Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 525 Before the Hong Kong Stock IPO

Qu Li appeared in the Honor flagship store in Berlin, and was surrounded by many consumers. He enthusiastically answered their questions and took photos with them.

Honor is not as passive in the EU market as in the US market. The open Android system seems to be more popular than the closed iOS system, and the market share of Honor mobile phones is higher than that of IPhone.

At first, many people thought that Honor was a sub-brand of Google. With the opposition of Samsung and other mobile phone companies, Google repeatedly emphasized that it had nothing to do with Honor. At that time, Qu Li, the legendary "orphan" and "junior high school student" appeared again.

If the people around him become legendary, there may be jealousy, but when a "rebellious genius" in a strange country becomes "legendary", he is more curious and wants to know more about it.

Qu Li is familiar with Internet thinking and knows the importance of social networks, so he pays attention to leaving his mark on the overseas Internet. As long as Waiguo people want to know Qu Li, they will definitely find a lot of "beautiful" information on the Internet.

Many young people in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea regard Qu Li as a wealth idol. Even if Zuckerberg has become the king of social networking in the world, with a market value of more than 100 billion US dollars, many people still think that Qu Li's achievements are even higher.

Yes, when Qu Li was in Europe, Facebook went public in Silicon Valley, and the media from various countries praised this "freckle-faced young genius" wildly, and then some overseas netizens complained about Qu Li's injustice, comparing the similarities and differences between the two.

People in China don't care whether Qu Li is very good or not, they only care about how much money he makes.

Qu Li’s first investment in Facebook was US$50 million, accounting for 1% of the shares, and the second investment of US$200 million, accounting for 2% of the shares. FB still held about 3% of the shares before listing. Based on the IPO market value of US$115 billion, Qu Li's shareholding is worth 3.4 billion US dollars, earning more than ten times.

Of course, this calculation is wrong. He bought stocks from Facebook founders and old employees, with a total investment of more than 300 million US dollars, and earned 10 times in a few years.

"No wonder he is willing to donate all the shares of Jumei and Glory, so he still has so much money." Some netizens commented

"Not all the money invested in FB belongs to him." A reasonable person explained that Qu Li probably had no money at that time, most likely it was venture capital.

"At that time there was no money, who would give money to Qu Li for investment?"

"At that time, Jumei had just been listed, and the stock price fell below the issue price. How could he have any money?"

The analysis is clear and logical, but it is a pity that Qu Li is a coward and cannot be calculated with common sense. The investment of 300 million US dollars is really his. This time FB went public, he cashed out 2%, exchanged for about 2 billion U.S. dollars, deducted investment costs, and after paying 20% ​​capital gains tax, he still had more than 1.6 billion U.S. dollars.

Even though they have donated more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, why are they still not short of money?

Came back from Germany and arrived in Xiangjiang. Qiancheng Motors is worth about 30 billion in the big A stock market. This time, Qu Li will personally subscribe for 3 billion convertible preferred shares with a dividend rate of 3.5% at a valuation of 40 billion as promised, and convert them all into ordinary shares. Shareholding accounted for about 7%.

Then there is the H-share model IPO of Hong Kong stocks, which needs to issue 10% more public shares. Xiangjiang Investment, Vision Fund, anyway, Quli does not lack cornerstone investors. However, in order to promote the company and brand, he still came to Xiangjiang to communicate with investors.

"Why didn't you choose privatization and delisting instead of going to Xiangjiang IPO?" The atmosphere was not good at the beginning, and some investors suspected that Qu Li was trying to cheat money

"I'm here to learn how to manage a listed company. Jumei and Glory are developing too fast, and the business model and business strategy are basically settled, which requires fine-grained management. Qiancheng Auto is different. We are creating a great business." Qu Li

"You mean you don't know how to manage a listed company?"

"Is there any problem?" Qu Li said honestly

"Don't you think it's immoral to do that?"

"Are you a reporter or an investor, are you so unprofessional?" Qu Li beat him up and replaced him.

"Can you elaborate on your business philosophy?"

"No problem. In fact, I have introduced this problem many times in China. Building a car, making a good car, making a good car that can make money, has been done now..." Qu Li was very calm.

"The three major components of fuel vehicles. We have cooperated with FEV in Germany to develop a very good engine series, which will continue to be upgraded in the future; we have cooperated with Getrag in Germany to develop a wet dual-clutch DCT gearbox. This time The acquisition of Saab and the establishment of a European R\u0026D center in Frankfurt will invest more than 10 billion within five years to develop a CMA architecture that is more suitable for our needs based on the Phoenix platform."

"Don't you think it's risky to do this, in case the product is unsalable?" Investor

"Then tomorrow is the end of the world, so I don't have to go to work today?" Qu Li

"Does Qiancheng Auto have the cash to support the development of the CMA architecture?"

"This is my responsibility." Qu Li

Qiancheng Motors introduced the sales of the two SUVs, as well as the pure electric geometry car. There are already nearly 2,000 orders, and the delivery time is several months. There are many highlights.

"Why don't you increase the delivery capability of Qiancheng Geometry?"

"The consistency of the power battery is poor, and it is difficult to mass-produce it in the short term. We are working hard to improve it. You must know that we are developing a brand-new industry. It is normal to encounter some difficulties. It will take three to five years to solve all problems. Do you believe it? ?” Qu Li then introduced the development direction of electric vehicles, increasing production capacity and reducing costs.

"Why did you break up with Mitsubishi Motors?"

"We didn't break up. Qiancheng is the major shareholder of Cheetah Motors. The quality of Mitsubishi Motors is stable, safe and reliable. Many of their car-making ideas are worth learning. The reason why we separated is because I yearn for the stars and the sea..."

"What does it matter?"

"Why is it okay?" Qu Li asked with a smile

"Can you cooperate with FEV and Getrag to master the core technology?"

"We will give priority to ensuring that consumers can use the best products, followed by the interests of partners, and finally reduce costs through technological progress; the engine is simpler and can be mastered in three to five years, and the gearbox takes longer, at least After 2015..."

"Can I think that the cost of Qiancheng Motor will be greatly reduced after 2015?"

"No, we give priority to consumer-oriented products. Technological progress is a long-term process. At present, we will only release a few models and reduce costs through mass purchases. Only when the CMA architecture is successfully developed will various self-developed technologies Integration can really reduce costs..."

"When will Qiancheng Auto become profitable?" Investors continued to ask

"I don't know, it could be done this year, but now that I have acquired Saab and want to develop the CMA structure, I can't guarantee it." Qu Li spread his hands, expressing helplessness

"Why do you want to acquire Saab, establish a R\u0026D center in Germany, and develop CMA? Is Qiancheng Motor's current technology accumulation sufficient?" Some investors objected

"Do you think all the car companies in the world, apart from Tesla, can create a better and lower-cost future than us? You have to remember that investing in future cars is indeed very risky, but we are new energy. A leader in the automotive industry!" Qu Li said confidently

"Now the key components of Qiancheng Geometry are basically made by ourselves. Without large-scale purchases, how to reduce costs?" Some investors do not believe in evil.

"The three major parts of electric vehicles, the battery motor, will not provide technical support to the outside world except for the electronic control. Others can be sold as long as the production capacity permits. In the future, the possibility of selling these spare parts companies or establishing independent subsidiaries will not be ruled out."

"Aren't you worried about other competitors joining?" the investor continued to ask

"More enterprises can quickly reduce supply chain costs. The ultimate goal of Honor and Qiancheng Automobile is to do autonomous driving..."

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