Reborn at Hogwarts

Chapter 147 Path of Mist

I don't know when it started, a faint gray mist enveloped the three of them.

The gate behind him disappeared in the mist, and the sloped driveway that was close at hand also gradually disappeared.

In the end even the voices disappeared, and it seemed that there were only three of them left in the world.

Regarding this abnormal situation, Zoe's expression was normal, and she kept stuffing snacks into her mouth. It is likely that Dumbledore had already vaccinated her in advance.

Ivan has nothing to be afraid of. When he encounters this situation by himself, he might really panic, but at this moment, Dumbledore is by his side—the sky is falling and the old man is holding it up. What's there to be afraid of?

In the dead silence that was enough to suffocate ordinary people, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes.

The voice came from the depths of the mist, gradually approaching the three of them.

A huge shadow also slowly emerged from the fog.

The more Ivan looked at it, the more strange he felt.

The appearance of this shadow, this outline, why does it look like...

"Here we come." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Almost at the same time, the shadow in the gray mist completely emerged.

The first thing Ivan saw was a huge head with dark will-o'-the-wisps burning in its eyes.

Like a horse, but much bigger than a normal horse. The skin and mane are black, and the four hooves move soundlessly, as if walking among clouds and mist.

And behind it, there is an equally pitch-black shadow...

Shadow shit!

Isn't this just a carriage?

Ivan stroked his little heart, and nearly suffocated himself to death with an old mouthful in his throat.

The atmosphere was so eerie, as if a poor god in a black formal suit and a black half-height silk top hat would emerge from the gray mist in the next second.

It turned out to be just a carriage.

"Go up." Dumbledore said with a smile, "It will take us to Nico Flamel's residence."

He came to the carriage and raised his hand to stroke the black horse's head. The latter snorted and shook his head.

The door of the carriage opened silently, and Dumbledore stepped on the automatically extended steps and stooped to get in.

Ivan and Zooey looked at each other, and Zooey took a step back calmly, staring at Ivan with wide eyes.

ok, i get it...

Ivan sighed, and followed Dumbledore to the carriage.

Observing the black horse pulling the cart up close, although it looks nothing like it, Ivan always has the feeling that it is a "Thestral" standing in front of him.

Is it an illusion?

Ivan didn't stay long, and stepped on the steps to board the carriage.

Zooey came in behind him. The girl was terrified by the scene of shadows emerging from the gray mist just now, her face was still pale, and she didn't dare to stare at the black horse pulling the cart like Ivan did. , let alone imitating Dumbledore to touch its head.

The space inside the carriage was much larger than it looked from the outside. After Ivan entered, he realized that it was like a miniature mansion, with living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and so on.

The decoration and furniture are also extremely luxurious, but the "degree" is cleverly grasped, so as not to turn luxury into "luxury".

Is this the essence of the alchemist with the Philosopher's Stone?

If you want to buy such a carriage that can be used as a residence, you can't solve it by spending money. You must know that the Ministry of Magic has strict controls on the "Untraceable Stretching Curse" that involves space expansion.

It's just that if you have money, you can't buy a license.

Ivan sighed a few words in his heart, but he didn't take this luxurious carriage too seriously. He also had two of these means of transportation at home. Although they were not as high-spec as Nico Flamel, they were still Not too much difference.

Needless to say, Dumbledore, the old wizard has lived for more than a hundred years. Which country has he not been to?

See a lot!

Only Zoe, a little girl from a Muggle family, looked at the luxurious decoration in the carriage, and this magical space that had suddenly grown in size by an unknown number of times, her eyes were about to pop out, and the fear before getting into the carriage had long been thrown away. the back of the head.

"Sit down, the car is about to start." Seeing that Zooey seemed to want to reach out to touch the porcelain placed in the corner of the living room, Ivan had to remind him.

"Oh." Zooey sat down obediently.

Then—the three saw that the doors on both sides were quietly closed.

After a slight tremor, everything returned to silence.

"Are we leaving now?" Zooey looked around in surprise, "But I didn't feel the carriage going at all!"

Yes, apart from the initial bump, there was no vibration, the three of them seemed to be sitting in their own living room, feeling nothing.

"You can look out the window."

Under Dumbledore's signal, Zooey carefully opened the curtains, leaned on the window and looked out.

"Ah!" Ivan heard her cry in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Ivan got up from the soft and comfortable sofa and stood by the car window.

Zooey moved aside so that Ivan could see the scene outside the window.

Then, he saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

The outside world—gone!

Just like the gray fog that fell silently around them before, the long sloped driveway that was supposed to lead to the castle, the surrounding bushes, and even the Hogwarts castle itself were gone. .

Instead, there was a gray mist that was too thick to dissolve.

Ivan leaned against the car window and looked towards the direction of the carriage. He saw that black horse that resembled a Thestral was galloping forward with all four hooves, and there was a bright road under its feet.

As for its front, there is nothing there, the only thing that exists is this boundless gray fog.

Have I arrived at Origin Castle...

Ivan let out a heck in his heart, noticing Zooey's slightly eager expression, and then left the window and returned to the sofa. Zooey immediately stuck to it again, staring out of the window non-stop, with a look on his face. The expression is both scared and curious.

"Professor Dumbledore, this is..." Ivan pointed out the window.

"I remember I should have told you before, Nicole Flamel and Paracelsus, although these two people are both alchemists standing at the top of the pyramid, but the direction of their research and the skills they mastered are different. It's completely different." Dumbledore said, "Paracelsus, judging from the recent fights, he is more inclined to use alchemy to raise his personal strength to a higher level.

"As for Nicole Flamel, he has been researching on how to make the life of wizards more convenient through alchemy."

Dumbledore looked out the window.

"The gray fog that covers us now is one of the research results of Nicole Flamel." Dumbledore said, "He called it the 'Path of the Mist'."

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