Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 399: Analysis of Bricks

After the Soviet Union released a news bulletin, it directly caused the super-rich in all countries to take active action. As Minister Sergei Brenko said, it is uncertain whether there will be a chance to see it in the future. This time may be the only chance in my lifetime to see such a shocking picture with my own eyes.

But they just wanted to actively sign up, but they were thrown a pot of cold water. Every country has so-called experts. In the world, there are a lot of people who think they are experts on the Soviet Union. Now in the Cold War era, Westerners want to know what the polar bears want to do next. This is a major matter related to their lives. Regardless of what the experts say is right or wrong, it can attract some eyeballs.

The British were the first to stand up again, and the British BBC TV station organized a huge expert analysis team. Everyone agreed that the Soviets might use this opportunity to control the rich, and only those who paid the ransom might come back alive. Otherwise, going to Siberia to log wood is a gift from God, and it is very likely that you will never come back in this life.

In addition, some experts have analyzed that the Soviets may take this opportunity to capture the whole of Europe in one fell swoop, which is also their long-term plan. It is hoped that European countries will always be vigilant and not give the Soviets a chance lightly.

At this time, the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union was very poor, and it seemed that after the second station, it was not better. Since Churchill delivered the Iron Curtain speech, the two sides have been at loggerheads, wishing they could directly tie each other. The theory of Soviet terror and threat was first put forward by the former Prime Minister of the British Empire, which made most countries in the world begin to isolate the Soviet Union. It was at this time that the Cold War began; it is strange that the Soviets' consistent character can give you a good face, and it is logical that the British will stand up first in a comprehensive analysis.

France has been relatively independent militarily since its withdrawal from NATO, but at this juncture, it is not the time to be emotional. He also began to attack the Soviets for this behavior, and called on the rich people of their own countries not to cheer for the Soviets, or they might not come back.

French experts analyzed that the Soviet Union may take this opportunity to let the world see his strength. In particular, let the businessmen who have cooperated with the Soviet Union know that they must not deceive them, otherwise the powerful Soviet army will not be easy to mess with.

The French's evaluation is fairly objective, but they also said some French political strategies. Once the Soviets dared to take the risk of the world, then France would certainly fight against the invasion of powerful enemies, just like other European countries.

As for the analysis of other countries, they are basically the same, and they are basically talking about these topics. But at this time, the Japanese didn't care so much. After all, the military exercise was in Poland. Moreover, the army was mobilized from the east to the west, and the military strength of the Soviet Union in the Far East was weakened to a certain extent. This proves that the next target of the Soviets is not China and Japan, so they can rest assured.

As for going to Europe to watch the fun, what are you waiting for, it is exactly as the Soviets planned. The support and investment of the Japanese in this area is still very strong. As long as the company is invited, it will buy tickets and send people to participate.

Analysts in Japan believe that the Soviet Union just wanted to show the world its strong military strength this time, and other trends are not very realistic. The theme of the world is peace, and if the Soviets really want to attack Europe then the third world war will definitely break out. At that time, they will be destroyed together. They have been attacked by nuclear weapons, and they know the destructive power of nuclear weapons and the pain after the explosion.

Many experts look like nonsense, but they also represent another voice of the Chinese people. Some of them can even become government weather vanes, at least it can be seen as a test for the government to go in a certain direction.

In fact, the analysis of these experts is more of a test by governments of various countries for the Soviet Union. After all, no one knows what the polar bear is thinking. You can only get the answer you want by analyzing, guessing, and testing one by one. Some analysis is laughable, but it also works on the other hand to keep things going.

The analysis of experts from various European countries did not respond to the Soviets, which made the Americans a little bit restless. The so-called American experts began to analyze on TV what the Soviets wanted to do, what they were going to do, and how the United States should respond to a series of issues. I hope to stimulate the nerves of the Soviets and draw conclusions.

But unlike before, this time the Soviets did not have any justification and counterattack. As if everything has nothing to do with itself, such an unusual move is what worries the United States most.

At this time in the White House, CIA Director William Casey was reporting to President Reagan on the Soviet Union. As the President of the United States who had just been sworn in, he first had to solve various problems left by his predecessor.

Compared to Carter's relatively mild personality, Reagan was a strong man. This president from Hollywood seems to be more like a soldier, but it has not been reflected yet.

Reagan: "Isn't it clear what the Soviets' purpose this time is!"

Like Reagan, William Casey had just been appointed director of the CIA not long ago. Due to the relatively weak situation during Carter's administration, the CIA's funds have also been cut to varying degrees. This time can be said to be the weakest period in history.

However, he still has to answer the President's question. Although the information obtained in the Soviet Union at this time is limited, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, so he still knows some useful information.

William Casey: "Although the intelligence is limited, some problems can be analyzed from it. The purpose of this military exercise by the Soviet Union is firstly to show off his muscles and let the world see his strength; secondly, to deter the reformers in Poland ; this is also the reason for holding exercises in Poland."

"In addition, Bao Zixuan should be the one who gave the Soviets an idea to invite the viewing group to buy tickets, but this is just a coincidence."

In fact, Reagan knew this genius from Xiangjiang. When he was running for president, Bao Zixuan also asked for money and people. It's just that this is all John Chambers' specific operation. As a foreigner, Bao Zixuan didn't say anything to avoid suspicion.

But when he heard that Bao Zixuan was involved, Reagan was very curious.

Reagan: "I have seen Bao Zixuan. He is indeed doing business with the Soviets, and he has become the Soviets' staff for something."

William Casey: "This can be said to be a coincidence, at least according to the information currently available. Bao Zixuan returned to Hong Kong after graduating from MIT. During this period, the Soviet Union announced to the world that it would conduct Western- 81 military exercises, and reached an unprecedented scale of 500,000 people."

"Bao Zixuan is also a young man's mentality, so he asked the Black Cloud Soviet Branch to submit an application to the Soviet Ministry of Commerce. I hope to experience such a large-scale military exercise in person, and at the same time, if I can't, I will spend some money to buy tickets. ."

"At first, the Soviets thought it was irritating and funny. No one in the world would want to buy a ticket to watch a military exercise. However, after this matter was reported to the highest level of the Soviet Union, there was a turning point. Brezhnev thought it was feasible. It is very strong, and it can deepen everyone's recognition of the Soviet Union. That's why this military exercise invited 100 rich people to observe the situation. The Soviets not only ensured the deterrence of force, but also received a sum of money. Not for it!"

Reagan also wanted to cry without Is this kid really stupid or just pretending. Really young mentality, to actually spend money to watch military exercises, I didn't expect the Soviet Union to really agree, how poor is this.

It's too late to say anything now. If I knew something like this happened, I would definitely stop Bao Zixuan from writing such an application, but now that Lao Maozi has made up his mind, it is impossible to change it easily.

Reagan: "Pay close attention and report to me immediately if anything happens."

He doesn't have any good ideas now, he can only take a step by step. At this time, he was not yet rich in governing experience, and he was a little undecided in the face of thorny issues.

Seeing that the Soviets did not respond, made the experts from various countries even more excited. If the Soviets expressed their views, who would watch their performances and listen to their nonsense. Now is the perfect time to be able to make up the story, at least the Soviets were doing well before they responded.

There is nothing in the world that is so taken for granted, and sometimes it is impossible to give you any chance at all. As another news leaked, experts from various countries did not know how to proceed. The expert's analysis becomes amusing, and they begin to hold grudges against those who steal their limelight.

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