Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 820: parent meeting

  Chapter 820 Parents meeting

  Wang Ye didn't know how much the 20% of the shares in the first TV station were worth.

   The price may not be very high, but the value is amazing!

  Because the influence of this TV station in Russia is too great...

   It can only be said that this kind of enterprise is a "strategic asset"!

   It is impossible for ordinary people to buy if they want to buy it. Hovchenko can get 40% of the shares, and he must have put in a lot of hard work behind it.

  But now he casually took out half of it and gave it to himself, which surprised Wang Ye.

   After hesitating for a long time, Wang Ye said awkwardly: "This... you should need this uncle of the TV station more, after all, the faction you just established needs more propaganda than me, or..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Hovchenko interrupted him.

   "You don't have to think too much, the president of this TV station is dispatched by the government, you and I don't even want to get involved.

  However, after owning so many shares, it is inevitable to enter the board of directors, and can also have some influence on certain programs on certain channels.

  So I take 40% or 20%, which is about the same.

  Then it’s better to share half of it with you, and let you get involved too. Our uncles and nephews join hands to strive to have as much influence as possible on the TV station. "

  The No. 1 TV station is the same in nature as Gazprom. Both are controlled by the state, but private capital is also allowed to enter.

  However, how much influence and voice private capital can have in the company depends on your own ability.

  It may be a "bystander" and will not affect any major decisions of the company at all.

   It is also possible to have a lot of influence, become a pivotal figure in the TV station, and even actually control the existence of multiple departments.

  It depends on personal level and means.

  So Hovchenko does not need to hold too many shares. Anyway, the government has a fixed 51% of the shares. Even if you hold the rest, it is only 49%, and you are still the second shareholder.

  Then he would rather share some of it with Wang Ye, and pull Wang Ye into the arena together, maybe the actual effect will be better.

  After listening to Hovchenko's explanation, Wang Ye nodded, expressing his understanding.

   But he remains grateful for Khovchenko's generosity.

   In front of Hovchenko, there is no need to say more words of gratitude, because it seems too foreign...

  Wang Ye will never forget everything that this person who is not an "uncle" but is better than an uncle has given him!

  To be honest, if Hovchenko hadn't been considered everywhere, Wang Ye wouldn't be as passive as he is now.

   Without such a relationship, he would have "religed" to the Kremlin long ago.

  Of course, if there is no Hovchenko, he would like to seek refuge, then he must have that opportunity...

   It can only be said that Hovchenko brought many opportunities to Wang Ye, but also brought great risks, all of which complement each other!


  The time has come to mid-September, and Konstantin has also arrived in Moscow.

  The "parents" of the two sides met, and the place was in Moscow. The meeting place was of course chosen at Khovchenko's apartment.

   On this day, Wang Ye came to Hovchenko's side ahead of time. When he arrived, he found that Hovchenko had asked the housekeeper to prepare everything.

  The chef specially invited from the top restaurant and his assistants are busy preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

   Under the command of the housekeeper, several servants carefully checked every detail in the room.

  Even the flowers placed on the dining table, every leaf must be emerald green without any flaws!

  As for the sterling silver tableware, goblets, bone china plates, etc., they have already been placed neatly. Looking from the side, it is a straight line!

   It can also be seen from these that Hovchenko still attaches great importance to Wang Ye's marriage.

  Perhaps for him, this is like his proudest "child" is about to marry a wife...

  Hovchenko is sitting on the sofa watching TV. On the TV screen is a program interview, a politician that Wang Ye doesn't know is talking on it.

   Seeing Wang Ye coming, Hovchenko beckoned him to sit down.

  When Wang Ye came to the front, Khovchenko looked him up and down, nodded in approval and said, "Not bad, a handsome young man!"

  Although it is not the first time I have met Constantine, today is a big day, and Wang Ye was prepared before coming!

  The hair is combed back meticulously, exposing the smooth forehead, making the whole person very clean and energetic!

  Three-piece tailored high-end suits that fit well and low-key brown Oxford leather shoes on the feet, but the complicated carvings, regular lines and faint luster on them all quietly tell others that these shoes are definitely not cheap!

