Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 75: Global focus (on)

The powerful Manchester United failed to stop Chelsea; the hot Ferguson had to bow to Jose. News of the Premier League's twelfth round quickly spread across Europe, announcing the continuation of Chelsea's amazing record.

This is the team's 12-game winning streak, 41 games undefeated, and this journey of madly creating two records continues. Whether it's the team owner, manager, head coach, captain, player or ordinary fan, they all act to this end. The boss Roman issued a large bonus, the manager Peter widely contacted the advertisers to increase the team's income, the head coach was still so personable and loving, Terry still loved his teammates, and the players were also happy to be in such a club, this Led by his coach, he continued to push the peak of his career. Chelsea fans have erupted into a highly enthusiastic team that has never been built in the century-old history. They no longer doubt that last season's championship was accidental, no longer worried about the instability of the head coach, they yearn for a glorious Chelsea dynasty.

Get all the champions! Get all the honor! They cheered Lampard for the 158 consecutive Premier League starters and eagerly expected him to win the Golden Globe.

In this media carnival, naturally, Wang Ai was indispensable. After coming to the UK for half a year, he played five games, and all of them were substitutes. This statistic is terrible. 7 goals, 4 goals in 1 Champions League, and Frank Lampard, who won the team's top scorer in 12 league games and 4 Champions League matches.

Especially in the last match against Manchester United, in addition to coach Jose is extremely confident at all times, at least he said so, before Wang Ai appeared on the stage, regardless of the blue of Old Trafford The army or the fans of the Stamford Bridge headquarters have lost their faith in winning, and have relied on scoring a goal to maintain a draw. They also gave up their already winning streak and turned to defending their unbeaten record.

Wang Ai has also become the hero of the team once again, so not only has he ranked among the best team in the 12 rounds of the Premier League, but has also been widely praised by many media, calling him "Chelsea's Solskjaer", although the proud Jose and Wang Ai dismissed this, but was too lazy to refute. At least Jose pointed at Solskjaer's words to encourage Wang Ai before Wang Ai played, and it really became a reality.

After participating in two activities, Wang Ai quickly returned to the normal trajectory of life, went to school every morning, occasionally texted Xu Qinglian who was in class to harass him, and returned to Cobham in the afternoon to practice, practice, and practice. , Eat ~ ~ practice, practice, and sleep.

In this wave of public opinion carnival, Wang Ai also participated in it. After all, the last storm has gone. After a strong performance in Old Trafford, the discerning British press has officially recognized Wang Ai's first-line star status. . Analogy with Solskjaer's super bench is a symbol.

Therefore, under the eager eyes of the sponsors and under the pressure of friends like Lao Liu and Lao Bai who were far away in Beijing, Wang Ai took the initiative to arrange a trustee on Thursday and waited a long time for the Daily Mail. Reporter Jamie came to Cobham, but did not enter the base, but went to Wang Ai's home and accepted a more formal interview.

Jamie is a weak reporter. He is young and looks like he is in his early twenties. When he was invited to sit down and chat in the living room of Wang Ai's house, he revealed a little of his situation. His family was a journalistic family. Both parents were journalists and later became editors, but not in the Daily Mail but in the Times. After graduating from college, he entered the Daily Mail through his parents' relationship and is still an intern reporter. A newcomer tried everything in his early life. It happened that his father and a Reuters reporter based in Beijing were classmates, and then found Wang Ai in such a shake.

Wang Ai is very picky about reporters or the media. Generally, he is a regular partner and he will not accept interviews with newcomers. In Germany, it was Zonneborn, in Spain it was Martin, and in England, a long-term reporter was needed. It is also only through long-term cooperation that reporters get long-term meal tickets from Wang Ai, and they will not talk nonsense for short-term benefits. Even the Daily Mirror is a tabloid.

It is naive to count on the conduct of the media;

Therefore, Wang Ai didn't care to invite him to his home for the first interview, and didn't care to treat him with a frank attitude. If it is not reliable, the substitution is. Whether it is Wang Ai, Chinese football or even China, there is a great need for sympathizers, insiders and even allies in the Western media. Zoneborn, from a determined anti-Chinese to an insider who unveiled the changes in the old and new Tibets, Wang Ai is extremely successful, and the two are still in contact today.

Jamie's interview went well. Jamie, who was a fledgling young man and suddenly received a warm hospitality, apparently has not yet infected with the trickiness and slickness of too many reporters, and still looks a little bit green, even if he does his best to show his maturity. Wang Ai satisfies the reporter's wishes with a candid attitude and a practical method of avoiding the slightest burden, and by the way, forged a preliminary friendship: the relevant report of the Daily Mirror published the next day , Quite positive.

As the end of the year approaches, Chelsea still sings forward, but there is a conflict in the team related to Wang Ai. In recognition of Lampard's years of hard work and great achievements, the club has been pushing him to enter the shortlist for the World Footballer and Golden Globe Awards, and the final shortlist. At the same time, the club is also trying to use this to obtain huge benefits and even enter the Giant sequence.

However, Wang Ai's excellent performance of 7 goals in 4 games unexpectedly impacted Lampard's current top scorer status in the team. If the judges of the Golden Globe Awards are more professional football reporters, and they are also Europeans, so they are more sure, then it is difficult for the world footballer to say. The head coaches and captains of many countries, without mentioning voting with their feet, are almost without mind. There are so many variables that even powerful Romans can't control it. For example, the country behind Wang Ai, although still poor, is a big country and really needs to work hard. In Asia, it doesn't seem difficult to get dozens of votes, plus the good relationship between China and Africa ... It is impossible to say that Wang Ai can hit the final list of winners. After all, there are dozens of countries in Europe, but it is theoretically possible to knock off Lampard.

Although Wang Ai's Chinese identity created a ceiling for him, he also accidentally had a stable ticket warehouse.

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