December 1.

"I'm sorry, Wang Dong, there is something wrong with my funds, and I can't call up so much cash for the time being, so wait. "

Shen Fei held the phone and said lightly.

"Okay, hehe, then we'll work together next time. "

Wang Zhongjun didn't talk nonsense, and quickly hung up the phone.

Put down the phone.

Shen Fei showed a sneer.

Wang Zhongjun, this bastard, even wants to cheat money from here, dream about it!

Han Sanping was taken away directly from the office of China Film by the people of the task force, and the historian who was originally released on medical parole did not run away, and was directly taken away by the police.

As for the Gem Film and Television Company, it was also seized by the relevant departments.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Wang Zhongjun.

His subconscious thought was to quickly contact Shen Fei's side and try to get Shen Fei to get the money to be credited to the account as soon as possible.

Anyway, let's get Shen Fei's money first.

But it's a pity.

Shen Fei didn't eat his set at all, and directly refused.

What an international joke!

He's not an idiot, he jumps into it knowing it's a pit, isn't that stupid?

In a sense, in Shen Fei's eyes, Wang Zhongjun and his Huayi brothers are actually like meat on the chopping board, waiting to die at any time.

Sooner or later, he's going to uproot this company!

As for the Wang brothers, naturally Shen Fei would not let it go.

If the Beijing circle in the early years did produce a number of excellent film and television dramas, then the current Beijing circle has long been full of copper odor.

These are the people who will do anything to maintain their status and make money.

In Shen Fei's opinion, this is actually normal, after all, people have their own selfishness, maybe at the beginning, it may be for art, but as the days go by, the status and reputation also have it, of course, we have to pursue something practical, which is also human nature.

But here's the problem.

These people in the Beijing circle, what they have done has gone beyond human normality.

Or rather.

With the development of the times, the term Beijing circle has gradually been hated by more and more people.


In a hotel in Yanjing.

Shen Fei sat opposite Lin Xue.

"Thank you. "

Raising the wine glass in his hand, Shen Fei said to Lin Xue.

Anyway, I have to thank others for this matter, if it wasn't for Lin Xue's appearance, Han Sanping would not have been taken away by the relevant departments so quickly.

After all, this guy also has someone on it.

Of course.

is naturally incomparable with the forces behind Lin Xue.

"Nothing. "

Lin Xue said with a smile: "I helped you because he did break the law." "

There was a pause.

She said with a smile: "Moreover, I don't like the Beijing circle of the entertainment industry. "

Shen Fei was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed.

Regarding the Beijing circle, Wang Shuo once mentioned such a boundary in the book.

Founded in the 50s, it is isolated in the west of the old city of Yanjing, and has nothing to do with the 700-year-old tradition of Yanjing.

This narrow area with a radius of tens of kilometers is commonly known as the "compound cultural separation area".

What has been brewed in this region is the culture of the Beijing circle that has dominated China for decades.

The domineering spread of the culture in the Beijing circle caused almost all young people in China to have a Yanjing dream.

As long as you can go to Yanjing, wear saffron to ride a horse to go to college, or float over to live in the basement and sell mouthbands, you can always choose one.

Of course

In later generations, there may be a problem that even young people themselves are not aware of: the culture of the Beijing circle has gradually become uncared for.

From the day Yanjing became the national capital, a large number of cultural people and artists decided to migrate here and took root and blossomed.

But even if you have a big dream of changing China, one thing you must admit is that the right to speak at that time only belonged to the disciples of the big courtyard.

In the culturally barren 80s and 90s, the emergence of this large courtyard directly caused the aesthetic monopoly of culture and the literary and artistic circles.

If Yanjing in that era was a cultural paradise, it was a secular paradise.

What is outside the gate of the courtyard is culture and secular, and what is inside the gate is paradise and paradise.

The children of the big courtyard all migrated to Yanjing with their parents to settle down, they are the new Yanjing people who are different from the children of Hutong, and they are the generation that really grew up under the banner, and the future successors of the motherland with strong roots.

The hard work of the fathers gave the children of the big yard a natural rich resource, and the walls of several sides were an advanced small society, they worked in groups of three or two, resources and talents, and used their brains to make the most awesome works of that era.

For example, Ying Da, Liang Zuo, Jiang Wen, Wang Shuo, Zheng Xiaolong, Ma Weidu, Cui Jian, their parents are all soldiers, and they are all in the mountains of all walks of life.

Another characteristic of the big courtyard is that they are particularly "united", so these random combinations are "I Love My Home", "Sunny Day", "The Story of the Editorial Department" or "Seahorse Song and Dance Hall".

This kind of gathering is a fire, and scattering is the output mode full of stars, and it is also an important reason for the disciples of the big courtyard to remain unfading for decades.

In addition to the above orthodox courtyard disciples, Feng Xiaogang, who is half a courtyard disciple, is not idle.