  Actually, these shoes are not too expensive. A pair only costs more than 20,000 pounds.

  Wang Ye likes this style better. It is also customized, so it fits well. He customized ten pairs of different colors and leathers at a time.

  Usually, Wang Ye pays more attention to his own image management, as long as he appears in public, he looks handsome...

  Originally, there are many young women among his "fans", including college students, high school students, and white-collar workers.

  This is Wang Ye's "basic board", and he must maintain his image among this group of "fans".

  In terms of image, let’s say without bragging, Wang Ye is the "responsibility of appearance" of the Russian Duma!

  No way, age has a big advantage.

  Hovchenko is also rarely dressed in full formal attire, even wearing a tie. In fact, he usually prefers to wear casual clothes.


  After sitting down, the servant immediately brought Wang Ye a cup of fragrant black tea.

   Before Wang Ye and Khovchenko had a chat, the butler came over to report: "Sir, the guests will arrive soon."

  Hovchenko and Wang Ye stood up, ready to welcome the distinguished guests together.

   Not long after, the door of the apartment was opened, and Constantine and Rosiana appeared at the door.

  Hovchenko greeted him with a smile all over his face. Wang Ye was a step behind and followed behind him.

   None of them were outsiders, so they didn't exchange too much greetings. They came to the sofa and sat down.

   "The date of engagement has been confirmed, just a week later, on September 22." Constantine said straight to the point.

   "Should we hold the engagement ceremony directly, or wait for your family to make an appearance...after the ceremony?" Hovchenko asked.

  Because according to what Wang Ye said earlier, it was the Romanov family who first rectified their names, then Rosiana inherited the title of Grand Duke, and then the engagement ceremony of the two.

   This is in order and cannot be messed up.

  Konstantin waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

   "What kind of unveiling ceremony does the family have, our family naturally made an appearance at the engagement ceremony of the two of them.

  Of course, at the engagement ceremony, there will be a small ceremony, which is Rosiana succeeding to the Grand Duke.

   It just so happened that Mr. Puding and the Patriarch were both present, so it would be nice if the title succession and engagement were completed together.

  It would be troublesome if it was divided into two days, they might not have that much time. "

  Hovchenko nodded, expressing understanding.

  Indeed, if a ceremony is specially held to announce the "return" of the Romanov family, it may not be a good thing.

  Although the Romanov family has not been convicted of any crimes from the beginning to the end, and too much time has passed, the old men now know that there was such a family that once led Tsarist Russia to glory.

   There may be some good feelings, but you announced your comeback in such a high-profile way, do you want to go back to the era of Tsarist Russia?

   Then it is impossible for everyone to agree!

  So, Konstantin should have made a calculation with the Kremlin, and it should be simpler.

  The theme of the ceremony was the engagement of Wang Ye and Rosiana. At the same time, following this ceremony, the Romanov family also made their appearance, announcing to the world that their family still has a legacy, and that everyone is not dead!


  Rosiana secretly glanced at Wang Ye, feeling a little excited.

   In another week, after the engagement ceremony, I will be Misha's fiancée...

  With the foster father, chief patriarch, and speaker serving as witnesses at the same time, it is estimated that Misha will not dare to regret the marriage in the future no matter what!

   That means the marriage of the two is a certainty!

"By the way, in order to congratulate the two children on their engagement, I transferred 20% of the shares in TV Station 1 to Misha. He has no parents, so I, as an uncle, can only take on this responsibility. Don’t make Misha’s wedding too shabby, haha.”

   After changing the subject, Hovchenko brought up the congratulatory gift.

  Although the words were cryptic, it was also a reminder to the old fox, Constantine, not to be stingy about the great event of the child!

  The dowry that should be given still cannot be saved...

   Of course Konstantin heard what he meant, and he also sighed in his heart how generous Hovchenko was!

   A 20% stake in TV One is at least worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

   More importantly, the shares of this kind of enterprise are not something you can buy if you want to buy it...

