To say that Secretary Wang is definitely a resolute person who just finished the meeting. After receiving instructions from Kyoto, he returned to Shanghai overnight. It can be said that he worked very hard for the rapid economic development of Shanghai, because he knew what kind of person Bao Zixuan was. And this time, the Kyoto side gave Shanghai Shanghai a lot of freedom to decide, and he must discuss it with other leaders of Shanghai Shanghai.

It is impossible for only him and Bao Zixuan to participate in such a big project. They can only decide the direction of cooperation. As for other details, the following people need to connect and communicate.

After visiting the Yun-10 project team, Bao Zixuan admired the engineering and technical personnel. It is very rare for these people to be able to produce a prototype in such a difficult environment; you must know that China does not have large-scale manufacturing equipment. The outer shell of the aircraft can only be knocked out with a hammer, which requires very skilled technology and patience.

There are no CNC machine tools, and all precision parts are processed by hand; in Heiyun Group, only those old German craftsmen can do it. It's a miracle that this plane can fly into the sky. At this point, we have a general understanding, so the next step is to negotiate with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If the negotiation is unsuccessful, some technical talents can only be reserved for the country by poaching people.

Assuming that neither approach works, the rescue project will simply be abandoned. Anyway, the Heiyun Group's Xiangjiang production base can still manufacture aircraft, but the efficiency is lower, but in the face of the Heiyun Group's powerful processing capabilities, these are not major issues. Moreover, the Saudi side has always wanted Heiyun to relocate the aircraft manufacturing factory; it is not impossible to consider.

After Bao Zixuan left, all the engineers surrounded him, including Ma Lanlan, who was hiding in the office. Everyone is very curious, who is the young man who just arrived, and it is so important to Chief Engineer Ma. And just by introducing the data once, you can analyze the defects of the entire Y-10 aircraft clearly. If it wasn't for the previous knowledge of airplanes, then this person's memory is really terrible!

A young engineer asked: "Teacher, who is that young man who just came here! Why have I never heard of you before, and it seems that he knows our aircraft very well."

Chief Engineer Ma did not know how to answer the questions asked by the students. However, I need to explain a little bit, let them know that this world is still someone else, and don't always feel that they are the favored son of heaven. The development of the Y-10 passenger aircraft is great, and it is still far from it.

Chief Engineer Ma: "Since you've asked, then I'll tell you. The young man who just came here is called Bao Zixuan. You should have heard of this name. Heiyun Group belongs to him, the super rich man in Xiangjiang. It is reported that he is the richest man in Hong Kong, whether it is true or not, in short, the business is doing very well."

"But this is not the most important thing. The reason why he was asked to comment on the Y-10 project is because he is also the world's top aviation expert. The three-rotor engine was developed based on his theory and is very famous in the world aviation industry. This Paris Air Show is even more impressive, the HH-01 Ghost Fighter Bomber and the Black Cloud 919 medium-sized passenger plane are all made by him."

"He just graduated from Oxford University in the United Kingdom and MIT in the United States, and he is studying aviation power. He absolutely masters the world's most cutting-edge aviation technology, which is one of the reasons for him to comment on the Y-10 aircraft. "

"I also want to criticize Comrade Ma Lanlan here. Heiyun Group's technical strength in the aviation field. It is at least 20 years ahead of Shanghai Aircraft Factory; how can people want to steal outdated technology."

"Be calm in the future. Bao Zixuan came to visit the Yun-10 project, but it was approved by Vice President Zhao and Secretary Wang. If people leave today, what serious consequences will it bring? Have you ever thought about it?"

"The reason why I introduced such details to Bao Zixuan is that I still want to leave a way out for you. It is unlikely that the Yun-10 project will continue. I am already old, so it doesn't matter. But you are still young, and you need to serve the national aviation industry. The business continues to struggle.”

"Heiyun Group is a good choice. Bao Zixuan's purpose in coming here is not to see outdated technology and aircraft. What he values ​​more is you engineers and technicians. You must know that Heiyun Group has entered the field of passenger aircraft. And I heard that we received a lot of orders at the Paris Air Show this time, and there is a big shortage of professional and technical personnel."

