Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 185: Fight again at the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition 4

Konosuke Matsushita, Akio Morita, and Bao Zixuan, the heads of the three largest electronics companies in the world, all have very exciting expressions now. Of course, the photographer will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and record it perfectly.

Konosuke Matsushita: "Boy, some people are a little bit self-righteous when they are a little older. They think that if a company develops well, they can be arrogant. You must learn from good people."

Akio Morita knew that Konosuke Matsushita would definitely be angry, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. Didn't you realize that this kid was on purpose! But thinking of how shrewdness Matsushita Konosuke is, he doesn't know if he did it on purpose. I just want Bao Zixuan to see that our two companies are feuding, and then paralyze the opponent.

Akio Morita: "Bao Sang, some people like to rely on the old and sell the old. I like your stage very well, how do you use it."

Bao Zixuan: "Isn't there no public booth to recommend new products! I built such a stage in the showroom myself. And I also bought the abc live broadcast, which will be seen all over the United States at that time; you two are welcome to come and join us."

Hearing what Bao Zixuan said, these two old fellows were very angry. What do you mean by showing it before us! But then again, this idea can be applied, which is a good opportunity to make the product directly accessible to the public.

Matsushita Konosuke: "Boy, your idea is not bad. It must have cost a lot of money! Panasonic also has a new product ready to be released. Can you rent the stage to me for a while, rest assured that you will not suffer."

Akio Morita knew that Panasonic would never let Panasonic come first, otherwise this exhibition would be nothing for Sony. So he bit the bullet and said: "Sony also has products to release, and we can do it together. We can help you spread the cost, how about it."

Bao Zixuan is also weighing the pros and cons, and let the two of them set up a stage to sing in the Heiyun exhibition hall. Their products can naturally increase their popularity in the short term, but at the same time they will also come to many customers of the two companies. This is a person who can't be invited normally. It is also an opportunity to come to the Heiyun exhibition hall to see how the products are going.

Bao Zixuan: "It's not easy to do! And the price is not easy to calculate. If it's expensive, you say I'll cheat you. If it's cheap, I'm not bad for this amount of money. Moreover, our relationship is good and we are competitors. This is not to reduce the black cloud in disguise. Sales!"

Konosuke Matsushita: "Boy, it's better to have fun alone than everyone else. Will everyone participate together to increase Heiyun's popularity and exposure?"

Akio Morita: "Bao Sang, we have always been very happy to cooperate. Only by participating together can we attract more buyers to come here to watch."

Bao Zixuan said: "What you said is quite reasonable, but how long it will take you. I want to know what products are you going to recommend."

Konosuke Matsushita: "Panasonic has developed a brand-new refrigerator, as long as it is for Siemens products; I am going to promote it vigorously."

Akio Morita: "Sony has several new products that are good. Our notebook computers have been developed. We can recommend new products, as well as Walkman and home game consoles."

Bao Zixuan: "Heiyun will launch home game consoles, digital cameras and home theaters this time. We'd better not have conflicts on products, what do you think!"

Hearing this, Konosuke Matsushita was relieved a lot. Black Cloud basically does not have any advantage in the refrigerator business competition. Therefore, there is no direct competition between Panasonic's business and Heiyuan, and there are also very small sectors.

But Sony is different, many products are directly pk with Heiyun. Fortunately, Heiyun Group is constantly developing new products and is always in the lead in technology, otherwise it would have been defeated by Sony long ago. Now the question is, why do people give you this opportunity as a competitor? Isn't that a nuisance to raising tigers!

Konosuke Matsushita: "Our refrigerator can take 20 minutes. This requirement should not be too much!"

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, I'm not someone who eats alone, but the rental fee is $2 million."

Hearing this, Konosuke Matsushita thought, why don't you kidnap it! You ask me $100,000 in one minute, what kind of promotion would be so expensive.

Matsushita Konosuke: "Boy, are you on your mind? Why is the price so high?"

