Reborn I don't need a heroine

Chapter 306 Chapter 305

Before he could make a move, Pei Ningle and Han Yixuan ran away. This didn't make Lu Qi very happy, but instead made her secretly vigilant - are those two girls planning something secretly again?

Wang Heng suddenly asked: "Sister Lu, should we find a place to rest?"

Lu Qi shook her head: "I'm so excited right now, I don't want to rest. How about we play something more exciting?"

Although you have to be vigilant against the schemes of those two girls, since you have a window of solitude, how can you waste it?

"Exciting..." Wang Heng looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "How about that!"

Following his gaze, Lu Qi saw the go-kart track.

She has never played karting, and she has only heard of it before, and she doesn't know much about it. But at this point, it’s extra fun to have a strong interest in it—perhaps, racing with interesting people?

"I'm an old driver with a driver's license." Lu Qi patted him on the shoulder and teased, "Do you think you can play with me?"

Wang Heng shrugged: "Let's try it."

The two didn't line up very much and got into the car quickly. Sitting in the car, wearing gloves and helmets, the faces of the two of them were somewhat unclear. But when Lu Qi slightly turned her head to face him, Wang Heng certainly knew who she was staring at.

Suddenly, Lu Qi pulled up the protective goggles of the helmet and said loudly: "Come on, let's see if you can keep up with me, or can you not even eat the exhaust gas?"

She lowered her goggles and stepped on the gas pedal.

Wang Heng glanced at the phone. No new messages, no missed calls, no secondary alerts. In other words, playing karting will not cause any serious accidents.

Wang Heng felt relieved and stepped on the accelerator hard.

Perhaps because the seat was extremely low and he hadn't driven for a long time, Wang Heng felt a strong sense of excitement when he just started the car. When I turned the first corner, my heart beat faster and faster.

As for Lu Qi, although it was his first time playing karting, he seemed to get used to it very quickly. So when Wang Heng finally caught up with her, he found that he couldn't overtake the car no matter what.

There are still a few tourists on this winding runway, but everyone is obviously not as good as Wang Heng and Lu Qi. They were overtaken one after another, and then they watched the two continue to accelerate and decelerate, entering and exiting corners, biting and fighting endlessly... Especially at the third hairpin turn, the two cars seemed to be drifting. The sound of violent friction of tires resounded throughout the arena.

Of course, the top speed of these cars is only 50 kilometers per hour, and because there are many curves and few straights, it is almost impossible to accelerate to the top, so the real speed of Wang Heng and Lu Qi is not that fast.

But whether it's their subjective feelings or in the eyes of onlookers, these two are already playing quite intensely...


Han Yixuan bought sanitary napkins for Pei Ningle and delivered them to her. Then, while waiting outside the women's toilet, she finally had time to check the new news on her phone.

"Two people, play karting?"

Seeing the brief WeChat message from Wang Heng, Han Yixuan breathed a sigh of relief. In her opinion, among the various entertainment items in the amusement park, karting may be the safest - of course, it is the safety in the field of love.

In contrast, projects like the Ferris wheel are terrifying. Two people stay in a small space isolated from the outside world, rise to a high place, look at the romance of the city's distant view, and no matter what you do, you will not be disturbed by the outside world... It's not like a go-kart, there is only one seat, let alone hold hands, There's nothing romantic about wearing helmets that can't even see each other's faces clearly.

After waiting for a while, Pei Ningle finally came out from inside.

Han Yixuan observed her expression, and asked with concern, "How do you feel now?"

Pei Ningle rubbed his lower abdomen: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt much anymore."

"It doesn't hurt anymore?" Han Yixuan couldn't believe it, "It's another period, another roller coaster, you recovered so quickly?"

Pei Ningle tilted his head: "What else? Should it hurt for a long time?"

After being silent for a while, Han Yixuan suddenly let out a long sigh: "People are really different. Sometimes, I really envy you..."

Pei Ningle scratched his head and said with a smile, "There's nothing to envy. By the way, where are Wang Heng and Sister Lu?"

Han Yixuan casually pointed in the direction of the kart track: "It should be driving."

Pei Ningle: "Then let's go and have a look."

The two girls walked over there.

When they arrived at the spectator area next to the track, the two held on to the railing and observed it. Although the tourists who drove were wearing helmets and couldn't see their faces clearly, but of course the two of them remembered what clothes Wang Heng and Lu Qi were wearing, so it was not difficult to recognize them.

Then Pei Ningle asked in a low voice: "The two who drove the fastest?"

Han Yixuan nodded solemnly.

She suddenly realized a problem—compared with physical contact, sometimes, spiritual communication seems to be more dangerous.

Looking at the current situation, Wang Heng and Lu Qi feel like they are evenly matched. It is this kind of relentless contest that seems to bring two people closer to each other than vulgar dating.

After a while, Pei Ningle also noticed that something was wrong, and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoxuan, Xiaoxuan, do you feel that the two of them seem to be... well matched?"

Han Yixuan was noncommittal, but those peach blossom eyes seemed to have turned into an unfathomable peach blossom pool, and the gaze was extraordinarily deep.


In the end, Wang Heng still did not win.

He succeeded in overtaking twice, but it didn't take long for Lu Qi to overtake and come back. In the end, after ten laps, Lu Qi reached the finish line first.

Following closely behind Lu Qi, the car stopped, and Wang Heng got up and took off his helmet.

Then, Lu Qi came to him, put his hands on his shoulders, and shook him vigorously.

Lu Qi pinched his shoulder and said happily: "It's been a long time since I played this game! Haha, both of us are quite talented in driving!"

Wang Heng: "Yes..."

Lu Qi: "I thought I was an old driver, and it would be easy to get rid of you? As a result, you actually bit me tightly the whole time!"

Wang Heng: "Yes, the bite is very tight, very tight."

"Come to play again next time!"

After saying this, Lu Qi suddenly noticed two girls walking towards her not far away, she let go of her hands calmly, and put her hands into the pockets of her trousers.

Wang Heng didn't need to turn his head, he just guessed from Lu Qi's subtle expression that someone was coming behind him.

So he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Han Yixuan: [Where are you? 】

Han Yixuan: [You look back? 】

Wang Heng turned around obediently, and sure enough, he saw Han Yixuan and Pei Ningle. In an instant, there was a deep sense of surprise in his eyes, as if it came from the heart.

This flash of surprised eyes made Han Yixuan feel a lot of comfort—look, he still cares about me so much.

While showing this gaze, Wang Heng turned his back to Lu Qi, so Lu Qi naturally didn't feel anything unusual.

At this time, Pei Ningle yelled: "It's already noon, are you still hungry? Let's go eat hot pot!"


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