Chapter 826 Budget

   After talking with the old fox Gryzlov for a long time, Wang Ye still didn't find any reliable information.

  But he also knew that if what Gryzlov said was the truth, he wouldn't be able to ask any more questions.

   If Gryzlov was fooling himself, then he had ulterior motives, and he certainly wouldn't tell himself his true intentions.

  It would be a waste of time to continue talking, so Wang Ye sat for a while, then got up to leave.

  He still has a lot of work to do, but he doesn't have time to continue wrangling here.

When sending Wang Ye out of the office, Gryzlov said inadvertently: "Don't think too much, the flow of people between factions is normal, but no matter which faction you go to, some people's positions will not change. "

  Wang Ye's footsteps paused, obviously there was something in his words...

  But he didn't say anything else, and said goodbye to Gryzlov with a smile, then turned and went back to his office.

  Gryzlov stood at the door of the office, watching Wang Ye's back disappear at the end of the corridor, not knowing what he was thinking, he shook his head after a while, turned around and walked in.


  Because of doubts, Wang Ye asked Rosiana to deal with those members of other factions who came over.

   All must be registered in the register, keep in touch first, and don't promise any conditions.

  Anyway, they are only conveying their intention to seek refuge now. If they really want to come, they will have to wait until next year's election.

  Especially those Duma MPs who are in office, they can't resign their posts now and come here.

   But if they don’t resign from their positions as councilors, they won’t be able to go through the formalities of quitting the faction!

  This is also one of the regulations, the purpose is to prevent certain members of parliament from using the resources of a certain faction or using the name of a certain faction to join other factions after a successful election.

  Looking at the roster counted by Rosiana, Wang Ye's expression was uncertain.

  If it is said that these people have come here sincerely, then in next year's election, their factions will have a lot to do!

  Because there are many incumbent members among them, this shows that those people have a fairly good political foundation, and they have a greater advantage than "newcomers" in running for election again.

  If the support and resources of the faction can keep up, it is relatively easy to be re-elected.

  However, Wang Ye doesn’t want his faction to get more seats next year, but there will be many small hills in the faction, just like the current first faction...

   Then he will have a big head!

  At any rate, the first faction has enough seats, and even Puding sits in charge, so it remains consistent in the general direction.

  But my own faction doesn’t have this advantage. What’s the use of having more Duma seats if I can’t hold back the situation…

  After much deliberation, Wang Ye has no better way for the time being, so he can only watch while walking.


  Wang Ye did not forget the promise to buy or build a luxury shopping mall for Nalan Yaqi.

  He has asked Polar Bear Investment Company to form a professional team to investigate suitable shopping malls in Moscow for acquisition.

   If it really doesn’t work, you can buy a piece of land and build it yourself!

  In 2003, there were not many top luxury brands in Moscow, and there was not a strict top luxury shopping mall.

   There are some big brands scattered around the Red Square, even the most high-end underground shopping malls at that time, there are not many real top luxury brands.

  After all, Da Mao’s economy was still very poor at that time. Even if some oligarchs were rich, most of them settled abroad, and their consumption and shopping were in London, Milan, New York and other places.

   If you really set up a shopping mall with a concentration of top luxury brands, you may not be able to make money...

  Of course, this is based on the economy of Da Mao in 2003.

  But Wang Ye knew that Da Mao's economy would soon take off!

  Because with the end of the global economic crisis and the rise of the Asian economy, energy prices will skyrocket.

  From 2004 to 2014, it can be regarded as the "golden age" of Damao economy, and the GDP growth rate is not even inferior to that of a certain Asian country...

  So Nalan Yaqi said that he wanted to build a top luxury shopping mall, but Wang Ye did not refuse.

   Polar Bear Investment was very efficient. It only took a few days to come up with a detailed investigation report and give professional advice.

  According to their survey, all shopping malls in Moscow do not have the potential to become top luxury shopping malls.

  For example, GUM, the largest shopping mall, has a large area and an excellent location, so it is supposed to be a good choice.

   But unfortunately, the overall structure of the shopping mall is not suitable for top luxury goods, because there are not enough big stores!

