Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 309: 2010 New Year's Eve Speech (3)

Qu Li recommended Da Liu's "Three-Body Problem" to everyone in the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve speech, and urged everyone to update it online, and threatened: "It's been two years, if you don't write the third part, I will send you a blade .”

In the past two years since the rise of IPhone and Honor, Nokia’s sales far exceeded the sum of the two. Qu Li used to say that Nokia was dead, but no one believed it. Is it really not working?

It can be seen from the stock price that the market value of Nokia has fallen by 70% from the high point in 2007 to now. You must know that the smartphone industry is developing rapidly. Apple’s market value has more than doubled since the release of the iPhone, Honor G3 and Gpad After the hot sale on the market, I believe no one will doubt whether Honor is worth 10 billion U.S. dollars.

Sales volume does not mean everything. The iPhone and Honor are called the twin stars of the smartphone industry by European and American media. The impact is still quite large. The market recognition has increased, and some core suppliers are not happy, such as Samsung.

Honor Maigic1 uses a Super AMOLED screen, but they cannot guarantee the supply, which caused Honor to postpone the product release, and directly placed a large order of 10 million pieces, and then signed a contract that is strongly binding on both parties: Samsung cannot meet the deadline It will lose money if the quantity is supplied, and Honor will also lose money if the purchase volume is lower than a certain standard within a certain period of time.

Don't think this kind of thing is incredible. Apple and Samsung Display signed a similar contract, and finally paid Samsung $950 million in compensation for failing to meet the purchase standard. Also, HTC used Samsung's Super AMOLED screen in 2010, but it was cut off after the hot sale.

Glory signed this kind of contract, Qu Li could only nod, Lei Jun didn't even have the courage.

Of course, with all the details behind it, Qu Li and Lei Jun certainly wouldn’t say in their New Year’s Eve speech that it was Caixin Hu Shuli’s turn to play, and Qu Li went down to drink water and rest.

If there are not many dry goods at the beginning, it is already full of dry goods when 2+2 equals 22, and the answer to personal questions is also full of sincerity. Hu Shuli praised a few words, saying that Glory and Jumei are atypical mid-range companies. It's a pity that there is no explanation why she left the financial magazine.

Soon after her speech was over, it was time for questions again: "I actually have a lot of questions to ask, but until now I haven't heard Qu Li's story behind Jumei's acquisition of Google Zhongying. Google Zhongwoo was sold to Jumei, what cooperation between Jumei and Google?"

Qu Li walked onto the stage slowly, exchanged a few words without rushing to speak, stood on the stage with his eyes closed and thought for a while, then turned down and said: "Get ready for the music."

"Why did Google sell Google Zhongying? I don't know about it. Before the Honor G3 was released in the United States, Schmidt told me about it. Jumei had no plan to do search before. In such a short period of time, Time to make a decision like this, and to be honest, I've been under pressure like never before, until now."

"So after signing the preliminary agreement with Google, many of us went skiing because of too much pressure, and played for a few days: Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, we saw the vastness, the river went up and down, and suddenly lost its flow. Keke, I was touched at that time , wrote a song and sang it for everyone." Qu Li became emotional, and under his signal, the subtitles appeared and the background music played.

"I called the Dragon Roar Ling Yun Zhi

Hot-blooded boy soars up

Look at the world inside and outside the Great Wall

Mountains, rivers and clouds smile


Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are in the painting

The Rise of Jinshi Inscribed in the Prosperous Age

Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips turned yellow and entered the mud..."

An adaptation of "Snow Dragon Song", without the elements of the Winter Olympics, was sung by Qu Li majesticly.

"Papapa~~" Applause rang out

"Thank you. After singing, I feel a lot younger and have more courage to face difficulties. Let's answer the previous question."

"Before I said that because of the Honor mobile phone conference, we came to the United States ahead of schedule, met and chatted with Google CEO Schmidt, and then Jumei acquired Google Zhongying. As of December 15, there were less than 70 days. For a time, we wandered between Google Zhongwo and Shopee.”

"Let's talk about Google first. They probably wanted to do e-commerce at first, but after getting a deep understanding of the e-commerce business, they changed their minds and decided to do shopping search..."

