hour, like a sharp knife and pierced the pirates. The weak side of the main team.

This is the first time that the U.S. Navy has acted like a war machine in the professional field, brave, fearless, and tenacious.

Pavloumi had to draw an assault against the Long Island fleet from the last two fleets, and set up a new and desperate battlefield 8 kilometers away from the Royal Happiness.

The Long Island Fleet is shot every moment.

At the end of the 8 bruised crossbows that fought hard for nearly 15 hours against 24 vigorous and undamaged pirate warships, even if the Long Island Fleet has an advantage in the strength of warships, it can be shown on the battlefield, and the victory still falls quickly. Aside.

The second variable appeared suddenly!

Drake’s direct fleet, which assumed the left wing, broke through the pirates' perimeter at the beginning of the battle, and evaded the shadow of Andros Island after almost 6 hours of the battle. The strongest combat force of the crusade fleet that quietly disappeared suddenly appeared. , 18 kilometers northeast of the Royal Happiness launched a raid on Pavloumi’s flagship!

Bell's raid is completely indistinguishable from the previous Long Island Fleet.

Pavloumu sent the last **** fleet around him, but it failed to stop him at all.

Valkyrie is unstoppable!

A fifth-class galen tried to slow down the Valkyrie by cutting the side, but was pierced by Bell at 70 meters with the 68 pounds of the bow of the ship!

10 kilometers before the enemy!

Seeing the murderous Valkyrie rushing in quickly, Pavloumi issued an order to retreat. Like the first association war of the year, he gave up trust and followed his pirates, with only 47 nearby sailing ships. Flee to Nassau.

The road to Nassau is opened, the pirate empire, the death knell is roaring!

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