  In addition, this shopping mall is quite special, and no reconstruction or expansion is allowed.

  The top luxury brands, once they open a store, will definitely need a large area, high decoration specifications, and have their own brand characteristics.

  This is very different from ordinary brands.

  If the area provided by your shopping mall is not large, and random decorations are not allowed, then others would rather not enter your shopping mall.

   So that rules out Gum from that point on.

   Several other well-known shopping malls also have their own problems. In short, at the end of the investigation report, it is recommended to buy a piece of land and directly build a high-end shopping mall is the best choice.

   As for the location selection, it is also very simple. After all, there are a lot of vacant land in Moscow. As long as it is not a particularly prime location, it is very easy to get the land.

  For example, there is a lot of open space right next to the Kitty Hawk Hotel.

  If a top luxury shopping mall is built here, it can also form a joint effect with the Kitty Eagle Hotel.

   Those guests who come to the Little Eagle Hotel to play games are all potential luxury consumers!

  After reading the report, Wang Ye felt that it made sense, so he directly passed the report to Xiaoying Group after his approval.

   Let Xiaoying Group handle this matter in detail, investing, buying land, and building shopping malls.

   It is a subsidiary company of the Kitty Eagle Group, and it is managed by Nalan Yaqi.

  In the future, if the shopping malls in Moscow are more effective, then they can open branches in Petersburg and Yalta...

  Although investing in a new shopping mall is just a small business, it also fully reflects Wangye's current strength.

  For an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, he only needs to give an order, and a professional team will immediately handle it.

   There is no need for him to worry about it, and the matter will be handled smoothly!


  Busy about the affairs here, Wang Ye didn't even have time to go to Petersburg to attend the official opening ceremony of the cruise ship.

  By the time he finished his work, the cruise ship had been operating normally for a while.

  According to Song Xiaogang's report, the cruise business is quite good!

   The interior decoration of this cruise ship can be described as extremely luxurious, and it mainly attracts customers from Western Europe and Northern Europe. After all, the people there are rich.

  Of course, there are also many rich local Russians boarding the ship for fun. After all, this cruise ship sails directly to the high seas, and there is no need to abide by Da Mao's laws, and the restrictions on gambling cards naturally do not apply.

  Other cruise ships may worry about pirates when they go to the high seas, but the Kitty Hawk Group absolutely does not have such concerns.

  Because the "brother unit" Wagner Security Company can own a fleet!

   There is no need to send a 10,000-ton cruiser, just a destroyer with a few thousand tons to follow the cruise ship, and pirates all over the world will not dare to approach it...

   This also made this cruise ship famous in Europe, because the sense of security is overwhelming!

   To some extent, it can be regarded as helping the cruise ship to attract a wave of passengers.


  The time has come to December unknowingly, which is the busiest time of the year in Duma.

  For the Duma, there is only one job this month, and that is to review the work of the government that year and to approve the budget for the next year!

  Wang Ye is the director of the Economic Committee, approving the national budget for the next year, which is also the biggest withdrawal of his power...

  Old friends all greeted Wang Ye expressly or implicitly, hoping that Wang Ye could give his department a little favor and give more budget at the budget approval meeting...

  For example, Shao Yigu and Koro Koli, the two departments they are in charge of, are big financial eaters!

  How much budget can be obtained is directly related to whether the work can be carried out smoothly in the next year.

   Can also reflect their "energy"!

   So of course they care.

  The government's annual financial report and budget plan have also been submitted and are now on Wang Ye's desk.

  In the past few days, Wang Ye has been seriously studying these two thick documents.

  Although it was just boring data, Wang Ye still read it with relish and concentrated his attention!

  Because behind these figures, it reflects the overall economy of a country, which not only affects various state institutions, but also profoundly affects the work and life of tens of thousands of ordinary people!

  Maybe he can make thousands of staff members in an organization less "happy" next year with a light word from him.

   It is also possible that with a swipe of his pen, a certain organization or even a certain industry will usher in a rapid development trend next year!



  After reading this year's financial report, Wang Ye felt a little relieved.

