Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Vol 2 Chapter 737: Sanctions and Orders

Just when Bao Zixuan was still silent in the HH-01 ghost fighter-bomber, when he was a blockbuster at the Paris Air Show. Received a call from the United States, which is not exactly good news. The U.S. Department of Commerce has already attacked the Black Cloud Group. Although it is tentative, it also happens to catch Bao Zixuan's weakness.

The U.S. Department of Commerce has decided to conduct an anti-monopoly investigation into the Heiyun Group. During this period, various branches of Heiyun in the United States must not transfer money for no reason. That is to say, there is no reason not to send money to the parent company except for normal commercial purchases.

To put it nicely, it is to prevent the transfer of funds, and to say it badly is to not want Black Cloud Bank to get enough funds. In order to deal with the black cloud bank run crisis, Bao Zixuan has arranged for the black cloud software company to provide funds to the black cloud bank. However, the U.S. Department of Commerce disrupted the plan all at once, and the failure of U.S. funds to return will bring about a series of chain reactions. If it cannot be dealt with in a timely manner, Heiyun Bank will face huge risks.

In fact, all of this is behind Wall Street capital, they want to make Bao Zixuan compromise. In order to achieve the purpose of purchasing the shares of Bao Huo Dong Company, it can be said that Bao Zixuan paid the bill because of his youth. Thinking of everything too idealistic, did not take into account the dangers of the world. Some people can change the rules or even shame in order to achieve their goals. But it's useless to talk about it here, you can only actively deal with it.

The U.S. funds can’t come back, so they can only find ways to do it in other ways. So Bao Zixuan quickly contacted Clay Clark, who was far away in Japan, and asked him to do everything possible to mobilize funds to support Xiangjiang.

Never felt that the boss was so anxious, Clay Clark did not dare to neglect. Sell ​​some unnecessary projects, and also use the existing property as a mortgage guarantee. Fortunately, Japan has not taken any action against the Black Cloud Group, otherwise things would have been worse.

The main reason is that the Japanese are not as powerful as the United States, and they dare not do too much in some things. However, mobilizing funds from Japan can only solve the urgent need, and can not achieve the effect of curing the root cause. Although Heiyun Group makes a lot of money, Bao Zixuan's expenses are equally huge. The Heiyun Town project is a bottomless pit. With so many products in development, it is difficult for multinational companies with average labor costs to support them.

Funds can only be raised through the Paris Air Show, depending on what these countries think.

The heir to the Iraqi president, the second son, came to Bao Zixuan, which gave Bao's richest man an opportunity. The HH-01 Ghost fighter-bomber is $450 million, and it must be full. Otherwise, I'm sorry, I can't accept your order. Production is completely in accordance with the order of payment, and no country can jump in the queue.

Second Young Master is very grateful to Bao Zixuan, without this young man, he would not be where he is today. But after all, he is the heir of Iraq, and he cannot lose the interests of the country because of gratitude. That would be irresponsible to the entire country, and it would attract the people's rejection.

The second son smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I haven't seen you for a long time, but I miss you so much. My father often mentioned you, and I must learn from you when I come to Paris. ******** Xuan said with a smile. : "Hello second son, Your Excellency the President is in good health! We are about the same grade, so don't be so polite. "

Seeing that the number of people in the hangar has increased, the second son knew that he had to start early. At the same time, it also creates an illusion for people that Iraq does not have this aircraft. Of course, this is Sima Zhao's heart and mind, but it is necessary to do a full set of dramas.

Second son: "This time I came here to buy 4 ground effect aircraft and 6 HH-01 ghost stealth planes from the Black Cloud Group. At the same time, on behalf of Iraqi Airlines, I ordered 8 919 passenger planes to the Black Cloud Group. After the war, Iraq will inevitably resume civilian use. aviation."

The order quantity is not a lot, but definitely not a lot.

Bao Zixuan: "A ground-effect aircraft is priced at US$80 million; the Black Cloud 919 passenger plane is priced at US$32 million; the HH-01 ghost aircraft is priced at US$450 million. The first two aircraft are only required to pay a deposit, as for the HH-01 ghost aircraft. The full amount must be paid at one time. I’m not afraid of your jokes, the Heiyun Group has a small problem in Xiangjiang and urgently needs to return the funds.”

The cost of ground-effect aircraft is further reduced after mass production. An Airbus A310 costs $35 million apiece and a Boeing 767 costs $36 million. Heiyun is an emerging force in the civil aviation market and dare not surpass these two in price.

