Reborn I don't need a heroine

Chapter 173 Chapter 172

Before going to the martial arts hall to practice against Ye Xun, it was Pei Ningle who asked Wang Heng out first.

There was no way, after all, he was still acting as a manager, and the popularity of the new song had stagnated, so he naturally wanted to meet the girl and make some suggestions.

So in the afternoon of this day, Wang Heng came to Pei Ningle's rental room, knocked on the door, and when the door opened, he saw the petite girl in the fluffy gray pajamas.

After a little observation of the style of the pajamas, Wang Heng suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The overall light gray tone gives him an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, and the abdomen is white, which seems to be an anthropomorphic animal...

"What style is your dress?"

Pei Ningle put on the hood of her pajamas, and said with a smile, "How about my new hamster pajamas?"

Wang Heng: "'s cute."

Pei Ningle: "Isn't it? I think it looks good too. It was only delivered two days ago. I washed it and put it on yesterday."

Wang Heng sat down on the sofa and said expressionlessly: "Yes, but let's get down to business. Show me the data of station B and domain music first."

"Okay, but wait, I want to show you another thing first."

After saying this, Pei Ningle turned and went into the bedroom, and a few seconds later, he came out with a headset.

She handed the earphones to Wang Heng.

The shape of the earphones is similar to the common headphones in Internet cafes, but the earmuffs are obviously made of wood, and the workmanship seems to be more refined. Wang Heng took a closer look and found the triangular trademark, and he was shocked.

"The earphones of the copper triangle?" He asked involuntarily.

The petite girl put her hands on her hips, her small face was full of pride: "Yes, more than two thousand headphones, so that you can enjoy my voice."

Wang Heng: "...for me?"

Pei Ningle: "Of course! I have unpacked it, because I want to listen to it for you first, to feel the sound quality. My feeling is that it will be very good to listen to my own songs with this headset!"

Wang Heng has never felt the subtle changes in the sound quality of the headphones. But in front of the girl, of course it is impossible to lose face. Especially considering that this gift was bought for me by someone who spent more than 2,000 yuan...

All he could say was, "Thank you, I love it."

Pei Ningle smiled even happier: "I knew you would like it!"

Hanging the earphones around their necks, Wang Heng and the girl sat on the sofa and spent a few minutes looking at the data of the new song on station B and the music in the domain, and by the way, scanned the comments.

"Well, almost all of them are good reviews, right?" the girl said as if asking for credit.

Wang Heng shook his head slightly: "But the number of broadcasts is too small. Although the proportion of favorites is not bad, but the base is so small, it doesn't make much sense."

Pei Ningle: "Then what should I do?"

The question is very simple, but it is not at all simple to answer it satisfactorily.

Wang Heng thought silently.

After a while, he said: "To promote an original new song, and it's still an unknown original singer, there are two ways I can think of now. The first is to hit the charts. Spend money, or use more tricks Way, write a script for you to brush."

Pei Ningle frowned: "Isn't that bad?"

Wang Heng shrugged: "Of course, it's easy to be discovered. Fortunately, Bilibili and Wangyu Music are still small, with relatively little traffic, so it's not too difficult to scan. In short, if you are willing to take some risks, check the list It's a choice."

Pei Ningle thought for a while, then asked, "What about the second method?"

Wang Heng: "At station B, find the most popular up hosts and pay money. Let them mention you in the video, or simply make a recommended video for you, recommending their fans to follow you."

Pei Ningle realized the crux of the problem: "Is it going to cost a lot of money?"

Wang Heng: "It's still the same sentence. Station B is just a small platform now, and the most popular up owners don't have many fans. It doesn't cost much to buy a few video advertising spots from them. The initial budget may be more than 100,000 yuan. It's been promoted."

"Hundreds of thousands?" Pei Ningle couldn't help but look at the earphone.

Originally considered a luxury earphone in her eyes, more than 100,000 yuan is enough to buy dozens of them...

Wang Heng: "The same principle applies to Internet domain music, spending money on the most popular playlist owners. For example, the most popular playlist now includes the song Mitu, and the most popular follower is only a few thousand. If we buy the follower How about tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of playlists?"

Pei Ningle thought for a moment, but still shook his head: "I don't like this method very much, it's too expensive. We haven't made much money yet, if we spend it too fast, I won't be able to pay the rent."

"Who said it would cost you money?" Wang Heng jokingly said, "Since I am an agent, I must be the one to spend money in the initial stage of your career. Otherwise, what do you think an agent does? Do you cook?"

Pei Ningle couldn't help frowning: "You have so much money?"

Wang Heng said leisurely: "You can rest assured about this, but it will take a few days. My money is still in the stock market, and it will be withdrawn after a while. At that time, I can give you a small amount of money to promote it."

Pei Ningle: "Wait, how much money do you have in the stock market?"

Wang Heng: "Conservative estimate, seven figures."

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand..." The girl counted with her fingers, "One hundred thousand, one million? Do you have one million?"

Wang Heng smiled and said: "Almost, but there must be only a small part of them that can be used to promote you. Most of them, I have other uses."

Pei Ningle didn't believe it at all: "How is this possible, how can you, a college student, have so much money!"

Wang Heng: "I told you last time that I made a little money playing Bitcoin..."

"One million, is one million called 'a little money'?" Pei Ningle's eyes widened, "I don't believe it, it's too exaggerated!"

Wang Heng took out his mobile phone, clicked on the previous bank notification text message, and showed her a look.

Seeing the amount in the text message, the girl said in a daze, "700,000..."

"That's right, but when this wave of profits is made, it will be over a million." Wang Heng didn't talk too much. In fact, the current market value of the stock alone has exceeded 1.5 million. In a few days, when the stocks are thrown away and withdrawn from the market, it must be more than 2 million.

It took a full half a minute for the girl to finally digest this shocking situation.

"When I first met you last year, you didn't have so much money, did you?" Pei Ningle asked in a low voice.

Wang Heng nodded: "Yes, it didn't exist then, but now it does."

Seeing the dismal playback volume of the song on the screen, Pei Ningle couldn't help feeling more and more melancholy. At first, I was thinking of using economic temptation, but now, this guy has suddenly become a rich man, so no matter how expensive the gift I give, it will lose its meaning?

Looking at the girl whose mood suddenly fell, Wang Heng roughly guessed a little bit of her thoughts. However, he didn't say much, just suggested: "Then you continue to write songs, try to write two more songs, and record them all. In this way, when I spend money to advertise for you, the effect will be better. "

Pei Ningle replied weakly: "I know..."


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