"The logic behind this is that the growth rate of e-commerce advertising may exceed that of search engine keyword advertising. Amazon accounts for about 20% of the e-commerce retail market in North America. As they improve their logistics and express delivery network in North America, the advantage will be It is becoming more and more obvious that in the future, consumers in North America will think of Amazon when shopping, just like domestic consumers will think of Jumeijuhuasuan and Taobao when shopping..."

"Google Shopping wants to compete with e-commerce websites for consumer awareness. This is the right path, but no one knows whether it will succeed. Shopee will help Google try to succeed in this path in markets other than China. It’s where I hesitate the most.”

"There is another reason. Ahri bought Yahoo Zhongguo, so I won't comment on that."

"Jumei acquired Google Zhongying, the biggest reason is that they have an excellent team of 700 people, which can greatly supplement Jumei's talent gap. Secondly, with the expansion of Internet users and the e-commerce market, the commercial value is prominent. Search engine The market will become the third largest market in the Internet industry after e-commerce and games..."

"Jumei's corporate culture is not as strong and xenophobic as Ali, we are more inclusive, and the probability of success among Google's women will be higher with us..."

"This is probably all my thinking about Jumei's acquisition of Google Zhongying. I don't have any mysterious ideas. I am optimistic about this market and believe in the strength of the team."

"I have been very anxious during this period. I lost 10 catties in just two months. I have always had an inexplicable worry. After Jumei acquired Google China, it is still the supply chain-based technology and technology company I defined earlier. Do we serve enterprises? Should we stick to this positioning?"

"Here I give myself and my colleagues in Jumei a clear answer. The positioning of Jumei will not change. We are still a supply chain-based technology and service company."

"Jumei's business is divided into three parts, the first is e-commerce retail, the second is search and cloud services, and the third is innovative business..."

"Why should we stick to the supply chain as the basis? We have discussed this issue very early on, but it's just that: random flowers are becoming more and more attractive to the eye, portals, search engines, online games, social networks, video sites, and the Internet industry are undergoing endless changes. After you sing, I will appear on the stage, and Mr. Ma made it easy to do business in the world, and Bezos' flywheel effect, these have all confused me." Qu Li became more and more excited, and got to the point:

"However, if we don't forget the original intention, we will always be able to achieve it: we remove the appearance of things layer by layer, see the essence inside, and recognize the underlying logic and basic laws of market operation, and then start from this essential core and go layer by layer. Go up, so that every step you take after that is related to the original core (or original intention).”

"There is no essential difference between e-commerce and the traditional retail industry. In the end, competition always revolves around: products, prices and services. Different choices will lead to different companies. Improving the efficiency of supply chain management can effectively reduce costs, or the same The quality of our products will be better at the cost, and then the service level will be improved through technological progress..."

"Search and cloud computing are Jumei's technologies and services. Jumei's own efficiency improvement has an upper limit. We will eventually serve the vast majority of traditional manufacturing industries. This is a matter of the future, so I won't expand too much now. ..."

The four-hour New Year's Eve speech is coming to an end. It's mainly about Jumei and Glory. It's not friendly to most ordinary people, but who makes Qu Li a big boss? He can't give a talk show, right?

"To sum up, the best choice for ordinary people to start a business is e-commerce retail, and those with technology, capital, and entrepreneurial experience can choose mobile Internet. Think about it, the smart phone industry is developing so fast, and there are so few mobile apps and games. What an opportunity!

Of course, a very good team can directly make smartphones, and 10 years from now, half of the top ten smartphone brands in the world may be Chinese brands..."

As the bell rang in 2010, the New Year’s Eve speech came to an end, Qu Li was about to finish his speech, he flipped through the cards in his hand: “Oh, I almost forgot, I would like to share an English sentence with you: I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night, and you forever.”

"This seems to be a sentence I found when I was browsing a certain forum. I found it very interesting. I have always wanted to translate it into Chinese, but I couldn't find a suitable sentence. Recently, inspiration broke out. Please help me to see, is the translation good?"

Qu Li felt that his ears were burning, he couldn't bear to look at anyone, and said slowly: "There are three thousand things in the world, I love three, the sun, the moon and Qing, the sun is the morning, the moon is the evening, and the Qing is the morning and evening." (This sentence is really not from Tagore, let alone from Twilight, it is most likely from an unknown Internet god)

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