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Matsushita, we want to broadcast live broadcasts across the United States. I opened a channel on abc, and the TV broadcast cost alone will cost more than 10 million US dollars, which is all borne by me."

"Now that Panasonic has joined in, it's impossible for me not to let you broadcast live in the United States! If you don't need it, just give $20,000 to show it, how about it!"

Hearing this, Konosuke Matsushita looked much better, and it turned out that he could still broadcast live. This is a good opportunity to promote the product, and the money is not expensive.

Konosuke Matsushita: "It turns out that, Panasonic paid 2 million US dollars."

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Panasonic is sensible. You can call someone over to familiarize yourself with the equipment. Then, at 11 a.m. tomorrow, you will be on stage to explain and recommend new products."

After hearing that the two had reached an agreement, Akio Morita was a little anxious. After all, Sony also wants this spot, and now it is preempted by Panasonic. Originally, Heiyun would not give them a good time slot, but now it is still behind Panasonic, which will make Sony more passive.

Akio Morita: "Baosang, Sony is going to promote the Walkman, it will take about 30 minutes."

Baozi did not expect that Sony would continue to promote the Walkman. Now it seems that Akio Morita wants to make the Walkman the best in the world. In fact, Akio Morita knows that Sony's laptops are not as good as Heiyun's products in September last year. If the promotion will only make people laugh, and the home game console is developed in cooperation with Nintendo, he can't do many things alone. Rather than this, it is better to carry out the Walkman marketing more thoroughly.

This time, Sony has launched a Walkman with a high cost performance, and it has a strong sense of design; I believe it will win market recognition. Although Bao Zixuan didn't think of it, he wasn't too worried. Heiyun Walkman has been developing steadily.

The overall salary level of Xiangjiang is relatively low, and Heiyun uses a large number of CNC machine tools for production. As a result, the cost of Heiyun products is not very high, and it is not afraid of any company even in a price war. Now it is still the top salesman in the Walkman market. Sony's Walkman is upgraded at this time. Is it necessary to upgrade the Heiyun Walkman?

Bao Zixuan: "Then tomorrow you will ask someone to come over and learn how to use the equipment. By the way, the cost is 3 million US dollars."

In fact, these two time periods are the time when Black Cloud is ready to play advertisements. Now that Panasonic and Sony want to use them. It doesn't matter if you sell it to them, it won't affect the overall situation, and you can negotiate the conditions with the TV station.

In fact, this time, ABC TV did not charge any fees from the Black Cloud Group at all. The two parties are in a mutual cooperative relationship. The purpose of the Black Cloud Group is to promote its products, and the TV station hopes to popularize scientific and technological knowledge to bring about ratings. It can be said that it is a match made in heaven. Now that there are two big bosses joining it, you can make money directly.

There is nothing more beautiful than this, and Bao Zixuan has spent too much money recently. It is also a good choice to find someone to share it with, the most important thing is that these two are not bad for money.

After the three chatted for a while, Matsushita Konosuke and Morita Akio both left. However, before leaving, Bao Zixuan had two more checks in his hand. There is no time to sign a contract now, so I can only do special things. I won't let you use my stage and equipment in vain if you don't pay me.

I believe that with their positions and prestige in the company, there is no need to ask anyone to discuss this amount of money. Now it is time for Bao Zixuan to negotiate with people from the TV station, and he has to say hello to his subordinates.

When I heard that Bao Zixuan has now brought Sony and Panasonic to cooperate with this live TV event, the advertising time will be reduced accordingly. The TV station staff were very happy and promised to give the Black Cloud Group a subsidy of $1 million.

After hearing this, the subordinates all felt that the boss was much more cunning and mature now, but they didn't know what expressions Konosuke Matsushita and Akio Morita would have known; but that would have to wait until the end of the exhibition. And tomorrow the show will start, and the real challenge is coming.


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