"Technical workers from European and American aircraft manufacturing companies will not leave easily. Huaxia is the best and most stable source of skilled workers. Most of you have more than ten years of work experience. If Heiyun wants to expand aircraft production capacity, he will not ignore it. Everyone's presence. In order to continue to struggle in the field of aircraft manufacturing, I hope not to reject the olive branch offered by the Black Cloud Group."

"The United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, France and other countries in the world can produce large passenger aircraft. At present, only Huaxia has a blank in the field of large aircraft. It is impossible for the country to not see this situation. It is a matter of time to develop Huaxia's own large passenger aircraft. , it's just a matter of time."

"No one knows how long it will take. You must not lose your ability to manufacture large passenger aircraft, it is irresponsible to the country. If you can work in the Heiyun Aircraft Factory, you will have access to the world's most cutting-edge aircraft design, The manufacturing concept has huge benefits for future development.”

Being able to serve as the chief engineer is so simple, not only must have excellent technology. There is also the ability to coordinate all aspects and deal with interpersonal relationships, which can be said to be indispensable.

Bao Zixuan came to watch the Yun-10 project, and Chief Engineer Ma had already figured out the purpose. But this is a good thing, because it saves the Heiyun administrators from coming over to do ideological work. Bao's richest man just wants these engineers and technicians to use them, and he doesn't care about other things at all.

At this time, the engineers and technicians of the Yun-10 project are in deep contemplation, and they have enviable jobs. If you leave the Yun-10 project team, go to a Heungkong company. It's a small thing to make people laugh, but it's a big thing when it affects finding a partner.

In this era, companies with national prefixes are very attractive, and they still don’t know what Hong Kong companies are like. Ordinary young people are already very happy to have jobs, but they are different; they are all ambitious young people with some ability and education. It's going to be a tough choice, and it can be very passive if you don't handle it well.

A middle-aged engineer said: "If you go to Heiyun Group, you will have to leave the system. What will you do in the future?"

Seeing the doubts of the engineer below, Chief Engineer Ma said with a smile: "You feel that your current job is very good, which is enviable. But you still don't know how good the benefits and treatment of Heiyun Group are for employees."

"Once you enter the Heiyun Group, the salary will be more than 5 times the current salary; this is still based on ordinary workers. If it is an engineer, it is possible to increase it by 10 times. Don't feel that the Xiangjiang enterprise is not good, it is because you do not understand."

"I'm talking about these just my guesses. No one knows what Heiyun Group means and what Bao Zixuan is thinking. It's just to prepare you all so that you won't be caught off guard."

"At present, the main work is still the Y-10 aircraft, as long as the country does not suspend the project for a day. We will Even if it fails, it doesn't matter, we have also learned the experience. Instead of thinking about where West, it’s better to work hard and improve your skills. You have excellent skills, and you can do it wherever you go.”

Mr. Ma knew that there was only so much he could say. How much you can understand depends on the savvy of engineers and technicians. If you still don't want to leave the company with the national prefix, then there is no way. A lot of people don't like challenges, and you can't push people away.

In my heart, I still hope that the Yun-10 project will continue. But this is just a good wish, and it is very difficult to realize it. Technical reserves, talent reserves, and capital reserves all have great shortcomings. It is a miracle that the aircraft can go to the sky.

On the way back, Bao Zixuan was thinking about how to take over the Yun-10 project. He didn't like those second-hand machinery and equipment at all, as long as he got people. If necessary, an aircraft factory can be built in the Pudong area; the engine is not produced in mainland China, and I believe Batumi will not be embarrassed.

Batumi has been interviewing Heiyun Group a lot recently; today it's a computer problem, tomorrow it's a CNC machine tool, and two days later it's an airplane. In short, it is to see you in all kinds of unhappiness, and deliberately trouble you. But the situation is like this now, even if the richest man is tough, he doesn't dare to say much. As long as Xiangjiang has not returned, it is impossible for the group to develop at will.

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