Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Vol 2 Chapter 2004: The lion speaks

Chapter 1988 The lion speaks

In fact, Bao Shaofu certainly knows about Moscow's decisions and other matters; but there are some things that cannot be said out loud, and he still understands the principle of keeping wealth secret. There is someone from him in the top management, but he cannot reveal it to anyone; even if he is familiar with young Ustinov; who knows whether the two will fall out in the future, the trump card must be in his own hands!

However, as Ustinov Jr. said, it can be taken out of the French. The weaker a Western European country is, the better it will be for its future development. Comparing the two, Western European countries are still more biased toward the United States; they are definitely not that friendly with other countries.

Even if there is a real dispute, it will tend to be in favor of the United States; it is a matter of national interest and it is impossible to change it. In this case, there is no need to be passionate about someone's cold butt; taking advantage of the opportunity to gain some benefits is better than anything else.

Bao Zixuan thought for a moment and said: "You are right, we must make the Gallic Rooster pay the price; even if we die, we must peel off a piece of their skin!"

"You should personally take the French Foreign Minister to Niger. The negotiation venue must not be in Paris; it is best not to be in Moscow. If that is the case, the media may criticize the Soviet Union, and the French cannot be allowed to stand on the side of speech. The high ground.”

"It's mainly industrial equipment and funds; as long as the French have it, they can get some of it back. Of course, there are also matters regarding prisoners of war and ransoms for previously detained persons."

"From now on, give them the best treatment; and invite reporters from various countries to go deep into the prison camps to show their generosity. As for the mobilization of supplies, don't worry; I will arrange it."

"30 billion US dollars is the bottom line; it can never be less. If we negotiate based on this amount, I guess Gallic Rooster will not refuse."

Although he didn't understand it very well, based on the principle of absolute trust in Bao Shaofu, little Ustinov decided to implement the plan proposed by others. After all, he didn't have a good solution, and Bao Zixuan had never made any mistakes.

30 billion US dollars is not a small amount of money, can the French agree? But thinking that it was Bao Zixuan who suggested it, I didn't doubt it.

The French prisoners of war and those previously detained did not know that it was precisely because of the words of the richest man Bao that they benefited.

My daily life is very good, at least the food standard is much better than when I served in the French army. Not only are steaks and red wine served, but the officers are also equipped with high-end food such as French foie gras and caviar.

Niger itself is a French colony, and there are still many French chefs in Niger; they all come to cook for prisoner of war camps. Although he was reluctant, he saw that the salary was not bad and it was an order from a high-level government official, so he did not refuse.

Although I don’t know what the Niger side thinks, I can see that the food is different every day; there is no beating or scolding, nor any humiliating actions, so I don’t say anything more. Anyway, life here is not bad, it can be regarded as a vacation.

Lieutenant General Andre didn't understand this, but as a prisoner of war, he had no right to resist; besides, if it was not enough to be nice to them now, how could he still want to live a hard life? No one was that cheap.

All this was recorded by reporters, and no one in the world expected that the Nigeriens were so kind to prisoners of war, instantly creating a wave of presence around the world. UU read the book www. After the news of came back to France, the families of the captured soldiers were relieved a lot; this reduced the pressure on the French defense department a lot!

Niger's foreign affairs department immediately issued a statement saying that they fully abide by the Geneva Conventions and will never corporally punish, beat or scold prisoners of war, let alone deny food. Even the food standard is higher than that of domestic soldiers. This is their way of hospitality, but some countries don't know how to cherish it.

It was said so grandly, but the French felt there was a hint of conspiracy in it. Even if it’s not clear what the Nigeriens are up to, it’s certainly not that simple. This was indeed the case. When it came time to negotiate, the French almost lost their temper when they saw the bill.

It turns out that France has to pay for all this. No wonder it is so generous. But after all, it was the French soldiers who ate it, so in the end they had to pay the bill obediently.

When the French Foreign Minister learned that little Ustinov had followed him to Niger, he suddenly had an ominous premonition; the Soviets would never be so kind, and there must be some conspiracy!

But now the initiative is not on the side of France. It is they who took the initiative to come to the Soviet Union to ask for help; they are simply not qualified to refuse. Even if you are reluctant, you must follow.

Niger has issued an ultimatum prohibiting the entry of all French aircraft. As the foreign minister, especially a country at the level of the five permanent members of the United Nations, it is simply unbelievable that he should take another country's plane to negotiate abroad.

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