Reborn I don't need a heroine

Chapter 367 Chapter 366

The next morning, when Wang Heng and Lu Qi met in the breakfast area downstairs of the hotel, they behaved very normally, as if the kiss and conversation last night had never happened.

Wang Heng: "Good morning, Miss Lu."

Lu Qi: "Good morning, shall we go to the ski resort later?"

Wang Heng: "Well, I'll go after breakfast."

Lu Qi: "Then eat slowly, I've already finished eating."

Having said that, Lu Qi wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, turned around and left with a smile.

But from her calm posture, Wang Heng noticed a strange detail - Lu Qi wore makeup today, and it was with eye shadow.

But skiing requires anti-snow blindness sunglasses, and wearing them can cover half of the face. Does it still need eyeshadow?

The most reasonable explanation seems to be...Lu Qi didn't sleep well last night and has dark circles under her eyes, so she needs to cover it up.

Of course, he still kept his composure at this time, eating breakfast in silence, but after ten minutes, when Lu Qi came back, he put down the tableware and asked, "How did you sleep last night?"

Lu Qi: "Maybe I'm a bit obsessed with the bed, but I didn't sleep very well."

Wang Heng: "Then shall we take a rest?"

Lu Qi shook her head: "Since everyone said to start skiing in the morning, don't change it. Besides, I just didn't sleep well, and I didn't stay up all night. I'm feeling refreshed now. Take a break, maybe I'll be sleepy instead Come."

So the two brought their equipment and entered the ski resort.

During this process, Wang Heng was still thinking secretly... Lu Qi was tossing and turning last night, what was he thinking about? What kind of thoughts are buried under her calm appearance now?

The staff of the ski resort took the initiative to ask if they needed a coach, but Wang Heng temporarily stopped thinking about the girl's mind and said that he didn't need a coach. Then, she bent down and put on Lu Qi's ski shoes and snowboard.

"Step on here, or poke it with a ski pole. In short, press this place down, and the shoes will be separated from the board..." Wang Heng explained the details of these ski equipment in detail, "If you fall, this joint Even if it receives a strong force, it will also break away. So don’t worry too much when you fall, just control your posture.”

At this time, Wang Heng was squatting in front of Lu Qi, so Lu Qi was staring at him with her head down.

Lu Qi asked in a low voice: "Will it hurt when you fall?"

Wang Heng raised his head and said with a smile, "It's snowy. Wear thick clothes, so it won't hurt too much."

Lu Qi asked again: "Then what I'm wearing now might be a little too thick?"

Wang Heng still had a gentle smile on his face: "It's just right, it keeps warm and has protective effect, and it's also pretty."

Lu Qi said solemnly: "I don't care about whether it looks good or not. The problem is that clothes that are too thick will affect the movements, right?"

Wang Heng: "So I said it's just right, it doesn't affect the action, and it looks good."

Lu Qi sighed: "Why do you always emphasize good looks?"

Wang Heng: "Because you look good in anything."

Lu Qi froze for a moment, but instead of being as shy as Han Yixuan, she pointed out a question: "You mean, I wear the same clothes?"

Wang Heng: "It's not...sometimes it looks better."

"For example?" Lu Qi asked with great interest, "When will it look better?"

Wang Heng: "When it's in my eyes."

Lu Qi couldn't help laughing: "You've been with girls for a long time, and you've tempered your eloquence, right?"

Wang Heng stood up and gave her the ski pole: "Don't talk about me, you should practice hard first. The beginner slide is too simple for me, but for beginners, it is better to start on flat ground. .Come on, follow my posture and keep your center of gravity forward..."

Lu Qi stared at Wang Heng's demonstration for a while.

Suddenly, she asked, "Since when did you ski? You seem very skilled."

Wang Heng replied very naturally: "It snows in my house in winter, and there is a ski resort in the suburbs, which is much smaller than here, but I like to go there."

Of course, that small town did have a ski resort, but Wang Heng didn't go there a few times. His skiing experience basically comes from the experience of Zhou Zhou and Lu Qi.

It was Lu Qi who taught him last week, and now the master-student exchange is quite interesting.


Lu Qi really learned quickly.

After mastering some basic tricks, she can move on flat ground without poles. Immediately afterwards, she pulled Wang Heng onto the magic carpet.

Skiing, of course, is to slide from a high place to a low place. In order to send tourists to high places, facilities such as cableways and cable cars are usually used. The novice-level low-difficulty slides have a very gentle slope, so the so-called magic carpet can be used.

It is a long conveyor belt, which can be fixed when standing on skis and will not slide. Lu Qi and Wang Heng stood on the magic carpet, letting it send them to the middle of the slide.

"Well, let's try it here first," Wang Heng said, "Don't go to the highest point, I will slide down with you next to you."

Lu Qi asked, "Do you think the difficulty is too low?"

Wang Heng: "To be honest, it is true."

Lu Qi pointed to the highest point of the slide: "Why don't you go up there? Don't worry about me, you should have fun yourself."

Wang Heng shook his head: "If I want to be happy, then I should go directly to the difficult one. This slide is not exciting enough even if you come down from the highest point."

Lu Qi adjusted her sunglasses: "Is it so powerful?"

Wang Heng: "It's not that great, it's normal. Don't talk about it, let's start!"

Lu Qi nodded, according to the posture she had practiced on the flat ground before, she bent down, leaned forward, bent her knees, her center of gravity naturally moved forward...then the whole person slid forward.

After she slid out for a long time, Wang Heng kicked hard and accelerated the slide.

He saw that compared to other beginners, especially compared to girls, Lu Qi's posture was obviously much more stable. She barely moved until she slid to the bottom of the track, slowly slowing down on the flat. Until the speed dropped to a level close to walking, she subconsciously drew her knees inwards, similar to a figure-of-eight position, and braked with the inner edge of the skis.

In almost a second, Lu Qi came to a complete stop.

In the next second, Wang Heng floated past her, and then braked with the steering belt, and stopped precisely less than two meters in front of her.

Lu Qi sighed: "I thought I skated pretty well just now, compared to you..."

Wang Heng smiled: "You skate really well. It's the first time. It's not easy if you don't fall."

Lu Qi curled her lips and asked, "Did you fall the first time?"

Wang Heng: "Uh..."

Lu Qi: "Tell me the truth, and speak from your conscience."

Wang Heng: "Well, I didn't fall. But many people fall for the first time because of fear, especially girls."

Lu Qi stared at him, and couldn't help but secretly guess - did this kid ski with other girls? Like in his hometown, with Han Yixuan?

Although they were all wearing sunglasses and couldn't see their eyes, Wang Heng still vaguely guessed where the exam questions were.

So he said calmly: "Of course I haven't skied with girls, but I have seen strangers fall many times, and there are posts posted by girls on the Internet, saying that it is easy to fall when skiing for the first time..."

Although he still couldn't see Lu Qi's eyes, Wang Heng could see that the corners of Lu Qi's mouth curled up slightly into a smile.


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