After the phone rang several times, Lin Zidan finally pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Daniel, where are you?" Elsa's voice, eagerly reaching his ears through the phone, made him suddenly feel an indescribable disgust.

"What's wrong?" Lin Zidan said in a cold and authentic voice.

"I originally had my car downstairs in your apartment, but you haven't answered the phone. I'm already on my way back."

After speaking, before Lin Zidan could speak, Elsa hung up the phone!

Lin Zidan looked at the phone that had become busy, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He thought of the Lin Shan he had just met, and seeing that David was serving his girlfriend like a princess, he thought that true love and love should be like that, right?

And he and Elsa get along more like playmates, get together when they need it, and get busy when they don't.

Apart from the romantic stroll in Times Square, what the two of them saw most was their small apartment.

Maybe many people think that such a beautiful woman is your companion, what more do you want to ask for?

Lin Zidan couldn't help looking up at the night sky covered by the gorgeous lights, thinking silently in his heart,

Can't a man demand a little more than the pleasure of the R body?

For example, raising the eyebrows, respecting each other like a guest, for example, the husband and wife sing along, for example, when you need to rely on the most, she will always be by your side, as long as you reach out the distance, you can get the warmth of home?


The last year of college life has finally entered the countdown in the crisp autumn of September.

Many students began to prepare their graduation thesis while looking for job or internship opportunities. However, due to the rapid outbreak of the economic crisis, many industries were struggling with turbulence.

Especially in the financial industry, the banking industry and the credit industry, during 2007, at least 100 mortgages in the United States were either closed, closed, or sold.

Top executives didn't quit either, as the CEOs of Merrill Lynch and Citigroup resigned within a week in late 2007.

As the crisis deepened, more and more financial institutions either merged or announced that they were negotiating for a partner merger.

In the third fiscal quarter of 2007, U.S. home prices fell by an average of more than 20 percent since their mid-2006 peak.

By January 2008, the inventory of unsold new homes was 9.8 times higher than December 2007 sales, the highest percentage since 1981.

Taking it a step further, nearly 4 million existing homes are for sale, of which nearly 2.9 million are unoccupied and vacant. This glut of homes for sale has lowered prices.

As prices fall, more property owners are on the verge of defaulting on their payments or foreclosures.

It was at such an extraordinary time that Lin Zidan started his long-prepared house acquisition plan.

Because of the release of the first generation of Aiphone that year, the stock price of a fruit suddenly jumped up like a roller coaster.

Lin Zidan seized the best opportunity and sold 20,000 shares at a high of 197.88.

After removing various taxes and fees, only about 3.4 million was finally obtained, and the tax alone went to more than 500,000!

However, with the further deepening of the economic crisis, the stock of a fruit was not greatly affected, but it immediately fell sharply after the high of $198.08.

The stock suffered a downside pullback of around 50 in 2008, only to slowly pull up later with the release of the second-generation Aiphone.


Lin Zidan set up a new company at the end of 2007, and this time he set up an independent company of LLC type, which translates as a limited liability company in Chinese.

LLCs can avoid the hassle of unlimited liability in terms of law and debt; there is no double taxation disadvantage in terms of taxation.

LLC-type companies only need to declare income and expenses, and do not need to pay taxes. The profits or losses of the company are transferred to each member's personal tax bill for declaration, tax or tax credit according to the proportion of members' property rights.

Just like the tax declaration method of a sole proprietorship company, you can declare the company's profit or loss on the C Schedule of the personal tax return. The most important thing is: the personal property of the members will not be implicated by the company's debts.

This time when the company was established, Lin Zidan no longer kept a low profile, and set up a special financial department, which was mainly responsible for the management of funds in the process of house buying and selling.

After running in the real estate market for so long, he has already determined his target real estate to buy a house.

Regarding the part of the foreclosure, Lin Zidan only discovered the tricks after entering the property. These foreclosures are different from ordinary house sales.

A house with a market price of 1 million was sold for less than 500,000 in the end! even lower.

However, there are also many problems with these foreclosure houses. On the one hand, the owners are not very motivated to sell.

Most of the owners were forced to sell by the bank in order to repay the arrears, and some of them have been forcibly recovered by the bank.

In this way, there will be a lot of expenses to be borne in addition to the house price, such as damage to the house caused by the owner's inability to pay for maintenance.

There are also some owners who are dissatisfied with the vandalism carried out by the bank, the damage to the home appliances and so on.

Lin Zidan had seen a house, and the owner actually destroyed an entire wall, not to mention the furniture and appliances.

This means that if Lin Zidan buys these houses, he will have to spend part of the money to refurbish these houses, hoping to get a high price in future sales.

On the plus side, of course, the price is cheap! The more severe the damage, the cheaper the price!

In order to recover the cost of the loan, some banks will make a deal as long as they can get back the debt or the price is a little more than the!

Another disadvantage is that the downside of making ordinary buyers less determined to buy is that the cycle is very long. Even if you pay in full, the process of buying and selling is very complicated.

Some require the current homeowner, the main lender, and all creditors to approve your offer, a process that is time-consuming and impatient for the average home buyer.

And what Lin Zidan has is precisely time!

He is not in a hurry. Although the house price is slowly bottoming out, it will take a year or two to think about it, so now he just wants to use the cheapest price to buy a property whose market value will increase by at least one third or more in the future.

Lin Zidan also found a law firm specializing in real estate transactions, and cooperated with a brokerage team specializing in real estate sales.

Because many good foreclosure properties have not been released to the public, they have been bought by industry insiders, such as real estate developers with access channels, and some professional real estate agencies.

The part of the newly sold houses was caused by the fire in the housing market in previous years. Many houses built around 2005 were just completed at the end of 2007 and early 2008.

The huge profits of the real estate industry in the early stage have brought huge benefits to real estate developers. The current evolution of the subprime mortgage crisis has increased the driving force for the continued decline in housing prices. Coupled with the backlog of unsold houses, the financial pressure cannot be ignored.

And the small investors who went upstream during this period basically made a lot of money! It's just hard to show in the torrent of the global economic downturn.

And Lin Zidan was one of the people who seized this rare opportunity.

By the end of 2008, Lin Zidan had already purchased nearly 10 houses, all of which were all brick-and-mortar families. Although they were distributed in various districts of New York, their prospects for making profits were huge.

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