At present, we can only take the path of small profits but quick turnover, and the first task is to gain a firm foothold in the market. As for the HH-01 Ghost, there are no competitors in the market; pricing can be arbitrary, and attitudes can be tougher.

Although he had already prepared in his heart, the second son was still surprised by the price and conditions proposed by Bao Zixuan. According to what Bao Zixuan said, Iraq would have to pay $3 billion to Heiyun Group at once, and it was only the first payment. The US$2.5 billion remitted to Iraq by the Black Cloud Group has not been warmed up yet, so it will be returned directly with US$500 million added.

But the current form is like this, and there is no room for hesitation. Although Iraq has just experienced a war, it is still a sovereign country. And it's a big oil country. Before the Iran-Iraq war, it had more than $30 billion in deposits. Although the war made it indebted, it was still able to dismantle some of the funds from other Middle Eastern countries.

Second son: "Is Iraq the first country to get a plane?"

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, Heiyun Group pays great attention to credibility when doing business. It won't do anything to smash its own brand, please rest assured."

The second son knew that there was no other choice, so he signed the contract readily. At the same time, this is also the first official order of Heiyun Group at the Paris Air Show, but the total amount of the first order was unexpectedly reached 3.276 billion US dollars. Of course, this is also the largest order for the Paris Air Show so far.

Iraq signed the contract, making other countries more anxious. This is more proof that the Iraqi Air Force has used the HH-01 Ghost aircraft, otherwise it would be so happy. Iraq's money is not blown by the wind, and oil has to be extracted from the ground. They must have absolute confidence in the plane to make them so resolute.

Second Young Master is also a person who knows the depths of life, seeing that Bao Zixuan has many customers to entertain. And the goal has been basically completed, it is time to see which fighter to buy. Bao Zixuan is a professional in this field, and he must know which aircraft is better than himself.

Second Young Master: "Mr. Bao, I still have something to trouble you. Iraq will also buy a batch of fighter jets. Which one is more suitable for you. The Iraqi Air Force suffered heavy losses due to the Iran-Iraq War, and it is urgent to replenish it with fresh blood."

Bao Zixuan felt that this second son was really interesting, it should be his father's meaning. However, since people ask him, he must give his opinion. After all, he is also a recognized aviation expert in the world.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "This is a job to offend people. You can look at the Su-27 and F-16 fighter jets. If you can't think about other things, the French Dassault Mirage 2000 is also good; show some sincerity. Yes. Buy less, maybe there will be better fighter jets in the future.”

Of course, the second son understands what he means. This is indeed the most beneficial to Iraq, and neither side is offended. At the same time, the meaning of the last sentence is obvious. The Black Cloud Group will also develop new fighter jets.

In fact, Bao Zixuan's purpose is to let the Soviet Union get more funds and try its best to prolong the life of the Soviet Union, which is very beneficial to Bao Zixuan and the Black Cloud Group.

The second son came to Sukhoi's hangar without any hesitation, and directly expressed his desire to buy Su-27 aircraft. Now the Soviet Union has not thought about whether to sell the most advanced fighter jets, but watching American companies make a They are holding on to that little bit of money. With the character of Yankee, they may not have anything. will be left to you.

For a plane worth 35 million US dollars, the second Iraqi son did not hesitate. Directly placed an order for 12 aircraft, and at the same time required the Soviet Union to be equipped with weapon systems. The Sukhoi company saw that the profit of selling high-end weapons was so considerable.

But when the second son went to the hangar where General Dynamics was located, he encountered some troubles. Because Israel is the country with the most F16 fighter jets besides the US Air Force. Taking into account the relationship between Iraq and Israel, if the F-16 fighter jets are sold to them, the Israeli side will definitely be dissatisfied, and they have not responded directly.

The second son is not the one who suffers, he said directly: "I only have one day; if your government or your company does not want to do business with Iraq, then we will consider purchasing French or Soviet aircraft. The United States is not the only one in the world that can produce good quality aircraft. aircraft, I hope General Dynamics will consider it carefully.”

Everyone knows that the second generation has a more urgent personality and doesn't care about money. Although General Dynamics wanted to make money, it rejected the order. Not only worried about losing big customers, but also worried about Jewish forces getting in the way. In fact, there is another point. The person in charge of this General Dynamics Paris Air Show is Jewish. In the end, as the second son said, Iraq purchased 20 Mirage 2000 fighter jets.

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