Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 161: The power of the media

After Chen Yulian went back, she saw that other members of the dormitory were looking at her with strange eyes, and she felt a little strange in her heart. The 4 people in their dormitory went to 3 this time, and they all knew that a man was injured in order to save Chen Yulian.

And the most important thing is that the man who saved her is Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Xiangjiang, what kind of life is this! How come I didn't catch something like this, the other two roommates were thinking about it.

Chen Yulian ignored her roommate's gaze, but after having a meal with Bao Zixuan, her impression of this rich boy completely changed. Not as magical as the media reports, eating like a big boy next door. He is a man who can bring warmth to women, but he just doesn't know if he and others will have the chance to meet again.

This night, Chen Yulian fell asleep in her roommate's joke and her own fantasy, but Bao Zixuan didn't know it. Heungkong Media will not care if you are a black cloud or HSBC. Many news media content uses these big companies as slots.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan actually fought and was injured for a woman and a member of the club, someone entered the HSBC banquet with a knife, and some people dared to make trouble at the HSBC Bank after drinking too much. Also, Buck Tooth Zhang entered the detention center and was interrupted all night. Is there any sign of revenge?

All the newspapers in Xiangjiang worked overtime this night. After all, there is too much news in it, so let's break the news.

As expected by Bao Zixuan, the next day, all the newspapers in Xiangjiang rushed to report the events at the HSBC banquet. Among them, the report of the Oriental Daily is the most detailed. After knowing that the buck teeth are in, the Hong Kong police will definitely do their best to suppress the members of the society. Shuangma knew that it would be very difficult for them to live, so they should call it a rivalry and jealousy.

Throwing dirty water on Bao Zixuan will definitely offend the other party, but for the sake of your own life, offend him! Therefore, the Oriental Daily made every effort to report the fight between Bao Zixuan and Buck Tooth Zhang over the beautiful actress Chen Yulian, and weakened Buck Tooth Zhang with a knife to attend the HSBC banquet. In this way, the public eye can be diverted, and this triangular relationship of rich, beautiful, and gangster is more popular with readers.

Oriental Daily reported that when HSBC held a banquet on the afternoon of January 3, Buck Tooth Zhang and Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Hong Kong, both fell in love with Chen Yulian, a contracted artist of TVB. The two sides fought at the banquet for Chen Meimei. Buck Tooth Zhang was knocked to the ground, and Bao Zixuan injured his arm. In the end, our richest man is more attractive and is favored by beautiful women. After the two went to the hospital to bandage the wound, they had dinner together, and Bao Zixuan did not send Mei Chen back to the dormitory until very late.

Bao Zixuan has never disclosed his girlfriend's information before, and he has lived in the United States for a long time. Before that, there were only two scandals, which ended with no response and contact between the two sides.

This time our richest man and gangster staged a show of competition for beautiful women. Is this just for fun or for other purposes. We will wait and see whether Chen Yulian can become the boss of Heiyun Group.

In addition, our reporter got the latest news at the detention center. Buck-toothed Zhang, who had just entered the prison for one night, was interrupted by all his hands and feet because of a quarrel with his inmates. Whether this was deliberate revenge or not we do not know yet.

Founded by Hu Wenhu in 1938, Sing Tao Daily is an international Chinese-language newspaper with a long history and a global distribution network. In addition to being published in Hong Kong, Sing Tao Daily also publishes eight daily newspapers in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and other places. "Sing Tao Daily" aims to provide objective and in-depth news reports for middle-class readers, especially education and real estate news.

Sing Tao News takes Hong Kong as its news editing and editing headquarters, and has set up an international news center in New York, USA, which will distribute global editing operations, including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, London, Paris and XN Waiting for overseas branches to conduct all-round connections 24 hours a day. This huge global operation has established a close and efficient global news information network for the parent company, Fanhua Group, so that information can be conveyed to users in the fastest and most accurate way. In addition, this network is also the best platform for the Group to connect with Chinese people around the world and promote its products internationally.

In this era, the circulation of Sing Tao Daily in Hong Kong may be slightly weaker than that of Oriental Daily, but its influence in the world is not comparable to that of Oriental Daily, which has only been established for ten years.

Now that Hu Wenhu has passed away, the head of the newspaper office has been replaced by his daughter, Hu Xian. This strong woman with the queen of the newspaper industry can be said to be known for her boldness and resoluteness in reporting.

Hu Xian also attended the HSBC banquet, and generally knew what happened. It can be said that Bao Zixuan suffered a complete disaster, but no one would want to read the newspaper like this. If the young richest man only plays the role of soy sauce in it, it will not attract the attention of the public.

But it can be written as a drama in which the hero saves the beauty and finally repays the beauty, although the story and plot are a bit old-fashioned. But there must be some truth to this theme that has been enduring for so long. After all, every era has beauties and heroes. As for Bao Zixuan and Chen Yulian, it has nothing to do with whether they become the same newspaper. It is normal for everyone to break up with young people, and because Bao Zixuan is so rich, his family does not approve of him marrying an actor. It is also reasonable to want to find a suitable eldest lady to marry.

In the end, Hong Kong Island Daily even thought about the breakup scene in the second issue. It's hard to say how many of the reports between rich and beautiful people in this era are true.

The Ming Pao report is relatively objective here. Mr. Jin Yong is not a gossip person. Ming Pao objectively reported that the cause of the incident was that Buck Tooth Zhang drank too much with his friends at noon, and then became malicious after seeing Chen Yulian. In the process of dodging, Miss Chen bucked and smashed Bao Zixuan's food on the ground.

This led to the intensification of the conflict, and the buck-toothed Zhang couldn't beat the young and strong boss Bao. He took out the knife In the end, he was knocked to the ground with buck teeth, and Boss Bao ended up with an injury to his arm.

Mainly it was reported that Buck Tooth Zhang could actually bring a knife into the banquet held by HSBC, and the banquets were attended by celebrities in Hong Kong. This time with a knife, next time, if you bring a gun, then what is the safety of Xiangjiang?

Ming Pao’s main report points to concerns about the safety of Hong Kong, and at the same time it implicitly mentions that the hosting of the banquet by HSBC is not good. Insufficient detail for community membership checks.

In fact, I can't completely blame the security staff of HSBC, the buck teeth came late. Many security personnel are already on duty in the banquet hall. And the security guard in charge of the inspection also knew Buck Tooth Zhang, which led to a work loophole. But no matter what, the HSBC security department is to blame.

The rest of the reports are even more varied, such as vying for jealousy, Bao Zixuan winning love with a knife, and Chen Yulian deliberately provoking Buck Tooth Zhang to stage this story of a hero saving beauty in order to get close to Bao Zixuan.

After seeing these reports, Bao Zixuan felt the power of the media for the first time. Heiyun Group is still too weak in terms of media and has no voice to express his own ideas.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, and after Bao Zixuan received the call, he had to go home to accept Li Yulin's cross-examination. After a good explanation with his mother, Bao Zixuan passed the test.

In Li Yulin's mind, Zheng Jiajia is the first choice for her daughter-in-law, and seeing that the girl in the newspaper is very beautiful. It's just that she doesn't like the profession very much, but if her son really likes it, he can accept it.

Now I feel relieved after hearing my son's explanation, but I am also worried about when I can hug my grandson.

At the same time, Chen Yulian became popular, and people in Hong Kong knew her, and she was called a "scheming girl" by some unscrupulous media. This made her very depressed, and now she is afraid to go out.


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