But he didn't panic, smiled slightly, and said: "Rosiana is the only heir to the title of our Romanov family, she is the grand duke! Of course, our family attaches great importance to her wedding. Her dowry is definitely worthy of her." Your identity, you will understand on the day of the engagement ceremony..."

  This old fox is still trying to keep things secret.

  Since he dared to say such big words, he obviously came prepared, and it was hard for Hovchenko to ask further questions.

  Wang Ye was a little curious. Could it be that Constantine was so generous that he was willing to use part of his family property as a dowry?

   But this kind of thing is not good, after all, Rosiana is the sole heir of the Romanov family in name!

  Actually, Wang Ye didn’t care too much. For him, wealth is really just a number. How much money can the Romanov family have?

   Certainly not as many as myself!

   Moreover, he is still the current self. After more than ten years, his net worth is estimated to be a few blocks away from the Romanov family!


  The venue for the engagement ceremony has also been determined.

   This was decided after discussions between Constantine, the Kremlin and the Patriarch, and it was chosen in the "Church of the Annunciation" in the Kremlin!

  In Moscow and Petersburg, there are many cathedrals, all of which are very famous.

  The reason for choosing this church also has a special meaning. After all, this church is neither the oldest nor the largest, nor is it the most famous.

   In terms of size, there is the largest "Savior Church" in Russia in Moscow, and the hall can accommodate 10,000 people!

   In terms of fame, next to the Red Square is the Kremlin Palace, which is the world-famous "St. Basil's Cathedral"!

   This Church of the Annunciation is topped with nine golden domes like onion heads…

  The church is small, but the most charming!

  Because it is a chapel for the royal family, it is also the place where royal weddings and princes are baptized.

  The oldest icon murals in Russia are still preserved inside, and the entire wall in the hall is full of bas-relief Bible stories.

   Now it is used to hold the engagement ceremony of Wang Ye and Rosiana, which is naturally very suitable.

   This is the engagement of the grand duchess of the Romanov family, the only descendant of the royal family in Damao.

   Wang Ye and Hovchenko certainly have nothing to fault about this place...

  As for the relatives and friends of both parties, they will send out invitations and invite them to attend the engagement ceremony.

  However, there is a limit on the number of people. "Idlers" will definitely not be invited, and those who can receive invitations from both parties are the top figures.

   After dinner, the matter was settled, and Constantine took Rosiana and got up to leave.

  Before leaving, Constantine looked at Wang Ye with a smile and said, "The glory of the Romanov family will depend on you and your husband."

  Wang Ye's scalp is a little numb, the husband and wife...

  I am still a college student, I really don’t want to get married so early...

  But he could only bite the bullet and respond: "I will try my best."


  One week is fleeting. During this week, Wang Ye sent out many invitations.

   Like his old friends, Gryzlov, Abramovich, Shao Yigu, Korokoli, etc., the lineup can be described as extremely luxurious!

   Oh, Wang Ye also specially invited Ambassador Chen from the embassy.

  Of course, the Romanov family is not far behind. The Kremlin and the Patriarch were invited by them. In addition, according to Rosiana, they also contacted "relatives" such as the British royal family, the Spanish royal family, and the Danish royal family.

   It's just that those relatives will give this face and send heavyweights over, I'm not sure yet...

   Wang Ye did not tell Ajielina and Nalan Yaqi about the engagement ceremony, not even Nova.

  He didn't want to irritate these girls, and it was useless to tell them otherwise. Could it be that he still invited them to his engagement ceremony?

  Only Kajia knew. Obviously, Kajia didn't care at all. Instead, she was happy that Wang Ye could marry a famous family.


   On September 22, the weather was fine and the sky was blue.

   Wang Ye rarely went to work in the Duma Building, but stayed in his apartment surrounded by several of Moscow's most famous stylists, who helped him style his hair and match his clothes.

  The time came to ten o'clock, and it was time to leave for the Kremlin.

  Wang Ye stood up, followed by Katya, Seryozha and others.

   Surrounded by everyone, go downstairs and get on the car.

  The convoy started, the flashing lights came on, and they roared out of the parking lot of the Kitty Hawk Hotel, heading for the Kremlin...

  (end of this chapter)

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