Reborn I don't need a heroine

Chapter 288 Chapter 287

In the end, Wang Heng and Lu Qi settled the matter of buying shares.

Lu Qi bought 7% of Anzhi Technology's shares with 3 million yuan and connections in the programmer circle. But because Wang Heng doesn't plan to recruit any more investment, and the company doesn't plan to publicize it, everything has been simplified as much as possible.

There is no need to find other people for signing contracts, equity changes, and money transfers. The few people present can handle it in the simplest way.

In the days that followed, the business continued as usual. Wang Heng, Lu Qi, and Han Yixuan continued to be busy with their respective affairs, while Shen Yexi continued to fish in the company—of course, in his opinion, this was not fishing, but searching for clues to piece together the truth about the dark battle of the second generation of the wealthy family .

Until this day in mid-October, Shen Yexi received an email from fof founder Wei Kai.

After reading the contents of the email, Assistant Shen immediately called Wang Heng.

"Hey, boss, someone wants to invest in fof!"

On the phone, Wang Heng's voice was a little dazed: "Is there someone? Who is it?"

"Levi Capital, it seems to be..." Shen Yexi was on the phone, and he had already found the information of this investment institution with a computer, "It is a professional venture capital institution, and its strength seems to be very good!"

Wang Heng: "They want to invest in fof, right? Okay, then talk to them."


A day later, in the office of Anzhi Technology, a video meeting began.

Wang Heng sat in front of the computer, facing the screen, smiling: "Hi, Mr. Du, I am Wang Heng from Anzhi Technology."

On the screen is a man about forty years old, with a beard under the chin, but the top of his head is so smooth that he can't find a hair. The wrinkles on the face are full of vicissitudes, and there is a sense of domineering and stable at first glance.

The identity of this person is the general manager of Levi Capital, Du Zhengyang.

"Mr. Wang is really young," Du Zhengyang also smiled, "Young people are awesome, and young people are awesome. And I heard from Wei Kai that the reason why he thought of sharing bicycles was thanks to Mr. Wang's suggestion?"

Wang Heng said indifferently: "I told him some hasty thoughts, nothing more."

Du Jianyang: "Genius is the 1% inspiration! Wang can always think of it, this is amazing!"

Wang Heng: "Boss Du praises it a lot. Moreover, bike sharing is still in its infancy. Wei Kai has just rolled it out in a university in the imperial capital, and you've come to him. This kind of vision is really good..."

After flattering each other, Du Zhengyang got to the point.

"The most important thing about the bike-sharing business is that it must be rolled out in the initial stage. It is best to allow bikes to appear in every corner of every school in the imperial capital. This requires a huge amount of funds. As far as I know, fof's Cash flow reserves should be relatively limited, right?"

Wang Heng simply admitted: "Yes, I only invested in the angel round, which is less than one million. Let them try it in a few universities. If there is no problem, I will invest more."

Du Zhengyang nodded, and asked tentatively: "But you already hold a lot of shares, right? If you add more investment, will Wei Kai and the others still have the right to take the lead?"

Wang Heng thought about the other party's eyes, and calmly replied: "So, in the future investment, I will not participate too much. I don't intend to grab Wei Kai's dominance."

Hearing this reassuring answer, Du Zhengyang's expression didn't change much.

He invited: "Then Mr. Wang is free recently? We are planning to invest in the Pre-A round, and the funds are ready."

Wang Heng: "Has it started recently?"

Du Zhengyang smiled and said: "The sooner the better, time waits for no one."

Wang Heng: "Then I will fly to the Imperial Capital the day after tomorrow. See you then, Mr. Du."

At the end of the video, Wang Heng looked at the assistant standing aside and said, "Let's inform Lu Qi and Han Yixuan. We'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. If they're free, it's best to go together."

Shen Yexi nodded respectfully: "Understood, Mr. Wang."

Wang Heng clicked on the calendar of the computer, looked at the date, and silently calculated.

In his impression, the surge in the bull market in the past two years should begin to peak at the end of this year. Now the funds in the account that can be used to buy stocks are about 60 million. In the past two months, I have been a little lazy and haven't squeezed more stock market information from the hamster... But it doesn't matter, he remembers that there is a big company's Stocks will start to rise from the end of this year.

Huaxia CSR is about to announce its merger with CNR, and the huge good news has attracted the attention of thousands of shareholders.

Before it rises, as long as you enter the market with tens of millions in your hand, it will be a matter of course to complete a few small goals within half a year.

Thinking of this, Wang Heng smiled from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Shen Yexi finally couldn't help asking: "Mr. Wang, do you plan to sell part of the equity for this fof investment?"

Wang Heng said subconsciously: "Why sell? It's too early to sell now, let's wait and see. Our company's investment strategy is to take the long-term to catch big fish."

Either Ali, or Penguin. Before handing fof into their hands, he will definitely not quit early.


In the meeting room the next morning, four people from Anzhi Technology gathered together again.

At this time, Levi Capital has already sent an investment letter of intent - this is not a formal investment letter of intent, it just talks about the scale and nature of Levi Capital, its evaluation of fof, and the expected investment amount .

Seeing the column of 8 million, Han Yixuan and Lu Qi fell silent.

Suddenly, Lu Qi asked: "If we don't follow suit, will the equity be diluted?"

Wang Heng nodded: "Of course, that's why I will follow up with some of the votes."

Lu Qi: "Is the money enough?"

Wang Heng: "Isn't this the three million you sent me? It's enough to take part of the follow-up investment. In fact, it doesn't matter if it is diluted at all. After all, as long as fof develops smoothly, there will definitely be multiple rounds of financing in the future. It may always hold 30% of the equity, and it will always be diluted."

Han Yixuan couldn't help muttering: "Can shared bicycles really develop so smoothly..."

Wang Heng smiled and said: "I am very confident in this project. Although it is difficult to make a profit, it is easy to make money, so it is very convenient to attract investment from bigwigs. In today's cities, people's demand for transportation has never been met. Especially in places where there is no subway and there is traffic jam, what can you do if you want to pass quickly?"

Lu Qi stared at him, and suddenly laughed: "Do you remember the balance bike I gave you? That's fine too, but I don't seem to have seen you use it recently..."

Of course Wang Heng remembered. When he received this gift, he was really happy for two days. But the reaction of his roommates made him realize a problem. It's too conspicuous to walk around on campus with such an expensive thing all day long.

So after buying a new house, he let the balance bike go. Originally, I thought I could step out for a walk from time to time, but with the development of the Shura field, the distance between the girls and the girls is getting closer and closer, so I can only leave it in the house to eat ashes.

Wang Heng could only explain with a wry smile: "It's not convenient for me to live in the dormitory, so I put it away."

Han Yixuan was secretly vigilant - so, Lu Qi gave him such a gift?


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