  Because according to statistics, in 2003, Russia's GDP was 13.05 trillion rubles (exchange rate: 1 US dollar equals 32 rubles), and the GDP growth rate was 7%!

  Inflation rate of 10-12%, lower than 14% in 2002.

  The total fiscal revenue for the year was 2.417 trillion rubles, and the total expenditure was 2.345 trillion rubles.

  Among them, China spent 345.7 billion rubles, 244.7 billion rubles for social security, 63.9 billion rubles for industry, 31.3 billion rubles for agriculture, and 97.6 billion rubles for education...

  Through this set of data, it can be seen that Da Mao's foundation is really weak.

  The annual fiscal revenue is only more than 70 billion U.S. dollars!

  Life is tight, I haven't saved much money, and I still owe a lot of foreign debts.

  As far as Wang Ye knows, next year, that is, in 2004, there will be an international debt of US$16 billion due to be repaid.

  But Wang Ye is not worried about this, because with the rise in international energy prices, next year's energy export business will be able to earn a lot of cash!

  In 2003, the energy industry still accounted for the largest proportion, and the foreign exchange earned from energy exports alone was as high as 130 billion U.S. dollars!

   Crude oil, natural gas, and gold accounted for the bulk.

   Coincidentally, the leading companies in these three industries, Yukos Group, Gazprom, and Siberia Gold, among these three companies, Wang Ye is the major shareholder...

  In this way, Wang Ye has made a great contribution to the overall growth of the country's economy this year!

   Not to mention that he also invested in Russian Automobile Group, United Airlines Group and other companies.

  If we really want to count carefully, maybe the contribution of enterprises related to him in the country's overall GDP can exceed 20 to 30%.

   It’s an exaggeration to say that if Wang Ye sneezes now, the entire economy of Damao will catch a cold!


  Wang Ye put aside the past achievements.

  What is more important now is next year's budget. This thing, at the end of each year, the Duma and the government will continue to "entangle" for a period of time.

  Both sides are arguing with reason, even blushing and scolding each other thickly. One side wants more money, and the other side naturally wants to spend less money.

  After repeated discussions, a balance point will always be found, which is a solution acceptable to both parties.

   Then the Duma voted and passed, and the government took this budget to advance the work as planned...

  What Wang Ye has to do now is to review whether this financial budget is reasonable, or he thinks that a certain industry needs to increase investment and budget input, but the government has not considered it in place.

   To put it simply, he has the right to suggest and veto!

  This is why the position of Director of the Economic Committee is so hot.

  No matter where, the unit that manages money and people is half a head taller than other units...

   "Next year's GDP is expected to grow by 7.2%, the national GDP will reach 14 trillion rubles, and the inflation rate will be further controlled within 10%." Wang Ye read out unconsciously.

   Rosiana next to her was obviously looking at the same document, and she said after hearing it: "Misha, what do you think of this goal? I think their goal is still too low!"

  Wang Ye smiled, but did not speak.

   This thing is a country's economy!

   It’s not something anyone can decide with a single sentence, even a single digit after the decimal point cannot be easily modified, because 0.1% corresponds to an astonishing amount!

  The goal formulated by the government is indeed a bit conservative.

  Because with the recovery of the global economy, some countries have started to rush!

  Maybe others will reach a double-digit GDP growth rate, but Da Mao only dares to set a single-digit growth rate, which is obviously conservative.

   You must know that the economic growth of Damao is much simpler than that of others.

  As long as the energy price is high enough, theoretically speaking, the GDP growth rate will be infinitely high...

  Obviously, they are unaware that next year's energy market will usher in a big explosion, or it may be that they are used to hard times and dare not be too bold.

   But the goal is the goal, this is not important, what is important is the budget for the next year's financial expenditure!

   This is about "dividing money", and it is also the place where the differences are the biggest. It is also the focus of everyone's debate every year.

   "In 2004, the total annual fiscal revenue will be 2.6 trillion rubles, and the total expenditure will be 2.5 trillion rubles..."

   This is the government's budget plan.

  (end of this chapter)

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