After seeing through the lack of literature and art, a "Party A and Party B" directly broke through the concept of "Chinese New Year movie".

In the 90s of the 20th century, when a large number of foreign films and Hong Kong and Taiwan films were rapidly pouring into the mainland market, Feng Xiaogang successfully brought the Chinese people back to the theater.

Running to the cinema for the New Year has become a new way for Chinese people to celebrate.

After that, one Chinese New Year film every year, such as "See You or Leave", "Endless", "Big Names", "Mobile Phone", "No Thieves in the World", "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", made Feng Xiaogang's name take root in the hearts of the majority of Chinese people.

Since then, decades of cultural immersion, coupled with the interpretation of film and television actors, have undoubtedly immersed the public in a set of Beijing-style language system headed by Wang Shuo for a long time.

As a result, the image of the chic, indulgent, and wanton Yanjing people in society has become the target of young people in other towns and cities who are anxiously eager to absorb the new culture.

And audiences of other ages, in this environment, have become accustomed to the fact that there are always only Yanjing people in the play.

They are accustomed to the Yanjing people's attitude of not stinging in dealing with things, accustomed to the output of the after-break language as if it were set out of the factory, and used to the Beijing accent that is oblique to swallow words at 45 degrees.

After all, Yanjing dialect has a tendency to be lively, it is easy to rush when writing, and that kind of oral pleasure is easy to make the speaker intoxicated, thinking that he is smart, so he is more and more pretentious. Therefore, everyone is willing to pretend to learn two sentences when they speak.

For a time, Yanjing became a Chinese country, and the whole country was speaking Yanjing dialect.

But when did this cultural superiority begin to fall into loneliness?

Perhaps it was the gradually emerging Northwest Circle and the Northeast Circle that pulled the Beijing Circle to start a triumvirate for hegemony, so that the once dominant coquettish is no longer there.

may be the rise of cross-border filmmakers in the Shanghai circle led by "Shenghai Love", which has led a group of traffic to impact the inherent cultural system.

But in Shen Fei's opinion, the real turning point probably started from the moment when Feng Xiaogang scolded the audience.

At a time when others have to struggle to watch a pirated disc, they have easy access to the most cutting-edge and trendy titles.

This sense of superiority makes them narcissistic, and the blessings of various identities give them a natural sense of nobility.

But their rebellion is different from Nezha's rebellion that is bound to overthrow patriarchy, they get everything because of patriarchy, so the anger from their nostrils can only come out of the ordinary people who are lower than themselves.

However, with the rise of the Internet and the abundance and prosperity of information access channels, audiences who have been imprisoned by stylized aesthetics for many years have gradually developed their own thoughts and are more eager for the expression of their own consciousness.

They no longer believe in the "Great Introduction" and are more faithful to their ideas.

As a result, in this social environment, literary and artistic works began to become difficult to reconcile.

The "demanding" masses are often so angry that the cultured people grab the ground with their heads, and their sense of superiority gradually ceases to exist.

Unwillingly, they speculate on everything, but they are furious with criticism.

Moreover, with the passage of time, all directors in the Beijing circle have entered the middle-aged and elderly stage, and age has become an insurmountable gap between them and young audiences in the new era.

What their generation advocated was: if you don't mention money, it will be vulgar to raise money. If you don't work hard, hard work will rot.

may be so free and easy, the reason is that they themselves are not short of money, and they don't need to work hard, and they themselves are not from ordinary backgrounds, and they have been out of the ordinary class for a long time.

So all they can play is a heartbeat, they can go wild in the snow, but young people can't nowadays.

After all, the works of the literary and artistic children of the Yanjing Courtyard do not describe looking for a job, renting a house, nor do they show crowding the subway or rushing the bus.

"North and South" is about the illustrated book of women from all walks of life in Yanjing in the new era, but you can see that every character in it lives the same and decent, and their biggest gaffe is to sigh when talking about feelings.

But nowadays, young people in the city don't dare to choose weekdays when they break up, for fear that they won't be able to go to work normally the next day after a hangover indulgence.

This very different life makes young people empathize with something.

In "North and South", Lan Yingying can eat all over the world with her three-inch incorruptible tongue, which always reminds people of Uncle Ge who can't starve to death if he is clever in "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb".

They didn't see that a large number of young people from other places have been pouring into Yanjing in the past few decades, and the existence of these people is so impossible to ignore.

They can fill all walks of life so deeply, and they can quickly turn Yanjing into an empty city during the New Year's holidays.

Of course, in addition to the collapse of the language system, the right to speak is also iteratively changing.

In the past, it was the era of big men in the Beijing circle, and it was common for men to talk about wine in the world, and women were just tall, short, fat and thin, and had their own jokes about vital signs.

But now that women's consciousness is rising, the majority of female audiences no longer eat the trick of middle-aged men "scolding their mothers while eating milk".

So the first thing to be bombarded is the kind of stinky poverty that criticizes women.

