Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 141: Camera Design Contest

Since Bao Zixuan said that he asked Jennifer-Laura to help Eva-Bauman plan a camera design activity together, he was not very happy until he sent her back to the dormitory. Bao Zixuan didn't think about other places. He was going to go to the Wall Street Blackstone Fund to have a look, and then go back to MIT.

In fact, Eva Bowman knew that Jennifer Laura and Bao Zixuan had nothing to do, but she was a little unhappy in her heart. She knew that Jennifer Laura was the kind of woman who could turn men around. It was only when he sent her back to the dormitory that Bao Zixuan hadn't mentioned the name, and he was in a better mood.

After returning to the dormitory, when she saw the gift from Bao Zixuan, she thought of opening it first, so she opened the box with her roommate. All women in this world are the same, they all like the feeling of opening gifts, but they don't care too much about what's inside.

The first box opened the biggest one first, which was a Black Cloud Vision 1100 laptop, and the four girls were pleasantly surprised. After all, this is now a very hot office computer. Many people who have money may not be able to buy it.

A roommate named Adriana said, "Who gave you such a precious gift!"

Roommate Kelly said, "It must be her father's student Bao Zixuan, the boss of the Black Cloud Group."

Roommate Kohler-Kamen said, "Aiwa, tell the truth, is Bao Zixuan pursuing you, or why would he give you such an expensive gift!"

Eva-Bauman: "What are you talking about! We're just ordinary friends, it's really nothing."

The four girls continued to unpack the gifts. After a small box was opened, they were divided into four small boxes. Take it out and see that there are 4 gameboy game consoles. After seeing this, the girls are very interested, because they also have a share in this case.

Eva-Bauman generously gave each of them a game console, and they all accepted them happily.

At this time, a Kohler-Kamen said, "My God, what are you?"

This is a classic camera from Carl Zeiss that Bao Zixuan brought over from East Germany in 1936. Bao Zixuan remembers that there was an auction in a later generation that actually sold for a sky-high price of 1.8 million US dollars.

In fact, that camera is the relic of a famous photographer in New York, and it has a celebrity benefit bonus, but this is enough to prove the excellence of this camera. Carl Zeiss's remaining 4 units were rounded up by him.

After the girls unpacked all the gifts next, everyone from a good family was shocked by the gift-giver. Mainly, Bao Zixuan gave Eva-Bauman 4 classic cameras, each of which left an indelible mark in the history of photography. And it was obtained at the Carl Zeiss factory, and it is very well maintained.

In fact, Bao Zixuan gave Eva-Bauman so many things this time to make up for Professor Bauman. After all, he has made the greatest contribution to the old machine tool. Without him, he would not be able to complete this task now. I really didn't think of anything else.

Adriana: "Aiwa, Bao Zixuan is really not your boyfriend."

Eva-Bauman: "It's not really, it's just a student of my father. But my father treats him very well. He always treats him as a son. He often comes to my house for dinner."

Kohler-Carmen: "Then he is your brother. How about me being your sister-in-law."

Kelly: "It's also what I do. A person who treats his sister so well is definitely better for his girlfriend. I'm Aiwa's sister-in-law."

Adriana: "Don't make fun of Aiwa, what is Bao Zixuan coming to ask you for?"

Eva-Bauman: "By the way, I'm here to unwrap gifts. I almost forgot about the business, you wait for me."

What the roommates said made her more aware that you must be generous, and that you want to associate with a particularly good person. Then you have to have tolerance, or don't try.

And Bao Zixuan has already promised Jennifer Laura to let her cooperate with him, so I Aiwa Bowman is the protagonist of this event, I will go find her now.

When Eva Bowman brought Jennifer Laura back to the dormitory, she saw the gift on the table and knew it was from Bao Zixuan. And Eva-Bauman didn't go out to live and went back to the dormitory, which proved that their relationship was not a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, and this was his chance. The two women are collaborating to organize the contest with different goals.

Eva-Bauman looked at the four people and said, "The Black Cloud Group is preparing to develop a camera, and the camera's appearance plan has not yet been finalized. So I want our school students to participate in the design. The two people are a team, and each team consists of a designer. Formed with a photographer. The design requirement is to be beautiful and functional.”

"Three rounds of competition mode are adopted. As for the judges, five of us are in charge. The first round of 100 places will be awarded $2,000 for the first round. The second round of 10 places will be awarded $20,000. The third round is to directly adopt the design. , if used by Black Cloud, a reward of $200,000.

After hearing Eva-Bauman's introduction, every girl's eyes lit up. After all, the reward was very generous. If the design can be used by the black cloud. So not only the economic benefits, but also the increase of fame is of great benefit. Joanna is a typical example.

Eva-Bauman continued: "If you want to participate, you can, but you can't be a judge. Each judge is paid $10,000. Whether you want to participate or not is up to you. But I'll say it first. , not to cheat for personal gain.”

In the end, the other 4 girls all chose to be judges, after all, they could get $10,000 directly. Although they are not bad for this amount of money, but how to say this is also earned by strength.

And becoming a judge can also increase social practice activities, which can increase credits. At the same time, you can also see the design works of many people. In this way, the five girls took action, and Eva-Bauman is now a school man in her own right. As long as it is produced by Heiyun, there is nothing she can't get, so it is very popular in school.

Jennifer-Laura is also the dream lover of many men. The camera design competition they launched this time is very popular on Many students have participated in this activity. Actually received 3214 design drawings. This was something they could not have imagined.

After Bao Zixuan handed over this event to Eva-Bauman, he didn't care about it. Now that the design task of the digital camera has been assigned, his task is basically completed. And with the overall control of Steven Cézanne, the father of digital cameras, I believe that it will not take long to produce results, and he believes that he can make products that exceed this era for ten years or more. Now is to write the software system of the digital camera, this is what he should do.

In this way, Bao Zixuan teaches at school during the day, and writes software systems in the office or dormitory at night. Now he not only needs to write the digital camera control system, but also prepares to write a set of photoshop photo editing and restoration software, so that it can be perfectly combined with the Vision 1100 notebook computer, so that the two products can complement each other.

The camera control system software is relatively simple, after all, it is just a CCD imaging principle. However, the photoshop software is relatively troublesome. Bao Zixuan took two months to write the software by himself.

During this period, he went to Wall Street to learn about oil futures, and by the way, he went to the New York School of Visual Arts to see some camera design pictures. The final shape is related to the overall layout of the Heiyun Group in this field, and it will be very troublesome if there is a problem.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner. After being a good student for more than two months, he has to take a long vacation. Heiyun Group's production base in Xiangjiang is about to be completed, and he plans to return to Xiangjiang. And this time, all the executives of Heiyun will go back to Xiangjiang to participate in the celebration of the completion of the production base.

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