Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 751 Honor Hardware Ecosystem

Although Honor is clearly in decline, why can it still maintain rapid growth? Qu Li "I can't ride my sister if I tear her apart", who can I ask this question?

Looking at Samsung’s growth rate, there is no hope that Honor will surpass it this year. The entire smartphone industry continues to maintain a growth rate of about 10%. This is the main reason.

It is a fact that Honor's overall gross profit margin is not as good as Apple's iPhone, but it does not mean it is worse than Samsung. It mainly comes from chips and basebands. The patent fees Honor pays to Qualcomm are much less than Samsung's, and Honor's supply chain management is becoming more and more perfect, which is a cost reduction and increase. effect.

Against the background of peers, Honor's smartphone business has not suffered much losses. The tablet and PC business has increased with the influence of the Honor brand, and the acquisition of Sony VAIO notebooks has promoted Honor's overall revenue growth in Japan.

To put it simply, the losses that Honor suffered in North America were made up for in Japan. Although there are many difficulties in opening up the South American market, there is an opportunity after all.

VAIO notebooks are quite good. Honor acquired this brand including their R\u0026D team, and sales exploded in a short period of time with the help of Honor's channels. An excellent product can have different vitality in different companies.

In the past, Sony could be said to be "dwindling", while Honor was "rising". Honor could make people see hope, while Sony made old employees see "despair". The mental outlook of the employees of the two companies was different, and their combat effectiveness was naturally different. no the same.

Honor has two series of tablets and laptops, Magic and Mate. After VAIO was acquired by Honor, it reduced its product line to produce high-quality products with different positioning. In terms of manufacturing, of course it is OEM, and it also needs to integrate the supply chain. The result is cost reduction and efficiency improvement. very obvious.

As for the sequelae of layoffs in Japan, of course there will be consequences, but in this world only successful people will regret it. How can losers have the right to regret it?

Honor has three computer brands, from notebooks to desktops. Basically, it has everything Apple has. Honor still has things Apple doesn’t have, and it also adds printers. Honor's products are similar to Apple's, with superb industrial design. Especially after absorbing engineers from Sony Computer, the design capabilities of both parties have been improved through exchanges and cooperation.

The most basic criterion for all Honor products is that they look good, and performance parameters come second. So much so that some people have been flattering and saying that Qu Li has single-handedly improved the aesthetic level of Made in China.

Qu Li watched it for a long time and didn’t understand what the aesthetic level was, so he didn’t think much about it. Anyway, with the launch of Guangguang self-media, Station A and Zhihu successively broke through the circle, and more and more people were bragging about it. Some content is abnormal even if you understand it. If you don’t understand it, then you can’t understand it.

The reason why Honor makes desktop computers and develops printers is mainly to serve domestic government and enterprise customers, and the demand in this area is increasing.

Qu Li is quite satisfied with this department. After integrating tablets into the computer department, sales reached more than 20 million. The current sales situation is very good, exceeding his expectations.

Honor's niche products such as drones, balance bikes, and Ebikes have an absolute advantage globally, and Pentax cameras, including those acquired by Honor, have made a comeback, going from losses to profits.

As for smartwatches, they have been competing with Apple. Both performance and user experience are at the same level. The only thing left is to fight for brand influence. Needless to say, Honor will definitely lose. 2" was released, sales of Honor smartwatches turned around, and the gap between the two sides was not that big.

After all, it has a box office of more than one billion US dollars, tens of millions of moviegoers around the world, and countless pirated copies. The impact of the brand alliance between Honor and Marvel Super Heroes is very far-reaching. It has accelerated the spread of Honor brand culture in Europe, America and even the world.

In addition to smart watches, Qu Li is also concerned about true wireless Bluetooth headsets. Unfortunately, the current Bluetooth standards and technologies are insufficient. This forced Honor to conduct research on wireless communications, and also added Bluetooth patents to successfully enter the Bluetooth Alliance.

Currently, Bluetooth is only 4.2. If you want to have a truly wireless Bluetooth headset, it must be Bluetooth 5.0. It’s not that we can’t develop better ones, but we have to consider compatibility and ecology. A pair of headphones can’t just be used with Honor’s new flagship phone, right?

Qu Li spent a few days in Honor to understand the situation, and it was developing very well. The remaining smart homes were forgettable. There was really nothing worth discussing. It was better to go to Honeycomb Energy and Huaguan to understand the situation. Unfortunately, before he could pass, Sanjay Jha came over to discuss India strategy with him.

The old man who raised Di is boundless in his power. After taking office, he launched Made in India. I dare not say that the results were remarkable. Anyway, it attracted a lot of people's attention. Sanjay Jia hoped that Glory would support him.

"The example of Vodafone is not obvious yet. We have been suing for 50 years. We..." Qu Lizhen is not rejecting India. On the contrary, he believes that the Indian market is indispensable, but how to enter and in what way is the key.

"Vodafone itself violated the rules..." Sanjay Jha defends India

India is a beautiful-looking market, with a larger population than China and huge economic growth potential. If such a populous country wants to rise, the growth of China, or several countries in East Asia, has proven that manufacturing is indispensable.

Originally, India could start with mid- to low-end industries, such as clothing and textiles, but this industry has meager profits and fierce competition. Bangladesh, including many countries in Southeast Asia and Vietnam, are competing for business.

This "superpower" is proud at heart and very smart. There is no problem in choosing the smartphone industry as a breakthrough point. If all the upstream and downstream industrial chains such as semiconductors and LCD panels take root in India, it will have a great impact on their technology and economy. The promotion effect is obvious.

But if Honor doesn’t build a factory in India, it will have to pay high tariffs and have no price advantage in the first place. What will happen in the future?

It is easy to find reasons to convince Sanjay Jia. The credibility of Indians is inherently unreliable, so it is better to leave it to brands that offer the ultimate cost-effectiveness.

Nowadays, Honor has basically established a firm foothold in Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, but its market share in South America, Africa and South Asia is not high.

Samsung, Nokia, and Lenovo Moto can only rely on cost-effectiveness to compete with Honor in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Central and Eastern Europe. This position is actually very embarrassing. It is not as attractive as Apple's iPhone, and it is not as cost-effective as other brands.

Fortunately, Honor now has self-developed chips, operating systems, voice assistants, and whole-house intelligence, including drones, pure electric cars, etc., forming a "hardware ecosystem" that is completely different from the software ecosystem of the IPhone.

It is more difficult to build a hardware ecosystem, but everyone can see hope that it will become the direction of Honor's development and a goal of the management. Therefore, Sanjay Jia has a lot to do and how can he not have so much time to worry about Quli.

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