In fact, the Beijing circle did not collapse from a certain day, but gradually collapsed from the discourse system, emotional expression, and women's attitudes.

Just like Lin Xue now, she is also a young person, but she doesn't like the Beijing circle.

"What, think it's weird?"

Lin Xue saw that Shen Fei didn't speak, so she asked with a smile. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen Fei nodded, and then said frankly: "I didn't expect that you don't like those people in the Beijing circle either."

"Of course. "

Lin Xuexiu frowned slightly, and said casually: "The things they photographed are not the real Yanjing life. "


Hearing Lin Xue's words, Shen Fei was stunned for a moment.

But then, he understood the meaning of Lin Xue's words.

As she said, although those people in the Beijing circle have filmed a very splendid culture, there is also a big limitation.

What is particularly remarkable is that most of the characters portrayed in the works are cynical and hanging, which is of course an important reason why people are not liked now.

There is also the fact that women have to revolve around men, and female characters are all matching.

Because this is a concept that they naturally formed from childhood to adulthood, they don't even know what is wrong.

From these changes, it is not difficult to see that even those works of the year were instinctively liked by the people of the whole country, and they really felt that they were cutting-edge and interesting.

But now that times have changed, the audience has long stopped eating that set.

That's right. "

Shen Fei nodded and agreed with Lin Xue's words.

"And I don't think the things they're shooting now are down-to-earth. "

Lin Xue thought for a while and said: "When I have time, I feel that the life they shoot is not the life of ordinary people that I know." "


Her resentment against the Beijing circle seems to be not small.

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed as well.

It's really like what Lin Xue said, there is indeed such a problem when filming in the Beijing circle now.

That's too empty!

"Little Shede" is such an obvious Haiding chicken baby film, but it was deliberately filmed so that people can't tell whether it is in Yanjing or Shenghai.

Don't you know how to shoot?

Obviously because I didn't dare to shoot.

The post-90s generation saw that the big "Family with Children" has completely detached from the living standards of ordinary people, and after carefully comparing the living standards of Liu Xing's family and his own family, he can't say anything more except helplessness.

If literary and artistic works are an expression of social life, they are the voice of the people of the times.

In the 80s, everyone could still talk about life calmly.

"Sunset Street", which tells ordinary stories of ordinary people, can at least smell a real smell of old alleys.

In the nineties, there were also more realistic TV series, such as "The Happy Life of Poor Zhang Damin".

The screenwriter is solid, the actors are energetic, the freshness of the market and the warmth of human affection have all been lived, and looking at the stills is the same as holding the ancient family photo in someone's photo album.

Even the Haiyan drama, which is keen on the dead protagonist, is enough to fit reality, in the nineties, when the crime rate was high, the hearts of young people were indeed so changeable and turbulent.

But since the turn of the millennium, there have been fewer and fewer realistic descriptions of young people living in Beijing, and "Thirty-three Days of Broken Love" and "Yanjing Love Story" may be the last relatively objective expression of young people in Yanjing.

Gradually, social reality dramas confuse young people, and sitcoms make them unable to laugh after thinking about it.

So young people who are not seen can only choose to miss.

But those old cannons seem to be suspended in the air, and they can't see these anymore.

Shen Fei must admit that the culture of the Beijing circle is indeed a phenomenon of the times, and those excellent works spanning forty years now seem to be indeed worth chewing on 2.8.

Because they did create classics, they are embarrassed if they don't like it now.

A generation will eventually grow old, and although we are still nostalgic for those excellent works, we have to admit that an era has an era of expression.

If they still insist on staying in the past, they will treat the audience as two fools who will only applaud.

That's sorry, the audience will vote with their feet and make these people's work a joke.

Moreover, there are young people like Lin Xue, who will use the pen and mouth in their hands to say what they think in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Shen Fei looked at Lin Xue and suddenly felt that she was a very interesting person.

"What do you see me doing?"

Lin Xue saw Shen Fei's expression and smiled: "You don't think that I am also the kind of person who is indiscriminate, right?"

"Of course not. "

Shen Fei shook his head and said.

This is from the heart.

Being able to become an investigative journalist is enough to prove what kind of person Lin Xue is.

If it weren't for the desire for justice in her heart, she wouldn't have been an investigative journalist.

After all, with her family connections, it is more than enough to be an ordinary reporter in a TV station or newspaper, and even drink tea in the office every day.

But she chose the most dangerous investigative reporter, which shows what kind of person Lin Xue is.

"It's just that I suddenly feel that you're actually pretty good. "

Shen Fei looked at Lin Xue and smiled.

Lin Xue rolled her eyes when she heard this, and said angrily: "My brother Shen, don't praise me." My brother said, you are too good at fooling, you must not be good at praising me. "

Shen Feiwan decided to turn around and let Lin Yuan give him a sports car.

PS: It's on the shelves, ask for automatic subscription, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for various data support! I've worked really hard to write this book, and I hope you can support it more.

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